Best Clamp Meters of 2024


To measure the current strength in a specific electrical circuit, professionals and amateurs use special equipment - ammeters. However, such a decision is not always the only and correct one. In some cases, it is impossible to create an open circuit, but you still need to measure the current strength. For such situations, scientists have developed a special device.

The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best clamp meters for 2024.

short information

When a person needs to measure the current in an electrical installation, then the use of an ammeter is unacceptable. The device can ruin everything, and this is simply not safe. However, there are a number of enterprises where it is necessary to constantly monitor the flow of electrical processes, while not interfering with the system. On some switchgear cabinets, special sensors are often installed, which make it possible to obtain general information, but they may not be enough. Often, when a product is defective, even the installed measuring devices will not transmit it.

For such purposes, a tool was developed - a clamp meter, thanks to which the employee will receive complete information about the current strength, while not breaking the circuit. The equipment functions thanks to Ohm's law and electromagnetic induction. This assumes accurate measurement of electrical current without interfering with the ongoing processes.

The clamp meter looks like a small transformer with a removable core. In addition, they have a built-in voltmeter calibrated to measure the current strength. There is a special conductor in the primary winding, where this value is measured. After the current passes through the conductor, it forms a magnetic field around itself, which affects the secondary winding.

What models exist

There are dozens of different tools on the Internet and in stores, each differing in technical parameters and scope. However, in current meters, division is easy and understandable. Since these devices are purchased for performing physical operations with high voltage, the first thing that distinguishes the models is safety requirements. For example:

  • The one-handed tool is designed for taking readings in electrical circuits, where the voltage rarely reaches 1000 V. They have a special button that temporarily disconnects the magnetic wire of the transformer. These products are lightweight and designed for one-handed use, which can be convenient in some cases. The protection class allows almost all users to work, after familiarizing themselves with the safety requirements.
  • Two-handed models are used when it is necessary to take readings from an electrical device that produces from 2000 V. This option is used only by professional electricians who have the appropriate discharge and knowledge. This tool is not intended for general use.It is operated with two hands, since the handle is longer.

Also, the division is carried out according to the method of indicating the current strength:

  • Classic (analog) devices - an arrow acts as an indication. Despite the fact that electronic models are now in vogue, analog clamps have not lost their advantages and are still capable of surprising even professional users. The main advantages of such a device are the small inertness of the arrow, which makes it possible to measure short current surges, as well as complete autonomy, since the circuit does not need a constant power supply. But along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages: such devices cannot be subjected to mechanical shock, since they have high sensitivity, and without basic knowledge of the instrument, a beginner will not be able to make accurate measurements.
  • Electronic (digital) pliers are a more modern model that is designed for accurate measurement of the area by professionals and amateurs. The main advantage is that the indicator indicates the actual value without errors and deviations, so a person does not need to transform the received value and search all over again. This is a small thing, but it opens up more technical possibilities and allows measurements to be carried out at maximum speed. Any person can handle such a device. The only drawback of digital electric clamps is battery dependence. In addition, not all equipment in the store is of high-quality assembly and element base. Some manufacturers produce models that have poor protection against the negative effects of electromagnetic fields, which ultimately can affect the quality of the measurements.

Measuring the current strength is only part of a large circuit, it is impossible to be limited only by this knowledge. It is important to consider other technical nuances of the network. Manufacturers understand this, therefore they have created special equipment based on a clamp meter. Meet:

  • Phase meters - the main purpose is to determine the phasing of conductive cables in complex networks;
  • Wattmeters - designed to accurately determine the power of the circuit;
  • Voltmeters - measures the actual voltage value;
  • Megohmmeters - such a device makes it possible to continuously monitor resistance, this must be taken into account when working with high voltage circuits.

Although the device is sold in a combined form, its reliability and accuracy remains at a high level, especially if a person buys the tool from a reliable and trusted seller. Moreover, separate terminals and elements are used to measure additional values, which does not in any way affect tool wear. In addition, the presence of such ticks increases the functionality, which allows you to use them whenever you want.

Correct operation

Like any tool designed to work with electrical networks and circuits, the clamp requires basic knowledge of their design and compliance with specific rules:

  • Safety precautions during electrical installation and measuring work in electrical installations. These rules are general for every electrician and do not require knowledge of the tool. They tell: what a person should wear, what should be used, and what should be left in the locker room or on the ground. If you do not follow the general requirements, then a person puts his own life and the health of others at risk, this can lead to administrative punishment or reprimand from the employer.
  • The second, no less important document that electricians get acquainted with is the instruction manual. You must read it completely and remember the main part. This way the person can confidently use the measuring tool and know the consequences of poor operation.

Measurement order

Measurements are carried out in a specific order, this is rarely influenced by the manufacturer and the type of construction:

  • Sponges are diluted by pressing the appropriate key;
  • The conductor is placed on the selected area and the tongs are clamped;
  • The last step is reading and recording readings.

How to use the equipment correctly is described in detail in the instructions, which must be included in the kit. If you lose it, you can use the Internet, where all the necessary information about a particular model is posted on the manufacturer's official website.

Correct measurement in DC circuits

Clamps, which are made on the basis of a transformer, are capable of measuring only alternating current in a specific range. This is due to the principle of operation of the main element. In order to measure a constant value, use the opposite equipment, which is specially designed for this purpose.

A DC voltage meter is often used when it is necessary to measure the Hall effect. The information is collected by a special sensor, which is located inside the product.

