In a family with small children, there are situations when a child from a kindergarten or from a health institution brings home a "gift" in the form of nasty little parasites that have settled on the head.
Modern society associates the appearance of head lice in its carrier with the low standard of living of the family, in which the rules of personal hygiene are not observed. However, this is not the case, parasites settle both in dirty curls and in a washed head, because they are not interested in hair, but in blood.
You can get rid of this trouble quickly, you just need to choose the right disinfectant.
The editorial staff of the site "" has prepared an overview of the best anti-lice remedies that will help to put curls and head in order in a short time.
How is head lice manifested
Parasites usually get on the scalp in places where a lot of people congregate, or when children do not use their hairbrush, a towel, or sleep in other people's beds.
Children are especially susceptible to this trouble, but often head lice occurs in adults, because if you do not notice parasites in a child in a timely manner, parents can also become infected with them. It is not difficult to find such "guests", there are main symptoms, the presence of which will allow you to notice uninvited guests:
- Itching is the main symptom of an emerging disease.
- Initially, the head begins to itch in the ears, back of the head, temple. Itching does not appear from the bite itself, but from a substance that the parasite secretes.
- The appearance of a rash. A rash of red spots on the head forms a couple of days after the bite.
- Nits on the hair. This symptom is visible after a few days. Small silvery blisters appear on the hair, similar to dandruff. However, they do not shake off the hair and are difficult to remove even with your fingers.
- Head wounds. Severe itching provokes constant scratching of the head, as a result of which wounds covered with purulent crusts appear on it.
These symptoms indicate that lice have appeared in the head and the necessary measures should be taken immediately to remove the aliens. The sooner insects are noticed, the faster you can get rid of them.
Little lousy parasites
Insects up to 4 mm long, living on the head and feeding on human blood are called lice. They cannot fly or jump onto another child, but they can cling or crawl to him.
The female louse lays many eggs for 10 days, which after a while turn into adults. Nits, painted white, firmly cling to curls, they are difficult to see and impossible to shake off. Infection can be detected in a week, when the hair grows back.
Pediculosis has been familiar to man for a long time. Researchers have found lice on the remains of ancient people. Even in ancient Egypt, priests carefully shaved their heads so that insects could not cling to them.
Historical materials indicated an increase in the occurrence of head lice during times of war or natural disasters, when sanitary conditions in people's homes deteriorated significantly. This became the reason that lice began to be considered a disease of the disadvantaged population.
However, this is nothing more than a stereotype. One touch with the hair of a person with head lice is enough for anyone to become infected. This can happen:
- in the metro, buses, minibuses, in places where there is a large crowd of people;
- in children's institutions, school, camp, sanatoriums;
- at a children's party, playground, at a party;
- when children use other people's hygiene products;
- in a hairdressing salon, sauna, pool.
To detect the presence of lice and nits in the head, use a comb or a comb with frequent teeth. To do this, you need to divide them into small strands of curls and carefully examine them.
How to properly get rid of head lice
If the child is confirmed to have lice, the following steps must be taken:
- To wash all the clothes of the infected child, his bed linen and a towel should be boiled in hot water at a temperature of about 90 degrees.
- Live lice die in frost -5 and heat up to + 55 degrees. Nits die if they are in a temperature range of -20 or + 60. Disinfection is well carried out in winter, when all blankets, pillows, bedding are taken out into the cold and kept on the balcony for several hours.
- In addition, you need to wash the comb, hair clip, rubber devices in hot water.
Before treatment, you need to decide on the method of dealing with pediculosis: it will be a mechanical or chemical method.
Mechanical method
The easiest way to get rid of parasites is to remove all hair, the easiest way is to shave your head. However, this method can be applied to males. Girls and women usually have long, thick curls that are in no hurry to get rid of.
The method of combing out insects is considered a fairly common method of treatment at home in the initial stages of the disease. To do this, you need to use a plastic comb with thick teeth or a modern metal device that has a laser cut that kills parasites.
The removal method is as follows:
- Wash hair with hot water. You can use tar soap or shampoo.
- Put a white cloth or paper on the floor, dry your head and hair over it with hot air from a hair dryer. The air of the hair dryer should be as hot as possible; at temperatures above fifty degrees, insects lose their ability to move. After a half-hour treatment with high temperatures, the parasites are easier to comb out from the scalp and curls.
- Perform intensive combing of parasites twice a day for a long time.
This is a rather time consuming method. If a small child with long hair is infected, it is difficult to mechanically remove insects, because it is almost impossible for him to carry out high temperatures and prolonged combing - our babies cannot stand long procedures and sitting in one place.
In addition to this method, there are the following lice control measures:
- Shampoos for parasites. They are bought in a pharmacy without a prescription and are used according to the instructions attached. Recommended to use in conjunction with combing.
- They wash their hair with dust or tar soap, for which they rub their hair. Then they wrap the head with plastic wrap for a quarter of an hour, after which everything is washed off with hot water.
