👌Best Freeze Dried Foods for 2024


Why, when going on a tourist trip, stuff a backpack with canned food and cereals, turning it into an unbearable load, if there are freeze-dried products? Several almost weightless packages will provide varied and nutritious food away from shops and catering outlets. Sublimates, used in the twentieth century only by intelligence officers, are now available to tourists and travelers, housewives and cooks.

The editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offers you an overview of quality sublimated products for 2024.


Sublimates - what is it

When in winter you want to enjoy fresh juicy berries, housewives climb into the freezer and defrost summer supplies. However, these gifts of summer are unattractive in appearance, and the taste suffers. Dried fruits cannot be compared to fresh ones either, and a lot of vitamins are lost during drying.

Sublimates are another matter. The fast freezing and vacuum drying method of dehydrating food will preserve all vitamins, proteins and fats. Berries, fruits, vegetables restored with the right amount of water are no different from fresh ones: neither in appearance, nor taste, nor aroma.

The history of the emergence of technology

For the first time about the method of lyophilization - vacuum dehydration - they started talking in 1906, when the French researchers A. d'Arsonval and F. Bordas presented their technology. Fifteen years later, the Soviet mining engineer Georgy Lappa-Starzhenetsky, in the course of experiments, proved the promise of a new canning method, in which frozen moisture from products exposed to vacuum bypasses the liquid phase and immediately turns into steam. The products themselves are significantly reduced in size and weight, but it is worth nourishing them with water, they return to their natural state, and the process of sublimation does not have a negative effect on the taste and appearance.

The revolutionary method of canning remained unused in the food industry for many years. There were reasons for this - scientific thought often outstrips technical and financial capabilities. Only in the years of economic development, and this happened half a century later, freeze-drying processing - drying frozen food in a vacuum - found application.What are sublimates for? They were primarily used to provide adequate nutrition for employees of extreme services working in difficult conditions. For example, food subjected to the lyophilization procedure is included in the diet of astronauts and polar explorers.

Production technology

The sublimation process looks like this: food products - not only fruits and berries and vegetables, but also meat, fish, dairy and bakery products, mushrooms, juices, ready meals - go through the stage of instant freezing in powerful refrigerating units. In this case, moisture crystallizes at the cellular level. Then comes the drying process under high vacuum, where the water evaporates. Thanks to technology, products significantly lose weight. For example, berries become lighter ten times, vegetables six times, meat four times. The resulting sublimates are packaged in sealed packages.

The advantage of sublimates over frozen, dried, canned foods is not only in the advantageous weight. They retain all useful trace elements and vitamins, have a long shelf life, do not contain preservatives, dyes, taste improvers, which means they are absolutely safe for use by people of all ages.


"Food for the survivalists" is sold in various packages and sizes.

  • Standard "pockets" - bags made of durable material, often reusable, with a zip-fastener, usually weighing no more than 125 g. These rations are convenient for small expeditions, business trips, when there is no time or opportunity to go to a cafe.
  • Large bags for long-term storage. The material is durable, the package is not equipped with a zipper. The shelf life of products is up to 25 years.
  • "Army Reserve" - ​​canned food. Canned products are convenient for hiking and other extreme "outings" when there is no way to even make a fire.
  • Buckets of food for a few days. The tare weight is small, since usually such a container is plastic. Convenient "kitchen" with a varied menu.

Benefit and harm

According to nutritionists, food that has passed the freeze-drying process is absorbed in the body much easier.

The most popular sublimates are vegetables. Powdered, they are convenient for making purees, juices, sauces, cocktails. Of course, fresh vegetables are most useful, however, only the most staunch adherents of a healthy lifestyle are capable of making juice from celery and beets, despite their undoubted vitamin value. The freeze-dried product allows you to get a ready-made vitamin dish or drink in a few minutes, just pour the powder or granules with water. At the same time, the body receives not only a charge of vivacity, but also prevention from many diseases.

Freeze-dried ready meals are in great demand. Tourists like that they take up little space, but even in a deep forest, you can get a full meal, just like in a home kitchen.

Appreciated the ease of use of freeze-dried confectioners with chefs. They are honored by athletes and workaholics who have no time to waste time cooking.

However, you cannot completely switch to freeze-dried food. The digestive system requires a load from time to time, so fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish should certainly be on the menu. Otherwise, both the stomach and the intestines will decompose, which is fraught with the health of the body.

Best Freeze Dried Food Makers for 2024

The main conditions for the production of high-quality sublimates are the fulfillment of all mandatory technological requirements and the use of good raw materials. These principles are relentlessly followed by industry leaders.

