💊 Best Itchy Skin Remedies for 2024


Itching on the skin is a rather unpleasant and annoying phenomenon. You want to leave the house and appear in a public place last. But what caused this ailment, and how to get rid of it in one day or a week. These questions are asked by everyone who has encountered a problem. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared for you a rating of the best remedies for itchy skin for 2024.

What is used against various symptoms

When a person encounters parasites, they can be removed using standard means. It is not necessary to use medications. Shampoo is best suited, which contains components that prevent the development of lice and nits. The latter can be removed not only with washing liquids, but also with a comb, for this they are combed out.

If the user has scabies, it is more difficult to get rid of it. To prevent persistent itching, appropriate ointments are used. Such parasites live not only on the human body, but also on clothing or bedding. Therefore, things must be washed, this is the only way to get rid of these microorganisms.

Using antihistamines, a person can quickly get rid of inflammation from an allergy or a bite.

Glucocorticosteroids are used depending on the situation. The drug is suitable for both external and internal use. Unpleasant symptoms are eliminated by reducing the activity of cells that produce histamine. The drug is highly effective for allergies or dermatosis.

If the patient has generalized itching, then treatment in this case can be dangerous to health. Since you first need to understand the reasons for the formation of such an ailment.

Most often, this itching is a symptom of any disease, for example, it can be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, malignant neoplasm or diabetes mellitus. In the presence of the latter, it is necessary to constantly monitor glucose. Eliminate all foods containing sugar from the diet. If this therapy does not help, the patient is transferred to insulin.

Itching problems are also familiar to people with kidney failure. However, in their case, everything is more complicated, since hemodialysis is required. This procedure is aimed at maintaining the normal level of nitrogen metabolism in the blood. Thanks to this, the severity of the symptoms disappears, which makes the person less comfortable.

Popular itch remedies

Itchy skin is accompanied by an unpleasant tickling sensation that covers most of the body. When it appears, the user forgets about normal sleep and comfortable rest, becoming irritable. You can get rid of it at home, however, it is not recommended to buy the first remedy that comes along, as it can harm the body.

In total, there are several reasons for the onset of the disease:

  • Generalized.In this case, only a specific area of ​​the skin itches. Does not extend further.
  • Localized causes more trouble, since the person experiences discomfort throughout the body.
  • Dermatological itching is also common, which occurs due to certain reasons.
  • If you have kidney disease or liver problems, systemic itching occurs.
  • During stress, a person develops a harmless psychogenic itching. However, it is also important to pay attention to it so that there are no complications.
  • There is neuropathic chaos, it manifests itself due to certain diseases of the nervous system. It is not recommended to treat yourself, it is better to trust a professional.
  • On contact with water, some people experience a slight tickling sensation called aquagenic itching.

A person itches due to the fact that more blood flows to the upper layer of the skin, it activates certain receptors, which creates an uncomfortable feeling. When blood cells begin to secrete hormones and wastes in large quantities, this indicates an abnormality in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to fix the problem only after consulting a doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Varieties of skin diseases

If dermatological diseases are to blame, then burning and itching in a certain place may not be the only problem. In addition to these symptoms, blisters and swelling are common. Itching is also experienced by people who have psoriasis, however, itching in this case is prohibited, you can damage the outer shell, which will lead to bleeding.

Internal problems

The outer part, although prone to burning, is not always the main source of the disease. The desire to scratch can occur due to a malfunction of the internal organs. For example, hepatic itching is formed when the outflow of bile is impaired. There are two types: intrahepatic cholestasis and extrahepatic cholestasis.

The problem can also arise due to the malfunctioning of the kidneys. There is a burning sensation throughout the body, which can be light or strong. With a blood disorder, it is also characteristic of the desire to scratch certain areas or all at once. If the body is experiencing an acute lack of important vitamins, acne begins to form on the outer shell, which constantly itch.

The presence of physiological reasons

In this case, the person itches due to the influence of certain environmental factors. It is not as dangerous as the previous options and lasts for a short period of time. Therefore, there will be no problems. Often, the causes of these symptoms include:

  • Dry skin;
  • Being in the sun;
  • Mosquito bite;
  • A sharp jump in temperature;
  • Irritation from certain products or perspiration.

Infectious cause

Unlike the previous option, the infection is more dangerous. Often a tick is a provocateur of itching. The burning sensation in the area of ​​the bite increases after taking a bath or visiting the pool. In addition to the bite, the infectious causes of the chyos include chickenpox and herpes.