- Medicinal herbs: burdock, chamomile, St. John's wort are brewed with hot water, infused for 10 hours. The head is washed with the prepared broth, after which the curls are combed out.
But even if you immediately manage to get rid of uninvited guests, the fight against parasites cannot be considered complete. Very often, nits remain on the curls, which are not affected by many drugs, since they are protected by a shell.Therefore, in order to avoid re-infection, they must be carefully combed out.
Keeping yourself and your home clean is the key to health and disease prevention
Chemical method
If an infected child does not have a sensitivity to chemical components, it will be easier to remove it using chemicals.
Before choosing them for a child, you must first consult a doctor, since most of these drugs are toxic. If the baby is allergic, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines to him so that the insects are removed without harm to health.
In addition, chemicals have contraindications for diseases of children under three years of age who have pleural diseases (bronchial asthma) or allergies.
You cannot use the same remedy more than three times, an addictive effect may occur.
After the procedure, you need to carefully comb out the dead insects with a comb and not wash your hair for two days.
Basic principles of struggle
If the principles of parasite control are not followed, the desired result will not be achieved, and complete disappointment may occur even in high-quality preparations. Therefore, when starting the treatment of head lice, you must follow these rules:
- The tool must be applied to the surface of the head and curls very carefully, do not save and do not spare it.
- Modern drugs destroy parasites in one application, so you need to apply the drug evenly, following the step-by-step instructions for using the funds.
- After treatment with drugs, the next mandatory step will be to comb out dead lice and nits that are still showing signs of life with a special comb. It needs to be done daily.
- The removal of parasites is carried out slowly, dividing the hair into strands and observing the order, comb them out along the entire length.
- After processing each strand, the comb must be wiped on both sides with a napkin.
All family members living in the room should be examined for the head and hair
Rating of the best remedies for lice and nits
Having considered the available ways to get rid of parasites, the editorial board presents an overview of the best remedies from popular manufacturers that are in demand by consumers. We will provide the advantages of drugs, indicate what to look for when buying a product in order to avoid mistakes and choose a good, effective remedy.
Based on consumer reviews, let's pay attention to the most suitable means with which you can get rid of lice and nits. They are divided into the following groups:
- shampoos and detergents;
- aerosols;
- solutions, suspensions.
The choice of the most suitable means can be made on the basis of a list of medications and formulations that will help not only neutralize the larva, but also get rid of mature mature nits.
The best head lice remedies for children
Hygiene Plus
Anti-lice remedy in the form of a lotion is intended for the destruction of lice and nits in children from the age of three. It can be purchased at pharmacies.
The pediculicidal preparation Hygienika Plus has an effect on the nervous system of lice and nits due to the presence of permethrin in the shampoo, which enters their body.
Shake the product before use, apply it to dry hair until completely moisturized for a quarter of an hour. Then you need to add shampoo, water and beat the foam on your hair, which must be thoroughly washed off in warm, running water.
Comb dry hair with a special comb with fine, frequent teeth, which is included in the kit. Before combing out long hair, you need to divide it into strands and comb each one sequentially, starting from the root and ending with the ends.
If necessary, re-treatment can be carried out in a week.
The shampoo has a pungent smell, but it is neutralized by fragrances.
The bottle contains 60 ml.
Shelf life 3 years.
Manufacturer: Vet Prom.
The cost is 265 rubles.
- effective remedy;
- the set contains a special comb;
- non-toxic;
- there is no chemical smell;
- just washed off;
- domestic manufacturer.
- can not be used by children under 3 years old;
- May cause itchy scalp
- should not be used for allergy sufferers;
- with contraindications, a doctor's examination is necessary.
Bars repellent
Spray Paranit is very effective to use, it suffocates and dehydrates lice and nits, its double action formula contributes to the active destruction of parasites by 100%. The main component of the drug, dimethicone oil, envelops insects with an oily film and contributes to their death.
The product is released in a concentrated form, which is easy to use at home. The package contains a comb with dense teeth for combing out parasites.
Paranit is applied to dry hair, all separated strands are covered with a concentrate from roots to ends. The effect of the drug is felt in 12-14 minutes, when the larvae and the grown lice begin to die, and the nits break down.
After rinsing off the product and drying the hair, they are well combed with a comb. The drug works well when infecting children, it has a gentle effect on the scalp.
The bottle contains 100 ml of concentrate.
Expiration date: 3 years.
Country of origin: Belgium.
Cost: 509 rubles.
- economical consumption;
- safe;
- there is no smell of chemistry;
- the set includes a hairbrush.
- not very effective against larvae and nits;
- sometimes an allergic reaction appears;
- applicable for children from 3 years old.
Spray Nyuda is a highly effective oil-based anti-lice drug. The active ingredient is biphasic dimethicone. It is a synthetic silicone oil that is harmless to humans because it does not pass through the skin.
The first phase of dimethicone - it spreads over the curls, evenly covers them over the entire length. Getting into the respiratory organs of parasites, it displaces oxygen from them.
