Everyone knows about the existence of cholesterol and that when there is a lot of it in the body, it is bad. Some even have the idea that it can be good and bad, and you need to fight the bad. However, information on how to defeat it is very diverse, and information about the benefits of one or another drug is very contradictory. The editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offers a review of "The best cholesterol pills for 2024", compiled from the opinion of buyers and expert reviews.
- 1 What is cholesterol
- 2 Causes of increased blood cholesterol levels
- 3 Bad and good cholesterol
- 4 What is Ischemia
- 5 Blood cholesterol levels
- 6 Triglycerides
- 7 How to normalize cholesterol levels
- 8 Selection criteria for tablets
- 9 Top manufacturers
- 10 Where can I buy
- 11 Rating of quality pills for cholesterol
What is cholesterol
Scientists gave this name to lipophilic alcohol - an organic compound that forms the basis of the cell membranes of any representative of the animal world, including humans. It cannot be dissolved in water; fats or organic solvents are needed. For its synthesis, the body uses fats, glucose, amino acids. Thus, within a day, the body supplies itself with this necessary element in an amount not exceeding 2.5 grams. Up to 0.5 grams is absorbed from food.
Interesting! The name is obtained by merging two Greek words; chole is bile, and steros is solid.
Our body is "built" of 230 types of different cells, the contents of which are fluid. The construction of cell membranes and partitions, the rigidity of which is provided by cholesterol, limits this fluid mass within certain limits. In addition, with its participation, vitamin D is produced. Without it, the process of production of cortisol, hormones responsible for human sexual development, metabolic processes, etc. will stop. Now it is clear how important it is for our body.
Interesting! Since it has been established that cholesterol is an alcohol, in Europe it was called cholesterol, since all alcohols: ethanol, methanol, end in "ol". So cholesterol and cholesterol are one and the same.
Nevertheless, there are calls from everywhere to reduce its concentration in the blood. Why Let's figure it out.
Causes of increased blood cholesterol levels
Some near-medical sources give us information that its content is most often increased in people who are addicted to fatty foods.
This statement is not true. 80% of it is produced by the body and only 20% we get together with food. Thus, no matter how much we eat "junk" food, this will hardly affect the cholesterol content. Those 80% of the product produced by our internal organs remain under suspicion.
There may be options depending on heredity.Therefore, even a convinced vegetarian who shies away from fatty foods like the devil from incense may be at risk, especially if his family had the same problems.
Important! High cholesterol cannot be overcome by diet alone.
At his own request, he will not cling to the walls of healthy vessels. To start this process, you need a "push". In our case, these are risk factors:
- smoking;
- diabetes;
- arterial hypertension;
- excess weight.
Each of these factors itself becomes the cause of vascular damage with the subsequent formation of plaques. There are a lot of people with such a "gentlemanly" set around. So it turns out that atherosclerosis often affects people with normal cholesterol.
Bad and good cholesterol
The cholesterol molecule does not dissolve in water, and without this ability it will not reach the tissue. You need a carrier. This role is performed by special proteins, and some of them deliver cholesterol to the tissues (there it will be deposited), while others remove it from the body. "Bad cholesterol" is called low density lipoprotein or LDL, good cholesterol - HDL, or high density lipoprotein.
The risk factors listed above damage the top layer of the inner surface of the vessel walls, called the endothelium. The damaged endothelium begins to work as a trap for bad cholesterol. This is how atherosclerotic plaques form. As they grow, they gradually overlap the cross section of the vessel. As long as this "narrowing" is kept within 20-30%, the patient does not feel anything. When the lumen narrows to 40%, it is not enough to deliver the right amount of blood.
Important! An insufficient supply of blood to an organ is called ischemia.
