The best antibiotic ear drops for otitis media and inflammation for 2024


Each person has three channels of perception of the surrounding world: to see, feel (smell, taste buds, tactile sensations) and hear. It is through the ears that we can hear external sounds, and they are an extremely important organ of perception. But the structure of the ears is a "door" for many infectious diseases that can lead to hearing loss and even brain damage. The editorial staff of the site "" offers to your attention an article describing ear drops for otitis media and inflammation.

Who is more likely to have hearing problems?

The human hearing aid is a complex maze and internal structure that delivers impulses to the brain. Various diseases of this organ are inevitable.

With the advent of various innovative technologies such as sound amplifiers and headphones, the trend of hearing loss is evident in the younger generation.

It is headphones that are now considered the main carriers of infections. After all, the blockage of the channels maintains a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. Loud and heavy impulses that travel directly through the headphones to the hearing aid can destroy the internal structure. This leads to hearing problems and injuries.

It is also not uncommon for an ENT specialist to see a person whose work is associated with prolonged exposure to noise on this organ (workers at a construction site, in a nightclub, etc.)

Swimmers are even more at risk. They are in constant contact with chlorinated water, which can cause inflammation, infectious diseases, congestion, otitis media.

Common ear diseases

It should be noted that self-diagnosis or self-medication can lead to poor health and hearing loss. Diagnosis by qualified professionals is mandatory.

Ear diseases are divided into 3 categories:

  • Inflammatory. The most important common disease is otitis media. Depending on the localization, it can proceed in an external, middle or internal form. The causes of inflammation can be a previous infection. The main signs are acute pain, itching, fever. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Not inflammatory. These include otosclerosis. It is characterized by a disease of the inner ear with progressive hearing loss and damage to the bone of the ear capsule. The deflecting bone prevents the passage of impulses to the stapes, which reduces perception and hearing. As a result, ringing in the ears occurs.
  • Fungal diseases. Such diseases are often found in humans, with a violation of the internal flora throughout the ear. It can be caused by herbal or mechanical stress. The fungus affects almost all of the ear. It is characterized by the appearance of itching, noise and purulent discharge. If you find such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A list of common diseases that occur in both children and adults:

  1. Sulfur plugs. This is a lump of earwax that has been compressed. The first sign of a plug is hearing loss, ringing.It is not recommended to punch such a plug on your own, since you will drive it even deeper and it will be more difficult for a specialist to get it. For this, the doctor uses an apparatus that washes out the cork.
  2. Internal otitis media. This is an inflammatory process of labyrinths, channels that are filled with fluid. It is characterized by acute pain. A virus or infection causes an inflammatory process. Antibiotic drops are prescribed.
  3. Meniere's disease. This is a disease that has its first manifestations such as dizziness, severe hearing loss, nausea and fever. The increased pressure causes ringing in the ears. The disease is serious and requires immediate surgical intervention, as a result of which the nerve channels are blocked.
  4. Otitis externa. Caused by an infection or fungus. Characteristic manifestations are acute itching, hearing impairment, and pain in the earlobe. It is treated with drugs containing antibiotics.
  5. Tinnitus. In almost all infectious diseases, ringing appears as a result. A breakdown of the ear membrane or trauma is responsible for the appearance of this symptom.

Rating of the best ear drops for 2024

In our ranking, we will indicate the best remedies for popular diseases. The list has been compiled based on feedback from experts and consumers.

The article is informative, before buying drugs, you need to consult a specialist!

It is worth considering that almost all ear preparations of the review can be used for children and adults, with rare exceptions when there are restrictions on instillation in infants of the first month of life.

Price table:

ApplicationName Price, rub
Antimicrobial drops, antifungalCandibiotic 470
Ear drops for otitis mediaOtipax405

Antimicrobial drops, antifungal


Ear drops from an Indian manufacturer. A combined preparation for external use and has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory functions. It is used for inflammatory diseases, has analgesic functions. Due to its chemical composition, it directly affects the sensitivity of microorganisms to the drug. Candibiotic is prescribed after surgery to restore microflora. It is worth noting that Candibiotic is prescribed even for babies from 1 month old.



