Best Travel Gas Burners for 2024


Anyone who has ever been on a hike remembers how after a long trek, especially in bad weather, it is hard to make a fire for cooking. You have to go for branches, light a fire, which can be difficult in the rain, and only then start cooking food. And this, not to mention the fact that there may be no firewood at all, or they are so damp that they do not burn. Or the parking lot is so short that there is no time to look for firewood and make a fire.

A gas burner will help solve all of the above problems. Cooking on it is faster than on an open fire, you no longer depend on fuel, because it is always with you. In national parks, there are many places where collecting deadwood and making fires is prohibited - here, too, a burner will help out.

It remains only to choose it based on your needs and requirements.
The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best gas tourist burners for 2024.

What kind of tourist gas burners are there?

Hikes are different. Getting out by car to the lake and camping is one thing. Walking over rough terrain under a backpack or climbing mountains is another. In the first case, the weight of the fire equipment practically does not matter, it does not need to be carried on yourself. In difficult and lengthy transitions, where even daily portions are calculated by grams, weight and dimensions become crucial. What kind of burners are there?

To size

  • For camping.

With one or more burners, in appearance they somewhat resemble a small gas stove. Suitable for a small group. Due to their size, they are inconvenient for hiking.

  • Compact tourist.

Take up little space. In turn, they are divided by size into powerful, and small, for cooking, write for 2-3 people. Power is measured in kilowatts. For a group of one or two people, 1.5 - 2.6 kW is enough. For a group of 3-5 tourists, the power must be at least 2.8 kW. Structurally, the difference in power is realized due to the size of the burner and the diameter of its holes.

Powerful models have a large burner, 5-7 cm in diameter and wide projections so that you can put large dishes. Accordingly, the power is several times higher and the fuel consumption.

  • Cooking systems.

Cooking systems stand out in this row. The pioneer in their production was the JetBoil company. The system is a burner with a built-in radiator, at the same time being a wind protection, to which you can attach titanium or aluminum dishes with a neoprene cover over it. This design allows you to cook or heat water in a strong wind, on the move, and even on the go, if you fasten a small volume cylinder.
In general, the equipment turned out to be economical due to the use of a radiator and light metals in the manufacture of dishes. The dishes are made of aluminum, and in exclusive models - of titanium.

Not without drawbacks - you will have to use only branded dishes. Regular camping pots and pans do not have fasteners that clip to the burner.Despite the presence of all kinds of adapters, they do not work as efficiently as the proprietary one.

The second drawback is the high cost of the system. It is 2-3 times more expensive than conventional equipment. Dishes can be bought separately, the manufacturer has a large range, from pans to pots of different sizes. But, their cost is also 3-5 times higher in comparison with ordinary camping utensils.

By the type of gas cylinders used

Threaded. Threaded cylinders are lower, with a wide base, which makes the structure stable - when the cylinder is wound, the burner stands securely on the ground. In addition, threaded systems can be refilled, and even poured gas from one cylinder to another. (Not recommended by equipment manufacturers, but it is used everywhere among tourists. There are situations when a large group needs a supply of 5-6 kg of gas, and there are no tourist shops nearby. You have to refuel cylinders from household containers through adapters).

Collet. They are more often used in budget equipment. Disposable. Are more elongated (comparable to a standard air freshener)

If necessary, you can purchase an adapter from one type of mount to another. It is easier to find an adapter from a thread to a collet on sale, although if you search on AliExpress, you can find exotic versions of adapters, and the burners themselves. Let's leave the question of their quality and reliability on the conscience of the sellers. Just remember the value for money. If the price is 2-3 times lower than in Russian stores, it means that the seller saved on material, or supplied cheap components.

According to the cylinder mounting option

  • With a hose.

A similar system is often used with collet-type fuel tanks, because of their shape - it is more convenient to put the cylinder next to it. If you have to cook outside at low temperatures, the can can be tucked into a mitten or backpack to keep it warm. The main thing to remember in this case is that the connection of the hose to the cylinder must remain outside to avoid gas accumulation.

The burner is screwed onto the cylinder.

These structures, in turn, are divided into two types: the cylinder is installed vertically, a burner is attached to it. This arrangement is typical for threaded cartridges - they are wider at the base and more stable. And for equipment with a collet connector, the mount is provided on the side, the gas container is mounted horizontally.

