Best Rice Brands for 2024


The most common cereal and the most popular food in the world is rice, well-known and loved by many. Cereal-based dishes are used in almost all cuisines in the world. Today everyone knows Japanese sushi, Chinese rice cakes, Asian pilaf, Italian risotto, Spanish paella, English puddings.

In Russia, the everyday menu of every family is also not complete without this tasty, healthy and budget product.

The editors of the site "" have prepared for your attention an overview of the best brands of rice, from which you can prepare a variety of dishes.

Interesting facts about rice

In the modern world, rice is considered one of the most grown crops and the basis of food security. It is the most important component in the human diet, accounting for up to 43% of the calories that humanity receives from food on our planet.

Rice belongs to those food products that people got acquainted with in very distant times. He is loved as a tasty and healthy food, used as side dishes and independent dishes. Many peoples use rice as the main ingredient in numerous dishes in different cuisines of the world.

Rice is in second place for the supply of protein to the body, the first places are occupied by livestock products and fish.

Such interesting facts have long been known about him:

  1. Rice grows on all continents. It is not found only in Antarctica.
  2. The world knows more than forty thousand varieties of this culture.
  3. It belongs to a high-yield grain crop, about 3000 grains can grow from one rice seed.
  4. Rice is gluten free.
  5. The fields for growing cereals are flooded with water, and crayfish can also be grown there.
  6. Japanese car manufacturers named well-known brands of cars in honor of the grain crop: Toyota - means "abundant rice field", Honda - "main rice field".
  7. White rice varieties are stored for ten to thirty years, during which time they remain edible.
  8. Brown rice can be stored for no more than six months - then the husk oxidizes, it becomes unusable.
  9. During cooking in boiling water, cereal swells, the volume increases up to three times.

Main varieties of rice

Modern supermarkets offer consumers a large selection of rice cereals, which can be difficult to understand. This is not surprising, because even experts in this field do not know the exact number of types of cereals.

Consider the types of products that our consumers use:

  1. In shape and size.

The grain size of the cereal can be large or small. According to the classification, the product is:

  • Long-grained (grain length is eight mm). Especially popular in the national cuisines of the peoples of the East, Europe and America. Used in the manufacture of Uzbek pilaf.
  • Medium-grain (length is six mm).The grain is slightly shorter and thicker than that of long-grain ones. The composition includes starch, cereals become sticky during cooking. Used for soup, risotto, paella.
  • Round grain (five millimeters). The well-known "Krasnodar" variety has a roundish shape, is very rich in starch. During cooking, water is actively absorbed, the food gets a creamy consistency. Designed for making sushi, cereals, puddings, casseroles, baked goods.

2. Color. In addition to its shape, rice is distinguished by its bright colors:

  • Brown (brown) has a shell covered with useful substances. This type of cereal is recommended for dietary nutrition, since it is practically not subjected to heat treatment, and the vitamin group, fiber and minerals are completely preserved. Brews longer than other varieties.
  • White (brushed) is the most popular. The shell is removed from it, the grain is polished, the food is cooked for a quarter of an hour. However, it also retains useful substances in smaller quantities than brown.
  • Wild (black) is considered a very expensive species. Tough grains contain many nutrients. Before cooking, the rice must be soaked to remove the hardness, the finished dish becomes soft and has a sweetish taste;
  • Red is slightly processed and not polished. All valuable vitamins and antioxidants remain in the shells. The product is easy to prepare and has a wonderful, sophisticated flavor.
  • In golden (steamed) rice, the grain is peeled and processed with steam, so that up to 80% of all valuable substances are retained in the cereal. The rice does not stick together during cooking.
  1. Preliminary processing.

The grains undergo a certain processing method, after which they have a different shape:

  • The polished kernel is represented by the usual type of cereal, which housewives use in homemade food. However, during the grinding of the core, the bulk of the elements contained in the bran shells disappear.
  • Lightly polished (long grain) rice is minimally processed, everyone knows it as brown rice. However, the color of unpolished grain can be not only brown, but also red or brown. The grains retain their shell, which contains carbohydrates and minerals. This type is highly appreciated by lovers of healthy food, although it takes longer to cook for cooking;
  • The steamed rice is treated with hot steam, then dried and polished. After processing, the rice becomes transparent and yellowish, which turns white when cooked. This type of cereal is considered the most useful, it contains about 80% of the valuable substances from the shell.

