The best remedies for bruises and bruises for 2024


Bruises and bruises are ways to cause a lot of inconvenience: they create an unaesthetic appearance, cause painful sensations and can even lead to complications - inflammation of a vein, for example. Fortunately, modern advances in pharmacology will help you quickly cope with even the most difficult hematoma in a relatively short time. If you want to know which remedies are best for dealing with bruises, study the rating prepared for you by the editors of the site "".

The cause and mechanism of bruising

Hematomas occur on the surface of the skin in most cases due to trauma: it can be a shock from a fall or collision, and unsuccessful intravenous or intramuscular injections should also be attributed here. The mechanism of bruising in this case is simple: trauma leads to damage to the capillaries, blood flowing from the vessels under the skin leads to the formation of a bruise.

But what if the hematoma occurred without previous trauma? This condition suggests that the vessels of the body suffer for some other - internal, reason. Let's take a closer look at this problem.

  • Avitaminosis and lack of micronutrients

There are groups of vitamins that directly affect the functions of hematopoiesis and coagulation. Also, vitamin C regulates the strength and permeability of blood vessels. Surely, most of you have heard of such a pathology as scurvy. It occurs in people who have been deficient in ascorbic acid for a long time.

Iron is not only essential for adequate hemoglobin levels, but also for the rapid healing of wounds and scratches. Zinc affects the rate of regeneration to the same extent. Rutin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, preventing the development of heavy bleeding, for example, during menstruation or after surgery.

The lack of all these elements leads to capillary fragility and an increased likelihood of hematoma formation.

  • Strength exercises

Strength training causes small capillaries to rupture. Excessive loading can lead to ruptured blood vessels in the eyes and nosebleeds. Therefore, if you are actively involved in strength exercises, be prepared for frequent hematomas and do not forget to take the appropriate complexes of vitamins and minerals.

  • Taking medications

Some drugs (aspirin, glucocorticosteroids) can provoke a decrease in the coagulating properties of the blood, respectively, increasing the risk of bruising even with a slight blow. Also, the intake of fish oil has a similar effect on blood vessels.

  • Age changes

The epidermis becomes thinner and more transparent over time, so even the smallest bruise can be seen through the skin. The changes also affect the capillaries, their walls become more fragile and brittle. Therefore, old age is one of the reasons for frequent bruising.

  • Diabetes

This pathology is associated with a low production of insulin, but it can cause serious complications, among them - a violation of blood clotting and increased fragility of blood vessels.

  • Violation of coagulation and coagulation

Hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, thrombophilia - all these diseases cause hematomas for no apparent reason. The patient may wake up with bruises under the eyes or even bruise from careless touch. Most of these pathologies are congenital, but some are acquired during life.

  • Oncological diseases

Specifically, it's leukemia. Aggressive and difficult to treat, the disease leads to the formation of a large number of bruises throughout the body.

How to handle bruises

If you notice that bruising occurs too often, and there is no apparent reason for their formation, you should be wary. Which algorithm should you follow?

  1. Track the nature of the hematomas. If they do not decrease, do not dissolve and, on the contrary, increase in size, visit a general practitioner.
  2. The specialist will prescribe a number of analyzes and studies. If, as a result, no pathologies are identified, follow the recommendations that will be described below.
  3. Review your menu. The diet should be balanced, it should include foods containing vitamins and minerals.
  4. Do not use blood thinners without a doctor's prescription.
  5. Apply special ointments to help absorb bruises.

How to get rid of a bruise

Getting rid of a hematoma depends on how old it is.

The first day the field of injury

No blue bruise will appear immediately after the impact. The site of injury will slightly redden and swell, you will experience pain to a lesser or greater extent. To prevent the hematoma from growing, follow these guidelines:

  • Do not overload the injured area with excessive physical activity. The damaged area must be at rest. This approach will reduce blood flow to the injury.
  • Cold - Apply a cold compress or ice pack to the impact site. First, the cold will reduce blood flow. Secondly, the intensity of pain will decrease.
  • In no case do not warm the injury on the first day after the injury.
  • Use a special cream or ointment. Such products should not have warming properties.
  • Take an analgesic to relieve pain. Just do not use aspirin, as it thins the blood. As you already know, liquid blood will cause extensive hematoma.

