Iron is vital for the human body, as it is responsible for providing oxygen to all cells and tissues. Its deficiency negatively affects health and well-being. As a treatment and prevention of a deficiency of this substance, doctors prescribe iron preparations. In order to understand which one is right for you in terms of its properties and price, the editors of the site “” have prepared an overview of the most popular and safe remedies for iron deficiency anemia.
Symptoms and causes of iron deficiency anemia
Iron deficiency anemia is a lack of iron in the body, the result of which is a violation of the process of producing hemoglobin.
The main causes of this disease:
- Incorrect diet, when a sufficient amount of nutrients does not enter the body;
- Large blood loss, for example, with stomach and intestinal ulcers, benign and malignant tumors, heavy menstruation;
- Diseases of the digestive system, due to which the process of iron absorption is disrupted;
- Pregnancy in women. At this point, the body needs more vitamins, minerals and trace elements. A lot of iron is spent on enhancing cellular metabolism, building the placenta and other natural processes;
- Often manifests itself in children who were born prematurely, and babies who are bottle-fed;
- Problems with the synthesis of the protein responsible for the transport of iron;
- Alcohol abuse and smoking.
Iron deficiency anemia symptoms:
- Weakness, drowsiness, lack of strength, decreased energy potential of the body;
- Dry skin, especially on the elbows and patella
- Thin, split ends, prone to hair loss;
- Pallor of the skin;
- Brittle nails;
- Unusual addictions in tastes and smells;
- Frequent colds;
- Weakness in muscles, exercise intolerance;
- Bluish tint to the whites of the eyes;
- Problems with teeth and gums;
- Dizziness appears in the middle and severe stages of the disease.
The main way to diagnose iron deficiency anemia is a clinical blood test. If the hemoglobin level is less than 120, we can talk about a lack of iron in the body. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor for timely diagnosis and identification of the causes of the disease. Only a specialist (therapist or hematologist) will be able to determine the degree and severity of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.
Iron deficiency anemia is a serious medical condition that requires treatment. If this is not done in a timely manner, the body will gradually adjust to the low level of hemoglobin, which will lead to a significant decrease in the quality of life, expressed in constant asthenia, loss of strength, sleep disturbances, memory impairment and concentration.
This condition is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women. Anemia in a child can adversely affect mental, physical and mental development.For expectant mothers, this disease is fraught not only with poor health, but also with the threat of premature birth, toxicosis, gestosis, and intrauterine fetal growth retardation.
Types of iron preparations
Depending on the composition, there are:
- Medicines based on bivalent iron salts. They are better absorbed by the body, but when taken, there is a high probability of side effects.
- Preparations based on ferric iron are absorbed much worse, but they are tolerated by the body easier and without serious consequences.
- Combined products, in addition to the main active ingredient, contain additional vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
- Biologically active food supplements also contain substances that improve the absorption of iron. But such drugs are not a drug, so the effect of taking them is difficult to establish.
Depending on the way it enters the body:
- Preparations for oral administration. The most common group includes tablets, capsules, syrups, drops. Their distinctive feature is the duration of the course of treatment and the effect of the reception. Such funds should be drunk from 2 months to six months.
- Intravenous and intramuscular injections. Raise hemoglobin in a short period of time. They are used only in cases of severe anemia or problems with the digestive system, when it is impossible to take drugs orally.
How to choose a drug for iron deficiency anemia. Main criteria
- The age of the patient. Many medicines are contraindicated in children, especially under 1 year old and the elderly. For these groups of patients, the drug should be selected exclusively by the attending physician.
- The severity of the disease. Not only the choice of a certain remedy depends on this, but also the choice of its form (tablets, syrups, injections, etc.)
- A history of chronic diseases. This is especially true for people with gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, since many drugs are contraindicated in such cases.
- Pregnancy in women. At such a time, the choice of a remedy for anemia should be taken seriously and entrusted to a specialist: a therapist, gynecologist or hematologist. Otherwise, you can harm the health of the expectant mother and child.