Accessories for tourist gas burners

There are a few little things that can make the use of gas equipment more efficient and easier. They are usually not included in the standard configuration, so you will have to buy additionally.


We recommend that you definitely purchase it. Almost always, unless you are cooking indoors, the wind blows on the burner flame. We have to increase the fuel supply, and with strong gusts, the fire can go out altogether.

The windscreen solves this problem. By design, these are several long metal plates connected along the long side with a steel bar. The connection looks like a hinge. When assembled, the screen folds like an accordion and does not take up much space. If you need to use it, the plates are laid out and installed around the burner and utensils, creating a barrier to the wind and reflecting heat.

There are models with built-in windscreen on sale. Sheets of metal are arranged in petals around the burner, forming a bowl that protects the flame. However, this design has a number of disadvantages - firstly, the dimensions of the equipment increase, and secondly, the efficiency of the screen is lower than that of a removable one installed around it, since the burner is located on the same level with the upper edge of the screen. Thirdly, usually these are models of inexpensive brands with dubious quality of materials and workmanship.

Gas bottle stand

A useful addition that not everyone knows about. Nevertheless, this little thing helps out great if you need to install equipment on an uneven surface.
It is a folding structure of three legs with slots for common types of gas containers. Collet cylinders base diameter - 65 mm, threaded cylinders - 117 mm.

The ribs of the balloon are inserted into the slots with some effort. This increases the bearing area and increases stability. You can buy stands in specialized stores or on the internet, for example, on AliExpress.

Spare gas bottle

Their standard weight is 220 gr. - for collet, 230 and 450 gr. - for threaded. It is generally accepted that 220 gr. gas is enough for a group of three tourists for 1 day, taking into account three meals a day. This is an average value and may vary depending on equipment power, temperature and other factors. It is recommended to keep a small tank in stock so that you do not stay on the route without the opportunity to warm and prepare food, and in case of emergencies.

Gas bottle cover

One of the disadvantages of gas equipment is its instability when working in the cold. Let's dwell a little more on the composition of the gas. It is multi-component. Consists of propane, butane and isobutane in various proportions.

The classic mixture ratio is 30% propane, 70% butane or 20% propane, 80% butane. Gas mixtures with a different ratio are also produced.

If you plan to use the burner at low temperatures, it is better to take a cylinder with an increased propane content, at least 50%, and the addition of isopropane.
The percentage and type of gas are always indicated on the cartridge.
Manufacturers mark cylinders for winter use with a snowflake pictogram or an appropriate inscription.

There is a mixture of 100% propane. Pure propane burners are capable of operating at temperatures down to -40 ° C. However, this is rather exotic, since the gas is liquefied at high pressure and sturdy containers with thick walls are required for storage.

If you plan to use the burner at subzero temperatures, buy a winter gas mixture, shake the cartridge vigorously several times, if possible, warm it up. If the connection is hose, the cylinder can be hidden in a mitten or cap so that it cools less.

Cooking utensils

Tourists and travelers have their own requirements for dishes. The focus here is on lightness and compactness. It is good if the items will be nested into each other without taking up additional space. Pots, pans or kettles need to heat up quickly to reduce fuel consumption, which is why popular models are made from aluminum, thin-walled steel, and the most expensive and advanced ones are made from titanium, which has the lowest weight. There are models with a built-in radiator at the bottom, which performs a double function - protection from wind, and heat storage for faster heating.

Best Travel Gas Burners for 2024

Models included in the review:

KOVEA KB-0703WU Alpine Pot Wide UP8 630 RUB
KOVEA KB-0211G-L Moonwalker Stove Camp-44 435 RUB
KOVEA KB-0409 Solo Stove1538 p.
CHINGIZKHAN 333-519845 p.
ECOS CS-G01479 p.
TOURIST MINI-1000 TM-1001 380 RUB


A budget model with wind protection and piezo ignition. Popular with buyers, mainly due to its low price. The power of 1.75 kW is enough for cooking for a company of 2-4 people.

Side mount for fuel tank, collet type. There is a case for easy transportation. We recommend using it at the dacha or on picnic trips, or for uncomplicated trekking for up to two days. Not the best choice for a tough hike.



  • Low price;
  • Wind protection.


  • Large dimensions;
  • Large weight for tourist class equipment - 665 g.
  • The four-legged design is unstable.


