❄Best cheesecakes (tubing) for downhill skiing for 2024


Winter, despite the low air temperature, is one of the most fun seasons of the year, as you can do a variety of sports and entertainment. Downhill skiing, snowboarding, sledging, snowballing, making a snowman and much more. Ice skating, and in the absence of it, sometimes used a piece of linoleum, is the most popular form of entertainment for children and adults. Modern youth prefers a modified ice sledge - a cheesecake, also called tubing. In the article, the reader will find out what kind of cheesecakes are, the criteria for choosing the best model and the rules of operation. And also the editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" present to your attention a rating of the best cheesecakes for downhill skiing for 2024.

Cheesecakes and other types of winter equipment

Before you buy tubing, you need to familiarize yourself with other types of winter equipment, which will allow you to choose the best option for winter entertainment.

Ice cream

An ice cube is a simple structure that is usually made of plastic. The low price of this inventory allows each child to purchase it for a fun pastime. Previously, instead of ice, they used linoleum, parts from boxes, and the most dodgy could use bags and briefcases. Popular with all ages and both sexes.

Ice-floes have only one solid advantages, for a small number of disadvantages. First of all, the extremely low price, and secondly, the design is very light and there is a special handle for easy wearing. Ice cakes are practically safe, which undoubtedly puts them in the first place for entertainment for children. For example, it is much easier for a child to get injured while riding a sled or other complex structures than using ice floes. The pluses of ice cakes can also be attributed to their durability, although in severe frosts they can crack.

Another type of ice is a trough. This is a "new" model of ice cakes. The ice troughs are wider and you can ride on it while sitting, lying down. Also on it there are handles on the sides for a convenient and safe descent from the hill. Despite the appearance, such ice cakes are much more dangerous, since they are made of harder plastic.

There is practically no limit to the variety of ice. A safer and more comfortable ice cube is those made with a special cover. The filler of this cover can be different: synthetic winterizer, foam rubber. Such inventory looks different: soft, with handles, more convex, with a loop, and so on.


One of the most popular types of devices for downhill skiing is undoubtedly tubing, it is on them that the emphasis will be placed in this article. Tubing is a sled made of a car camera with a cover. They are practically not used in modern playgrounds and yards, since the dimensions of such a structure are quite large. Often the equipment is used in the rental format on the ski slopes.

Unfortunately, tubing is considered a rather dangerous piece of equipment, despite its lightweight construction. And the reason lies in the speed of such ice-floes, it can reach 40 kilometers per hour, while it is impossible to control it.

The safest way to use cheesecakes is to ride down slides that have a gentle slope and there are no various jumps and bumps on it.

Snow scooter and sled

The snow scooter is in demand. For children, it replaces ordinary sleds, and is considered an order of magnitude more convenient and safer. There is a steering wheel on the structure, which allows you to calmly maneuver on the hill. The choice of snow scooters is huge, you can find a cheaper option with simple functions or purchase an expensive product, but with more reliable control and operation.

Sleds are a very popular form of transport for children. For parents - an excellent replacement for a stroller in the winter. Sleds are usually made of wood and metal. Some models are equipped with a backrest and a warm cover.

What is tubing

What is the means of riding made of? In the design, the main elements are a car camera, covered with a special cover on top. There are also handles along the edges and some models have improved seat belts. This is a relatively light inventory, its weight does not exceed 5 kilograms, and cheesecakes weighing about 1 kilogram are made for kids.

Entertainment has come to us from America since about the middle of the 18th century. But the shape of the tubing has changed significantly. Already in the 20th century, they began to actively use tires from a car, rolling not only the slopes of snow-capped mountains, but also descending on them along rivers. During the Soviet era, kids often used car cameras for entertainment, including roller coaster rides. This type of winter pastime, and now a kind of sport, has been actively developing on all continents. By the way, the word itself is of English origin, because tube is translated as "pipe".

Today there is not only a winter type of tubing, but also a summer one. In winter, you can ride from icy or snow-capped mountains, and in summer it is used as a form of transport to move along the water surface.

Advantages and disadvantages of tubing

Downhill riding is primarily associated with ice or sledging. Let's carry out a comparative analysis of these types of entertainment and find the main pros and cons of a cheesecake.

Advantages of a cheesecake compared to a sled:

  • The tubing has excellent shock absorption, which allows you to smooth out all the irregularities on the slope, and on a sled, all the bumps are reflected in the lower spine;
  • Thanks to the design, the cheesecake allows you to develop high speed, but at the same time, compared to a sled, it is safer when hitting, since the tubing is low and has a large area of ​​interaction with the slide;
  • The inflatable sled can be used in winter and summer.

Negative sides of tubing:

  • The sled is easier to control than the cheesecake, since the latter does not have a rudder or the ability to tie a rope, the only way to turn the cheesecake is to use the center of gravity, changing the position of the seated person;
  • If you want to buy equipment for skiing, you need to know exactly where the action will take place, tubing is not a universal equipment, unlike an ice or a sled, and will not work for yard skating.

