The best heaters for a wooden house for 2024


When the house is cozy and warm, you want to come back there again and again. Not a single job, even the most difficult, will spoil the mood from harmony, which is located a few kilometers or steps away. Therefore, people often build wooden houses and invest there not only money, but also their soul. But often the question arises about the insulation of such structures. If before the market was not rich in various materials and methods, now you can find a suitable model in a couple of clicks. And to make it even faster, the editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best heaters for a wooden house for 2024.

Careful material selection guarantees good results

Often a man inherits a wooden house. Sometimes he does not even know about its existence, but in some he spent every summer vacation. The moment has come when the structure is now in his property and, perhaps, the first thing to start with is insulation. Also, some people buy houses from a bar and are unpleasantly surprised when they discover that it is very cold at home in winter. More often this is due to simple savings, and the owner now needs to solve this problem on his own.

Pros of wooden houses

Log structures have always been considered the most practical and environmentally friendly. In summer, being inside such a structure is a real pleasure, because they do not get as hot as other types, and in winter they are not so cold. However, it is not enough just to buy a house and that's it, such structures need careful maintenance and only then there will be comfort and coziness inside. For this reason, not everyone is able to maintain them in a proper way.

It is worth knowing that most of the heat comes out through the roof, so in most structures, the entire attic was filled with hay. However, at least about 35% of the warm air comes out through the windows. Other elements: the floor and walls do not take away heat so much, so they do not need to be carefully insulated.

When a person decides to start thermal insulation, then a big surprise for him will be the amount of materials with which markets and shops are crowded. And this is not just that, because some types of products are intended for indoor installation, while others are for exterior decoration. Most experts recommend carrying out thermal insulation only outside, according to their practice, only then the optimal temperature is ensured throughout the year, and not one period.

What materials are used for outdoor insulation

Today, more than a dozen products are known that will last a long time and reliably. However, there are those that are in greater demand than others. Therefore, it is important to know some of the popular options that will never fail, while the cost for them will not be so great.

  • Stone wool in slabs. A practical and lightweight model with which you can insulate almost any house. In addition, its transportation will take a minimum of effort, and cutting can be done using a standard knife.The only drawback of such a product is slight deformation, so they cannot be exposed to strong impact, otherwise they will crumple.
  • Ecowool. A good material that was made from cellulose. There are two ways to carry out thermal insulation with this type. The first method is the simplest, so that you just need to open the packaging, soften the material and gradually tamp it into the walls. Of course, specialists will not use this method, because it is more intended for insulating non-residential premises, since it cannot give 100% efficiency, although according to the forecasts of manufacturing firms, this is the best method that will last over 15 years. The second method is more professional, so for insulation, ecowool is sprayed on the surface of the walls, adhesion is carried out almost instantly, and there is no risk of subsidence.
  • Styrofoam. This is one of the most famous methods used by almost all people. This popularity is due to the low cost, with which other species are not able to compete. However, its effectiveness is not so high, because it is easy to break, it is fragile and moisture permeable, which entails additional consumption. In addition, you cannot buy the first foam that comes across, it is important that there are only unpressed canvases.
  • Polyurethane foam. This product consists of two different components that react with each other when exposed to high pressure. Such material is also in high demand from ordinary people and hobbyists. This is due to the fact that after warming a wooden house with polyurethane foam, heat loss is reduced to almost zero, which is an excellent result. In addition, a great advantage of this material is water resistance.
  • Natural heat-insulating elements. These materials include some types of mixtures and plates. They are mainly made from sawdust, straw and similar parts. Due to this, the minimum cost is achieved, but a person will need to spend the maximum time. There is only one kind that is easy to install - flax fibers.

The presented materials are in great demand among consumers and have proven themselves in the market for a long period. However, this does not mean that these are the only models that are so widespread:

  • Basalt slabs. The only drawback of this material is its high cost. Otherwise, the product shows excellent results. In appearance, the product looks more like mineral wool, only unlike it, basalt slabs have a number of positive characteristics that their budget counterparts do not have. The product will not only insulate the house, but will also preserve this result for decades, even despite sudden temperature changes or high loads. Therefore, I advise most professionals to choose this particular option.
  • Penoplex. Such products have appeared relatively recently, but have already gained high popularity due to their technical characteristics and high heat retention coefficient. The product is lightweight and shows an excellent result in the moisture resistance test. Thanks to this, the owner does not have to think about laying an additional layer.
  • "Arctic". This insulation is made of synthetic fibers that adhere due to the high flow of hot air. Such a product cannot be called common, because more often it is used only in areas with harsh conditions. When using this product, the owner will provide himself not only with heat, but also with good thermoregulation, which will create the most favorable climate.

What is the main advantage of external insulation of a wooden house

In order for thermal insulation to last as long as possible, a person needs to carefully approach this issue.Of course, you can buy cheap materials that will last a maximum of 5 years, and then the quality of heat retention will remain at a low level. But going for savings to get dubious benefits is not always the right decision. Therefore, it is better to do it once, but with high quality, than to spend nerves and forces on rework.

Interior decoration is good, it can give the user warmth and create a favorable atmosphere, but you will have to sacrifice space. However, this is not the whole problem, because even if a person is willing to sacrifice useful space, the wood will crack in the cold, which will entail sad results.