Ointments to stop burning

One of the most effective ways to prevent itchy skin is to use special ointments. Thanks to their action, vivid symptoms caused by allergies or dermatological diseases are reduced.

It is necessary to use drugs only after consultation with the attending specialist. He will conduct an examination and establish the cause of the disease. He will prescribe the only correct course of treatment, adhering to which the irritation of the site will pass in a few days.

Ointments are selected only for a specific type of cover. For example, if a patient has dry skin, a coolant or solution may be the best solution. In another case, when the tissues are oily, it is necessary to use gels or tinctures with a thick consistency.

In most drugs of this type, the active ingredients are camphor, zinc, and in some cases, the use of salicylic acid is allowed. With the correct use of the drugs, the negative effects will stop after 3-5 days.It is necessary to apply it with a uniform thin layer and gentle rubbing into the affected area.

The main types of tablets

Applying an ointment may not be enough to eliminate inflammation and relieve symptoms permanently. Therefore, doctors prescribe special medications that affect the internal cause of the burning sensation.

When the desire to scratch is caused by improper food or allergies to certain medications, antihistamines are prescribed by specialists. They eliminate symptoms in the shortest possible time, which is suitable for people who want to get rid of a burning sensation in an hour.

The composition contains active ingredients that instantly act on the irritated area, and also block histamine in the body. It is this biological substance that is the main cause of the burning sensation.

Such funds appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and are still considered relevant. The only difference between modern solutions and previous ones is high efficiency and a minimum of side effects. This allows every person to use the drug and not be afraid of complications in the future.

There are 3 generations of antihistamines. The first group includes popular drugs: tavegil, suprastin, etc. The main feature of these options is high efficiency and elimination of itching in the shortest possible time. There is also a negative side - a sedative effect, which becomes even worse if, during the course of treatment, a person decides to consume alcohol.

Also, such drugs have a high hypnotic effect. Despite the fact that the blocking of histamine occurs quickly and the person no longer feels a burning sensation in the affected area, the effect does not last long, only 5-8 hours, after which the drug must be reapplied.

It is also not recommended to use drugs of the first generation if human activity is associated with increased concentration. Because you will not be able to concentrate, which may cause some problems.

Some drugs, for example, diazolin, have a negative effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and in some cases are addictive. Doctors know about this feature of drugs and prescribe them last, when others are ineffective.

Preparations of the 2nd and 3rd generations are distinguished by a longer effect on histamines, while they have a slight hypnotic effect. They can be used without much health concern. The recommended daily dose is one tablet a day. The course of treatment can be a year, it all depends on the causes of itching.

Rating of the best 2nd generation antihistamines


Long-term exposure is the main advantage of the drug. The desire to scratch will leave the user, and will not disturb for 2 days. The drug is used in the springtime, but also some people take it before trying Thai or Chinese food. The main active ingredient is ebastine.

After entering the body, the tablet is rapidly absorbed and completely dissolved in the liver, without harming health. It is excreted through the kidneys. The action of the medication begins one hour after application. Does not cause a pronounced sedative effect.

The average cost is 330 rubles.



  • Convenient application;
  • Suitable for children;
  • Not addictive;
  • Lasts 72 hours (after a 5-day course);
  • A minimum of side effects.


  • Not found.


Popular allergy remedy suitable for both adults and children from 2 years old. The difference lies in the dosage regimen. After taking the medicine, an antipruritic effect is exerted, which prevents the formation of tissue edema and improves well-being. The product is many times more effective than the first generation. No sedation.

The average cost is 35 rubles.



  • Efficiency;
  • Fast assimilation;
  • Low cost;
  • Prevents the formation of edema.


  • Not found.


Cetrin helps to relieve allergic reactions to various substances. It has a good antipruritic effect that lasts for 24 hours. Reduces vapor permeability of capillaries and relieves muscle spasm. With the correct course of treatment and adherence to the daily dose, a sedative effect is not observed. After the end of treatment, the effectiveness lasts up to 3 days.

The average cost is 150 rubles.



  • Effect for 24 hours;
  • Good action;
  • Facilitation of an allergic reaction;
  • A short course of treatment.


  • Not found.


The tool perfectly copes with various diseases associated with burning inside the skin. The medication does not have a sedative effect, which allows almost everyone to use it. The blocking of histamines begins one hour after taking the pill, the full effect is achieved after 6 hours. Duration - 24 hours. Even with frequent use, the drug does not cause any addiction.

