❄Best Fan Heaters for 2024


Fan heaters are electrical devices for achieving and maintaining the required temperature, and in short, heating various types of premises. With their help, it is possible to create comfortable conditions both in the form of additional heating with the existing main one, or as an independent element in unheated rooms.

These simple, highly efficient devices are quite relevant in the off-season or winter periods for apartments, in private houses, in summer cottages, for a garage, in outbuildings, in industrial enterprises, etc. The editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offers you an overview of the best thermal fans for 2024.


The device of thermal devices is quite simple. They consist of:

  • body, the shape of which can be rectangular, vertical, cylindrical, design;
  • heating element of various types;
  • fan, which is located behind the heating element. With its help, air flows come from outside, are heated and evenly distributed over the entire area, inflated by the blades.

Before choosing a household fan heater, it is necessary to determine the size of the room that needs heating.

Fan heaters are quite popular due to a number of advantages:

  • they make it possible to independently control the temperature in the room;
  • at night, you can simply turn it off and create a cool night for a comfortable sleep;
  • in winter, you can walk at home in light clothes without wrapping yourself up;
  • the model with a thermostat can be left unattended if necessary;
  • depending on the type, the fan heater heats up the room in a few minutes;
  • fans with a humidifier and filters maintain a comfortable microclimate;
  • affordable cost.

But they also have some disadvantages, these are:

  • rapid temperature drop after shutdown; the need for constant work;
  • increased electricity consumption;
  • some noise.


The main function of the appliance is to generate (generate) heat and distribute it using a fan.

The action is based on the principle of forced convection.


According to the type of complexity, all heaters with fans can be divided into:

  1. household ones differ in less power, different designs, a set of additional functions, different in price.
  2. Industrial ones are designed for long-term continuous operation, more powerful, for heating large areas, and expensive.

By the type of heat source, heaters are divided into:

  • electric,
  • aquatic,
  • gas,
  • liquid fuel.

Electric fan heaters are classified into several types depending on the type of heating element:

  • Spiral

Heating occurs due to the heating of the nichrome spiral.

These are budget options for heating devices.They have less power and are unsafe; they require compliance with the instructions. Their heating can reach 800 degrees.

Good build quality, quality materials, and manufacturer's reliability play an important role.

They burn out oxygen, with prolonged work they can cause headaches, sore throat, desire to drink.

  • Ceramic

Most reliable, safe and effective. This affects the cost of the devices. The heating element is made in the form of ceramic plates.

The enlarged surface of the heating element provides high heat transfer. They do not heat up to red, do not burn out oxygen.

ceramic are the best of all available options and, as a result, the most expensive.

A glass-ceramic plate with holes for air passage / movement emits heat and infrared radiation.

  • Sintered metal

Progressive type of safe heaters. The barium titanate included in the composition has a maximum heating of 120 degrees. Such a heating element is durable, strong, not subject to thermal wear and oxidation processes. Electricity consumption is 3 times less, and the heating speed of the room is much higher.

Another advantage is that it does not burn oxygen, and, accordingly, does not dry the air.

  • Aquatic

Hot water acts as a heating element. They are connected directly to the existing heating pipes.

Efficient, they are leaders in economy with minimal maintenance requirements.

They are used for private houses, industrial buildings, warehouses, offices, car dealerships, shopping centers, etc.

  • Gas

They are used for heating large areas. Their advantages include low fuel consumption and high power.

Mobile and stationary models are distinguished by the tightness of the combustion chamber, which allows you to do without the removal of combustion products. They are rarely used.

  • Tubular

Teng (thermoelectric heater) acts as a heater. A nichrome or graphite spiral is located inside a metal or quartz tube.

The space of the tube is filled with ceramic sand, which in this case is a heat-conducting material.

These are professional options, which are also called guns.

They can work continuously all day long due to their high power. They work from a 380 Volt network, electricity consumption from 3 to 10 kW. The maximum heating temperature is 450 - 500 degrees.

Their cost is higher than spiral ones.



