The best fertilizers for potatoes for 2024


Gardeners strive to increase potato yields in a variety of ways. Often, special feeding is used for this. Planting this culture significantly impoverishes the soil, so in the spring you should restore the supply of useful and nutrients. The editors of the site "" offer you an overview of the best fertilizers for potatoes for 2024.

How to apply feeding correctly

It is important to start applying means to increase yields and saturate the soil with nutrients in the spring, before or during planting of root crops. When the growing season begins, the introduction of yield-increasing agents practically does not bring tangible results. At the beginning of their development, tubers actively take all the necessary substances from the soil. If the soil at this moment turns out to be infertile or insufficiently rich in useful components, one cannot count on a good harvest. It is wasteful and ineffective to scatter soil-enhancing substances throughout the garden. The benefits of this action are highly questionable. Potatoes should be fed specifically at the root by feeding them into the tuber hole. At the same time, it is important to accurately calculate the proportions of fertilizers so as not to cause irreparable harm to the plant.

The modern industry offers a huge selection of drugs to increase the yield of potatoes. The choice of means to increase yields is still a difficult task, because the opinions of summer residents and suburban residents on this issue differ significantly.

First of all, the gardener needs to decide on the type of feeding that will be used when planting potatoes. Having prepared the planting material, it is necessary to dig holes 10 cm deep. The distance between them should be about 40 cm. A space of 70 cm is left between the rows. Next, a precisely calculated dose of the substance is introduced into each hole. The potatoes are placed on top, after which the whole thing is covered with earth.

When planting, the additives are applied at the maximum concentration. For the first application, it is better to choose drugs with prolonged action. During flowering, you can feed the plant with potassium sulfate and ash or superphosphate with cow dung. When tubers are formed, you can feed with boron and manganese. From time to time, you can do foliar dressing by spraying the bushes with nutrient solutions.


Top dressing for potatoes can be divided into several types:

  • Mineral;
  • Organic;
  • Integrated;
  • Organomineral.

Mineral fertilizers are very popular among gardeners. A wide range of means for increasing the yield of potatoes based on them allows you to choose the best, safe option for your site. Complex formulations based on a combination of azophoska and nitroammophoska have long gained immense popularity. Mineral supplements contain copper, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, zinc and other components that are necessary for the full development of the root system. The compactness of the packaging makes it easy to transport this type of feeding, even over long distances. Using such feeding, the plantings are saturated with some one necessary element.Mineral fertilizers have a negative effect on the condition of the soil, harming its structure. Potassium sulfate makes the soil of the site acidic. Potatoes do not grow well in acidic soil. At the same time, potassium chloride releases elements harmful to plantings.

Organic supplements have a number of benefits, which include:

  • Compatibility with any kind of soil;
  • Beneficial effect on microorganisms;
  • Enrichment of the soil with humus;
  • The composition of trace elements;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Useful for all crops;
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Ease of use;
  • Improvement of the soil.

They are applied once every 5 years, therefore, such means for increasing yields are appreciated for the absence of the need to make them annually. In some regions of our country, such top dressing is very difficult to get, therefore, its cost will be much higher than the price of mineral types of funds intended to improve the condition of the soil and increase crop yields. It is necessary to make such an additive when the soil has warmed up, otherwise organic matter will be ineffective. Soil cultivation with organic means to increase yields is recommended if the soil contains microorganisms that can break this substance into useful elements. Ash, compost and manure are recognized as the best organic fertilizers.

Complex supplements often contain several beneficial components necessary to increase potato yields. When making this type of feeding, you should correctly calculate the dosage of each of the added elements. Moreover, the percentage of these components may not meet the needs of potatoes. For example, nitrogen is best added to the soil in spring, and phosphorus and potassium - in autumn. With a single application per season, the plant will be able to receive all the nutrients at once. The downside of such feeding is a bad effect on the state of the soil structure. In addition, complex fertilizers do not contain trace elements, so the purchase should be dealt with separately. At the same time, phosphorus can be poorly absorbed by plants, and nitrogen can be quickly washed out by rains from the soil.

