When a woman is just planning a pregnancy, she has a lot of questions. How to help a healthy baby to form What foods to add to the diet What vitamins to take
The main rule that the expectant mother must follow is to eat well. For normal development, the baby needs biological elements - nutrients. But getting them from regular food is not so easy; doctors strongly recommend adding mineral complexes to the diet. You need to drink them not only during pregnancy, but also when planning. Also, do not forget about sleep and rest.
Pregnant girls are often in search of an ideal mineral and vitamin complex that will help a child to form correctly. Today the choice is very large, so it is not so easy to choose and buy the right option. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have selected for you a list of the best vitamins for pregnant women for 2024.
Why drink vitamins during pregnancy
A modern girl is in a hurry to somewhere and does not follow all the rules of healthy eating that a baby needs. Even a complete diet does not guarantee a sufficient amount of all minerals in the body. Nobody says that if you don't take extra minerals, you won't be able to form a healthy baby, but it can negatively affect your mom's health. The kid will pick up useful components for his development, and the woman will feel this loss of hair, pain in the teeth and brittle nails.
Do expectant mothers need to drink vitamins? There is only one correct answer - yes. Mineral and vitamin complexes help a child to develop normally during 9 months before birth.
What vitamins you need to drink
From the very first days, the body of the expectant mother is rebuilt. There is a need for vitamins and minerals. But not all elements need to be added during this period. Let's take a closer look:
- Group B, folic acid. This is the most important group of elements that the doctor often prescribes for pregnant girls. B6, B9 and B12 are vitamins that help the baby's nervous system develop in the first trimester. B6 is responsible for the formation of the neural tube and is involved in the process of hematopoiesis. Folic acid (B9) helps the placenta to function properly and promotes the development of the brain and nervous system. The daily norm for a girl who does not suffer from anemia is 400 mcg. There is no need to increase the given dose of elements. B12 is responsible for ovulation (for non-pregnant women) and hematopoiesis in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. It needs to be added to their diet for girls who want to get pregnant. Numerous studies have shown that if one of these vitamins is not enough, then this can lead to a severe stage of toxicosis or even termination of pregnancy.
- Iodine and selenium. If the girl does not consume a sufficient amount of iodine, then the thyroid gland may be disrupted, which will adversely affect the correct formation of the baby's skeleton. It is necessary to add iodine to the diet from the first days of pregnancy, especially for those who live in regions with a lack of iodine.This problem is often faced by people who live far from the sea. The optimal rate is 200 mcg. It can be taken in combination or separately. When buying drugs, it is important to always study the composition in detail. Together with iodine, you need to add selenium intake, which is necessary for the proper transformation of thyroid hormones.
- Calcium, vitamin D. Calcium is needed for the development of the cardiovascular and nervous system in the second trimester and for the formation of the correct skeleton in the last. It also promotes muscle growth. Calcium can be skipped during the planning period and in the first months. But then, if the amount of calcium is insufficient, then the baby feeds on this mineral from the mother's skeleton. The girl develops brittle nails, hair loss, dental problems, skin rashes and other problems. Before taking, you need to take an analysis that will show what dose per day you need to take. In order for calcium to be absorbed correctly, it must be taken in combination with vitamin D. A person especially feels its deficiency in winter and spring.
- Iron. From the very first day until the end of pregnancy, you should monitor the level of hemoglobin. If the indicator is insufficient, then add kits of useful elements with iron. This element provides oxygen to the tissues of not only the child, but also the mother. If there is not enough iron in the body, it will lead to fetal hypoxia or uterine bleeding.
- Zinc. It helps a child to build up the immune system and gain weight in the late stages. If there is not enough zinc in the body, then this will negatively affect the health of the baby. May lead to bleeding or malformations.
- Vitamin A must be complexed as carotenoids. It helps the baby to fully develop in the womb. It plays an important role in the formation of immune function, eye health and growth.
- Vitamin C is important for both the baby and the mother. He participates in biochemical processes and helps the gland to be properly absorbed.
- Vitamin E maintains strength and energizes. He takes part in fetal tissue respiration and energy metabolism. But you should be careful about the dosage, an excess of this mineral can lead to abnormal development of the fetal cardiovascular system.
How to avoid vitamin deficiency
If a couple is planning a child, then they should go to the clinic for a trace element analysis. After receiving the results, the doctor prescribes drugs that are aimed at eliminating the deficiency. This is ideal.