Ventilation mechanisms in fan heaters are presented in 2 types:

  1. axial is a classic type of fan with several blades extending from the central part. These are handy in mobile versions, but they make noise.
  2. Tangential - a type of cone-shaped fan with 20 to 30 parallel blades. In operation, such "heating units" are noiseless and highly efficient enough.

Heating area or performance

The preliminary criterion for choosing a heating device is to determine the size of the heating area.

If it is necessary to increase the temperature in several rooms, several appliances should be purchased and installed.

One heater is designed to heat one room. It raises the temperature of the air around it, then the warm air rises up and the installation of a ceiling version is required.

The performance of the device is calculated as the ratio of the blown air for a certain amount of time and is 1 kW / h. by 25 cubic meters


The speed of air blowing and, accordingly, the time to reach the required temperature depends on the power of the appliance.

It is calculated using the formula P = S (sqm): 10 kW.
P is the power of the ventilation heater; S is the area of ​​the room that needs to be heated.

Example: 24 sq.m. (room area): 10 kW = 2.4 kW - an indicator of the required power to heat it.

This calculation will be accurate for a ceiling height of 2.7 m to 3 m.For higher ceilings, it is better to add 50% of the resulting figure to the resulting calculation.

Household appliances work from a 220 volt network. Depending on the area, the selection range will be from 1 kW to 5 kW.

Industrial options are devices with a power of 9 kW, tk. they must withstand a round-the-clock, uninterrupted mode of operation.


Materials for the manufacture of heaters are:

  • plastic

It is important to choose high-quality, heat-resistant, parts from which will not melt during heating.

  • metal

The most durable type of material that can withstand high temperatures.

Metal prevents the part from melting. It is less fire hazardous.
Budget plastic options can be subject to deformation and melting.

There may be combined options that combine both materials.

Fans in devices are also made of metal or plastic.

Temperature control methods, modes

The fan heater can be controlled by:

  • Remote control with remote control;
  • by enabling / disabling the desired option on the phone by downloading the corresponding application.

These types of control are simply necessary when mounting the fan heater high on a wall, under the ceiling or on the ceiling itself.

  • Thermostat

Mechanical control method using a thermostat located on the body.

There may be several of them to change the fan speed, temperature itself, power level, climate control mode, turn function.

The more there are, the more convenient it is for setting and achieving a comfortable temperature.

Protection class

For electrical appliances, there is an international system that classifies them according to the degree of safety for humans during operation.

The IP indicator consists of two numbers, one of which determines the degree of protection of the case against dust and electric current. Where 0 indicates lack of protection, and 6 indicates complete protection.

The second digit of the IP includes the parameter of protection against moisture ingress, where 0 - protection is not provided, and 8 - the presence of protection against exposure when fully immersed in water.

Noise level

For an electrical appliance, noiseless operation is important, because it can work at night, during daytime rest, at sleep-hour of the baby, etc.

For comparison,

human speech reaches a level of 45 - 50 dB.

The sanitary standards for the permissible noise level for household appliances intended for round-the-clock operation that do not have a negative effect on the body is 40 - 55 dB.

Design, dimensions

In appearance, "wind turbines" can be:

  • rectangular - the most stable, safe.
  • cylindrical - used in cannon models, production version, convenient for changing the angle of the air flow.
  • design - various forms.

The sizes of the heaters are different, depending on the required heating area:

  • larger models are placed in production areas;
  • in everyday life, devices with smaller dimensions and pleasant design are used.

Additional functions

In addition to the main ones, the fan heaters are also equipped with additional functions that ensure their ease of use:

  • Rotation

Models with the option of rotation are convenient for heating all corners of the room. They create an excellent circulation of air masses and uniform heating of the entire room.

The base can perform independent horizontal rotation, programmed by the user. It is exposed using a thermostat or remote control.

  • Timer

The timer function determines the start or end of the fan heater at a specific time.

For example, to work in the garage, before the exit, the "heat blower" is switched on remotely and the temperature in the room is already positive by the time it arrives.

And vice versa, after a certain time after you have already gone to bed, the device automatically turns off.

There are quite a few situations when it is necessary to pre-heat the room for normal health. This is especially important for children and children's rooms.