Second and subsequent days

Once the bruise has formed, you will see a dark blue, purple or greenish patch on the skin surface. How should you proceed now?

  • Heat - a warming compress or warming ointment will be one of the best treatments for hematoma. The massage also worked well. And you can also visit the bathhouse, if you have no contraindications, of course.
  • Analgesics - if the pain persists, their use is fully justified.
  • If the bruise bothers you, you can cover it up with a yellowish tonal base.
  • You can try folk remedies to neutralize the bruise. We will describe these methods below.

When to see a doctor

The hematoma does not always pass without a trace; situations are possible when it requires observation by a specialist. What nuances should alert you?

  1. The hematoma does not fade and does not disappear after 2 weeks.
  2. The bruise is hardened and painful.
  3. Restriction of movement in the damaged area is observed.
  4. The bruise grows and spreads to nearby soft tissue.
  5. If the damaged area is near the eye, and you notice a drop in vision.
  6. Serous fluid and pus are released from the injured area, a focus of infiltration has appeared, and the temperature has risen. These are all signs of infection.

Rating of the best remedies for bruises and hematomas for 2024

Heparin ointment

The most popular and affordable remedy for bruising after injuries and unsuccessful injections. The product is also used for the treatment of phlebitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins.Heparin has proven itself well in the prevention of bruising and vascular inflammation after a vein puncture due to improper penetration of the needle into the vessels.

The consistency of the product is gel, the gel is absorbed quickly without leaving behind greasy spots. Side effects and contraindications are extremely rare and insignificant, dispensing from pharmacies is carried out without a prescription.

Heparin ointment


  • wide field of action;
  • light unobtrusive smell;
  • efficiency;
  • availability;
  • many positive reviews;
  • low price;
  • easy to apply: you can simply apply to the damaged area, or you can make a compress.


  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • do not allow contact with open wounds.

The average cost is 75 Russian rubles.


The main active ingredient is troxerutin. The mechanism of action of the active component is aimed at increasing the elasticity and strength of blood vessels, thereby reducing the likelihood of a hematoma. Also, the product is effective for eliminating inflammatory processes in damaged tissues. Treatment of hematomas with this ointment is also quite acceptable. First, the likelihood of repeated damage to the capillaries is reduced. Secondly, troxerutin prevents blood from spilling under the skin.



  • efficiency;
  • vessels are restored, including large trunk vessels;
  • the epidermis quickly returns to its normal appearance;
  • analgesic effect;
  • convenient to use.


  • allergic reactions;
  • heavy consistency;
  • absorbs for a long time.

The average cost is 170 Russian rubles.


The ointment is also based on heparin, but it differs in that it is able to cope with extensive internal bruising. It is simple to use the product, it is enough to simply apply it to problem areas 1-2 times a day. The great advantage of the drug is the ability to use it during pregnancy and lactation.



  • efficiency;
  • nice smell;
  • over-the-counter drug;
  • can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • it is quickly absorbed and has a pleasant light texture.


  • high price;
  • can be used only as a course; ointment is not suitable for prevention;
  • high consumption.

The average cost is 500 Russian rubles.


If you prefer medicines on a natural basis, but at the same time are highly reliable, then we advise you to pay attention to this drug.

The basis of the preparation is a natural sponge, dried and crushed into dispersed powder. Since the product is completely natural, the body perceives it quite well. However, it is worth considering the warming effect of the ointment. In view of this, the badyaga causes a rush of blood to the affected area. Therefore, such a drug should not be applied to fresh hematomas, but bruises with a period of 24 hours or more disappear quickly. How to use: apply 3-4 times a day, wait until completely absorbed. The cost of the product varies depending on the availability of additional ingredients and the manufacturer.



  • delicate consistency;
  • nice smell;
  • absorbs quickly;
  • few contraindications and side effects;
  • availability.


