‍♀ Best abdominal muscle trainers in 2024


Beautiful cubes on the stomach are far from fairy tales, this is daily work that is achieved only by perseverance. Everyone wants to have a beautiful abs, but spend several thousand a month on it to visit an elite gym, where not everyone can work. And the modern pace will not give the opportunity to do this as often as we would like. For this reason, the editors of the site “best.desigusxpro.com/en/” have prepared for you a rating of the best exercise machines for abdominal muscles in 2024.

Varieties of home exercise equipment

Most of the abs simulators can be classified into two groups:

  • Designed for the general development of the body (muscles of the press, legs, arms, etc.). Most often, such devices include bars, fitball, rollers, rowing machine, etc. Of course, the cost of such simulators is high, but they provide the quality of training by 5 points, and the first results will appear after 2 months of active work.
  • The second category includes specialized simulators: gymnastic roller, press bench, torso track, etc. Such options are compact and low cost.

It is impossible to determine exactly which models are good and which ones are not worth buying. Because each simulator has both a number of advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on the specific requirements of the user and what he needs at the first moment. Having answered this question, it is worth choosing a device.

Small simulators rating

Some people cannot make their apartment with sophisticated sports equipment, but they need to keep an eye on their figure. For this reason, most often they buy small simulators that cope with their task no worse than a complex technique.


This is a unique simulator that absolutely every family member can use. The ball contributes to the development of not only the abdominal muscles, but also other parts of the body, which makes it a versatile fitness assistant. The advantage of this solution is storage in any place and high safety of use. Fitball does not overload a person.

Torneo, 65 cm

A simple gymnastic ball at an affordable price that will allow you to perform simple exercises with maximum comfort. Diameter - 65 cm, which is the optimal solution for all beginner athletes. The main advantage of this device is the explosion protection provided by the Anti-Burst system. To work with the ball, the user's weight should not exceed 130 kg, the optimal height is not more than 180 cm. The kit includes a pump.

The average cost is 999 rubles.

Torneo, 65 cm


  • Well done;
  • Low cost;
  • Does not explode;
  • Light exercise.


  • You need to look for a training plan yourself.


This is a professional ball that is suitable for people who are ready to invest maximum funds in their development. Fitball is distinguished by high-quality performance and is suitable for performing even the most difficult tasks. The simulator was developed under the guidance of leading athletes, therefore it has excellent ergonomics and reliability, which makes it indispensable not only for novice users, but also for professionals.Unlike the previous option, the person does not have to look for information about the exercises, since most of it is drawn on the sword, which is a practical solution.

The average cost is 5,000 rubles.



  • Professional;
  • Designed to perform exercises of any complexity;
  • Withstands over 200 kg;
  • Made from durable rubber;
  • For convenience, there are diagrams;
  • Compactness;
  • Ergonomics.


  • Not found.

AB Rocket

Practical and convenient trainer for pumping up the press. It simultaneously massages the back and develops the abdominal muscles. The advantage of the device is the absence of excessive loads, which is useful for beginners. The person will not experience pain the next day. After all, "pain is a sign of growth" is not a completely correct version of training. It is necessary to train with the right approach, without extreme loads. Because only then, a person will be able to break previous records, and not give up on the first step. The only drawback of this option is the spring, which wears out over time and will prevent a person from training without first replacing it. Many people also dislike the fact that the simulator is capable of performing only one type of workout.

Hawk ab rocket

A simple exercise machine designed to keep your body in good shape. For everyday use, it is better to purchase a more expensive model that will be more reliable. In general, this is a good device for the budget segment, which will become an addition to training, but will not be able to fully replace them. With frequent use, the spring will break within a few months, making it easy to train.

The average cost is 2,500 rubles.

Hawk ab rocket


  • Nice addition;
  • Pleasant massage;
  • Works for 4 points;
  • One year warranty.


  • Spring worn.

Ab rocket twister

An excellent solution for those who decided to set a goal: "pump up the press in a few weeks." The device is used not only by beginners, but also by professionals. However, when exercising with this equipment, it must be remembered that the loads should be many times greater, 2-3 approaches will not be enough. Yes, it will take more time, but the result is worth the wait. For convenience, there is a load regulator that will allow you to choose the most optimal option for the current situation.

Sold in an online store at a price of 5,000 rubles.

Ab rocket twister


  • Value for money;
  • Efficiency;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Nice massage.


  • Not found.

A busy person will not be able to spend more than an hour on exercises, but it is necessary to follow the figure. There are people to whom training generally seems to be a routine and boring process, where there is no variety. The best solution for such users is a simple simulator that does not require 100% concentration, which will allow you to enjoy your favorite movie or talk on the phone.

Hula Hup

A simple and well-known projectile that shows excellent efficiency. The simulator is able not only to help pump up the abs, but also to eliminate the fat that is located on the sides. The hoop has a beneficial effect on the buttocks and hips, eliminating excess deposits. Modern hula hoops have massage bubbles, which significantly improve the quality of exercise. The only drawback of the projectile is a gradual start, that is, an inexperienced person is recommended to start with a small hoop weighing less than a kilogram and only increase the load over time. Failure to follow the rule entails punishment in the form of bruises and there is nothing useful from them, because they will take a long time to heal.

Standard hula hoop (collapsible)

This option is sold in almost all sports stores. Designed for novice users. It weighs a little, only 90 grams, so people will forget about bruises. It is important to understand that the efficiency will not be 100% either, i.e. a person will have to perform at least basic exercises before proceeding with the projectile. Made of plastic, there are small bumps on the sides, which contribute to the burning of excess fat.