The second phase of the drug is a constriction component - dimethicone becomes thick, clogs all the airways and completely blocks gas exchange, as a result of which the parasites and their larvae die from suffocation.
Spray consumption depends on the degree of the disease, as well as on the length and amount of hairline. Basically, the bottle with the drug is enough for two treatments.
Jojoba wax, fragrances and triglycerides are used as auxiliary preparations in the spray.
The product is applied by spraying to dry hair, kept for 45 minutes, then combed with a thick comb and washed off with a simple shampoo with warm water.
This drug has gained popularity because of its composition. There are no toxic components in it, it is allowed for the use of pediculosis.
Allowed for use in children from one year old
The spray box also has step-by-step instructions for use, a spray bottle and a comb with fine teeth.
The bottle contains 50 ml of the substance.
Cost: 695 rubles.
Country of origin: Germany.
- safe;
- very effective;
- reliable;
- used from an early age.
- duration of the procedure (45 minutes);
- the need to protect the nasopharynx from aerosol;
- high price.
The best lice remedies for adults
Medicines to combat head lice need to be purchased only in the pharmacy network
The concentrated emulsion destroys head lice, body lice, pubic lice in adults. Forsyth-Antivosh is also intended for the treatment of premises, fabrics, uniforms in order to prevent head lice diseases only for the adult population.
The preparation is specially designed for effective and fast methods of lice destruction. It contains the active ingredients fenthion and permethrin, their combination helps to quickly get rid of unwanted parasites.
The combination of the pesticide fenthion and the insecticide fermethrin, a solvent-based ethyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol, has a depressing effect on the lice, after which they quickly die.
Before starting treatment, you need to carefully read the instructions that are in the package. The consumption of funds is minimal, for the treatment of curls you need from 30 ml of solution. If they are long and thick or the degree of their damage is high enough, the amount of solution should be increased.
Bed linen can be soaked in the solution or sprayed well.
To process a room, you need from 20 to 100 ml of solution and thoroughly treat all surfaces with it.
The bottle contains 1 liter of concentrated solution.
Cost: 1200 rubles.
Country of origin: Russia.
- wide functionality;
- effective drug;
- large volume;
- low price.
- for adults only;
- significant were not found.
Lice and nits shampoo "DIS"
The kit for getting rid of parasites consists of a comb, a cap, a cosmetic shampoo with caring components and functional additives. Designed to get rid of head and pubic lice and ease the process of combing them out of curls.
Shampoo is a new generation of pediculosis drugs, its base consists of three active ingredients: permethrin, neopinamine and nigard, which are guaranteed to rid the patient of parasites at any stage of infection.
Apply the shampoo in the usual way:
- abundantly moisturize the curls with a cotton swab moistened with shampoo;
- rub it well into the skin and hair roots;
- after processing, cover the head with a scarf;
- after 40 minutes, the curls are washed with warm water and soap or shampoo;
- dry hair is combed with a comb, removing dead parasites;
- if live individuals are found within a week, the treatment is repeated.
The bottle contains 100 ml of shampoo.
The cost is 490 rubles.
Country of origin: Russia.
- fast effect;
- comfortable set (comb + hat);
- nice smell;
- low price.
- difficult to find in pharmacies;
- significant were not found.
Pedikulen Ultra spray
Spray Pediculen from lice and parasites contributes to the death of adults and their eggs, it is considered the best drug in the treatment of pediculosis diseases.
The active ingredient of the spray is anise oil, the composition also includes ethyl alcohol and active additives.
Curls and hairy part of the body are abundantly moisturized with a spray by rubbing. Half an hour after treatment with the product, you need to wash it off, then wash your hair with shampoo in warm running water.
For one treatment, from 10 to 50 ml of the product is consumed, it depends on the length and density of the curls, as well as on the stage of infection with parasites.
Then the parasites are combed out with a special comb, removing all dead insects. Scallop Pedikulen Ultra is made according to a special design of metal teeth with rounded ends, which gently comb out insects and do not injure the scalp.
The bottle contains 150 ml of spray.
Cost: 502 rubles.
Country of origin: Russia
- easy to apply during use;
- a positive result occurs after the first treatment;
- insects die at all stages of their development;
- the bottle is designed for 20 applications for short hair;
- Magnifier and comb included for easy handling.
- specific smell;
- prohibited for pregnant and lactating women;
- may cause an allergic reaction.
This review provides individual parasite control products that consumers believe have a high rating of trust and effectiveness in the treatment of head lice. It is recommended to purchase them in the pharmacy network or via the Internet, in the online pharmacies of trusted pharmaceutical companies.
We tried to show the best, effective tools that consumers have used with success. Based on their feedback, they pointed out the main advantages and disadvantages of the drugs, so that the consumer could independently make the right choice and purchase a high-quality and effective product.
We would be grateful for your feedback and comments on the treatment provided for head lice.