Delaying the start will also help when choosing the time to turn on the heating device.

  • Protection and safety

Manufacturers are concerned about the safety of operation.

Many "heating units" are equipped with an auto-off function. It implies the termination of work when the appliance is dropped or tilted.

This reduces the possibility of creating a fire hazardous situation due to an accidental fall of the device in the absence of homeowners, in families with small children, in the presence of pets.

The same sensors monitor the normal operation of the installation without overheating.

In case of reaching a temperature significantly exceeding the permissible one and overheating of the device, it is turned off, which prolongs the safety of parts from thermal effects and preserves the duration of operation.

  • Climate control

The thermostat (climate control) function is very convenient. It consists in setting a certain temperature level, upon reaching which the device is programmed to turn off.

When the temperature drops to a certain value, the device will also turn on and start heating.

Independent operation of the device is convenient in that it eliminates the need for temperature control.

The device will take care of this itself.

  • Display

More expensive modern models are equipped with displays that show various data about the operation of the device, the temperature reached, the end time or activation of functions.

This is convenient for setting, tracking and changing the necessary parameters at the necessary time (for example, at night, when the temperature outside the window drops).

  • Splash protection

Splash protection is provided to prevent accidental ingress of moisture into the unit. Models with such protection are necessary when using them in the kitchen or bathroom, in the country, etc.

  • Moisturizing

With any heating, there is an increase in the dryness of the air masses, which negatively affects the general well-being, drying out of the mucous membrane of the eyes, a decrease in protective functions, the occurrence of inflammatory processes, dry skin and hair, etc.

All unpleasant factors arising from the operation of heating devices can be resolved using the humidification function built into the device.

  • Ionization

The ionization process is the saturation of the air with special particles - air ions characteristic of the air of coniferous forests, the sea coast, the atmosphere in the mountains, renewal of the air in the room with the help of simple ventilation.

This process of enrichment has a positive effect on the general condition of the body, increasing activity, efficiency, good mood, well-being and health.

  • Filters

Built-in filters are designed to clean the air from dust, dirt, allergens, and various harmful impurities. Such a composition is typical for urban air, near a highway, an industrial zone.

The presence of filters and the passage of additional purification of air masses has a positive effect on human health.

Additionally, all the components of the heating device are protected. This increases its durability and saves from breakdowns and repair costs.

  • Frost protection

Antifreeze is a liquid that contains substances that are resistant to low and subzero temperatures.

When using the frost protection mode, the heating element is maintained at a temperature of up to +5 degrees so that it does not freeze at low temperatures.

  • Cold mode

The undoubted advantages of fan heaters include the function of a fan without air heating.

The use of a fan provides air cooling, which is necessary on hot summer days.

Installation location

At the place of installation, fan heaters are distinguished into:

  • stationary Fixed, fixed to the floor, wall or ceiling. These types are used in production areas.
  • mobile Movable, dynamic, placed on the floor, on the wall on hooks, on the table, bedside table, etc. Such models are compact, lightweight, on wheels. The use of such options is typical in everyday life.

Combined types are also possible, combining the possibility of installation in both ways.


Before using the electric heater, you must read the instructions for the correct use of the device. This will protect it from sudden breakdown and ensure the safety of use.

The terms of use include:

  • checking the cable before connecting;
  • installation of the device, excluding its fall;
  • not blocked inlet and outlet of air masses;
  • should not be placed on a pillow, blanket or other unstable surface;
  • do not cover the device with a blanket, towel, newspaper, napkins or other objects;
  • do not install it in a bathroom or in a room with high humidity;
  • do not carry the unit by holding the cable;
  • place at a distance of at least 1 m from other objects;
  • protect the ingress of moisture, water, any liquid;
  • to heat several rooms, it is necessary to install a heater in each;
  • make sure that the air flow from the appliance is not directed at plastic or other objects.

How to install, wall mounting

Installation and connection of the thermal fan can be done independently, with your own hands, having studied the instructions and the connection diagram. For this, the fasteners provided by the manufacturer are used.