  • a strong drug with powerful antimicrobial properties;
  • has the function of pain relief;
  • restores;
  • protects.


  • small imports to the country, difficult to acquire;
  • may cause allergies.


One of the best anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed for diseases caused by infection or microbial contamination. It is hormone-containing. Thanks to corticosteroids, they relieve inflammation, soothe the walls of the ear canals, and antimicrobial agents fight infection. The French drug is based on an antibiotic, so the appointment is made only by a doctor. There is an increased sensitivity to active substances, so the drug can cause an allergic reaction.



  • strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug;
  • soothes the walls of the ear canals;
  • contains an antibiotic;
  • French drug from a well-known pharmaceutical company.


  • may cause an allergic reaction;
  • discharged only by appointment.


Another antimicrobial drug with an active composition. Has a strong antimicrobial effect and helps to reduce the inflammation that they provoke. The action of the drug is to paralyze bacteria, and then to further destroy them. Designed for middle ear, external use. It is used after surgery, for diseases caused by bacterial lesions and purulent discharge. It is also provided for the prevention of chronic otitis media.



  • widespread use;
  • strong antimicrobial effect;
  • reduces inflammation caused by bacteria;
  • prophylactic agent after surgery.


  • addictive to bacteria;
  • may cause allergies.


This drug, which in its effect is anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and bactericidal, can be used for adults and children over the age of 8 years.

The spectrum of action of the drug is wide - from allergic manifestations to chronic and acute otitis media. In ENT practice, it is used quite widely. The appointment must be made by a doctor, since betamethasone is responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect, which means that the drug is a hormone-containing one.



  • Multipurpose drug;
  • The effect appears quickly.


  • Not for preschool children.

Ear drops for otitis media


A strong drug of active action, which is used for acute otitis media, with otitis media caused by viral infection or post-influenza condition, with otitis media after damage to the tympanic membrane. Before using the drug, you need to consult a specialist. Allowed for pregnancy and children under 12 years old. The course is designed for 10 days, you can use the drug 2-3 times a day.



  • used for otitis media;
  • with damaged eardrums;
  • anti-inflammatory.


  • a doctor's consultation is required;
  • addictive.


An antibiotic that has a broad antimicrobial purpose. It is worth answering the rapid penetration of the drug into the bloodstream, which enhances the effect and immediately relieves the patient's acute pain. Designed for the treatment of bacterial infection, infectious disease and chronic otitis media. The advantage of this drug is that it can be used even for infections and bacterial infections in the eyeballs. The drug has active ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction. Allowed for use during pregnancy and lactation.



  • wide microbiological spectrum;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • can be used for eyeballs;
  • heals bacterial infections;
  • is used for acute and chronic otitis media.


  • causes aggressive allergies;
  • can not be used in children under 1 month of age;
  • you must first pass tests for bacterial culture.


A budget drug from Armenia, which is recommended by almost all doctors. The analgesic effect quickly improves the general condition of a person. The drug is absorbed into the mucous membrane and excreted again through the earwax, which prevents the development of chronic otitis media and acute infectious infections. It is used for acute periods of otitis media, infectious infections or bacterial lesions. It can be used for children with acute diseases. The course of application is not more than 10 days.



  • analgesic effect;
  • apply for acute otitis media;
  • prevents the development of chronic otitis media;
  • can be given to children.


  • may cause an acute allergic reaction;
  • consultation with a specialist is required beforehand.


The powerful therapeutic effect that the use of this drug gives is guaranteed by the antibiotic contained in the composition - ciprofloxacin. He actively fights both bacteria that are in the dormant stage and those that are actively multiplying, thereby worsening the course of the disease. Tsipromed can also be used for prophylactic purposes and after surgical treatment (surgery).



  • Not an expensive drug;
  • Perceptible anti-pain effect;
  • Universal effect: anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory;
  • Relieves ear congestion, is effective for otitis media of varying degrees of complexity.


  • There is a large list of contraindications.

The human ear is a complex and confusing organ. There are many diseases of this organ in both children and adults, requiring the timely intervention of specialists. Self-medication or misdiagnosis can lead to serious consequences, including complete deafness.


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