- The daily rate of iron contained in this preparation. The minimum amount is 10-15 mg. The dosage should be calculated so that the deficiency of this mineral is fully replenished during the day.
- The origin of iron. It should be natural, organic. The body cannot fully assimilate synthetic forms.
- The presence of vitamin C. Without it, iron will not be able to properly pass its way in the digestive tract, and most of the substance will leave the body naturally.
- The presence of folic acid and B vitamins. These elements are responsible for the transport of iron and contribute to the correct course of hematopoiesis.
Rating of the best drugs for iron deficiency anemia
Ferrum Lek
One of the best known and safest drugs. It is used for iron deficiency anemia in adults, children over 1 year old and pregnant women. The main active ingredient is ferric iron (III). Available in the form of chewable tablets, syrup and injections for intramuscular administration. The dosage is calculated based on the age and body weight of the patient. Chewable tablets are not recommended for children under 12 years of age, and intramuscular injections are not recommended for women during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The course of treatment is 3-5 months. Average price: for a pack of 30 tablets. - 300 rubles, syrup 100 ml - 150 rubles, package of injections (5 pcs.) - 1200 rubles.
- Safe composition;
- Low likelihood of side effects:
- Pleasant sweetish taste;
- Effectively and quickly raises hemoglobin;
- Suitable for pregnant women and children over 1 year old;
- Acceptable cost
- Not suitable for babies under one year old;
- The tablets, when chewed, stick to the teeth, but they can be swallowed with water;
- Causes stool problems for some people;
- Long course of treatment.
Main characteristics:
Name | Ferrum Lek |
Drug type | Medicine |
Release form | Chewable tablets, syrup, injections |
Manufacturer country | Slovenia |
One of the safest and most proven remedies for anemia. Available in the form of chewable tablets and drops. The latter option has no age restrictions and is often used in children under 1 year old. The tablets are contraindicated for persons under 12 years of age. The main active ingredient is ferric trivalent hydroxide polmaltozate. It can be applied once or several times a day during or after meals. The exact dosage is calculated by the attending physician depending on the age and severity of the disease. The average course duration is 3 months. Price for a package of tablets (30 pcs.): From 300 to 360 rubles, for drops weighing 30 ml: from 250 to 300 rubles.
- Has a mild effect on the body;
- Safe composition;
- Suitable for children under 1 year old;
- Effective, during the course of the course it raises the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
- Pleasant sweetish taste;
- Acceptable price.
- It takes a long time for a full effect;
- Paints the stool dark;
- Tablets in the process of chewing adhere and make the enamel of the teeth darker by several tones
Main characteristics:
Name | Maltofer |
Drug type | Medicine |
Release form | Chewable tablets, syrup |
Manufacturer country | Switzerland |
A well-known vitamin and mineral complex on the market aimed at replenishing the lack of iron in the body. It is often prescribed as a prophylactic agent for latent iron deficiency, especially in the case of heavy menstruation in women. It is produced in the form of capsules, each of which contains ferrous sulfate, riboflavin, ascorbic and acid and other components. It is taken once a day with meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. Price per package (30 pcs.): From 250 to 340 rubles.
- A complete vitamin and mineral complex containing useful microelements that accelerate the absorption of iron;
- Quickly normalizes hemoglobin levels;
- Helps to restore strength and cope with chronic fatigue;
- You can drink during pregnancy after consulting your doctor;
- A short course of treatment, in comparison with other drugs;
- Convenient capsule form;
- Low price.
- In rare cases, it can cause problems with the digestive tract: heartburn, stomach pain;
- Not suitable for children.
Main characteristics:
Name | Fenuls |
Drug type | Medicine |
Release form | Capsules |
Manufacturer country | India |
Sorbifer Durules
A popular drug to combat iron deficiency anemia. Available in pill form. The main active ingredient is ferrous sulfate. May be used during pregnancy and lactation for prophylactic purposes. The drug is taken with meals, 1 tablet 2 times a day. For moderate to severe anemia, it makes sense to increase the dosage to 4 tablets in two doses. Treatment course: 4-6 months. Price: from 315 to 480 rubles per package.
