Unfortunately, the problem of scoliosis (curvature of the spine) is familiar to most people around the world. However, there are many different ways to improve your own condition and gain the correct and beautiful posture.
The editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offers you a rating of the best posture exercises for 2024, which can be easily performed without leaving your home, as well as with great health benefits.
general information
Correct posture refers to the habitual posture of a naturally standing person who can effortlessly keep the body and head in a straight position. If some difficulties arise with this, then we can safely talk about a violation of posture.
At present, when for many a sedentary lifestyle is quite normal, the occurrence of scoliosis is considered a rather urgent problem, both in childhood and at an older age. In addition, poor posture can lead to a number of diseases, and if you neglect exercises to improve it, then sooner or later this will lead to serious consequences, namely:
- the appearance of acute pain in the back;
- rapid fatigue, frequent fatigue;
- the formation of intervertebral hernia and protrusion (bulging of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal without rupture of the fibrous ring);
- the appearance of osteochondrosis;
- violation of the respiratory system and blood circulation;
- displacement and compression of internal organs;
- the appearance of dizziness and feeling unwell.
In addition, improper posture also leads to a deterioration in appearance. As a consequence, there is a violation of gait, protrusion of the abdomen and the confluence of the chest. Therefore, both from the point of view of health and aesthetically, stooping leads to rather serious consequences.
But you can fix this by setting aside at least a few minutes a day to do certain exercises. This helps not only straighten the spine, but also minimize stoop, and also allows you to get rid of back pain.
Rules to keep your posture
There are a number of specific rules to help maintain a beautiful and correct posture:
- Control. It is necessary to monitor the position of your own body - when walking, sitting at a table or lying on the couch. The first step is to pay attention so that the shoulders are straight and lowered, the chest is directed forward, the spine is straight, and the stomach is not protruding. When walking, look forward, not down.
- Proper development of the back muscles and abs is the key to a good and strong spine. Exercises on this muscle group have the best effect on strengthening the spine, so they should not be neglected.
- Walking with a book on your head. It is considered an excellent preventive measure for correcting problems with curvature of the spine. Since you can only hold the book in a straightened position, this will be a fairly effective way to maintain your posture.
- Break in the work process.Even while at work, you should take small pauses to stretch your back and the whole body as a whole. You can even do a few specific exercises designed exclusively for warm-up in the workplace.
- When performing bends, the back should not be rounded and stooped. In the case when it is difficult to perform the slope, you can bend your knees slightly. When carrying heavy objects, it is recommended to distribute the weight correctly between two hands, excluding the load on one side only.
- Comfortable shoes. The constant wearing of heels leads to a serious load on the spine and poor posture, therefore, it is necessary to periodically change shoes to more comfortable and comfortable ones, giving your feet a little rest.
- Leading an active lifestyle. Inactivity causes many problems, including dysfunction of the spine. Therefore, you need to try to move as much as possible, and do it every day.
- Sleep on a mattress with optimal firmness. It is also a preventive measure for back diseases and poor posture. In addition, you can purchase a special orthopedic mattress.
- Using an orthopedic brace. It is an excellent tool for maintaining the spine in excellent condition, but you should start wearing it only after consulting a specialist. Otherwise, there is a risk of fixing the incorrect position of the back instead of correcting it.
- Correct seating at the table. Since most people spend a lot of time sitting, the correct position of the body at the table plays an important role in maintaining posture.
Ranking of the best exercises
To form and maintain a beautiful posture
Low lunges
Make a front lunge with your foot, straighten and stretch up - you will feel a slight extension of the spine. Stand for 30-60 seconds, then repeat with the opposite leg.
Tilt "handle in the lock"
Straighten up, feet shoulder-width apart. Clasp your hands behind your back, connecting them "in a lock", lift them up - the back should bend. Make a tilt, reaching with your chest to your hips. Legs are straight, knees are not bent. Take a deep breath five times and smoothly return to the original stance.
Wall support
The initial stance is a couple of steps from the wall, feet hip-width apart. Lean forward with your hands against the wall. After that, you need to stretch your back, while feeling the muscle tension. If possible, bend as low as possible - this contributes to more effective stretching of the shoulder muscles. Legs and back are straight, between them - an angle of 90 degrees. Duration of execution is 40-60 seconds.
Hands "in a lock" sitting
Take the classic lotus position with your legs crossed near your pelvic region. Put one arm, bent at the elbow, behind your back. With the other hand, do the same, but the elbow should be near the waist. Fold your arms, forming a "lock", straighten up and bring the shoulder blades together. Fix for 30 seconds, change posture and repeat.
Raising arms and legs
The initial position is on all fours, arms and hips perpendicular to the floor. As you exhale, raise and stretch with your hand and the opposite leg so that a straight line forms with the body. Stretch your arms forward as much as possible, and your feet back. Fix for 30-40 seconds, then change sides.
Designed to both maintain posture and improve balance and balance.
Twisting on all fours
Get on all fours. Take one hand off the floor and raise it strictly vertically. After that, unfold the body, straighten the shoulder muscles, open the chest region and bring the shoulder blades together. You can feel how the spine is pleasantly stretched.
Duration of execution is 30 seconds per side.
Forearm plank
It is considered one of the most effective exercises for strengthening the muscle corset and improving posture.
To perform it, it is necessary to take an emphasis lying on the forearms and socks so that a straight line forms with the body. At the same time, it is necessary to control that the back remains flat, without deflections and bends, the stomach and knees are tightened, and the pelvis does not "walk". Stay like this for 20-40 seconds, rest, after which you can do a couple more approaches.