Organomineral fertilizers combine mineral compounds and organic substances. This type of feeding is recognized by many gardeners as the most effective. They contain all the necessary elements to increase the yield of potatoes, and the cost of such additives is quite affordable. Organomineral fertilizers are subdivided into liquid, complex and humic fertilizers. Most of these dressings are enclosed in peat pellets. At the same time, the plant, braiding each of them with roots, will be able to take exactly those elements that are needed at the moment. Such fertilizers are applied once a season. The soil, enriched with humus, becomes looser. Plants planted in it will be able to better tolerate adverse environmental conditions.

Rating of quality fertilizers for potatoes

In order to choose the right drug for your site, you should familiarize yourself with the opinion of experts and find out the reviews of domestic gardeners. The editorial staff of "" has prepared a short overview of the most popular types.


This mineral fertilizer of a domestic manufacturer is intended only for feeding potatoes. It contains phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, calcium. Fertilization is applied in two ways. It can be placed in each hole or scattered around the area. For 1 sq. m, 1.5 cups of fertilizer are applied. If the application is made to each well, then the application rate will be 0.5 cups for each bush. Regardless of the method of application, the soil must be loose. The absence of chlorine in the composition allows the plant to develop favorably. The unique concentrated formula of the bait allows you to increase the yield increase by 30%. The cost of a 2.5 kg fertilizer package is 329 rubles.

fertilizer grow potatoes


  • Price;
  • Efficiency;
  • Does not contain chlorine, heavy metals and harmful impurities;
  • Digestibility;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Contains calcium, which improves the strength of the tuber skin;
  • Stimulates tuberization;
  • Prolonged action;
  • Convenience;
  • Ease of use.


  • The effect of the drug is not noticeable in the first month.


Mixed fertilizer of a domestic manufacturer has proven itself well in the gardens of many compatriots. It contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as well as a complex of macro and microelements. Among them are such components as sulfur, iron, magnesium and silicon. A balanced set of nutrients allows for normal growth and development of potatoes, increases the content of sugars, starch and vitamins. Thanks to such an additive, the resistance of plants to external unfavorable factors increases. When planting potatoes, it is necessary to make 10 g per hole. Top dressing should be done within 15 days after planting the tubers. Fertilizer can be used to increase the yield of carrots, cabbage or beets. This type of feeding belongs to the species of average danger, therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe precautions. The cost of a fertilizer package with a volume of 2.3 kg is 193 rubles.

Hera fertilizer for potatoes


  • Excellently soluble in water;
  • Price;
  • Complex fertilizer;
  • Efficiency;
  • Increased plant immunity;
  • Tightness of the package;
  • Versatility.


  • Not everywhere you can buy;
  • Chemical smell.

Weaving Nitrofoska

Domestic-made granulated product has long been a leader among many fertilizers. A mineral agent for increasing yields and enriching the soil can be used from March to the end of September to feed many crops. This complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer can be used for any soil. The chemical formula of this drug indicates the presence of an oxidation process. When buying this top dressing, you should carefully study the composition of the product and recommendations. Although it is considered complex, containing nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, other elements may also be included. These may include cobalt, boron, magnesium, manganese, or other elements. The presence of such substances is not always beneficial to any culture. When working with the drug, it is required to use protective devices in the form of gloves and glasses. Clothing must fully protect the human body. It is necessary to store the dressing away from heat sources, avoiding direct sunlight. You should always remember about the explosiveness of this product. The cost of packaging a product for increasing yields, with a volume of 1 kg, is 100 rubles.

fertilizer Weaving Nitrofoska for potatoes


  • Efficiency;
  • Price;
  • Solubility in water;
  • Contains all the components necessary for the plant;
  • Versatility;
  • Quality;
  • Productivity;
  • Balanced composition;
  • Does not contain chlorine;
  • Ionization;
  • Long-term presence of active substances in the soil;
  • The potato root system actively absorbs all components of the preparation;
  • Makes potato tubers uniform and tasty.