- Easily and gently affects the body;
- The composition contains ascorbic acid, which improves the absorption of iron in the digestive tract;
- Effectively replenishes iron deficiency;
- Has a prolonged action;
- Can be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers;
- Pleasant taste.
- Long course of treatment;
- In some cases, there may be side effects in the form of stomach pain;
- Not suitable for children under 12 years of age.
Main characteristics:
Name | Sorbifer durules |
Drug type | Medicine |
Release form | Pills |
Manufacturer country | Hungary |
Vitamin and mineral complex aimed at improving the processes of hematopoiesis and combating iron deficiency anemia. The main active ingredient is ferrous iron salts.In addition, the composition contains vitamins of groups C and B. It is produced in the form of a solution for ingestion and capsules. It is taken with food twice a day, previously mixed with water or juice. Treatment course: 2-4 months. Average price per package: 570 rubles.
- Rapidly raises the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
- Improves health, raises immunity;
- Contains vitamins and microelements necessary for the body, including folic acid:
- Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
- Not suitable for people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
- Difficult to find in pharmacies.
Main characteristics:
Name | Ferro-foil |
Drug type | Medicinal product + multivitamins |
Release form | Capsules |
Manufacturer country | Germany |
Biologically active food additive of Russian production, which has no analogues in the world. The main active ingredient is powdered hemoglobin, obtained as a result of purifying the blood of animals from impurities. This type of hemoglobin is as close as possible to human in its structure and chemical composition. The composition contains vitamin C, lactose, calcium searic acid. The drug is taken three times a day with meals. The dose is calculated based on the patient's age: adults - 4 tablets per dose, children of primary school age and adolescents - 2 tablets, children 4-6 years old - one tablet. The course of treatment is 1 month. Average price for a pack of 120 tablets: about 1000 rubles.
- Natural, safe composition;
- Rapidly raises the level of hemoglobin, the state of health improves after two weeks;
- Approved by the Research Institute of Hematology, Russian Academy of Sciences;
- The minimum likelihood of side effects;
- A small list of contraindications;
- Short course of treatment;
- Can be taken during pregnancy after consultation with your doctor;
- It is used in children from 4 years of age.
- High price;
- Cannot be used to replenish iron deficiency in babies under 4 years old;
- In some individual cases, it is not effective enough.
Main characteristics:
Name | Hemobin |
Drug type | Dietary supplement |
Release form | Pills |
Manufacturer country | Russia |
How to increase hemoglobin without drugs Doctor's advice
- The main rule for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia is a proper balanced diet, which contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
- Iron-rich foods must be included in the diet without fail. But not all of them are equally well absorbed by the body. Numerous studies have shown that eating meat replenishes iron deficiency many times better than plant and dairy foods.
- Particular attention should be paid to boiled beef, as the leader in the amount of trace elements necessary for anemia. In second place are chicken and poultry.
- From plant products, it is worth including pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower in the diet. They do not contain a large amount of iron, but they contain fruit acids that contribute to its rapid absorption.
- Do not forget about vitamin C, folic acid, copper, which are found in fruits and vegetables, buckwheat, peanuts, walnuts. Without these substances, the process of replenishing the lack of minerals will be ineffective, iron cannot be fully absorbed by the body.
- In the case of severe anemia, it is worth giving up coffee, black and green tea, since they contain caffeine and theine, which prevent the intake of many essential vitamins and minerals. These drinks are easy to replace fruit juices or rosehip decoction.
- Calcium-rich foods and vitamins interfere with the entry of iron into the body, so it is better not to eat meat and fruits with dairy products, cheeses, and bread.
In this article, we covered the causes and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia and reviewed several popular and proven drugs. If you have experience with one of the above tools, please share it in the comments.