If this does not happen, then it is advisable for the girl to take vitamins during pregnancy planning. But there are pleasant surprises in life when fate gives a baby. In this case, you need to seek advice from a polyclinic, where the doctor will prescribe a mineral complex that will help maintain the normal course of pregnancy and will contribute to the development of the fetus. You need to drink it throughout pregnancy, but the drugs may vary. While breastfeeding, it is also important not to forget about healthy supplements.
Which company to choose
It is not worth buying drugs in unverified stores. Unknown companies can not only hit the pocket, but also harm the health of the unborn child and mother. It is better to give preference to pharmacies that specialize in the sale of certified drugs.
Consider manufacturers that are trusted by a large number of people. They have a lot of positive feedback from residents of different parts of the world.
- Marbiopharm. The manufacturer has been producing medicines, nutritional supplements, mineral kits and so on since 1942. It is popular not only in Russia, but also in other countries. The Renaissance vitamins, which include the Mother and Child complex, have been specially developed for girls who are just planning a pregnancy, for pregnant women and during breastfeeding.
- Healing gift of Altai.This manufacturer creates complexes that help to replenish the lack of minerals in the body of a pregnant girl. They have a positive effect on the development of the fetus, as well as strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of the skin and hair.
- Bayer HealthCare is a German manufacturer that has long been known around the world. You can buy in Russia without a prescription. Every year the company carries out research aimed at improving the quality of medicines.
- Unipharm appeared on the market in 1922 and is still popular in many countries. The company is located in the USA.
- Merck KGaA. This manufacturer is one of the five leaders in the quality of dietary supplements. New drugs are constantly being developed.
Best vitamins for pregnant women in 2024
First trimester
Elevit Pronatal
This complex contains folic acid, calcium, iron and magnesium. Available in tablet form. Taking Elevit can be combined with other medicines during pregnancy. The composition does not contain iodine, so it can be taken separately if necessary. Many girls are allergic to this component, so the manufacturer does not add it to the mineral and vitamin complex.
Many pregnant women suffer from hair loss and brittle nails, Elevit is actively fighting this problem. Many girls have noticed the result from the first days of application. But it is worth using only in small quantities, not exceeding the dose indicated in the instructions. If the body has more minerals than is needed, then an unpleasant problem may arise - constipation. It is quite common in pregnant girls, no need to panic. In this case, you need to add apples, beets or other debilitating foods to the diet.
You can buy it in two packs - 30 or 100 pieces each. The cost for 100 pieces is 1700 rubles.
- Available for sale;
- Easy to take
- Improves the condition of the skin and hair;
- A positive effect from the first days of use.
- Cost;
- Side effects.
Femibion Natalcare I
Femibion cares about women's health. You need to take it for those who are just planning to conceive and before the 12th week of pregnancy. The small size of the tablets makes them easy to take. The composition contains folic acid, iodine, metafoline and other vitamins. These additives are needed in order to prevent the development of defects in the fetus. It is optimal to start taking pills 2-3 months before the date of conception. Especially experts recommend drinking Femibion to girls with an unbalanced diet. At this time, the girl needs to completely abandon bad habits. Improper nutrition and a lack of useful elements can lead to severe toxicosis. The drug helps prevent the development of vitamin deficiency, which is common in the first months of pregnancy.
Femibion ensures the normalization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, which increases immunity and energy metabolism. A positive result can be seen 7-14 days after starting the drug. The condition of the skin and nails improves and the hair stops falling out.
The cost of packing 30 pieces is 500 rubles.
- Can be purchased freely;
- A large number of useful components in the composition;
- Convenient to take;
- It is quickly absorbed by the body;
- The result will not be long in coming;
- Eases the condition with toxicosis;
- Normalization of the condition of hair and skin;
- Reduces the risk of miscarriage.
- There is no iron in the composition.
Complivit trimester 1 trimester
The complex was developed by the famous Pharmstandard-Ufa company. Complivit contains 22 useful elements that are needed for the proper development of the fetus in the early stages. The tablets are white and small in size, so there are no problems with the reception.
The drug is needed as a prophylaxis of vitamin deficiency. It is enough to take one tablet per day. This is a budget tool that helps the expectant mother stay alert and full of energy.
The average price is 480 rubles.
- Sold in a pharmacy;
- A sufficient amount of useful elements in the composition;
- High absorption rate;
- Affordable price;
- Works effectively;
- Suitable for use during the planning period of a child.
- Allergies may occur.
Second trimester
Minisan Mama Complex
The Finnish company has developed a unique balanced complex Minisan Mama, which is in demand all over the world. It should be taken during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. May be taken while breastfeeding if needed.