Some frame houses, built by amateur builders using the wrong methods and without observing the main insulation technologies, will cause fungus and mold to form inside the tree over time. But even this problem can be solved with the help of exterior decoration, the main thing is to choose the right material that will be used.

The only nuance that must be observed when carrying out external thermal insulation is vapor permeability. This will enable the wood to "breathe", which means it will deteriorate at times slower.

Rating of popular materials for thermal insulation

ISOBOX Extralight

This option is perfect for finishing private wooden houses or industrial buildings. Its presence guarantees the user excellent quality and inner warmth. Even if it is necessary to apply the product for a specific location, the material still remains in demand. It will insulate the whole house, while the cost of the product is not as high as for most analogues. In order for the insulation to maximize its capabilities, it must be used in structures with a low weight load.

For the manufacture of this product, only high-quality and natural minerals are used that are of natural origin. The main element are basalt rocks, which will provide the house with everything you need. When the production stage begins, mineral wool is created from the resulting raw materials, which is subsequently subjected to mechanical stress and pressed into neat blocks.

The sale is carried out in many online stores and markets. The package contains 8 pieces. In addition, the main feature of such a material is the preservation of all initial characteristics for decades. The product is completely environmentally friendly and safe for human health, which is also a big plus for those who produce interior decoration.

Also, the material shows high resistance to moisture and gives owners additional sound insulation. It is not affected by harmful bacteria, which is why its service life is about 20 years or more. It does not collapse even with sudden changes in temperature, and its installation will take a couple of hours.

The average price is 437 rubles per block.

ISOBOX Extralight


  • Budgetary;
  • Practicality;
  • Withstands temperature extremes;
  • Keeps you warm;
  • Safe for health.


  • Not found.

Linen insulation

This is an environmentally friendly product that is completely harmless to animals and humans. In addition, it has good characteristics, which allows it to be used for almost any wooden structure. Most heaters based on this component are divided into two large groups: tow, linen, flax-jute and thermolen. Each is distinguished by its unique composition. The material will serve the owner for over 50 years, this is an excellent result. In addition, it has a high level of vapor permeability, which allows the walls to "breathe", which has a positive effect on their operation and extends their service life.

To install such material, no special knowledge is required, since even a beginner can handle this work.

The average cost is 280 rubles.

Linen insulation


  • High performance indicators;
  • Water vapor permeability;
  • Easy installation;
  • Low weight;
  • Fire safety class G1;
  • Does not cause allergies.


  • Needs additional impregnation.

Expanded polystyrene PENOPLEX Comfort

This is a high-quality and reliable material that was invented over 80 years ago, but has become widespread in recent decades. It is used in almost all insulation works. Due to its low vapor permeability, the product does not accumulate moisture, but this advantage is also a disadvantage, because the walls do not "breathe" because of this.

Penoplex is able to serve for over 40 years, which is also an additional plus. For its installation, a minimum of effort will be required, which makes it possible to carry out such work even for people who first encounter it. The product is located in the middle price segment, so almost everyone can afford it. The model can withstand high loads.

The average cost is 1300 rubles per package.

Expanded polystyrene PENOPLEX Comfort


  • Resistant to negative temperatures;
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Designed for 40 years;
  • Reliability;
  • Installation takes a minimum of time and does not include large additional costs;
  • Does not absorb moisture.


  • Low vapor permeability;
  • "Afraid" of rodents.

Polyurethane foam

A high-quality and reliable heat-insulating substance that can interact with any surface, from wood to glass. This makes the material versatile and allows it to be used in almost any construction. This provides good thermal conductivity.

In addition to insulating the structure, the PPU serves as an additional support. The product is completely resistant to various temperatures. Seams and joints are completely absent, which will not allow the cold air to pass through, under any circumstances.

However, the device has a number of disadvantages. For example, it is vulnerable to exposure to ultraviolet rays, as it causes rapid wear. To prevent this from happening, it is important to pay attention to the protection that can be done with ordinary paint or plaster. The material is not recommended to be used for insulating roofs covered with corrugated board, as the ventilation gap will be destroyed immediately.

The average cost is 4,500 rubles per cubic meter (closed cell).

Polyurethane foam


  • Safety;
  • Does not absorb moisture;
  • Long service life;
  • Easy;
  • Simple installation.


  • Vulnerable to UV rays;
  • Cannot be used on cold surfaces.


An excellent option for private housing construction, which is most often used for reliable and high-quality thermal insulation. When using such a product, the risk of heat loss is reduced, which creates a favorable microclimate that is maintained throughout the entire service life. The great advantage of this option is its environmental friendliness, since only natural ingredients are used in the manufacture. In addition, the material is mounted and cut well. The maximum service life of the structure is 50 years. Also, the material has good vapor permeability and absorbs 5% moisture.

Average cost: 450 rubles.



  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Simple installation;
  • Low heat loss;
  • Passing steam;
  • Noise isolation.


  • Cost;
  • There is no tightness of the seams.


If you have experience in using heaters for a wooden house, described in the rating, or brighter representatives, tell us about it in the comments.


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