The adult body contains more than 3 million sweat glands, including the soles of the feet. Due to the fact that they are constantly in closed shoes or socks, the glands in this place work especially intensively. For this reason, some people suffer from excessive sweating and, as a result, have an unpleasant smell from shoes and feet. The editors of the site "" have prepared a rating for you best foot odor remedies for 2024.
Possible causes of excessive sweating
There are a number of reasons that cause hyperhidrosis. It can be both banal lack of hygiene and serious diseases. For example:
- Violation of hygiene rules;
- Diabetes;
- Fungus of the feet;
- Circulatory disorders;
- Problems in the cardiovascular system;
- Age.
That is why, before dealing with the removal of unpleasant odor and sweating, you should find out the reason why this happens.
It is worth knowing that sweat is odorless, the smell is a consequence of exposure to harmful bacteria and their waste products. That is why the main reason for the appearance of such a problem is lack of hygiene, but this is not the only reason. In the event that you are faced with this problem, you should contact a specialist to diagnose and find out the cause.
In the event that the diagnostics did not reveal any serious problems, it is necessary to pay attention to other factors, for example:
- Oddly enough, eating a lot of spices and hot seasonings can cause an unpleasant smell of sweat.
- Also, the high temperature outside or indoors makes it possible for a person to sweat too much, and due to the fact that there is no opportunity to take a shower at work, an unpleasant smell appears.
- Wearing shoes made from artificial materials also contributes to the appearance of unpleasant odors, since the leather does not breathe at all in such shoes or socks.
- Due to active physical activity, the work of the sweat glands goes into an enhanced mode, which causes excessive hyperhidrosis.
- Drinking alcohol in large quantities, as well as excessive smoking, leads to the accumulation of toxins in the body, due to which the human body is exposed to excessive sweating in order to remove excess harmful substances.
- Another cause of an unpleasant odor can be a fungus that has infected the nail plate or the foot itself.
In order to get rid of hyperhidrosis, many turn to a dermatologist, which helps to solve the problem, if this is the result of poor hygiene. However, if it is caused by any disease, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, and not its consequences.
How to remove an unpleasant odor in shoes: medicines
First of all, the specialist will prescribe the use of sedatives that will help calm the nervous system and the body. Preparations should be based on medicinal plants. However, in the event that the patient has hypersensitivity and excitability, they may not have the proper effect on the body.
In the event that these drugs are not beneficial or have no effect, bromides or tranquilizers may be prescribed. Due to the fact that they belong to the group of those that are addictive, the course of treatment should not exceed three weeks. The main advantage of tranquilizers is that they do an excellent job with anxiety and stress. Because for many reasons, stress or anxiety can be the cause of increased sweating.
Also, your doctor may prescribe medications that contain atropine, which can help reduce sweating. But these drugs do not have the most pleasant side effects, for example:
- Constipation;
- Visual impairment;
- Headache.
The cosmetic industry also comes to the rescue with the problem of sweating feet.
How foot deodorant works
The principle of action is based on blocking the sweat glands; before choosing, you must take into account its purpose. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups:
- Getting rid of an unpleasant odor;
- Refreshing;
- Sweating.
For hyperhidrosis, medications help, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. They make the skin drier and have a bactericidal effect, as well as reduce the activity of the sweat glands. They contain zinc, talc or cyclomethicone.
Deodorants, which contain citrus or tea tree oils, help to get rid of the unpleasant odor. They allow not only to mask the smell, but also to eliminate the cause of its appearance.
Deodorants, which have a refreshing effect, help relieve heaviness and pain in the legs. They contain tea tree, menthol, lavender or peppermint oils.
Currently, there are only three forms of release of foot deodorants, namely:
- Spray;
- Cream;
- Gel.
In the form of a cream
A deodorant in the form of a cream is most often used to eliminate unpleasant odors, and this form of release also allows you to take care of your feet. In addition to herbal extracts, the cream contains essential and vegetable oils.
The cream must be applied to dry skin, to the entire surface of the foot, and also to the space between the toes. It is necessary to wait until the composition on the foot is completely dry, and only after that it will be possible to put on socks or shoes. This type of deodorant is recommended for fall or winter.
A spray deodorant is considered the most effective way to reduce perspiration. This form of release has a weak, almost imperceptible smell. You can also find odorless options that are suitable for people with sensitive skin. It is recommended to use such products in the summer period of the year, as they slightly dry the skin on the feet, thereby preventing slipping in shoes.
In the form of a gel
This type of drug has a combined effect, it not only removes an unpleasant odor, but also cope with hyperhidrosis. Some of them have a weak antibacterial effect. Such formulations are economical, since they are applied every 2-3 days and only on dry skin. Manufacturers of gels note that even after water procedures, the properties of the gel are preserved.
Contraindications and possible side effects
It is prohibited to use such products for any skin injury. It is also not recommended to use them during any inflammatory processes or in case of allergies.
Due to the fact that the composition contains various chemical compounds, side effects may occur, such as:
- Dry skin;
- Allergic reactions;
- Irritation of the skin.
Funds rating
The sixth line of the rating is occupied by the drug formidron. It contains formaldehyde, which is an excellent antiseptic and destroys bacteria. It prevents their possible growth and reproduction. Due to the fact that the manufacturer does not make any compositions with the drug, but simply dilutes formalin, the cost of this drug is quite low.
The tool copes well with extraneous odors, and also due to the fact that tannins are present in the composition, it helps to cope with hyperhidrosis. Dries the skin a little.
It is best to use the product in the morning and it is recommended to apply using a cotton swab. The maximum number of times that you can afford to use in a day is two. This is due to the toxicity of formaldehyde. It is for this reason that you should be careful when applying and using the product.