What is Ischemia
Heart ischemia is when the heart needs more blood, but the required amount will not pass through the constriction (other Greek - stenosis) of the vessel. The same plaque from "bad" cholesterol interferes with the duct, which can collapse if it has a loose structure or is inflamed. The body perceives its destruction as damage that needs to be eliminated. Thrombocytes, blood elements, are sent to the place of breakthrough, the main purpose of which is to seal the "hole" in the vessel by plugging it with a plug - a thrombus (from the Greek. Thrombos - means a clot).
As a result, the vessel is clogged until the blood flow through it completely stops. The part of the body left without blood supply is doomed to death. This situation is called a heart attack. Depending on which part of the body was left without blood circulation, such disasters (and this is a disaster) have their own names:
- myocardial infarction - lack of blood supply to the heart;
- stroke - stopping the blood flow of a part of the brain;
- ischemic gangrene - cessation of blood supply to tissues.
The amount of cholesterol, the amount of good and bad in the blood, is determined by a special blood test - lipid spectrum (lipid profile or lipid profile), which includes the following tests:
- total cholesterol;
- the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol);
- concentration of HDL (good cholesterol);
- triglyceride content.
Patients over 35 years old, according to doctors, it is time to analyze their lipid spectrum at least once a year, focusing on the amount of LDL and HDL. It does not hurt to study these parameters in children and adolescents, because rarely, but still there are genetic abnormalities in which cholesterol levels can go off scale, and this threatens cardiovascular complications.
Blood cholesterol levels
The presence in the blood of 3.1 to 5.0 mmol / l is considered normal. High-density cholesterol (HDL or “good”) should be> 1.0 mmol / L in men and> 1.2 mmol / L in women.
More difficult is the definition of "bad" cholesterol or LDL. Its content in the blood determines the risk group for the development of cardiovascular diseases, taking into account concomitant diseases. There are only three of them:
- Low to moderate risk, <3.0 mmol / L.
- High risk, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, carotid artery atherosclerosis are taken into account - <2.5 mmol / l.
- Very high risk, taking into account the transferred heart attack, operations on the heart and blood vessels - <1.8 mmol / l.
Thus, if the patient knows which risk group he belongs to, what is the concentration of cholesterol in his blood, the amount of "bad" and "good", and notices excess, he should change his lifestyle (stop smoking, fatty foods and get rid of excess weight). If the LDL level is significantly exceeded, it is time to see a doctor.
Triglyceride content is assessed separately. These are very useful substances, which are something like the inviolable energy supply of our body. It is stored in adipose tissue. When there is a lack of energy, they are broken down, forming water, glycerin and energy. A useful element for health! The normal level of this utility should not exceed 1.7 mmol / L.
The trouble is that triglycerides are present in the blood as lipoproteins and, like cholesterol, "stick" to the walls of blood vessels. The main amount of triglycerides enters the body with food. Its increased content in the blood means that the patient has problems with the liver, pancreas, and biliary tract. This is almost always accompanied by obesity. Treatment should begin with a change in diet (more vegetables and forget about fats and meat), and increase physical activity. In short, eat less and move more.
How to normalize cholesterol levels
The first step to recovery should definitely be quitting smoking, changing the diet towards vegetables, fruits and fish, in the extreme - poultry. But even giving up fatty foods, red meat and pastries for the rest of your life, the problem of high cholesterol cannot be solved, since the body receives no more than 20% of it from food. It's time to choose the pills.
What drugs are there to lower LDL levels?
To date, scientists have developed at least 4 groups of drugs to combat "bad" cholesterol and a dozen more are in development. However, in almost all cases, doctors prescribe a statin drug. They not only reduce the concentration of LDL in the blood, but also significantly reduce the risks of death in patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, i.e. enable patients to live longer.
This is explained by the ability of statins not only to fight "bad" cholesterol, but also suppress inflammation of the inner layer of blood vessels - the root causes of plaque formation, contribute to its compaction, preventing its destruction. This prevents heart attacks, strokes and gangrene.
The domestic market can offer the buyer only some types of drugs:
- Atorvastin (Liprimar).
- Rosuvastatin (Crestor).
- Simvastatin (Zokor).