  • absent.

The average cost is 70-100 Russian rubles.


Another natural remedy based on leech extract, or rather its saliva (hirudin). Hirudin has properties that interfere with blood clotting, so bruises quickly dissolve or not form at all. Also among the active ingredients is pentoxifylline, which increases the regenerative functions of tissues.

The drug is able to reduce tissue swelling by pain relief. Small bruises disappear very quickly, large hematomas also dissolve soon, and their intense shade disappears almost instantly.



  • fast effect;
  • analgesic effect;
  • tinting components in the composition are able to quickly mask a bruise;
  • light consistency and pleasant aroma.


  • cannot be used in the presence of blood diseases and its coagulability;
  • ineffective for joint injuries, dislocations, sprains;
  • not for all types of hematomas.

The average cost is 120 Russian rubles.


The gel consists of three active components: known to us heparin, dexpanthenol - it improves tissue trophism and increases the regeneration of the epidermis, the third element - dimexide - a warming substance that dissolves bruises with heat. The gel is ideal for old hematomas, but it is forbidden to apply the drug to fresh injuries. In addition, the drug is ideal for the treatment of inflammatory pathologies of joints, muscles and ligaments (sprain, myositis, bursitis).

The product is used 3-4 times a day, it can be applied in the form of a compress. It can be used on the face and under the eyes, but getting on the mucous membranes is highly undesirable.



  • efficiency;
  • wide range of applications;
  • acts quickly.


  • increases photosensitivity, so it is not recommended to visit the solarium and sunbathe after use;
  • high price;
  • temporarily changes taste due to the presence of Dimexide;
  • causes specific reactions in patients with sulfide intolerance;
  • individual intolerance;
  • redness on the dermis.

The average cost is 500 Russian rubles.


We have already reviewed a drug based on troxerutin, now we will analyze a product with the same substance, supplemented with indomethacin. The medicine is used for inflammatory processes of the joints, for hematomas, increased fragility of veins and blood vessels. Indovazin is able to relieve pain, relieve swelling, and eliminate inflammation.

The product is applied in a course of 10 days; it is not recommended to exceed the time of admission.



  • high efficiency;
  • capillary protection;
  • availability;
  • analgesic effect.


  • contraindicated in pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • can not be used for a long time in the presence of gastritis and ulcers.

The average cost is 300 Russian rubles.


An effective drug for the treatment of bruises under the eyes. Since the eyelid area is the most sensitive and delicate, it should be treated with special medications that do not cause irritation.

The product contains a natural ingredient - arnica, a plant that has long been known for its blood-absorbing properties. The consistency of the gel and its delicate action allow it to be applied to the sensitive area under the eyes. You can also use the product to treat muscle pain, relieve swelling.



  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • natural composition;
  • no contraindications and side effects;
  • can be used by pregnant women;
  • application to insect bites is acceptable.


  • high price for 45 g.

The average cost is 300 Russian rubles.


Home treatments can also be highly effective in reducing bruising. They are perfect if you don't have a pharmacy preparation at hand.


The iodine net is well known for its positive effects on bruising. To do this, use a 5% iodine solution, which should be applied to the bruise for 2 days.


Tincture of this useful plant can quickly get rid of bruises and bruises. You can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. Apply as a compress or lotion.


Chop a small onion and mix with 1 tsp. salt. Mix thoroughly. Apply as a compress 3 times a day.


Combine potato starch with water, you should get a homogeneous mushy mixture. Apply to hematoma. The tool guarantees an excellent result already on the next knocks.You can also just grate the potatoes on a fine grater and grease the injured area.

If you had experience using the tools described in the rating, write your feedback in the comments.


  1. Svetlana

    My grandmother smeared abrasions with heparin ointment, starch relieves itching well, but what helps with bruises ... I make excellent scrubbing masks from badyaga, this is such a light sandpaper, I would not risk applying it to fresh hematomas. I don't know how it can help with bruises. Used Bruise OFF once, very good, leeches rule


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