The most famous enterprises:

  • Oregon Freeze Dry

American company established in 1963. Responsible for supplying the United States Army. There are several lines in production: for tourists, athletes, ready-made meals for sale in stores, ingredients for cooking. Popular brand is Mountain House.

  • Katadyn Group

German quality - Trek'n Eat brand. There are soups, meat and fish dishes, desserts, drinks, food for vegetarians - more than 30 items for sale. Trek'n Eat products are in demand among tourists all over the world.

  • Katadyn North America Foods

The birthplace of the USA brand is Switzerland.AlpineAire Foods has been on the market since 1960. Notable Brands: Natural High, Gourmet Reserves, Richmoor. In addition to meat lunches and breakfasts, there is a vegetarian menu.

  • American Outdoor Products

American manufacturer. He first announced himself in 1951. Backpackers Pantry is engaged in the production of sublimates. More than 100 names of dishes are offered to customers.

  • Simpert Reiter GmbH / Travelllunch

German manufacturer. What are the dishes for tourists and extreme lovers? Lunches, breakfasts, desserts, soups, drinks. The popularity of the products is achieved thanks to high-quality raw materials and a variety of choices.

  • Drytech

Norwegian brand REAL Turmat. Known since 1989. Produces goods for the civilian population and the army. Packages differ in color: for civilians - orange, for military - green. Raw materials from Drytech are used.

  • Falieres Nutrition

French brand Voyager. The company has been on the world market since 1992. It specializes in the production of ready-made meals according to the classic French recipe, which have undergone the lyophilization procedure. According to buyers, these are the best sublimates.

  • Adventure Food

Company from the Netherlands. Hans van der Meulen brand. The assortment includes meat and vegetarian dishes, breakfasts, desserts, vegetable mixes. Popular products are breads: they weigh a little, but are much healthier than chips.

  • RacingThePlanet

The Hong Kong company owns the Expedition Foods brand. Freeze dried food factories are located in the UK. Customers are offered dishes with different energy values.

  • Thrive life

American company that has existed since 2004. Thrive Foods brand. The assortment includes up to 100 items. Producers guarantee: dehydrated food can be stored for up to 30 years. Portion bags marked THRIVE EXPRESS. New items appear periodically.

  • "WiseFoodStorage"

American brand. Founder Mike Polanksi, longtime traveling salesman. In 1999, the Wise Food brand launched the first product for travelers and employees who have to spend a long time on the road. Freeze-dried substances can be stored for up to 25 years, which is officially confirmed by the US Department of Health and the US Department of Food Control.

  • OOO "Galaxy Inc."

Russian brand Gala-Gala. Sublimate production started in 1997. Today, customers are offered: more than a dozen soups, more than 20 names of second courses, cereals with meat, fruit, fish products, drinks, fruit and berry mixtures. The goods are inexpensive, quite affordable for the average buyer.

  • TD Mazurin

Domestic manufacturer. Mazurin brand. The company was founded in 2000. The beginning was the opening of a confectionery shop that produced dragees from nuts, berries, fruit mixtures. Mazurina's father and son gradually introduced the sublimation technology. The enterprises are located in the Kaluga region. For production uses its own raw materials and purchased from farmers.

  • SPPSK "Berries of Karelia"

Russian manufacturer. The company dates back to 2003. The company is located in Kostomuksha. The production uses natural raw materials - berries and mushrooms from Karelia. Products are supplied to Russian cities, exported to Europe and Asia. Berries of Karelia is a participant in the international exhibition in Geneva in 2019, where the best ingredients for a healthy diet were presented.

Rating of quality sublimates for 2024

The editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" presents an overview of delicious dishes made from freeze-dried products, compiled according to reviews of climbers, rafters and tourists from around the world.


5th place: Muesli with Voyager raisins

"Pocket" 80 g is sold at a price of about 200 rubles.

A blend of whole grains, dehydrated fruits, milk and sugar. It is enough to dilute with water and get a full breakfast.

Voyager Raisin Muesli


  • Natural product.


  • Low budget.

4th place: Omelet with Gala-Gala cheese

The average price is 60 rubles for 30 g.

Russian production. The company offers quite budget goods. Breakfast for travelers is one of them. Ingredients: eggs, milk, cheese, flour. The contents of the package are poured with hot water and wait 5 minutes.During this time, the omelet will be ready.

Omelet with cheese Gala-Gala


  • Natural ingredients;
  • Lots of cheese.


  • For an amateur, according to some buyers, an artificial taste is felt.