There may be other names as well. In this case, you have before you a copy of the patented drug or generic.
On a note! Generic is a clinically tested copy of the original drug. It may differ from the original in the composition of auxiliary components and in a lower price.
What you need to know about cholesterol
- Our body synthesizes 80% of it, while we get no more than 20% from food.
- Atherosclerosis can develop in the body of smokers, hypertensive patients, diabetics and obese, despite the normal level of cholesterol in the blood.
- The risk of complications increases with the concentration of "bad" cholesterol or LDL (LDL).
- The lower the overall LDL content, the better. The minimum level is not defined.
- Vegetable oil cannot contain cholesterol by definition.
- Reducing LDL cholesterol alone will not work.
- Dietary supplements, garlic, and homeopathy do not help fight LDL. This is confirmed by numerous studies.
Vascular cleaners
Recently, publications often appear about magic pills that cleanse blood vessels and relieve hypertension once and for all. At the same time, the reader's attention is focused on the fact that "all of Europe" has long ago got rid of arterial hypertension in this way. All these are fairy tales for suckers. The development of atherosclerosis is irreversible, just like the aging of the body. There is no agent that can dissolve, separate from the vessel wall, or in some other way remove an atherosclerotic plaque from it. Those who try to "sell" such "drugs" to you are a fraud and a charlatan.
But don't despair. The process of plaque growth can be stopped, stabilized, compacted and protected from destruction, i.e. prevent a catastrophe. To do this, you need to consult with your doctor who will prescribe treatment and decide on the use of statins. If the vessel is "overgrown" by more than half, the situation can be corrected by surgery. But that's another story.
Selection criteria for tablets
If, despite changing the diet, quitting smoking and switching to an active lifestyle, the cholesterol level remains high, the patient asks the question: "How to choose pills that can lower the total concentration of cholesterol or LDL." Here drugs should be divided into groups.
Medicines that affect the production of cholesterol in the body. They reduce the risks of developing atherosclerosis, suppress the inflammatory processes of the vascular endothelium, thicken cholesterol plaques, increasing the lumen in the vessels. Taking statins increases the life expectancy of patients in the high-risk group after suffering heart attacks and strokes. By means of surgery, it is possible to improve the patient's quality of life, but the development of atherosclerosis can only be prevented by the systematic intake of statins under the supervision of a doctor.
On a note! Statins are drugs of course treatment and are not addictive.
Today, doctors have at their disposal a sufficient number of original medicines and generics. The group of original statins includes:
- Lovastatin (Mevacor);
- Simvastatin (Zokor);
- Pravastatin (Lipostat);
- Atorvastatin (Liprimar);
- Fluvastatin (Lescol).
Each of them deserves a separate description. Briefly about the most popular:
Simvastatin (Zorko)
The most studied statin. As a result of taking Zorko, the incidence of complications of the cardiovascular system decreases, the mortality rate among patients, since its appearance on the market, its cost has decreased by almost half, therefore, when choosing a bed, patients most often prefer it. According to the results of the research, there is a significant improvement in the condition and a decrease in the number of deaths among hypertensive patients, diabetics suffering from atherosclerosis. During the research, the daily dose of Zorko was 40 mg, the course duration was 6 years.
Lipramar is in high demand among patients who want to normalize their cholesterol as quickly as possible. A series of trials have shown that taking the maximum daily dose of Atorvastatin in the amount of 80 mg significantly improves the condition of patients with acute coronary syndrome. After a course of treatment in patients with coronary artery disease, the risks of complications decrease, and the development of atherosclerosis stops. A seven-day course of taking atorvastin at a dosage of 40 mg prevents myocardial rupture.
The use of statins in large doses in order to achieve positive results faster will provoke an increase in the frequency of side effects, and will cause significant spending on medications. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is enough to use quality generics. It is advisable to choose statins with a wide choice of doses. In this case, you should not try to determine for yourself whether to buy tablets of 54, 10 or 40 mg. This should be done by a specialist. Only in this case will the treatment bring the expected effect.