Fan heaters with a power of up to 6 kW are connected, according to the single-phase scheme, to a 220 W network. Fan heaters with a power of 6 kW or more are connected according to a three-phase circuit to a 380 W network.

Incorrect installation can lead to poor heating of the area; blowing cold air instead of warm air, etc. If such malfunctions are observed, you should seek help from a specialist.


The most common failures that occur in thermal fans include:

  • combustion of the engine due to the ingress of small objects from the outside;
  • overheating of the case due to accumulated dirt;
  • fan / thermostat malfunctions;
  • discrepancy between the power of the device and the required heating temperature;
  • failure of heating elements is accompanied by a complete disassembly of the unit with the subsequent replacement of the burnt element;
  • shutdown of the protection system, which may occur due to general overheating and combustion of the spiral or wiring;
  • increasing the voltage of the mains after turning on the device;
  • breakdown of automation is a rare type of breakdown, it is corrected by replacing the failed spare part.

DIY recommendations

A fan heater of the required power and the required dimensions can be made independently:

  • a metal pipe of the right size is suitable for the base;
  • then choose a suitable fan;
  • the heating element can be twisted from the corresponding wire by twisting it into a spiral;
  • connect it with an electric wire;
  • check the correctness of work;
  • attach it to the inside of the case and close it on the outside with a protective grill;
  • attach the rubber for grounding to the bottom;
  • install and connect the device;
  • fix the regulator, handles;
  • cover with meconite film to insulate the fan heater.

A self-made device must comply with fire and electrical safety.

Top manufacturers

The best manufacturers who have proven their products for good quality and safety include:

  • Electrolux (Sweden);
  • Mystery (USA);
  • Stadler Form (Switzerland);
  • Polaris (Russia);
  • Timberk (Sweden);
  • Calor (France);
  • Ballu (China);
  • Stadler Form (Switzerland);
  • AEG (Germany);
  • Timberk (Sweden);
  • Rolsen (Russia);
  • Scarlett (Russia);
  • Dulonghi (Italy);
  • Timberk (Sweden);
  • Vitek (Russia).

It is best to purchase electrical appliances from trusted brands, the build quality of which and the materials used are of guaranteed high quality.

In cheap models from little-known manufacturers, toxic materials can be used in the manufacture that are prone to fire.

Often, the fan heater market offers models of the Chinese assembly, which can scare away from the choice. But well-known brands keep all assembly processes and the quality of the materials used under strict control.

How much is

The cost of fan heaters is different and will suit any budget:

  • from 850 rub.for the “Kraton” / EPH-2.0 180 B electric gun model, mechanically controlled, with a power of 2 kW;
  • up to RUB 668,963 for the industrial model of the Frico / SWXCS12 Fan heater with a capacity of 10.7 kW.

Having determined the budgetary possibilities and the main selection criteria, you can choose the optimal price / quality ratio.

You can choose and purchase a fan heater at retail outlets for electrical goods, online stores. Design options for heaters can be purchased on manufacturers' websites.

Rating of quality models popular among buyers

Fan heater PROFFI / PH8734

  • Manufacturer: Russia;
  • Power: 400W;
  • Heating area: 24 sq.m .;
  • Average price: 1690 rubles;
    Reviews: rating 5.

A fan heater from a Russian brand with a ceramic heating element is suitable for use in an office, private house, apartment, in the country.

The black model is completely wireless.

It has 1 class of protection, will cope with heating an area of ​​24 sq.m. Power is supplied from a 220 W / 230 W.

The functionality of the device is determined by:

  • mechanical control;
  • 2 temperature modes;
  • timer;
  • shutdown when heated;
  • digital LED display.

Lightweight model, weighing only 470 grams. has 1 class of protection.

Fan heater PROFFI / PH8734


  • powerful;
  • easy;
  • fast heating;
  • silent work.


  • only for a small room;
  • without remote control.

Fan heater RESANTA / TVK-3

  • Manufacturer: Russia;
  • Power: 2000 W;
  • Heating area: 20 sq.m .;
  • Average price: 3360 rubles;
  • Reviews: rating 5.