Popular types

Of the huge variety of types, we will consider the most famous and recognizable products that are purchased in shopping supermarkets or ordered via the Internet in online stores.

Basmati, "World rice king". Long grain rice, grown in India and Pakistan, has a delicate floral aroma, and its long, thin rice has the smell of sandalwood oil. It has a delicate structure with a pronounced nutty flavor. It is used in the spicy and spicy food of the Middle East, it is used to prepare delicious side dishes and main dishes. This grain is the longest and most expensive.

Arborio... The Italian coarse-grained species has a special property - after the separation of starch, a hard core remains in the rice, this variety is suitable for making the well-known risotto. For cooking, rice is not cooked to full readiness, but is brought after being removed from the oven. The grain remains dense inside, and the dish retains a light nutty flavor and delicate creamy structure.

Camolino... Delicious sticky rice. The texture is ideal for many oriental recipes. In recent years, it has been used as a side dish, rice dishes with vegetables are considered especially tasty, kernel filling is used in fragrant brass pies.

Jasmine, "Asian rice", a popular Thai white product. It is very rich in starch, therefore it is washed several times in cold water before use.It is considered a more affordable substitute for basmati, it is used in the manufacture of many Asian dishes, salad, side dishes, desserts are prepared on its basis. It is fragrant, sticky, in boiling water the kernels retain their shape, they turn out to be soft, and the dish is crumbly, not boiled.

Wild rice, American look. Grown in the only place - on the Great Lakes of America, where the crops of this variety are harvested. Has a light nutty aroma, has a pleasant sweet taste. The composition contains dietary fiber, vitamins, folic acids, useful minerals. Dishes made from wild black rice are hearty, low in calories, balanced in useful elements. To add spice to food, long grains are added to salty and sweet dishes. American rice has a positive effect on the human digestive tract and nervous system.

The benefits and harms of rice

Grain is considered a useful and valuable product.

Slimming product

Since the cereal does not contain gluten, dishes from it are included in the menu without fear of developing allergic reactions. Rice flour is a good substitute for wheat flour during a diet, because you can lose weight well with cereals. The best food for losing weight are black rice dishes, it has a small amount of calories, and when you eat, satiety comes quickly. In addition, it promotes good intestinal peristalsis, quickly removes toxins from the body. To achieve the result, it is enough to eat boiled black rice and drink herbal teas or plain clean water for three days.

Eliminate Digestive Problems

Food from refined varieties helps with diseases of the digestive system - getting into the gastrointestinal tract, hydrochloric acid acts on rice, which has an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane.

With common diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, diarrhea, colitis, pancreatitis, rice water has a good effect, which is a natural sorbent and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is also considered effective in bacterial or alcohol poisoning.

A contraindication to the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract with rice porridge or broth may be weak intestines and chronic constipation.

Nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding

For women during pregnancy, cereal dishes help diversify the menu and maintain sufficient vitamins in the body. If the norm of consumption of rice dishes is observed up to three times a week, they do not have the threat of gaining excess weight, the body is filled with useful substances. When eating red, brown or black rice, a feeling of fullness quickly sets in, and the fiber in cereals promotes regular bowel cleansing.

Beneficial substances pass into breast milk, which contributes to the growth and harmonious development of the baby, as well as the absence of the development of allergic reactions. In the future, rice porridge becomes necessary in baby food.


Endocrine nature

Rice of different varieties has a different glycemic index. It ranges from 35 units and above. Round grain has a high index - up to 70 units, and black grain - up to 35. Therefore, people with diabetes can enter into the menu all types of cereals, except round grain. Rice does not cause a sharp jump in glucose and helps the body to produce insulin on its own.