Copies of Lovastatin are sold under the names:
- Lovasterol;
- Medastatin;
- Rovacor;
- Choletar.
Generics of simvastatin are named:
- Vasilip;
- Vera - simvastatin;
- Simvagexal;
- Simvacard;
- Symbor;
- Simgal.
When prescribing the listed drugs, their half-life (the concept corresponds to the duration of exposure), the ability to absorb and repel water, the effectiveness of lowering LDL cholesterol, and the difference in price with proprietary tablets are taken into account.
Let's take Simvagexal as an example. The tool has the widest dosage range: 5,10,20, 30 and 40 mg. This allows you to more accurately select the appropriate dose, taking into account the risk group in which the patient is located. In addition, the special division on the tablets allows for increased dosing options.
Important! Intensive treatment with statins requires the physician to educate the patient in detail about the benefits and side effects of therapy.
When starting to take measures to reduce LDL levels with drug treatment, the doctor, in close alliance with the patient, not only chooses statins, but also accurately calculates the required dosage, trying to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect with minimal side effects.
Non-statin LDL-lowering drugs
The general name for a group of drugs, the intake of which reduces the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, promotes the accelerated decomposition of LDL, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Fibrates are a novelty in low-density lipid control. They have been developed recently and there is still no information on their effect on improving the survival of patients with coronary artery disease.
Some of the agents in this group are amino acids (for example, methionine) or amino acid complexes. They are material for the synthesis of proteins in the body, are part of sports nutrition.
Bile acid sequestrants or FFA
Another group of medicines that lower the level of low-density lipids in the blood. We will not go into details about their composition and pharmacological effects. This is the business of specialists. Let's just say that statins, fibrates and FFA, each in its own way, normalize the increased concentration of low density lipids. Therefore, their complex application contributes to the achievement of optimal results.
Top manufacturers
When discussing the criteria for choosing quality drugs, it should be remembered that there are the best drug manufacturers whose product quality is beyond doubt. In the case of the choice of drugs, our health primarily depends on this. Let's find out which tablet company is better to buy.
An American pharmaceutical company, one of the largest in the world, and at the same time the largest manufacturer of one of the most popular statins - lipromar (atorvastatin). During 1197 - 2012 alone, the company sold it for $ 125 million.
Joint British-Swedish pharmaceutical company, UK registered. In 2014, it ranked tenth in the world in sales of prescription drugs, in the fields of cardiology, oncology, neurology and many others. One of the largest manufacturers of cholesterol lowering agents is Crestor (Rosuvastatin).
American pharmaceutical company founded in Chicago in 1888. Ranked 138th on the Fortune 500 list of the 500 most profitable American companies. Produces significant volumes of medicines for various purposes, incl. drug for lowering cholesterol - Fenofibrate.
Israeli company. The main activity is the production of generics, the auxiliary one is the author's own medicines. About 80 factories in 60 countries.
Russian manufacturer of high quality medicines at an affordable price. 10 years on the market.
International company. Founded over half a century ago in Slovenia. One of the leading generic manufacturers.Delivers products to pharmacies in over 70 countries.
An Indian manufacturer of pharmaceutical products made from natural materials. Strictly adhering to the principles of Ayurveda, the company strives to improve the quality of life of its clients.
Manufacturer of dietary supplements, vitamin complexes and sports nutrition from the USA. Best Nutraceutical Manufacturing in the USA, validated by international committee audits and certifications. In the domestic market since 1996.
Indian manufacturer of Ayurvedic medicines. He was the first to release the Serpina pressure reducing agent. Using the latest achievements of science and knowledge gained as a result of many years of studying nature, the company creates highly effective medicines from natural materials.
Among the companies producing statins, the list includes firms specializing in the production of dietary supplements, and almost all of them declare themselves Ayurvedic. As mentioned above, dietary supplements cannot affect blood LDL levels. However, their use in complex treatment brings positive results, therefore, they have a right to exist. The buyer needs to remember that they are not medicines, however, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using them.