The main element in the composition is folic acid, which is necessary for girls who become pregnant in the fall or winter. During this period, girls often have a lack of trace elements in the body, which negatively affects the condition of the baby.
The composition contains iron along with vitamin D. These elements help prevent anemia. Magnesium improves blood flow and helps relax muscles. The recommended intake per day is one tablet. It contains a sufficient amount of iodine.
One package contains 90 tablets. The average cost is 750 rubles.
- Price;
- A large number of useful elements;
- Fast results;
- Small tablets;
- Economical consumption;
- Does not cause allergies.
- It contains no Omega-3.
Femibion Natalcare II
Femibion Natalcare II contains the required amount of useful components that a girl needs in the second trimester of pregnancy. They help not only to develop the fetus correctly, but also have a positive effect on the expectant mother. Girls who take this complex do not face problems such as brittle nails, hair loss, rashes and peeling of the skin.
The difference from Femibion I is the lower content of folic acid, but ascorbic acid, panthenolic acid with calcium and PPP are added. The composition also contains auxiliary elements - glycerin, magnesium salts and maltodextrin.
It is recommended to use this complex from the 13th week of pregnancy.
The average cost is 950 rubles.
- Good composition;
- Quality;
- Fights the problem of hair loss and brittle nails;
- Convenient to take.
- Price.
Complivit trimester 2 trimester
This complex is recommended for expectant mothers from 13 to 27 weeks of pregnancy. The amount of folic acid in the composition is reduced, but other elements are added that help the baby to develop correctly. There is no iodine in the composition, therefore, if necessary, it must be taken separately.
The domestic drug is popular with many expectant mothers, because it is a really effective remedy. It is available in the form of small tablets that are easy to swallow.
The average cost is 400 rubles.
- Budget drug;
- Rich composition;
- Easy to swallow;
- It has a positive effect on nails and hair.
- May cause allergies.
Third trimester
Mom's Health Alphabet
One package of the vitamin-mineral complex Alphabet Mom's Health contains 60 tablets. For convenience, they are divided into 4 sticks of 15 tablets. The tablets of each plate are colored in three colors - white, blue and pink. Each of the pills contains several types of useful elements. Pink - vitamins B1 and C, iron, copper, folic acid and beta-carotene. These trace elements prevent pregnancy termination and premature birth. Blue - iodine, zinc, magnesium, nicotinamide, manganese, B2, B6 and E. This complex is aimed at improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Whites - chromium, calcium, folic acid, biotin, K1 and B12. They help to boost the immune system and develop the baby's bones properly.
This complex has received a large number of positive responses from gynecologists in many countries. You can take the drug even while preparing for pregnancy, but the Alphabet must be in the diet at a later date.
The average cost is 430 rubles.
- Beautiful design;
- Convenient packaging;
- A large number of useful components in the composition;
- Effective;
- Safe for health.
- Not found.
This product contains 16 vitamins and minerals, including folic acid. Suitable for use both during planning a baby, and during 2-3 trimesters of pregnancy, and during breastfeeding. The pharmaceutical company Vitabiotics has developed an ideal composition that helps the fetus to form and develop correctly, and also has a positive effect on the health of girls.
One package contains not only tablets, but also capsules. You need to take one tablet and one capsule daily. Better not to chew, but to swallow.
The average price is 480 rubles.
- Good composition;
- Works effectively;
- Affordable cost;
- Doesn't cause nausea.
- Sold in small packages only.
Complivit Trimestrum 3
Complivit is a balanced drug that has been specially developed to improve the condition of the expectant mother and the correct development of the baby. The composition contains a large amount of retinol, which is needed for the structure of the bone frame and the development of reproductive function.
The composition contains vitamin E, which prevents the occurrence of arterial hypertension. This problem is observed in pregnant women in the last stages.
The only negative that a girl may encounter while taking these pills is nausea.
The average cost is 450 rubles.
- Affordable price;
- Sold in the public domain;
- Includes all the necessary elements.
- Side effects.
Only after consulting a doctor and passing tests, you can choose the optimal set of useful elements for yourself. But you need to take the drug only in the prescribed proportion. An overdose can be dangerous for the health of the mother and the unborn baby.
In the first trimester I did not take anything at all, no vitamins, everything was fine, even toxicosis was not, then my doctor sounded the alarm and said to drink vitamins, so I went to pregnoton for my mother from the second trimester, the flight is excellent, the analyzes are better 🙂