Most of the cheap, as well as some of the more expensive instruments have little accuracy. Therefore, when measuring, place the conductor exactly in the center. By such actions, a person can increase the measurement accuracy. This method is used by all professionals, because it is the only option to take the actual values ​​with minimal deviation.

Criterias of choice

There are hundreds of models on the market and in online stores that are designed for measuring work in the electrical network. You need to choose an option that is convenient to use and extremely understandable. An electrician's assistant should not buy expensive professional equipment, this will not add to the skill. It is best to start with light tools, gradually learning new things. Moreover, even some professionals bypass complex pliers with wide functionality, as they understand that they will not need most of the capabilities when working.

A budget product is good, but you can't save much on it. Because the accuracy of measurements will depend on their quality. Also, you should not pay attention to fake brand tools, since the level of their assembly is far from normal. They are capable of breaking during measurements. And using such equipment is many times more dangerous, since the plastic can fall apart or melt.

Tick ​​rating up to 1,000 rubles

Not everyone is able to buy reliable ticks for a long period. They may be needed suddenly. In order not to be mistaken in the choice, it is important to carefully approach the analysis of equipment.


An excellent model of a popular Chinese manufacturer. The product can handle simple wiring. For convenience, there is a digital display, which simplifies the use of the model at times. Equipped with three connectors that protect equipment from possible overloads. The main feature is the ability to measure temperature.

Sold at a price of 840 rubles.



  • Capable of measuring insulation thickness;
  • Famous brand;
  • Nice build;
  • Convenient operation.


  • Not found.

Duwi М266 PROFI

Not a bad budget option that is suitable for infrequent use. The plastic does not emit strong odors. The assembly is at a good level. All received information is displayed. The work does not require knowledge of certain skills and knowledge. There is a possibility to measure direct current and resistance.

The average cost is 560 rubles.

Duwi М266 PROFI


  • Reliability;
  • Low price;
  • Convenient display;
  • Suitable for beginners.


  • Not the best build, there is a slight backlash.

Energy 266F

A cheap device made in China, suitable for measuring circuits where the voltage does not exceed 1000 V. Manufactured in China. According to the manufacturer, the ticks are able to work for 10 years, while the percentage of deviation is minimal. The battery used is a 9V crown. There is an informative LCD display.

Sold at a price of 800 rubles.

Energy 266F


  • Not a bad option for beginners;
  • Good hardware components;
  • Convenient display;
  • Easy operation.


  • Not found.

Pliers MT87

The last budget option, which has a small margin of error. Designed for domestic use, this equipment is not capable of more. Allows for a variety of testing, from AC voltage and DC to resistance.

The average cost is 550 rubles.

Pliers MT87


  • Low cost;
  • Convenience;
  • Clear instructions;
  • Small error.


  • Poorly assembled.

Top instruments listed in the State Register

CEM DT-3347

A quality professional device that is suitable for accurate measurements. Works without problems with cables up to 30 mm thick. The case is made with high quality, no backlashes are observed. The device is manufactured in China, but despite this, it has passed all the necessary certification.

Sold at a price of 6 100 rubles.

CEM DT-3347


  • Small error;
  • Relative zero function;
  • High-quality display;
  • Functionality.


  • Not found.


A reliable option with automatic selection of modes, which simplifies operation several times. The product has a special probe holder. There is a built-in photosensor that will work when you are in dark conditions.

The average price is 9,200 rubles.



  • Good equipment;
  • High-quality housing;
  • Convenient management;
  • Backlight;
  • Automatic selection of modes.


  • Price.

Testo 770-1

An excellent device that is in great demand among specialists. The equipment will quickly determine the current strength, while with a minimum error. The design is made as simple as possible, so even a beginner can handle the device. The display is automatically backlit.

The average price is 10,000 rubles.

Testo 770-1


  • Automatic selection of parameters;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Reliability;
  • Durability;
  • Accuracy.


  • High price.

MULTI Model 2100

A Japanese product that meets all international and Russian parameters, which allows it to be used for accurate checks. The remote probes are made of quality material that will not break over time. The device itself is made without comments, many electricians recommend it for permanent use.

The average cost is 8,500 rubles.

pliers MULTI Model 2100


  • Excellent manufacturer;
  • Good accuracy;
  • Build at the level;
  • There is a ringing of the chain.


  • Difficult to find.

Quality Automotive Clamp Meters

Current Clamp M266

An excellent option that will suit many motorists and electricians. The device enables instantaneous AC current measurement. For greater convenience, the manufacturer has equipped the product with the function of holding readings, which will allow recording the values ​​and not making mistakes.

Sold at a price of 1,950 rubles.

Current Clamp M266


  • Reliability;
  • Good measurement;
  • Good build;
  • Display.


  • There is a small margin of error.

MS2108A PeakMeter

A worthy model that has been used by many motorists. The model has a high-quality case and good measurement readings. The pliers work in several modes, which significantly increases its functionality.

The average price is 3 600 rubles.

MS2108A PeakMeter


  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Functional;
  • Wide display;
  • Convenient operation.


  • Price.


Unique Russian version. The pliers measure the amperage to the nearest percent. Expensive hardware components and a reliable case guarantee durability and allow assembly operations.

The average price is 3,100 rubles.



  • External execution;
  • Intuitive interface;
  • Convenient display;
  • There is a backlight;
  • Nice to hold in your hand.


  • Not found.


If you have experience using the models described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, tell us about it in the comments.


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