The constant use of unrefined cereals in food helps to prevent vascular and heart disease. Stabilization of blood pressure, vasodilation and improvement of peripheral circulation are provided by potassium and magnesium found in foods. Eating rice promotes the elimination of cholesterol from the body, reduces the risk of stroke and blood clots.

Contraindications for eating cereals

Rice products have some contraindications, with regular use of food may occur:

  • constipation;
  • tendency to gain weight;
  • increased sugar in the body.

To avoid them, it is enough to eat it no more than 3 times a week. Then it will do more good and very little harm.

And for people prone to obesity, constipation and diabetes, the possibility and frequency of eating rice should be agreed with the attending physician, endocrinologist or nutritionist.

The best rice brands

Rice is a very affordable and popular product. Many varieties are grown in Russia. According to Roskachestvo, the best domestic trade marks are:

  1. "National". This species has earned the Quality Mark. The kernels of this product are of very high quality, they do not contain unripe rice. The rice is well cleaned, which means that after cooking the dish will be crumbly. There are no hazardous substances and impurities in the grain.
  2. "Selyanochka". The brand is marked with the Quality Mark, the grain is recognized as high quality products. The kernels are a ripe, good-quality, well-refined product, which is free of pesticides and impurities.
  3. "Warm traditions". The cereal is of high quality and complies with GOST. There are no harmful and dangerous ingredients.
  4. "Mistral". No pesticides, toxins, microorganisms, parasites were found in the nuclei, therefore the products are absolutely safe, the physical and chemical compositions are balanced.
  5. Makfa. The kernels are well cleaned, they do not boil during cooking, the thickness of the porridge is preserved. The grain composition is well balanced, there are no organic and weed impurities in it.
  6. "Passim". Corresponds to the grade indicated on the packages. High quality kernel detected. There are no harmful impurities and hazardous substances.
  7. "Uvelka". A high-quality product contains good-quality grains, there are no unripe rice. It has a high degree of purification and is absolutely harmless.

The best brands of rice for making pilaf

Choosing the best rice for pilaf is not a difficult task, because each consumer has his own taste and his own preferences. Consider the varieties of grain that consumers believe have a high purchasing power.

Bravolli Basmati

This type of rice is a fairly young variety. Its breeding began in the seventies of the last century in India, where scientists developed new high-yielding varieties.

Basmati has excellent culinary qualities and has an elongated grain. The pilaf made from this rasa variety is crumbly and beautiful; the grain absorbs fat well and lengthens even more after boiling. The result is pilaf, very similar to an Asian dish. For cooking, you can use the following recipe:

Let's prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of meat (preferably lamb);
  • 340 g long grain rice;
  • 145 g fat
  • 4 onions;
  • 4 carrots;
  • 2 hot peppers;
  • 2 garlic heads;
  • 1 tbsp. l coriander;
  • salt.
  1. Soak rice in warm water for three hours.
  2. Cut the meat into pieces the size of a walnut.
  3. Put chopped onion in the melted fat, fry it, place pieces of meat in a container.
  4. Add diced carrots, crushed coriander, salt, stir well.
  5. Pour in 1000 ml of water, add garlic and pepper, simmer for half an hour.
  6. Pour the rice grain into a container, gently pour in boiling water, bring to a boil.
  7. Cook over high heat, leveling the rice with a spoon, until there is no liquid in the container.
  8. Reduce the heat, make holes with a spatula so that the steam can escape, so that all the water boils away.
  9. Cover the container with a lid and hold on the lowest heat for twenty minutes.
  10. Remove garlic and pepper, serve pilaf with vegetables.

The form of release of cereals is whole, the grain is polished, long-grain.

The product is packaged in a package weighing 350 g.

Country of origin: India.

Cost: 151 rubles.

Bravolli Basmati rice


  • the best sort of Basmati;
  • does not boil over;
  • crumbly;
  • delicious;
  • useful;
  • intense smell.


  • taste for an amateur;
  • expensive packaging.

Devzira pink

The variety is considered the best and most expensive type of dark red or brownish color. Soaked in cool water, it changes color from dark brown to transparent amber or pink.

Devzira rice grows in household plots of the Fergana Valley, which are located at the mouth of the Syr Darya River.