Due to improper handling, irritation of the skin and even mucous membranes can occur.
The average cost is 25 rubles per 100 ml, a fairly attractive price for the product.
- Availability;
- Helps fix the problem.
- Toxic agent;
- May cause itching and allergies.
Deodorant for feet "Green Pharmacy"
In fifth place is the foot care product from Green Pharmacy. The brand produces a line of foot products that include both cooling deodorants and shoe products.
This brand of coolant removes odor and makes your feet feel cool. Helps prevent the growth of fungus. It contains tea tree oil and menthol. Perfectly relieves fatigue from the legs.
The form of release is a spray that makes it easy to apply to the leg area. The average cost reaches 177 rubles.
It is recommended to apply daily, and it is worth applying from a distance of 10-15 cm.
- Nice price;
- Cools well;
- Removes odor;
- Relieves fatigue;
- Suitable for both sexes;
- Prevention of fungal diseases;
- Economical consumption.
- Strong smell;
- It is not possible to apply in winter.
On the fourth line is Odorex foot spray deodorant. This spray is produced in Bulgaria and belongs to medical products. It includes:
- Glycerol;
- Metphenamine;
- Ethanol;
- Aluminum chloride;
- Perfumery products.
This tool can be applied once every 10 days, however, initially you must perform the following steps:
- Wash your feet thoroughly with soap;
- Spray overnight;
- Rinse with water without soap in the morning.
This procedure should be performed within 3 days, and then you can take a break for 10 days and the effect of the remedy will remain. It copes well with removing foot moisture and removing odors.
After 10 days, the procedure is repeated.
The average cost of a bottle is 900 rubles per 50 ml.
- Hypoallergenic composition;
- Economical consumption.
- High price.
Scholl Foot Deodorant
The third line is taken by a product from the British brand Scholl. Release form - spray. Allows you to get rid of excessive sweating and odor for 24 hours. The new formula contains several deodorant components. Also the composition includes such substances as:
- Cyclomethicone,
- propylene carbonate;
- aluminum chloride;
- perfume composition.
The tool helps to cope with hyperhidrosis and odor, and also has a fungicidal effect. It is recommended to pay special attention to the interdigital area.
It should be applied to clean, dry skin of the feet every day. The manufacturer promises an effect for 24 hours.
The average cost for a 150 ml bottle is 234 rubles.
- economical consumption;
- effectively reduces perspiration;
- helps to cope with fungal diseases.
- Strong smell;
- effect for 6-8 hours;
- dirty socks.
On the second line is a product from the Dry-Dry company. This company produces a whole line of products that are aimed at solving problems with perspiration and odor. The most popular solution can be considered, which is packaged in bottles. The container volume is 35 ml. However, it can also be found in spray form.
The components that make up the product do not interfere with the functioning of the sweat glands, but simply redirect sweat to other places.Due to this, excess moisture is removed from the body in those places where it can evaporate freely. This effect is achieved due to the fact that there is a special protein-aluminum complex in the composition, which blocks the secretion of sweat.
The drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream and is absolutely harmless. It is recommended to apply it 1-2 times a week. This is done at night, after which the feet should not be exposed to water. This is quite convenient, since in the morning it is not always possible to apply the composition with high quality.
The average cost is 820 rubles.
- form of release;
- economical consumption;
- long-term effect;
- safe.
- high price.
Teimurova paste
First place in the rating is given to Teymurov's pasta. It has a fairly complex composition that fights odor and sweating well. The main component of the substance is boric acid. Also in the composition there is methenamine, which has antiseptic functions. Due to being in the composition of this component, the agent does an excellent job of eliminating odor, since the antiseptic eliminates the odor emanating from the decay products of organic substances. The composition also contains talc, due to which there is a drying effect. The salicylic acid present in the composition has a disinfecting and drying effect, and also exfoliates dead cells, which is a prophylaxis against fungal diseases.
The use of this paste allows not only to cope with the problem of sweating of the feet, but also to heal your legs perfectly, since all the components in the composition work well with each other.
The product is applied to dry and clean skin 1-2 times a day, but the effect is cumulative. The average cost of a 50 g bottle is 50 rubles.
- attractive cost;
- cumulative action.
- there should be no damage or microcracks on the skin;
- can only be used for 2 weeks.
When choosing a product, focus on your needs. If you don't have a big enough problem with sweat, you should not immediately use drugs with strong formulations, you can start with easy acting ones.
Be sure to visit a doctor and find out what is the cause of your problem, since it is not the effect that needs to be eliminated, but the cause of its occurrence.
Folk remedies
In addition to pharmacy products that help eliminate odor, there are alternative methods. These include:
- the use of talcum powder;
- using lemon juice and soda;
- the use of hydrogen peroxide;
- using apple cider vinegar.
All of these methods will help remove your problem.
Talc is a part of many products that are aimed at combating sweat, so using it in its pure form will also be effective and will help avoid excessive sweat.
Hydrogen peroxide is recommended to use 3%. To do this, dilute in 200 ml of water with 20 ml of peroxide. Apply the product to a napkin or cotton pad and wipe the skin. However, it is worth remembering that peroxide can have a whitening effect, so it is not recommended to use this method longer than 2-3 weeks.
The use of soda and lemon juice can normalize the work of the sweat glands. A spoonful of baking soda is dissolved in a glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon juice. This composition is used to wipe the skin. The combination of these ingredients also whitens the skin.
It is best to use 6-8% vinegar. They can wipe the skin, or prepare foot baths. The product normalizes sweating.
What to give preference, folk remedy, cosmetic or medicinal, the choice is yours. In any case, today on the shelves there are a sufficient number of drugs that can relieve a person from the delicate problems of sweating feet.