Sold at a price of 250 rubles.

Standard hula hoop (collapsible)


  • Affordable price;
  • A good tool for beginners;
  • Collapsible, which affects the compactness;
  • Doesn't take a lot of energy.


  • Not found.

Health one hoop

Professional tool for people who have been practicing hoops for more than 6 months. The weight of the device is 3.1 kg, this increases the efficiency several times and contributes to the rapid burning of fat cells. The projectile will allow you to achieve a beautiful and attractive body within several weeks, the main thing is not to overexert yourself and strictly follow the instructions. Since the equipment is capable of both giving a beautiful body and creating a little discomfort. During classes, it is important to remain vigilant, otherwise you can hurt people, animals or objects around you.

Sold at a price of 4,300 rubles.

Health one hoop


  • High efficiency;
  • Massage action;
  • Compactness;
  • Design.


  • Not for beginners.

Rotating floor disc

A popular device in high demand among beginners. Works on oblique muscles and abs in general. Due to its small size, the simulator can be taken both on a long trip and to the country. Absolute concentration is not required during the lesson, which makes it possible to combine business with pleasure. However, the device has a small drawback: belly fat will be removed, but there will be no perfect cubes.

Torneo A-922W

A good equipment that promotes the proper development of coordination and burns excess weight. Made of plastic, there are special bumps on the working surface that massage the legs. Withstands weight up to 100 kg, provides good, but not extreme loads, for both men and women. Due to its small size, it can be used anywhere.

The average cost of a product is 700 rubles, in some stores the price may be higher or lower.

Torneo A-922W


  • Price;
  • Quality;
  • Proven by hundreds of users;
  • Reliability;
  • No extreme loads.


  • Not found.

Balanced Body Rotator Disc Large

Professional device for active use, which will keep the body in good shape and help burn fat. Made of quality materials that can withstand loads of up to 230 kg. The projectile weighs only one kilogram, which makes it easy to transport. In appearance, there are no complaints.

The average cost is 12,000 rubles.

Balanced Body Rotator Disc Large


  • The chance of breakage is minimal;
  • Withstands heavy loads;
  • It has a good effect on general well-being;
  • Nice design;
  • Reliability.


  • Not found.

The following shells are suitable for those people who are used to seeing results after a month of active training, besides that, they limit themselves to nutrition and want to develop their character to the maximum.

Press bench

At first glance, it is ordinary equipment, but it is highly efficient. Used by millions of people, not only as the main tool for pumping abdominal muscles, but also to maintain their own body in an acceptable shape. The equipment is designed in such a way that it is distinguished by its versatility and ease of use. The simulator has a low cost, but it will take up enough space during storage, even when assembled.

Leco Starter GP418

A versatile bench that is suitable for both pumping up the abdominal muscles and for the back. Intended for household use only and withstands light loads. The maximum tilt angle is 45 degrees. The first result will make itself felt after a month of active studies. Upholstery color - black.

Sold at a price of 1,800 rubles.

Leco Starter GP418


  • Low price;
  • Efficiency;
  • Designed for advanced users;
  • Build quality.


  • Not found.


A professional bench that will allow you to both perform simple exercises with dumbbells, and pump up your abdominals to perfect cubes. The manufacturer has equipped the device with a strong steel frame, which makes it possible to withstand loads of up to 115 kg.Thanks to the adjustable tilt angle, the user will select the desired mode in a couple of seconds. The seat and backrest are made of vinyl for a comfortable fit. The forks have a soft fabric to prevent damage.

The average cost is 6,500 rubles.



  • Versatility;
  • Build quality at premium
  • Reliable construction;
  • Several lifting levels;
  • Easy assembly.


  • Not found.

Rowing machine

This model is designed to strengthen the shoulder muscles, but also has a positive effect on the abs, which makes it one of the useful equipment in daily activities. With the help of such equipment, a person will not only pump his abs to maximum and give it relief, but also increase the endurance indicator. There are three types of construction on the market: magnetic, mechanical and electromagnetic. Most professionals consider the latest models to be a more perfect option. The only drawback is that if the muscles are not working properly, they can pump unevenly.


A popular device that is in wide demand from thousands of users and has established itself as one of the most effective devices that can improve the general condition of a person and give the press a perfect appearance. The structure is made of durable steel that can withstand loads of up to hundreds of kilograms. For convenient counting, there is an informative display that will not allow a person to get lost at the wrong moment. The total weight of the device is 31 kg, but special wheels are used for moving. Also on the plus side is a 2 year mechanical service warranty and a 5 year spare parts warranty.

Sold at a price of 16,000 rubles.



  • Smooth pedaling;
  • Comfort of use;
  • Small size;
  • There is an informative display;
  • Maneuverability.


  • Not for everyone.

Torneo Golfstream V-117

A budget model that is not intended for daily development, but for one-time workouts in order to maintain the cardiac system in a healthy state. The type of traction is mechanical, which is a minus for some, but for most users this option will suit without problems. Human weight - 100 kg. There is a display that displays useful information, which affects the correct count and increases the efficiency of the rowing machine by 3-5 times.

The average cost is 10,000 rubles.

Torneo Golfstream V-117


  • An excellent option to support the cardio system in good shape;
  • Informative display;
  • Works the press at 100%;
  • Suitable for a country house.


  • Not found.


Maintaining an athletic physique is not an easy task, especially when a person previously visited the gym, and now he needs to train on his own. There will always be thoughts of postponing classes until tomorrow, but this is the advantage of homework, that in addition to the selected muscle groups, the user develops self-discipline. If you have experience using the models described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, tell us about it in the comments.


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