  • If the application technique is not followed, it can harm the plantings;
  • Accumulates nitrates;
  • Contact with skin may cause irritation.

Fertika Potato-5

This granular complex allows you to accelerate the growth and ripening of potatoes, increase its resistance to pests and diseases, and improve crop yields. Storing the harvested crop will become simple and profitable. The taste of the potatoes remains unchanged. The plant feed contains nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in equal proportions. Some trace elements are added to them, among which it is necessary to highlight sulfur, zinc, copper, boron and magnesium. You can apply the drug during soil preparation, when planting, during the growing season. One package with top dressing from this manufacturer is enough for several seasons. The drug belongs to the mineral type of fertilizers. The cost of feeding, the packaging of which has a volume of 2.5 kg, is 200 rubles.

Fertika Potato-5 fertilizer


  • Increases productivity;
  • Price;
  • Verified manufacturer;
  • Optimal ratio of minerals and trace elements;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Fast dissolving agent;
  • Increases plant immunity;
  • Quality;
  • Does not contain chlorine;
  • Productivity;
  • Stimulates tuberization;
  • Ensures the safety of tubers throughout the entire storage period.


  • Difficult to find on the free market;
  • Application rates are not specified in detail.


This natural organic soil former helps to increase yields and humus content in the soil. The achievement of this effect is due to the stimulation of the activation of humogenic processes. This top dressing can be applied to all types of plants. The preparation includes:

  • Chicken droppings;
  • Gumi;
  • Fitosporin-M;
  • Useful microflora;
  • Trace elements;
  • Macronutrients.

Trace elements are quickly absorbed by the root system, which stimulates crop growth. When working with the drug, precautions should be taken to avoid contact with skin or eyes. The cost of an organic product, the package of which contains 2 kg of substance, is 38 rubles.

fertilizer Bionex-1


  • Improving plant immunity;
  • Increased productivity;
  • Complex nutrition of culture;
  • Improving the quality characteristics of the soil;
  • Suppression of harmful soil microflora;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Harmlessness;
  • Versatility;
  • Quality.


  • Smell.


The organomineral fertilizer is produced in Russia. Each granule of the drug contains the same composition of useful elements. The tool has a prolonged action. Thanks to the drug, the ripening period is significantly reduced, and the yield increases. To obtain a stable effect, it is necessary to fertilize the plant several times per season. In addition to the organic base, the complex contains:

  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Potassium;
  • Nitrogen.

A 50% increase in yield is accompanied by a reduction in the growing season. Tubers become tastier and more attractive in appearance. The fertilizer was developed specifically for potatoes, so it contains a balanced composition that ensures the growth and yield of this particular crop. The cost of dry organic mineral dressing, produced in 5 kg bags, is 642 rubles.

fertilizer Fasco


  • Suitable as the main fertilizer;
  • Productivity;
  • Packaging;
  • Immunostimulating function;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Naturalness of the composition;
  • Prolongation of action;
  • Solubility in water;
  • Efficiency.


  • Smell;
  • Inaccurate dosage;
  • Price.


This biologically active, ecological product, created on the basis of chicken manure, is used to increase soil fertility, to provide plant crops with mineral nutrition elements. In a granular preparation created using a special technology, there are no insect larvae, plant seeds and other elements of the pathogenic environment. The cost of a 2 kg package is 130 rubles.

fertilizer Orgavit


  • Increases soil fertility;
  • Contains many macro- and microelements;
  • Accelerates the maturation of root crops;
  • Increases productivity;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Safety;
  • Convenience of storage;
  • There is no smell;
  • Compactness;
  • Quality;
  • Immunostimulation of plants.


  • Price.

We looked at proven and effective means to increase potato yields that have worked well in our climate zone. If you have experience in using fertilizers for potatoes described in the rating, or more interesting options, tell us about it in the comments.


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