💊Best Vitamins for Energy and Vigor throughout the Body for 2024


The modern rhythm of life with a busy working day, irregular and sometimes improper nutrition, leads to fatigue, "loss of strength." In order to do everything, you have to risk your health, face the syndrome of chronic fatigue.

In the United States, there is even a center for chronic fatigue, whose specialists have developed a number of criteria that define a person's chronic fatigue syndrome.

The test consists of 11 points, among them: frequent headaches, sleep disturbances, memory impairment, irritability, etc.

How to help your body deal with fatigue

In addition to proper nutrition, the body can be supported by physical exercise or walking in the fresh air, and of course - giving up bad habits.

Preparations for energy

There is a whole list of substances that can help cope with fatigue.

  • Ginkgo extract is a good stimulant of blood circulation in the brain, and also enhances the delivery of glucose to nerve cells. After a course reception, tension, anxiety is relieved, headaches decrease, mood rises;
  • Theanine - extract from green tea supports mental clarity, increases resistance to stress;
  • Carnosine is a powerful antioxidant that improves performance and accelerates recovery from exercise. It is recommended to take at least a month, 0.5-1 g per day;
  • Lack of serotonin, the "happiness hormone" in the body, can also be one of the causes of chronic fatigue. It will help to fill the lack of 5-HTP (hydroxytryptophan) per day, 200-300 mg for a month;
  • The source of energy is the substance carnitine, which we get from meat and dairy products. In the body, this substance is synthesized in minimal doses. Additionally, carnitine can be obtained in the form of tablets, granules, and powder. You need from 500 to 1500 mg per day. The more active the lifestyle, the higher the dosage.

Certain foods can provide a source of trace elements necessary for the body. After all, food can be not only satisfying, but also an assistant in increasing energy and in the fight against fatigue.

Lack of certain substances in the body leads to apathy, fatigue, irritation. A balanced menu with wholesome and healthy foods will help keep you awake throughout the day.

Products - sources of "useful energy"

  • Brown rice is rich in magnesium (calms the nervous system), proteins and slow carbohydrates;
  • Nuts and seeds are also rich in magnesium, and tryptophan, an amino acid, helps you sleep well. The composition contains omega-3 fatty acids and protein;
  • Oatmeal is a valuable product containing protein, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B1 (thiamine). Oatmeal is an ideal breakfast for energizing the body for the whole day;
  • Spinach contains a large amount of iron, the lack of which causes fatigue;
  • Red carrots and vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A during digestion;
  • Fresh mackerel contains vitamin B12, which produces blood cells to carry oxygen;
  • The natural accumulator of energy is almonds. Useful ingredients that help restore mental alertness and neutralize toxins;
  • Egg white is 97% absorbed by the body. Amino acid in the composition, participates in the formation of muscles;
  • Fresh blueberries will help your brain circulation. In 2014, the journal Nutrition published research results that found that 2 g of vitamin E is safe for humans and slows down the aging of the brain.

Plants of "vigor"

There are plants that stimulate the energy charge, maintain the tone of the body. The most popular source is ginseng, it is sold in the form of tincture on alcohol, tablets, as one of the components of dietary supplements.

Guarana is used by athletes for better results, helps with mental fatigue, and increases libido. The seeds of the plant contain a large% of caffeine, as well as theophylline and theobromide, which are similar in structure and action. Supplements include a plant in their composition.

Golden root or Rhodiola rosea helps the body adapt to stressful situations. Athletes take herbal extract for post-workout recovery.

Schisandra chinensis has spread in traditional medicine in China. It is a powerful antioxidant and is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. The product is sold in the form of tablets, syrups and capsules.

Often among the ingredients of dietary supplements for men, you can find the mushroom cordyceps. It helps to strengthen the immune system, helps with dizziness, slows down aging, increases efficiency.

Eleutherococcus is no less popular than ginseng. There are 30 species of this plant, prickly - also called "Siberian ginseng". It is the most popular in Russia. Eleutherococcus increases protective functions, resistance to stress, supports the body when playing sports.

At the end of the 19th century, dietary supplements based on the "long-lived tree" of ginkgo were popular. The elements of the leaves of this plant help to improve blood flow to the brain, improve memory, increase efficiency, but after ingestion there may be side effects.

As an addition to this list, you can add the intake of vitamins, a stimulant of vitality and internal energy.

How to choose the right vitamins, what to look for

When buying vitamins, you can easily purchase a fake. Only well-known brands can offer a quality nutritional supplement. The drug must have a certificate, a license for the right to release. The appearance of the package is of great importance (it must not be damaged), the presence of instructions.