The average price is 340 rubles.



  • Suitable for children from 6 years old;
  • Does not cause strong side effects;
  • It is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • No addiction;
  • Efficiency.


  • Not found.


Long-acting antihistamine. Prevents the development of an allergic reaction, and also facilitates its course. A feature of this option is that it does not have a negative effect on the central nervous system. This makes it possible to use the medication for people working in a field where high concentration is required. Duration - 24 hours, while the effect of the substance begins 30 minutes after ingestion.

Sold at a price: from 540 rubles.



  • High-speed impact;
  • Does not cause a negative effect on the central nervous system;
  • Convenient application;
  • The effect lasts for 24 hours;
  • Not addictive.


  • High price.

Rating of the best external products


The tool is available in various forms, but mainly in liquid form. Drops are recommended for young children. It is recommended to thin them a little before use. The remedy has an antihistamine effect that lasts for a long time. Not addictive. Suitable not only as a prophylactic agent, but also for full treatment.

The average price is 370 rubles.



  • Suitable for children from one year old;
  • Low consumption;
  • Long-lasting effect;
  • Simple use;
  • Available without a prescription.


  • There are no significant ones.

Zinovit cream 40 ml No. 1 tube

A cosmetic product that has a positive effect on the skin and prevents burning and itching. Suitable for use by people who are allergic to insect bites, as well as in the presence of psoriasis, burns and skin irritation.

Suitable for all skin types, making the product a versatile solution. The composition contains effective components that instantly have an effect on the affected area. It is applied in a thin layer to problem areas. The course is small.

The average price is 260 rubles.

Zinovit cream 40 ml No. 1 tube


  • Efficiency;
  • Easy to use;
  • Low consumption;
  • Suitable for everyone.


  • Not found.

SIBERINA anti-irritation cream

An expensive but effective solution that can be used to relieve the effects of an insect bite. The active ingredients in the composition contribute to the rapid healing of microtraumas and prevent the desire to scratch.

There are no synthetic and chemical elements, the substance consists only of extracts and juices of natural origin. Volume - 50 ml. Weight - 100 gr. Method of application - apply the cream in a thin layer. Before use, it is recommended to conduct a test sample, as individual intolerance is possible.

The average price is 460 rubles.

SIBERINA anti-irritation cream


  • Natural composition;
  • Fast impact;
  • Has no negative impact;
  • Prevents irritation.


  • Individual intolerance to the components.

PHARMATEK Lipobase 75 ml

A good cream that provides medical skin care for dermatological diseases. Eliminates dryness and irritation. The protective function of the skin is fully restored. The cover becomes elastic and smooth, which is also an advantage. It is only recommended for people who have problems with itching or flaking. As in the previous version, the composition is completely natural and harmless to the body.

The average cost is 360 rubles.

PHARMATEK Lipobase 75 ml


  • Low consumption;
  • Long-lasting effect;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • Fast healing process.


  • Not found.

Sinaflan ointment d / nar. approx. 0.025% 15 g

An effective drug that is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. Suitable for people who have various dermatological diseases. Not recommended for people with high sensitivity, skin tuberculosis and syphilis. The active ingredient is fluocinolone acetonide.

Suitable for use by children over two years old and adults. Application should be carried out only in short courses on small areas of the cover. The duration should not exceed 5 days.

The average cost is 30 rubles.

Sinaflan ointment d / nar. approx. 0.025% 15 g


  • Low price;
  • Good impact;
  • Prevents burning;
  • Efficiency.


  • There are many side effects.

Uriage Pruriced Cream

A good cream that soothes the skin and prevents negative feelings, restoring comfort to the person. The product is completely hypoallergenic and suitable for everyone. There is a restorative effect. Despite the fact that the product is cosmetic, it is sold at the pharmacy.

The average cost is 710 rubles.

Uriage Pruriced Cream


  • Good impact;
  • Suitable for almost every person;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Sold in pharmacies;
  • Low consumption;
  • Easy to spread.


  • High price.


Before buying creams or pills, it is important to understand that not all products are suitable for every user. Indeed, some may have an individual intolerance to the active ingredient, which will negatively affect the treatment. A visit to a dermatologist or therapist is recommended first. Doctors will determine the cause of the burning sensation and itching, after which they will issue a prescription for a safe and effective remedy. If you have experience using the drugs described in the rating, or more interesting suggestions, tell us about it in the comments.


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