The doctor and pharmacist will always tell you which company is the best to buy the medicine, give useful advice and recommendations. Before taking the medicine, you should carefully study the description and instructions for use, dosage, how to take it and what side effects may be. In any case, you should find out how much the drug costs and whether there are generics with a lower cost on sale.
Where can I buy
A distinction is made between prescription (prescription) and non-prescription drugs. Statins belong to the prescription group, therefore, they can only be bought at the pharmacy. The same applies to fibrates and fatty acid sequestrants. Dietary supplements are not drugs. No prescription is required to purchase them. OTC products can be bought not only in pharmacies, but also in stores, stalls and other stores, or ordered online in an online store. Nevertheless, it is advisable to buy even non-prescription drugs based on the testimony of a specialist.
Rating of quality pills for cholesterol
Modern statins
place 5. Cardiostatin
Russian-made hypolipodemic agent. Release form - tablets of 20 mg, in a blister of 30 pcs. The main active ingredient is Lovastatin. The drug interferes with the synthesis of cholesterol, reduces the content of low and very low density lipids in the blood, slightly increasing the amount of high density lipids.
The average cost of a blister is 278 rubles.
- helps patients with primary hypercholesterolemia, which cannot be corrected by the transition to a healthy diet and physical activity;
- reduces the concentration of LDL and triglycerides;
- slows down the development of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with coronary artery disease.
- there are contraindications for acute liver diseases;
- is not discharged to patients with a general serious condition;
- not taken during pregnancy and lactation;
- prohibited for admission to children and adolescents under 18 years of age.
place 4. Atorvastatin - Teva
The medicine is produced by a well-known Israeli company. Available in film-coated tablets, it belongs to statins. Reduces the concentration of LDL and VLDL (very low density lipids). With the use of atorvastatin, total cholesterol is reduced by 30 - 46%, the level of high-density lipoproteins slightly increases. The average price of a blister (320 tablets of 20 mg) will be 306 rubles.
- reduces LDL and VLDL when the transition to a healthy diet does not help;
- increases the concentration of HDL;
- recommended for patients with high triglyceride levels.
- not recommended for patients with acute liver failure;
- not assigned to pregnant and lactating mothers;
- patients with injuries and diseases of skeletal muscle tissue, take with precautions.
place 3. Zokor (Simvastatin)
The best customer reviews are received by Zakor. A 20 mg coated tablet (28 pcs.), Manufactured by MSD Pharmaceuticals Russia. The main active ingredient is Simvastatin. Effectively reduces the concentration of total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL and triglycerides within two weeks after the start of administration, the maximum effect of treatment reaches 4 weeks later. Reduces mortality of patients from heart attacks by 42% and strokes by 28%. The average cost of a blister is 362 rubles.
- effectively helps in the treatment of patients at high risk of developing coronary artery disease;
- reduces the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes;
- effectively regulates the ratio of LDL / HDL;
- stops the development of atherosclerosis.
- caution is required when taking the drug in patients with acute hepatic failure;
- not assigned to children and adolescents under 18;
- contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers.
place 2. Lescol forte
Coated tablets, 80 mg. Manufacturer - Spanish company Novartis Pharma The main active ingredient is Fluvastatin. Before using the medicine, the patient needs to give up junk food and completely switch to a healthy diet. The initial dose is selected individually, depending on the patient's condition. The average cost is 3086 rubles per pack (100 tablets).
- stops the development of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with coronary artery disease;
- an excellent means of preventing cardiovascular accidents;
- reducing the risk of sudden death in patients who have had a heart attack.
- not assigned to children under 18;
- contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers;
- high price.
place 1. Pravastatin Herds
The drug from the German manufacturer Stada GmbH, in tablets of 20 mg (100 tablets per pack). Means for lowering blood cholesterol levels and maintaining it in normal concentration. The daily dose is determined by the doctor. Depending on the patient's condition, it can be defined in 0.5 or 1.0 tablets. The average cost of a package is 3500 rubles.