To grow devzira requires a special humid climate and a lot of water. In such conditions, plants can produce excellent yields.

Rice is harvested twice a year, with special irrigation applied to the plants. The rice is distinguished by its elongated shape, along which a brown strip is stretched. After washing, the grain becomes pale pink, very heavy, as it has a high density.

This cereal is the most valuable food product; the famous Uzbek pilaf is made from it.

Packaged in packages weighing 100 grams.

Country of origin: Uzbekistan.

Cost: 35 rubles.

rice devzira pink


  • quality;
  • delicious;
  • useful;
  • satisfying;
  • unique smell.


  • high-calorie;
  • sold in special stores or online;
  • expensive.

The best brands of rice for making sushi

Sushi preparation is a complex procedure with its own rules. Rice is of great importance for them, as one of the main components of this dish.

The best foods used to make sushi are:

Yutaka Sushi Rice

Japanese rice Yutaka Sushi Rice is ideal for making sushi and rolls. The peculiarity of this species is its ideal shape and excellent taste. This unboiled round grain rice absorbs a huge amount of water during cooking. After cooking, the rice porridge becomes sticky, it is good to sculpt rolls from it. To make rolls or sushi you need:

  • two glasses of Yutaka rice;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 60 ml rice vinegar;
  • 1.5 tsp salt;
  • 2 tsp sugar.

Making the dish is very simple and quick:

  1. Rice is poured with cold water, put on high heat, brought to a boil.
  2. The boiled grain is boiled for a quarter of an hour over low heat.
  3. Then turn off the heat and keep it in a saucepan for another quarter of an hour.
  4. Rice vinegar, salt and sugar are mixed in a container.
  5. The mixture is poured over boiled rice and sushi is twisted.

Sushi cereal is packaged in a 500 g box.

Country of origin: Japan.

Cost: 290 rubles.

rice Yutaka Sushi Rice


  • nice and clean;
  • delicious;
  • quality;
  • selective;
  • useful.


  • high price;
  • significant were not found.

Sen Soy premium

Sushi rice for sushi is a premium product that meets the international quality standard. Round grains contain a lot of starch, during cooking, the core acquires gluten, which is important for making sushi. After production, it has its own special characteristic flavor. This property of the product has been appreciated by culinary experts around the world.

The plant is grown according to special technologies especially for Japanese cuisine.

Packaged in bags weighing 250 g.

Country of origin: Russia, Sen Soy brand.

Cost: 143 rubles.

rice Sen Soy premium


  • great taste;
  • good consistency;
  • ideal for rolls;
  • adhesive;
  • crumbly;
  • delicate product;
  • rich taste;
  • original packaging.


  • high price;
  • significant were not found.

The best brands for porridge

Healthy food rice porridge

Cereals for cooking porridge are deservedly popular among people who care about their health. This product takes no more than five minutes to cook. During this time, cereals do not lose their useful elements.

A package weighing 100 g contains boiled-dried rice, nuts (hazelnuts), honey granules, dried dried apricots, dried cream.

Porridge has a high energy value - 376.2 calories, it contains:

  • proteins 7.1 g;
  • fats 15, g;
  • carbohydrates 82.9 g.

There are no preservatives in the porridge, there is no GMO.

Country of origin: Russia.

Cost: 100 rubles.

Healthy food rice porridge


  • fast cooking;
  • many different additives;
  • healthy food;
  • satisfying.


    • expensive.

Mistral Kuban

Excellent round-grain rice grown in the fields of Russia is a common ingredient in the preparation of side dishes, cereals, casseroles, puddings. Good cleansing, so all white grains have the same shape.

After heat treatment, rice acquires softness and creamy consistency, perfectly absorbs aroma, and has a pleasant taste.

The cereal of this brand has four stages of cleaning and corresponds to the established forty-six quality parameters.

Nutritional value 346 cal. The composition has:

  • protein 5.6 g;
  • fat 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates 81.9 g

It does not contain GMOs.

Country of origin: Russia, Mistral trade mark.