3rd place: Curd Gaga-Gala

It is sold at an average price of 130 rubles per pack.

Ingredients: pasteurized milk with sourdough. To get cottage cheese, you need to pour warm water in a 1: 1 ratio and wait a quarter of an hour.

Gaga-Gala curd


  • Natural raw materials;
  • Nice curd taste.


  • The bag cannot be used for cooking.

2nd place: Hot Cereal with Mango Expedition Foods

The 180 gram bag costs almost 11 euros.

Hot porridge will brighten the morning of any traveler if it contains mangoes. Serving - 1000 kcal. The shelf life is 60 months. Breakfast is ready 8 minutes after dilution with hot water.

porridge Hot Cereal with Mango Expedition Foods


  • There is a taste of mango;
  • Preparing quickly.


  • An expensive pleasure.

1st place: Fried eggs with ham, red and green peppers Mountain House

A portion is 990 rubles.

Ingredients: freeze-dried eggs, milk powder, modified corn starch, ham, red and green peppers, antioxidants, color stabilizers, etc.

Scrambled eggs with ham, red and green peppers Mountain House


  • Homemade taste.


  • Contains preservative, flavorings.

Main dishes

7th place: Buckwheat with pork Gala-Gala

A package of 40 g costs about 70 rubles.

Characteristics: net weight - 40 g, energy value - 390 kcal. Contains: boiled buckwheat and pork, carrots, onions, spices.

Buckwheat with pork Gala-Gala


  • Pour boiling water over, ready in 5 minutes;


  • Not everyone likes the taste;
  • The portion is modest in size.

6th place: Beef stroganoff with Mountain House noodles

136 g costs almost 1,300 rubles.

A complete replacement for a homemade meal. The contents are filled with hot water and infused.

Beef stroganoff with noodles Mountain House


  • Perfect taste;
  • Convenient to store and take with you on the road;
  • You can brew food in a bag;
  • Good packaging functionality is reusable.


  • Very expensive.

5th place: Pasta with chicken with Wise Food creamy sauce

880 rubles per package weighing 122 g.

The package is for 2 servings. Packaging with zip-lock, which makes it possible not to use an additional container for brewing.

Chicken pasta with creamy sauce Wise Food


  • Tasty home-style;
  • You can steam in a bag, the liquid will not pour out thanks to a special zipper;
  • Takes up little space when dry.


  • High price.

4th position: Lasagna in Mountain House meat sauce

136 g for 1290 rubles.

Survival food. Shelf life is 7 years. It is necessary to fill the contents of the bag with warm (24 degrees of heat) water and wait a little.

Lasagne in Mountain House Meat Sauce


  • Good taste;
  • Sealed packaging.


  • Some buyers say the sauce is salty;
  • The appearance is losing.

3rd place: Beef with potatoes REAL Turmat

Hotpot. Prepares for 10 minutes. Boiling water is used. Ingredients: potatoes (47%), beef (84%), potato starch, carrots (8.1%), onions, corn starch and other additives.

Beef with potatoes REAL Turmat


  • Gluten, lactose free;
  • Large portion, up to 500 g, you can feed two.


  • Difficult to find.

2nd place: Balkan risotto Trek N Eat

The portion pack costs 6.30 euros in the company stores.

Balkan folk motives. Beef, rice, spices - all together a dish with excellent aroma and taste.

Balkan risotto Trek N Eat


  • Looks nice;
  • Retains the flavor of freshly cooked food;
  • Good taste.


  • The package is difficult to open.

1st place: Paella with chicken and seafood Voyager

A 125 g package costs about 500 rubles on the manufacturer's official website.

Freeze-dried pieces of meat, shells, vegetables and saffron. Before use, you need to pour boiling water and wait.

Voyager Chicken and Seafood Paella


  • Reusable packaging;
  • Restaurant taste.


  • Not.

For vegetarians

5th place: Mountain House Roasted Vegetable Mix

For a package weighing 42 g in the official online store, they ask for 1,290 rubles.

Components: beans, onions, corn, peppers. No boiling required. They suggest pouring water into the container and wait the traditional 10 minutes. Then you can start your meal. A light yet satisfying snack.

Mountain House Roasted Vegetable Blend


  • Natural vegetables;
  • Reusable packaging.


  • The taste is good, but the appearance is not impressive.

4th place: COUS COUS without lactose Travellunch

The price is about 900 rubles.

Weight 125 g. 360 kcal. For the contents of the package, you need 300 ml of liquid. Waiting time is 10 minutes. Ingredients: 73% whole grain couscous, carrots, peas, onions, red peppers, palm fat, salt, raisins, modified starch, mushrooms, spices.