With this floor model it is possible to heat an area of ​​20 sq.m. using a ceramic heating element.

Available in black and gray, with two power modes: 2000W maximum and 1200W minimum.

The functionality includes:

  • thermostat;
  • turning the body;
  • remote control,
  • display;
  • control using the remote control;
  • temperature regulation;
  • illuminated switch;
  • delayed start;
  • timer.

The device shuts down when overturning and overheating, which ensures its protective functions.

Fan heater RESANTA / TVK-3


  • with two power regulators;
  • thermostat;
  • DU;
  • swivel body;
  • display;
  • Beautiful design;
  • fast heating of the room.


without a cold fan.

Fan heater Ballu / BFH C-31

  • Manufacturer: China;
  • Power: 1500 W .;
  • Heating area: 20 sq.m .;
  • Average price: 1200 rubles;
  • Reviews: rating 5.

Heater of ceramic type with two power regulation levels: maximum 1500 W and minimum 750 W.

Cope with heating an area of ​​20 sq.m. Voltage 220/230 V.

Functional abilities include:

  • cooling fan;
  • thermostat;
  • mechanical control;
  • protection in the form of shutdown in case of overheating or overturning.

Weighing only 1 kg, small dimensions 16 cm * 30 cm * 12.8 cm, it is convenient when transferring to another room using a special handle.

Fan heater Ballu / BFH C-31


  • small;
  • powerful;
  • safe;
  • with cooling fan.


  • only mechanical control.

Fan heater Hyundai / H-FH2-20-UI887

  • Manufacturer: South Korea;
  • Power: 2000 W .;
  • Heating area: 25 sq.m .;
  • Average price: 2083 rubles;
  • Reviews: Average rating 4.5 out of 5.

The fan heater from the Hyundai brand belongs to wall options and will perfectly cope with heating a room with an area of ​​25 square meters.

The device is powered from a 220 W or 230 W.

It is possible to change the power level from a minimum of 1000 W to a maximum of 2000 W for faster room heating.

The functionality of the device includes:

  • electronic control;
  • remote control;
  • switch with indicator light;
  • timer;
  • noise level 55 dB.

The dimensions of the appliance are 51 cm * 20.5 cm * 10.5 cm, its weight is 2.08 kg.

Fan heater Hyundai / H-FH2-20-UI887


  • high-quality assembly;
  • Beautiful design;
  • powerful;
  • high heating rate;
  • electronic control of the remote control;
  • quiet work;
  • wall installation;
  • economical energy consumption;
  • saving space;
  • affordable cost;
  • creates warmth and comfort;
  • easy;
  • reliable fastening;
  • smooth heating;
  • ease of installation;
  • ventilation without heating.


  • not found.

Fan Heater Redmond / RFH-4550S

  • Manufacturer: Redmond;
  • Power: 2000 W;
  • Average price: 2990 rubles;
  • Reviews: price / power ratio.

This model is a powerful device that can be used to quickly heat a large room, veranda, closed terrace.

With the help of a specially downloaded application, you can remotely control the smart fan heater. It is possible to program the daily mode of its operation, early start of the start or select the power level.

This is a reliable version of the heater made of high strength metal.

The generated noise level during operation is within the permissible limits and is 50 Hz.

It is mounted on a steel frame with a comfortable handle and stable legs.

Power supply from a network with a voltage of 220-240 W.

The warranty period is 2 years.

Fan Heater Redmond / RFH-4550S


  • high-quality assembly;
  • long warranty;
  • stable;
  • ease of carrying;
  • compact;
  • not noisy;
  • remote control from the remote control or telephone;
  • powerful;
  • operating mode programming;
  • fast heating;
  • long warranty.


  • high power consumption.


Because fan heaters are electrical appliances, their choice should be considered more carefully. Indeed, their fire and electrical safety depends on the quality of the materials used and the level of assembly.

The pursuit of versatility to the detriment of power and quality will not live up to expectations, and can be the source of the problem. If you have experience in using heat fans described in the rating, or a more interesting model, tell us about it in the comments.


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