The sixth place in the ranking is the TOURIST burner. This is a Chinese manufacturer that is massively present throughout Russia in chains of stores of budget goods.

The type of cylinders used is collet; they are connected to the device using a hose. A nice detail was the emphasis on the valve device, which will not allow the cylinder to roll.

The power of the device is 1.5 kW, it is enough to serve the needs of a group of 2-3 people. The weight is still heavy for the Touring model - 450g.
The TOURIST MINI-1000 is equipped with a piezo ignition. Sold complete with a plastic case.



  • Remote mount of the cylinder with a hose;
  • A stopper that prevents the container with fuel from tipping over and rolling.


  • Great weight.


In fifth place is the lightest gas burner in this review, its weight is 80 grams.
The fuel supply connection is threaded. For the sake of weight reduction, the manufacturer abandoned auto-ignition and reduced the diameter of the burner nozzle. For such a modest size, the ECOS CS-G01 produces quite a decent power of 2.6 kW. To reduce the size, the legs on which the dishes are placed are foldable. When assembled for transport, they rise up and slide together.



  • Light weight;
  • Threaded cylinder mount.


  • Fragile feet, should be handled with care.

Genghis Khan 333-519

The model in terms of technical characteristics is fully equivalent to the one already present in the TOURIST TULPAN-L TM-450 rating. The equipment has one manufacturer, distributors use different colors and brands for sale in various retail chains.

Genghis Khan 333-519


  • Low price;
  • Wind protection.


  • Large dimensions;
  • Large weight for tourist class equipment - 665 g.

KOVEA KB-0409 Solo Stove

The seventh place of the review is the burner of the South Korean brand. The name KOVEA is familiar to all lovers of extreme recreation and hiking. The company was founded in 1982 and specializes in gas equipment and related products. In terms of the range of models, the company occupies the first position in the world. Developers ideology - a new model every month. KOVEA gas cartridges are used in every third gas burner in the world.

KOVEA KB-0409 Solo Stove compact tourist gas burner. Bayonet type - threaded.

The declared power is 1.91 kW at a gas consumption of 137 g / h. The equipment is designed for 1-2 travelers. For easy storage and transportation, the legs on which the dishes are placed are foldable. Model weight - 134 g.

KOVEA KB-0409 Solo Stove


  • Light weight;
  • Piezo ignition.


  • Not identified.

KOVEA KB-0211G-L Moonwalker Stove Camp-4

A reliable model for hiking in extreme conditions. Works on cylinders with threaded connection, which are connected with a hose. The double burner design - holes + mesh provides an even, stable flame, resistant to gusts of wind. The model uses a gas preheating system - the hose consists of two layers. The inner layer of high thermal conductivity material is led out into the burner flame. The flame heats up the material and the inside of the hose becomes warm. The gas mixture passing through it heats up. When using this technology, the device operates more stably in the cold, the power remains constant and the gas from the cylinder is fully used.

The power of the model is 2 kW, with it a liter of water boils in 3 minutes.
Weight 290 g., Piezo ignition placed slightly away from the hose tube to reduce the likelihood of burns.

KOVEA KB-0211G-L Moonwalker Stove Camp-4


  • Gas preheating system;
  • Gas supply threaded connection.


  • Not identified.

KOVEA KB-0703WU Alpine Pot Wide UP

The first place in the rating is taken by a gas burner from a series of cooking systems. Idea borrowed from JetBoil and refined by KOVEA engineers.
A gas burner with a threaded cylinder is attached to a mug of anodized aluminum with a radiator. When assembled, the structure forms an integral system where the cooking container is securely fixed, you can even heat water in it on the fly and on the go. The neoprene cover creates additional thermal insulation, reducing boiling time and at the same time protecting the user from scalding. The burner is protected from the wind by metal boards.

The Alpine Pot Wide is designed for individual use, although the mug has enough capacity for two. The kit includes an additional cylinder stand and a mesh carrying bag.

Assembled weight - 535 gr.

KOVEA KB-0703WU Alpine Pot Wide UP


  • Sophisticated ergonomics;
  • High reliability;
  • Rapid boiling of water;
  • Reliable wind protection.


  • Difficulty using utensils other than branded ones;
  • High price of the kit;
  • The high cost of replacement utensils.

If you have experience in operating gas-fired tourist burners, or have any questions or suggestions, share them in the comments.


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