COUS COUS Lactose Free Travellunch


  • Lactose free;
  • Balanced taste.


  • Eating gluten, celery is dangerous for people with allergies.

Bronze: Trek 'N Eat Jardín Verduras & Soya Risotto

Dealers ask about 1000 rubles for the goods.

Risotto with vegetables and soy is a great alternative to the usual rice dishes, says the manufacturer.

Trek 'N Eat Jardín Verduras & Soya Risotto


  • Good taste.


  • The package is difficult to open.

Silver: Vegetarian Tagine with Vegetables

Package 80g at the price of 330 rubles.

Spicy Moroccan vegetable stew with large pieces of vegetables. Lactose free. Dried plum adds flavoring piquancy.

Vegetarian tajin with vegetables


  • Pleasant sweetness of the dish;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Five-minute readiness.


  • You can only buy it in online stores.

Gold: Vegan Couscous with Cajun Spices and Vegetables Expedition Foods

Price for 245 g - about 9 euros.

Couscous for vegetarians. 1000 kcal. Ingredients: couscous, vegetable sauce, chopped tomatoes, red beans, lentils, onions, rapeseed oil, sweet corn, bell peppers, spices.

Vegan Couscous with Cajun Spices and Vegetables Expedition Foods


  • Hearty high-calorie lunch;
  • Natural ingredients.


  • The price is not for state employees.

These dishes are not only physically supportive during a long and tiring hike, but also delight in taste. Easy to use, easy to pack and prepare, they are uplifting. There's nothing worse than eating shit after a long day, and this food tastes brilliant!


4th position: Cheesecake New York

A 55 g package costs 560 rubles in a company store.

Cream cheese cake with brown sugar. The goods can be ordered online in online stores and dealers in Moscow, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk.

New York cheesecake freeze-dried


  • There are notes of citrus;
  • Tender;
  • Doesn't need to be refrigerated.


  • Very expensive.

3rd place: Trek N Eat Blueberry Fruit Soup

Standard packaging in the online store costs 4.5 euros.

The manufacturer calls this delicious blueberry delicacy soup, but according to travelers, it is most likely jelly. Refreshing and easy to prepare.

Trek N Eat Blueberry Fruit Soup


  • Fresh berry aroma;
  • If you pour the powder into boiling water and boil a little, you get a homogeneous fruit drink;
  • Excellent taste.


  • You cannot brew in a bag, despite the recommendations in the instructions.

2nd position: Expedition Foods Rice Pudding with Cinnamon

Average price € 6.99.

Net weight 92 g. 440 kcal. Ingredients: cream, rice, sugar, cinnamon. You need to add 220 ml of hot or cold water. The cooking time of the dessert depends on the temperature of the added liquid.

Expedition Foods Cinnamon Rice Pudding


  • Any water will do;
  • Delicious dessert.


  • The instructions indicate that you need to cook for 5 minutes, this is not enough;
  • High price.

1st place: Voyager apple and pear sauce with cinnamon

50 g for 300 rubles.

Dessert for gourmets. 372 kcal To prepare sweets, you need 100 g of cold water. Mix everything thoroughly and after 5 minutes the fruit treat is ready. The reconstituted sauce will fit in a 200 g glass.

Voyager Apple and Pear Cinnamon Sauce


  • Natural fruits;
  • Ease of preparation.


  • The price does not match the serving size.

Vegetables fruits

5 position: Tomatoes Gala-Gala

Price - 195 g for 50 g.

They recover in a couple of minutes if you pour half a glass of warm water.

Gala-Gala Tomatoes


  • Retains the taste of real tomatoes;
  • Can be used in the preparation of main dishes.


  • Not seen.

4th position: Malina Gala-Gala

50 gram bag - for 300 rubles.

Energy value 42 kcal. To restore the berries, it is enough to pour in 100 g of warm water.

Malina Gala-Gala


  • Convenient packaging;
  • Prepares quickly - only 3 minutes.


  • Not.

3rd place: Blueberries, whole Mazurin berries

Packing - 40 g, price - 240 rubles.

100% blueberries without additives. The berries are completely restored, it is worth pouring in water. The taste and color do not differ from fresh ones.

Blueberries, whole Mazurin berries


  • Environmentally friendly;
  • No preservatives.


  • After opening the package, the berries must be consumed within an hour, no later than.

"Silver": Cranberry (powder) Berries of Karelia

150 g for 1300 rubles.

Ready to drink when replenishing fluid. Retains the taste and smell of freshly picked cranberries.