Types and characteristics of tubing

The skating aid is an air-inflated car camera with a special cover and a reinforced bottom. The cover is made of various materials: polyester, nylon or durable PVC awning fabric with shock-resistant, in the winter version - frost-resistant coating. The lower part of the cover has a coating that allows you to reach high speeds. On the upper part, a material is used that allows better grip with the rider. On both sides of the structure there are handles necessary for holding during rolling and carrying equipment. Also in the design there is a ring used for towing purposes.

Criteria for choosing the best tubing

The age of the passenger. There are child and adult units.Children's cheesecakes have a smaller diameter and, accordingly, weight. In total, in the industry of winter equipment of this type, 4 size scales are adopted: S, M, L, and the latter does not have a letter, indicate the size in centimeters.

To get a good model, you need to know the ratio of the passenger's height to the diameter of the structure:

  1. S - passenger height up to 110 cm, inventory diameter 80–85 cm.
  2. M - passenger height up to 135 cm, inventory diameter 90-100 cm.
  3. L - passenger height up to 165 cm, inventory diameter 105-115 cm.
  4. The height of the passenger is up to 200 cm, the diameter of the inventory is 120–125 cm.

Differences also relate to the weight that the cheesecake can support:

  • up to 80 kg;
  • up to 120 kg;
  • up to 150 kg.

The technical characteristics of each model must be indicated in the instructions that come in the supplement.

Weight and height can also include a parameter that is responsible for the diameter of the seat. The smaller this parameter, the younger the passenger will be able to ride on the cheesecake. Why is this parameter important? If the diameter is too large, a small child will simply fall inside and will not reach the handles, and this is the first safety rule when descending on this device.

Why is it better to buy our cheesecakes? They are more adapted to harsh climates and odorless rubber. They can be used in the coldest temperatures, they can withstand loads of up to 300 kilograms. The Chinese manufacturer does not rely on such a load that it can cause cracks and subsequent explosion of the chamber.

Also, the cheesecake can explode during descent at high speed with a greater passenger weight than specified in the instructions. That is why it is worth choosing a device according to the age, height and weight of future riders.

Tubing does not have the ability to install a rudder, all control is performed directly by the body, therefore, the design must have reliable and strong handles. Sometimes there can be more than one pair of them, this model is intended for riding a child with an adult.

To buy the best model and find out how to choose the best option, you need to study the following criteria:

  • The outer coating of the cheesecake is one of the main selection criteria. The best material is PVC reinforced fabric. It is very durable, glides well on any slopes, has a long service life and practically does not deteriorate from external influences. The denser the fabric the cover is made of, the better.
  • The plastic bottom guarantees long-term use and also makes it safer to ride on ice.
  • When purchasing equipment for a child, it is better to choose a model with a brighter color texture. Such covers are made of less durable material, but they can withstand a child, and they also have a slightly lower service life.
  • Protection is one of the important criteria. These are various belts, fasteners, durable handles - everything that will allow you to secure the passenger to the maximum.
  • Before buying, it is better to sit in tubing and decide exactly on the dimensions.

Before purchasing, it is better to listen to the opinion of buyers or active users, you can also read reviews on various Internet sites, which will allow you to get an answer on which company is better to buy inventory. When asked where to buy, how much a model costs, you need to contact specialized sports stores that provide products from the manufacturer and have the necessary documents. You can go to the store or order online.

Rules and places for the use of cheesecakes

One of the most significant advantages of tubing is its ease of use. Even a teenager can safely inflate the structure using various types of pumps. But it's better for an adult to check the degree of hardness.

It is necessary to remember the main law of physics that when air is heated it expands. Therefore, if the structure was inflated on the street, then when entering the room, you need to deflate a little so that the camera does not burst.

The inner chamber is a consumable and can be replaced if necessary.If a small rupture occurs on the surface of the camera, you can glue it yourself with a special glue, which is used in the repair of car tires or for PVC products.

It is worth knowing that the cover and the main structure must be stored separately.

According to general rules, tubing should be used in specially designated places where various irregularities are excluded that can lead to mechanical damage to equipment. Usually ski resorts have dedicated slopes and lifts. In some places, such trails are equipped with artificial jumps, which make skiing a little more dangerous and more fun. But children can ride there only when accompanied by adults.

On the slides that are made in the courtyards, as well as ice slides, it is better not to ride a cheesecake. This is justified by the fact that the cheesecake cannot be fully controlled and you can drive it to a busy place or, even worse, to a road. There is also a risk of crashing into a pole, tree, car, etc.