- helps with hypercholesterolemia;
- it is used in cases where the transition from harmful to healthy food did not give a result;
- indicated for patients at risk of developing coronary heart disease;
- reduces LDL and triglycerides;
- increases HDL by 10%.
- contraindicated in acute hepatic and renal failure;
- not assigned to pregnant and lactating mothers;
- high price.
place 3. Methionine
A budget drug is an amino acid that supports growth and nitrogen balance in the body. Activates hormones and vitamins B12, ascorbic and folic acids. Reduces the concentration of LDL. Available in tablets of 250 mg, 50 pieces per package. Average cost: 80 rubles.
- reduces the level of LDL, is indicated for atherosclerosis as part of complex therapy with statins;
- prescribed for patients with a deficiency of various proteins, diabetes mellitus.
- contraindicated in severe liver failure, viral hepatitis.
place 2. Fenofibrate
Coated tablets, white or almost white, spherical surface, in a film shell. A derivative of fibric acid, which can change the concentration of lipids in the body. As a result of the course intake of fenofibrate, the content of LDL and VLDL decreases, increasing the amount of HDL. In addition, during the administration of the drug, cholesterol deposits accumulated outside the vessels are eliminated. The average cost of a pack of 30 tablets is 450 rubles.
- lowering total cholesterol by 25%;
- the concentration of triglycerides is reduced by 50%;
- HDL levels are increased by 10%.
- not indicated for patients with hepatic impairment;
- use is contraindicated in patients with renal insufficiency;
- not prescribed for those suffering from pancreatitis;
- contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers, children under 18 years of age.
place 1. Bezafibrat 400
Anti-atherosclerotic agent that lowers blood lipids. It is indicated for patients with an increased content of lipoproteins, primary and secondary forms of lipid metabolism disorders. The average cost of a pack for 100 tablets will be 6,700 rubles.
- the use of Bezafibrate seriously improves the condition of patients with coronary artery disease.
- very high price.
Bile acid sequestrants
place 2.Colestipol
An effective modern lipid-lowering agent. This anion exchange resin binds and removes bile acids from the intestines. Effectively helps patients cope with familial hypercholesterolemia. Reduces the concentration of LDL and total cholesterol in the blood, without affecting the level of HDL. It is prescribed for patients with type 2A hyperlipoproteinemia, which could not be cured by dietary changes and exercise. Available in sachets of 5 g., Or tablets of 1 g. The average price per pack is 300 rubles.
- effectively reduces the concentration of LDL in the blood;
- it is used both independently and in combination therapy with statins to achieve the maximum effect;
- inexpensive.
- as a side effect, steatorrhea is possible;
- not recommended for children under 6 years of age.
place 1. Cholestyramine
The drug is produced by the Canadian company Pharmasines. Sold in packs of 300 sachets, each weighing 9 grams. It is a polymer-based ion-exchange resin (divinylbenzene + styrene). It is used to reduce the level of LDL in the blood, prevent atherosclerosis. It has a lot of contraindications, as a result of which it is used only as directed by a doctor. The average cost of a package is 8690 rubles.
- improves the condition of patients with ischemic heart disease, the risk of developing coronary and vascular catastrophes;
- serves as an antidote for poisoning from drugs based on foxglove.
- contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers;
- is prescribed for children, provided that the benefits of the use significantly outweigh the possible harmful effects.
There are no drugs without side effects. Therefore, when taking medications, you should take precautions, the list of which is described by the instructions attached to each package. Cholestyramine is not recommended for use in the elderly due to its many undesirable side effects.
Our review is for informational purposes only, in no way pretending to be a medical reference. The editors of the site remind that only the attending physician prescribes medicines. He is responsible for the patient's safety and will not advise anything harmful to health. Following his prescriptions, the patient will not make the mistake of choosing the most effective medicine.