Cranberries (powder) Berries of Karelia


  • Lots of vitamins;
  • Stored for a long time.


  • Not fully restored in volume.

Gold: Fruit Time Voyager

40 g for 350 rubles.

Energy value 448 kcal. Ingredients: banana chips, freeze-dried apple, pineapple, raspberry, pumpkin seeds.

Fruit Time Voyager


  • Suitable for vegetarians;
  • Clean high quality.


  • Not.


4th position: Cherry-Pineapple-Apple juice

A portion of 10 g for 50 rubles.

Release form: powder in a foil bag. The nutritional value of the reconstituted drink: 6.3 - carbohydrates, 0.8 - proteins. Calorie content - 34 kcal. In conditions of physical activity, it is a good idea to replenish energy with natural juice. Sold in the Suble-Bu store.

freeze-dried Cherry-Pineapple-Apple Juice


  • Prepares quickly - you can drink in 2 minutes.


  • The taste is not for everybody.

"Bronze": Natural chicory Healthy food

Ecologica brand drink. If you choose between brands of pseudo coffee, then the answer to the question: "Which one is better to buy" is obvious. Chicory normalizes sugar levels, helps to reduce weight, removes bad cholesterol, and improves immunity. This product is purchased in diet food departments and online stores. How much does soluble freeze-dried chicory cost? Within 200-220 rubles.

freeze-dried Chicory natural Healthy food


  • Natural raw materials;
  • Aromatic drink;
  • Useful with insulin.


  • Chicory in a glass jar is not very convenient for the conquerors of distant horizons.

"Silver": Wild Nature Exclusive coffee, freeze-dried with ground

Within 150 rubles for 75 g.

Products of the brand Wild Nature. Type: coffee. Without GMO. 85% soluble is 15% ground, which gives the drink a classic aroma.

Wild Nature Exclusive coffee freeze-dried with ground


  • Multiple opening and closing bag;
  • Delicious;
  • Fragrant.


  • Difficult to find.

"Gold": Milk drink Gaga-Gala

A 30-gram package costs 90 rubles.

Nutritional value: 16.5 g - proteins, 18.5 g - fats, 58.5 g - carbohydrates. Shelf life is 2 years. Description: Freeze-dried normalized cow's milk, cream, sugar. To restore the drink, you need to pour in warm water. Waiting time is 15 minutes.

Milk drink Gaga-Gala


  • Natural composition;
  • Suitable for cooking.


  • Not seen.

According to reviews of extreme tourists, these sublimates deserve to be taken on a long journey. A hearty and tasty lunch is provided. However, this kind of food is completely unsuitable for romantics who prefer to cook over a fire.

It is worth noting that companies that have taken a solid position in their segment offer to purchase goods not by the piece, but in sets designed for 3, 7, 14 days of travel. The cost of such a "case" is from 15 to 25 thousand rubles.The assortment is diverse: for vegetarians, lovers of delicious food from meat and fish, freeze-dried drinks, vegetables and fruits, desserts.

What to look for when buying and where to buy

You cannot buy freeze-dried products in a regular supermarket. They are sold in specialized travel shops or from dealers who have both outlets in different cities and Internet sites where goods can be easily ordered online. On the World Wide Web, sublimates are often sold by private resellers; a purchase can be made on sites such as eBay, Amazon. In order not to doubt the quality of the goods, it is worth visiting the official stores of famous brands, but the prices there "bite", but there is a guarantee that they will not be deceived. The service here is at a high level.

The tips experienced survivalists give to their colleagues are simple:

  • Each package contains instructions: how to cook, how to store. This information cannot be neglected.
  • The composition of the sublimates is important, especially if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.
  • Branded products are expensive, but a rest with tasty food is provided. It is better not to buy goods from unverified manufacturers for travel.
  • The main mistakes when choosing sublimates are the gullibility of customers and a lack of understanding how a product dehydrated in a vacuum differs from a dried one. This is used by unscrupulous sellers. Before buying, it is advisable to read the information on sublimates.
  • Prepare for the expedition in advance. Experienced extreme lovers, long before the trip, acquire different versions of freeze-dried dishes - to try them in order to decide on the best ones and then buy them for a hike.
  • Reviews of those who purchased sublimates are necessarily studied, and on sites independent of online stores. So you can get a real opinion on the quality and taste. However, one should not forget about the subjectivity of individual statements.

Selection criteria: natural raw materials, good taste, a decent shelf life, clear instructions, ease of cooking, convenient transportation and "lifting" price.

If you have experience using freeze-dried products, you know how to choose a quality product and which company is better to buy, leave a comment.


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