Hand plank
Another variation for maintaining a healthy spine. The course of execution is similar to the bar on the forearms, the only difference is that the emphasis is placed with the palms on the floor. The body should still remain fit and as straight as possible.
Standing on all fours, palms are pressed to the floor. Inhale and bend in the back, lock in for 5-10 seconds. Exhale deeply, rounding your back. The movement occurs through the deflection of the spine. The number of repetitions is 15-20 times.
Standing back bend
Significantly strengthens the deep back muscles and provides greater mobility to the thoracic spine.
To do the exercise, take a straight upright position, feeling the floor surface under your feet. Then place your hands on your hips and tilt back, making the best possible deflection in the back. At the same time, it is very important to keep a balance. To avoid the loss of a stable position, a slight deviation of the hips forward is allowed.
If this option does not work out the exercise, it can be made a little easier. To do this, sit on a chair and try to bend as deep as possible, but without throwing your head back.
It has a positive effect on the flexibility of the lower spine, provides excellent ventilation of the lungs and is considered an excellent option for combating muscle spasms.
Starting position - on the stomach, forearms touching the floor. Lift the upper body, without lifting the pelvic from the floor, feeling a pleasant tension in the back. Fix for 40-60 seconds, then do another 2-3 approaches.
For simplicity, you can make not very high body lifts and fix the position for only a few seconds.
Back arch
It helps to improve the mobility of the upper spinal region, perfectly stretches the back muscles, fights tension and spasms in the shoulder and thoracic regions.
Perform this exercise as follows: lie on your stomach, your forearms are pressed to the floor. Place your extended arms behind your back and place them parallel to your body, then lift your torso. You can feel pleasant tension in the spinal muscles and stretching in the chest. In this case, one should control so that the head does not tilt back, and the legs remain pressed to the floor.
Provides the development of the spinal muscles, improves the flexibility of the spine, strengthens the legs, develops a sense of balance and coordination of movements.
Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Raise your arms and torso without lifting your legs off the floor. After that, it is necessary to take turns to raise the arm and the opposite leg, making movements as in swimming. The basic rule of this exercise is to perform smooth movements with an optimal amplitude, avoiding sharpness and jerks.
Grabbing the foot
Provides the development of a sense of balance and coordination, has a positive effect on the flexibility of the back, perfectly soothes and relaxes.
Get on all fours, raise your leg with bent knee. With the opposite hand, take the ankle of this leg, thereby making the back bend. During the execution, you need to control balance by transferring the weight to the leg and arm, resting on a solid surface. Change position and repeat.
For simplicity, a fitness band or towel is also used to grip the foot more comfortably.
Half bridge
It has a positive effect on strengthening the gluteal muscles, hips and pelvis, and also perfectly stretches the spine.
Sit on your back, pulling your legs with bent knees to the pelvis. Raise the pelvis, making sure that the shoulders, neck and head remain leaning against the floor, and the feet are shoulder-width apart.With your hands, grab the ankles or place them parallel to the body. During execution, you need to feel the tension of the buttocks at the top point and strive to raise the pelvis to the possible height - this will ensure optimal development of flexibility.
King Cobra
It has a beneficial effect on flexibility, combats pain, clamps and tension in the body, improves posture.
To perform, lie on your stomach, rest your hands with your palms on the floor. Raising the body with bent knees, bend your back, take your head back. It is necessary to try to reach the back of the head with your toes, making the back bend to the maximum.
For simplicity, you can stretch with your legs bent at the knees, but looking forward, without throwing your head back.
Provides flexibility to the spine, eliminates chest spasms, and has a beneficial effect on the development of posture.
The starting stance is on the knees, shins, and thighs at a 90 degree angle. Hands on the ankles. Bend back slowly. During the deflection, stretch the pectoral muscles and bring the shoulder blades together, eliminating the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region.
It strengthens the arms and back, stabilizes the sense of balance and flexibility of the spinal region.
Lie on your stomach. Press your legs and pelvic part to the floor, then stretch your straightened arms forward, lifting the torso. During the exercise, you can feel the work of the back muscles, stretching of the spine and tension of the buttocks. In this exercise, it is not recommended to throw your head back - look forward, concentration is carried out on the work of muscles and breathing technique.
It has a strengthening effect on the muscles of the arms, back and gluteal region. In addition, it effectively develops flexibility and also trains balance.
Sit on your stomach with your forearms against the floor. Take your arms behind your back, bend your legs. The heels are pointing up. Putting your hands on your ankles, do the optimal deflection without throwing your head very strongly. The socks are directed towards the back of the head to form a position that resembles a drawn bow in appearance.
A fish
It improves the flexibility of the lumbar spine, promotes relaxation of the pelvic muscles, as well as the development of flexibility in the hips.
Starting position - on the back, legs bent at the knees. The shins should be on either side of the body. Raise your torso so that the back of your head and buttocks are tucked in and your arms are free and parallel to your body.
Stretching puppy
Allows you to stretch the spine, assists in forming the flexibility of the back, relieving tension from the shoulders and lumbar region, fatigue from the whole body as a whole.
To do this, you need to get on all fours, make a back bend, stretching your arms forward. Reach the floor with your chest, as in a situation when you need to crawl under some obstacle. The tailbone is directed upward. Thus, it is optimal to stretch the back, slightly bending.
Taking a little time every day to do the exercises, as well as adhering to a number of specific rules, you can significantly improve your posture, gain flexibility, relieve tension and just feel a significant improvement in overall well-being.
If you have experience in performing the exercises presented in this rating, or more effective options, share your opinion in the comments.