Packing weighing 900 gr.

Cost: 119 rubles.

rice Mistral Kuban


  • delicious;
  • quality;
  • does not stick together;
  • clean, no impurities;
  • wide functionality;
  • convenient large packaging;
  • low price.


  • the grain crumbles.

The best brands of brown cereals

Brown grain is a very useful cereal with good taste. It is not subjected to grinding, therefore, all useful and healing substances are preserved.


Whole brown rice of the "Lifestyle" brand, due to the existing bran casings, contains a rich composition of vitamins and microelements. Fiber, which is especially rich in the product, helps to cleanse the body of toxins, reduces the amount of glucose, and stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

This product is included in the mandatory part of baby food and diet for people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Brown unpolished grain is a unique product that contains a large vitamin group - niacin and riboflavin, essential components in the form of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, zinc.

When preparing food, it must be borne in mind that brown grain is very tough, it takes longer to cook than ordinary cereals, so before you start making a dish, you need to soak it for five hours.

A variety of cereals, casseroles, mushroom pilaf are prepared from cereals.

Country of origin: Russia.

The package weighs 500 g.

Cost: 185 rubles.

brown rice Lifestyle


  • high quality;
  • can be germinated;
  • very useful;
  • excellent taste;
  • clean.


  • no significant ones.


Brown rice National is used to prepare a side dish for meat and vegetables. It is used with pleasure by people with diabetes, allergies, and leading an active lifestyle. It is on the menu of slimming consumers and gluten-free diets.

Dishes from brown polished cereal are conveniently cooked in a multicooker. Special processing of grain promotes fast cooking, while all vitamins, nutrients and fiber are preserved.

Energy value 340 cal. The composition includes:

  • proteins 7.5 g;
  • fats 2.0 g;
  • carbohydrates 73.0 g.

There is no gluten in the cereal.

Country of origin: Russia, National trade mark.

Cellophane packaging, weight 800 g

Cost: 1049 rubles.

brown rice National


  • useful;
  • gluten free;
  • rinses quickly to clean water;
  • few broken grains;
  • delicious;
  • rich aroma after cooking.


  • poorly absorbs water;
  • a lot of impurities and husks;
  • expensive.

The best brands of long grain rice

RaajaKhann Basmati, steamed long grain

RaajaKhann Indian long grain Basmati rice has a unique exquisite taste and pleasant aroma. During cooking, the volume increases almost threefold. Before cooking, the cereal must be soaked in cool water. The soaked grains are placed in a container, 300 g of water are added to 200 g of rice, the boiled food is put on low heat and boiled until all the water is absorbed into the grain. To enhance the aroma of food, various spices can be added to the water during cooking.

RaajaKhann Basmati is considered the best rice for side dishes and dishes of Eastern and European cuisine.

Steamed grains have nutritional value:

  • proteins 7.0 g;
  • fats 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates 78.5 g.

Country of origin: India.

The product is packed in a bag, weight 5000 g.

Cost: 680 rubles.

RaajaKhann Basmati rice, parboiled long grain


  • delicious;
  • clean;
  • crumbly;
  • does not stick together;
  • budget price;
  • large volume.


  • absent.


A special long grain variety grown for the BioGourmet brand in Italy. This unpolished product retains a large group of vitamins.It retains more minerals, trace elements and fiber than a polished variety. It takes a little longer to cook the dish than to grind it.

Long-grain rice contains no preservatives, dyes, flavorings. Contains 0.9 g sucrose and 0.1 g salt.

The product is grown in an ecologically clean area, there is constant control over the quality of plants.

Country of origin: Italy.

The package weighs 500 g.

Cost: 487 rubles.

BioGourmet rice


  • quality;
  • delicious;
  • contains valuable substances;
  • ecologicaly clean;
  • crumbly.


  • long cooking;
  • high price.

All products presented in our review are highly trusted by customers due to the beneficial ingredients of cereals, high quality and excellent taste. These products are presented in a wide range on the shelves of many supermarkets and in a large network of online stores.

The editors would be grateful for your feedback and comments on the food products from the best brands provided in the review.


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