You need to choose natural vitamins, synthetic ones are cheaper and after them there may be various negative reactions of the body. If it is necessary to replenish the body with magnesium, then the composition should not contain aspartame and glutamate. These two substances are neurotoxins, and can only harm memory (book "Omni Diet". Author Tana Amen).

It is necessary to consider the combination of vitamins with other drugs. It is better to consult a doctor before purchasing vitamins or dietary supplements. Be sure to observe the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Vitamins for mental performance


The well-known American company Solgar, for the production of dietary supplements, produces these vitamins. Phosphatidylcholine is a phospholipid containing fatty acids and choline. These components are essential for the normal functioning of the brain and the healthy functioning of the entire nervous system of the body.

After a course of admission, memory and concentration of attention improve. The drug has a positive effect on the liver and digestive tract. In the reviews, many indicate precisely this one more property of the remedy, since most drugs and vitamins have a negative effect on the functioning of the stomach and liver.

It contains no artificial ingredients, sweeteners or colors. Recommended to take 2 capsules daily.

Country: USA.

Price: from 1660 rubles.



  • Improving memory, vision and hearing;
  • Liver protection from hepatitis;
  • Maintaining normal cholesterol.


  • Pregnant and lactating women need counseling.

Gingko Biloba

This preparation consists only of natural raw materials. The basis is a plant that has survived to this day since the Mesozoic. Gingko Biloba consists of several dozen components, including flanoid glycosides and terpene compounds - they are the main suppliers of the plant's pharmacological properties.

Basic actions:

  • Improvement of cerebral circulation, concentration of attention;
  • Decreased intracranial pressure;
  • The elasticity of the walls of the brain is restored;
  • Positive effect on the quality of life of an elderly person, tinnitus disappears.

Among the reviews there are positive ones, indicating a good effect after a stroke. Students report improved memory and energy after taking Gingko Biloba during the session. Take 1 capsule once daily.

Brand: Now Foods USA

Price: from 2150 rub. 100 capsules

Gingko Biloba Now Foods


  • Natural composition;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.


  • Individual intolerance.

Vitrum memory

The preparation is based on Ginkgo biloba leaf extract. Taking capsules improves cerebral circulation, oxygen and glucose supply. The structure of the formula contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, ascorbic acid. Vitrum memory should not be taken together with acetylsalicylic acid, as this can provoke hemorrhage.

You need to take 1 piece per day twice a day. The course lasts from one month to three. The effect after taking it lasts a long time.

Manufacturer: Unipharm USA.

Price: from 930 rubles, packaging of 60 pieces.

Vitrum memory


  • Vegetable base;
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels of the brain.


  • Decreased blood clotting;
  • The effect of the drug does not occur immediately.

Glycine forte

The best domestic remedy for relieving mental and psycho-emotional fatigue is Glycine. The domestic drug is similar to the foreign one, but the glycine content is higher. The basis of the amino acid preparation is glycine. Also in the composition of vitamins of group B. It has a positive effect on the function of the nervous system, improves mental performance, normalizes sleep, improves memory and reaction.

The drug is available in the form of lozenges, taken twice between meals. According to reviews, the remedy copes well with nervous tension, improves sleep. Glycine is not addictive.

The best Russian food supplement in the price / quality ratio.

Production: Evalar Russia.

Price: from 170 rubles.

Glycine forte


  • Price;
  • Not addictive;
  • Relieves nervousness.


  • Taste;
  • Transport drivers should be handled with caution.

To increase physical activity


The drug of the well-known German company "Baer" is produced in two versions: in the form of granules and effervescent tablets. It contains a complex of 12 vitamins and trace elements, including: calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and others.

As a result of the conducted research, 85% of the subjects confirmed an improvement in well-being and a surge of vigor after the course. The instructions for the drug indicate that it is recommended to take Supradin, including with increased physical exertion.

Among the recommendations, it is indicated that with increased sensitivity to lactose, the complex should be taken in the form of effervescent tablets. The course is 1-2 months, 1 tablet daily.

Country: Germany.

Price: from 1100 rubles. (60 pcs.)



  • Efficiency;
  • Convenient application.


  • Not suitable for children under 12 years of age.

