Best vitamins for nursing moms for 2024


Every woman dreams of becoming a mother, and when such a long-awaited event occurs in her life, she strives to provide her child with all the best and most useful. One of the healthiest foods for a newborn is breast milk. Thanks to him, all the nutrients enter the baby's body. We can talk endlessly about the beneficial properties of breastfeeding. But at this crucial moment, the female body needs support, which can be provided with the help of special vitamin complexes. The editorial staff of the site "" brings to your attention a selection of the most effective and safe vitamins for nursing mothers for 2024.

This article is informative and is not a guide to purchase and use. Be sure to consult with a specialist.

Top manufacturers

A wide range of vitamin and mineral preparations from various manufacturers is presented on the pharmaceutical market today. But, unfortunately, not all are of high quality, safety and efficiency. During lactation, it is very important to choose the right remedy, because not only the health and well-being of the mother, but also the child will depend on it. Preference should be given only to trusted manufacturers who, during their existence, have proven themselves exclusively on the good side and have earned many positive reviews. These are the following companies involved in the development and production of vitamins:

  1. JSC "Oyu Verman A6" is a pharmaceutical company engaged in the production and sale of vitamin and mineral complexes for children, pregnant and lactating women. Despite the fact that the manufacturer is located in Finland, the products are actively supplied to all European countries.
  2. Alphabet is a domestic manufacturer that has proven itself only on the positive side over the years of its existence. Vitamin and mineral complexes for both children and adults are produced under this brand.
  3. Ferrosan A / S is one of the oldest pharmaceutical companies in Denmark. Today, the manufacturer produces a full range of vitamin products for the whole family.
  4. Pharmstandard is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Russia that develops and manufactures a wide range of high-quality and safe drugs, including vitamin complexes for nursing mothers.
  5. Bayer JSC is a German pharmaceutical company supplying high-quality, effective and safe drugs and vitamin complexes throughout Russia and abroad. In 2019, the company was recognized as the best manufacturer of effective drugs.
  6. Doppelgerz is a modern pharmaceutical company engaged in the production of vitamin and mineral complexes, medicines and oral care products.Preparations for children, pregnant and lactating women are produced by the manufacturer in the form of capsules and tablets and are delivered to all cities of Russia and European countries.
  7. Vitrum - under this brand, effective, safe and high-quality vitamin and mineral complexes are supplied to the pharmaceutical market. In 2019, the company was recognized as the best manufacturer offering effective products.

All manufacturers listed in the rating have proven themselves exclusively from the positive side and during their existence have become in demand. The names of the drugs and vitamins of these brands are preferred by women and are recommended by experts.

Inexpensive vitamins for nursing mothers

Budget funds are issued mainly by Russian manufacturers. In order to use them to replenish the lost reserves of nutrients and share them with your baby, you should take the drugs for about a month. In our rating, we included only the most popular vitamin complexes in the budget segment, which are positively reviewed by women and experts.

Mom's Health Alphabet

The vitamin-mineral complex helps to replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which is especially important during pregnancy and lactation. The preparation contains a large number of useful components such as folic acid, phosphorus, calcium and iron. All of these components in the complex have a beneficial and positive effect on the female and child's body, passing through milk to the child. When developing the complex, the manufacturer took into account all the characteristics of the body during breastfeeding. The main advantage of the drug is its absolutely hypoallergenic composition, which contains 13 vitamins and 11 minerals. It also contains the substance taurine. To replenish lost substances, restore the work of organs and systems, 20 days of use is enough.

Average cost: 421 rubles.

Mom's Health Alphabet


  • efficiency;
  • quick achievement of the result;
  • hypoallergenic and multicomponent composition;
  • high quality at an acceptable cost;
  • beneficial effect on the body of a nursing woman.


  • inconvenient dosage.

Complivit Mom

The combined multivitamin product, despite its relatively low cost, is of high quality and effectiveness. The drug was developed taking into account the characteristics of the female body during breastfeeding. During the production, only essential and useful components are used for the body. The course of admission is 1 month. During this time, significant improvements have been observed. The result is visible after just a few applications. Women report reduced fatigue and increased activity.

Average cost: 291 rubles.

Complivit Mom


  • a sufficient number of components in the composition;
  • low price;
  • quick results;
  • ease of use;
  • availability.