Security measures

Safety is the main rule of any kind of entertainment. The cheesecakes are poorly controlled, develop a very high speed, and can also rotate, which can undoubtedly lead to dangerous situations. Therefore, before starting operation, you need to know the safety measures:

  1. Before starting the fun, you need to check the entire structure for cuts and damage.
  2. You need to ride the slides using tubing only in special places, and before starting to slide, you need to make sure that other people do not get in the way.
  3. Arriving on the track, try to inspect it. It should not have steep bumps and bulges, deep pits and sharp objects. When interacting with various objects, the cheesecake can fly off the slide, which means there is a high risk of injury.
  4. Artificial jumps on specialized trails are fun and safe, but the overhangs on normal slopes can lead to dangerous situations.
  5. There should be enough space at the end of the course to stop without meeting other people or objects.
  6. Slides with a slope of more than 20-30 degrees are also not safe. It is worth completely excluding the option of skiing on a slope with gravel or sand.
  7. It is necessary to exclude riding next to people using sleds, snow-scooters and other sturdier equipment. Since the collision may damage the camera or person.
  8. Additional protection will only keep passengers safe, especially children. Helmets are recommended for children under 12 years of age.
  9. The specified weight for the load must never be violated.
  10. Children under 6 years old are not allowed to ride alone, only with an adult, and the cheesecake must be designed for this weight.
  11. The operating rule prohibits riding in any position other than sitting.
  12. Tubing must not be towed by car or snowmobile. High speed develops and various accidents can occur.
  13. Entertainment gives a small dose of adrenaline, so you should exclude additional effects on the body: alcoholic beverages, drugs, and other harmful ingredients.
  14. You should ride while sitting, do not try to lie, stand up or jump like on a trampoline.
  15. You need to grip the cheesecake well and use straps. During riding, you need to control the movement, since a sharp turn of the body can lead to an overturn of the structure.
  16. You cannot slow down the cheesecake with body parts or use other objects, and you should also not be distracted by your cell phone, or do something else.
  17. Animals cannot be tubed.
  18. You can not try to sit inside on the move, you can also get out of it after the final stop.
  19. Try to control the descent on the cheesecake by children. A small child is not yet aware of all the danger and may accelerate too quickly and subsequently brake incorrectly.
  20. You can't tie cheesecakes to each other.

Rating of the best cheesecakes (tubings) for downhill skiing for 2024

Nika TB2K-85 tubing

Colorful tubing will perfectly cheer you up from a winter walk. The waterproof fabric of the upper part of the garment will provide additional resistance and prevent it from slipping out of the tubing.Thanks to the high-quality PVC awning fabric with a glossy surface, from which the bottom of this model is made, perfect sliding is achieved. Reinforced camera included. Frost-resistant material (up to -25-28 ° C). There is a towing strap. Reinforced camera included. The diameter of the inflatable sled is 85 cm, the load is 90 kg, the body is made of PVC, two handles. Includes cable and reinforced seat. Average price: 1500 rubles.

yubing Nika TB2K-85


  • Strong and durable construction;
  • The camera is included;
  • Reinforced seat.


  • Not found.

Hubster HYIP tubing 90 cm

The diameter of the inflatable sled is 90 cm, the maximum load is 100 kg. Suitable for both children and teenagers and adults. Made of textile and PVC. Three handles are sewn into the cover. Includes reinforced seat and camera. Zipper - hidden, on the seat. Attachment of the cable - external loop. The adrenaline is guaranteed and the safety is up to the mark. Average price: 1700 rubles.

Hubster HYIP tubing 90 cm


  • Durable material;
  • Bright colors of covers;
  • Reinforced seat.


  • the smell of rubber.

Tubing SWEET BABY Rider 100

The diameter of the cheesecake is 100 cm, the possible weight is 110 kg. The body is made of PVC. With only 4 handles, this means the cheesecake is suitable for sharing. Can be used by adults. Includes: cable and camera. Average price: 2200 rubles.

Tubing SWEET BABY Rider 100


  • bright design;
  • load up to 100 kg;
  • suitable for adults.


  • the smell of rubber.

Small Rider Asteroid Sport Tubing

The popularity of the model is due to the type of machine and the bright color of the design. The size of the structure allows almost everyone to use it with a weight of up to 180 kg. The body serves as a good support for the legs of a child and an adult. Due to its elongated shape, it slides smoothly along the slope and does not rotate around the axis, like round. Two fabric handles are firmly sewn to the case. To prevent your child from falling out of the cheesecake when you lift it up the slope, a seat belt comes in handy. Universal inventory for all ages. Average price: 2500 rubles.

Small Rider Asteroid Sport Tubing


  • complete with seat belt;
  • durable, comfortable construction;
  • camera included;
  • safe.


  • expensive for the price.

Tubing Belon familia Print 100 cm

A sturdy and comfortable cheesecake with a fun design. Made of PVC and textile. Thanks to this coating, it glides perfectly on the snow. Two fabric handles are securely sewn on the sides. There is a tow rope made of fabric. A reinforced seat has also been installed. The diameter of the inflatable sled is 100 cm. The camera is included. Safe and very easy to operate. Average price: 2000 rubles.

Tubing Belon familia Print 100 cm


  • cheerful print;
  • heavy load - 100 kg;
  • easy to operate.


  • slightly overpriced.

Winter is a time of miracles and fluffy snow. Winter activities are the most interesting and fun. Tubing or cheesecake is a great replacement for old ice cakes. The choice of colors and weight category allows you to buy the best model for the whole family. Before starting operation, you should carefully approach the safety measures and avoid dangerous situations. The rating of quality models includes the most popular inventory models. If you have experience in operating the cheesecakes listed in the rating or other options, tell us about it in the comments.


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