Astrum Energy Q Life Energy

BAA, in the composition of soybean oil and coenzyme Q10, which have an antioxidant effect, fill the body with energy, slow down the aging process, and strengthen the immune system. There is one more additional property - this is a positive effect on the work of the heart and nervous system.
The supplement is recommended to be taken in case of increased physical activity, chronic fatigue, in weight loss programs. Reception 1 pc. while eating for a month.

Country: USA.

Price: from 820 rubles. (30 pcs.).

Astrum Energy Q Life Energy


  • Antioxidant action;
  • Improving performance;
  • Normalization of the functions of internal organs.


  • Pregnant women should not.

Energy Alphabet

Russian manufacturer of dietary supplements Vneshtorg Pharma, which has a laboratory The drug is unique in that each tablet has its own purpose. For a better awakening in the morning, you need to take a yellow pill "morning energy", at lunchtime - orange "vigor of the day", and in the evening - "restoring" (green). All of them differ not only in color, but also in taste.

The package contains 4 blisters of 15 pieces each.

Country Russia

Price: from 380 rubles.

Energy Alphabet


  • Price;
  • Stimulates activity throughout the day;
  • Long-term action.


  • Reception according to the separation scheme;
  • An allergic reaction is possible;
  • One package is not enough for the course.

Complite superEnergy

The complex contains vitamins, green tea extract, guarana and L-carnitine. They help increase physical and mental performance. Guarana is high in caffeine and does not cause heart palpitations or overexcitement.

Taking the drug provides the body's need for vitamins C and B group, take 1 piece in the first half of the day. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to alternate the reception of the complex with effervescent tablets "Complivit Superenergy with Ginseng"

Manufacturer: Pharmstandard-UfaVITA.
Price from 240 rubles.

Complite superEnergy


  • The daily requirement for vitamins C and B;
  • Drowsiness decreases;
  • Cost.


  • There are contraindications.

Vitamins for pregnant women and during menopause

Solgar prenatal

This complex can be taken throughout pregnancy. The composition is rich in vitamins (7) and microelements (10), which have been successfully selected to make up for their lack in the body during childbearing. Biotin, folic acid, calcium have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails.

The recipe does not contain dyes or preservatives. Many women note a positive impact in reviews. The drug has no contraindications. The complex is recommended to be ordered in specialized pharmacies or through the online store.

A dark glass bottle contains 240 elongated tablets.

Country: USA.

Price: from 900 rubles. (240pcs.).

Solgar prenatal


  • A rich set of vitamins and minerals;
  • Doesn't cause nausea;
  • Give vigor;
  • No side effects.


  • Not commercially available.


Synthetic vitamin A allows the body to replenish the lack of an element during pregnancy, the first symptoms of which are lethargy, frequent fatigue. Vitamin is good for the visual system and mucous membranes. Taking the drug is recommended from the second trimester and after a doctor's prescription.

Country Russia.

Price: from 43 rubles.



  • Affordable cost;
  • Good digestibility.


  • Take only under medical supervision, overdose should not be allowed.

Vitrum Centuri

The complex contains 14 vitamins and 17 microelements, selected specifically for women during menopause. The course of taking the drug is 3-4 months. Most of the reviews are positive, the result is visible after a week of admission: a surge of strength is felt, apathy passes, sleep is normalized.

The tablets are taken in the morning with meals (so as not to cause nausea), with water (not tea and coffee).

Country: USA.

Price: from 560 rubles.

Vitrum Centuri


  • Balanced complex;
  • One tablet a day;
  • No side effects.


  • Large tablet.


The vitamin complex contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals, lycopene and lutein (slows down the aging process of the retina). Designed for women 50+. All tablets are divided into three colors for administration 2-3 times a day.The package contains 20 pieces, designed for one course, it is recommended to carry out 2-3 sessions with breaks of 10-15 days.

After taking the course, women notice a surge of strength, an improvement in complexion. The drug is also taken as prevention of osteoporosis.

Country Russia.

Price: from 375 rubles.

AlfaVit 50+


  • Well tolerated;
  • High calcium content;
  • Price.


  • Not.

With a variety of drugs for chronic fatigue, it is necessary to take into account the state of the body, age, doctor's recommendations. You need to choose vitamins and dietary supplements, focusing on the authority of the manufacturer, customer reviews. Be sure to carefully study the instructions before use and do not exceed the recommended dosage, so as not to harm your health.


  1. Olga

    I take the effervescent vitamins Perfette Energy Diet for charge and vivacity, there is a good composition of taurine, caffeine, succinic acid, viamines, etc. One a day and not only enough strength for everyday activities, but also remains for training. Plus the mood is good


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