  • specific aroma;
  • the presence of side effects.

Hipp Nursing Tea

Herbal tea for nursing mothers stimulates the production of breast milk. Contains no preservatives, artificial flavors or colors. Has no negative impact on the child. Allowed for use from the first days of breastfeeding. In the production of tea, only well-known plants are used for a long time, aimed at stimulating lactation.

Average cost: 349 rubles.

Hipp Nursing Tea


  • acceptable price;
  • pleasant taste;
  • efficiency;
  • lack of sugar, dyes, preservatives and flavorings in the composition.


  • may cause an allergic reaction in a child.


The remedy is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis, as well as deficiency of minerals during the lactation period and during childbearing. The drug is classified as a complete complex.Among other things, the remedy prevents the abnormal course of pregnancy, reduces the likelihood of toxicosis, fetal abnormalities, anemia and immune disorders, both in the mother and the child.

Average cost: 487 rubles.



  • efficiency;
  • balanced composition;
  • affordable price;
  • versatility.


  • there are certain contraindications.

The best mid-range vitamins for nursing mothers

Vitamins that are sold at an average price are in great demand. They include not only a minimum set of minerals, vitamins and trace elements, but also extended combinations. Such complexes are produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Minisan Multivitamin Mom

A modern vitamin and mineral complex, despite its not low cost, is in great demand. Such popularity is fully justified by high quality, fast action and efficiency. During production, specialists carefully analyzed all the nuances and developed vitamins in accordance with all the needs of the female body during pregnancy and lactation. As practice shows, after several days of use, women notice an increase in the amount of milk by almost two times. The drug meets all pharmaceutical standards and contains all the key components for mothers and children. The composition includes 17 vitamins and minerals that help restore a woman's body, prevent the development of anemia, and contribute to the normal development of a healthy nervous system in a child. You need to use a multivitamin only 1 piece per day.

Average cost: 940 rubles.

Minisan Multivitamin Mom


  • efficiency;
  • good balanced composition;
  • multifunctionality;
  • profitability.


  • not found.


Very often, women during breastfeeding give preference to this particular remedy. During its existence, the drug has established itself on the positive side. Buyers note the quick results and high effectiveness of the application during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is necessary to take the vitamin once a day, which makes it convenient and practical. During application, there is an increase in milk during breastfeeding, strengthening of the immune system, improving vision and preventing fatigue.

Average cost: 999 rubles.



  • good tolerance;
  • balanced composition;
  • ease of use;
  • fast effect;
  • no side effects.


  • not found.


The vitamin and mineral complex supports the body through the action of active ingredients. Developed taking into account the needs of the body of a woman and a child in nutrients. Vitamins increase ovarian activity during ovulation and contribute to timely conception and restoration of the reproductive function of the body. During pregnancy, when using the drug, conditions are provided for the normal development of the child at different stages. In addition, the vitamin-mineral complex normalizes hormonal levels, delivers the required amount of vitamins and minerals to the tissues, and restores cellular metabolism. All useful substances are quickly absorbed in the body in a sufficient dosage and contribute to an increase in lactation.

Average cost: 700 rubles.



  • high German quality;
  • efficiency;
  • balanced composition;
  • optimal cost;
  • ease of use.


  • not available everywhere.

The best vitamins for premium nursing mothers

Vitamin and mineral complexes of the premium segment consist of a large number of useful components. Together, they ensure the maintenance of the body in the postpartum period, replenishment of reserves, and also increase lactation.Despite the fact that such drugs have a high price, it is fully justified by their high quality, efficacy and safety. In addition to the basic set of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, they are also enriched with the most advanced combinations.

Astrum-Mummy Complex

Specially developed vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women, as well as during lactation. The drug quickly and safely replenishes the missing elements in the body, promotes recovery after pregnancy and childbirth. The vitamin complex is based on a special herbal formula, which not only contributes to maximum efficiency from use, but also doubles lactation. The result is noticeable after just a few days of use. Women notice not only an increase in lactation, but also an improvement in mood, and prevention of the development of postpartum depression.

Average cost: 2475 rubles.

Astrum-Mummy Complex


  • efficiency;
  • unique and completely safe composition;
  • strengthening the body;
  • increased lactation;
  • high quality;
  • balanced composition.


  • high price.

Vitrum Prenatal Plus

Biologically active food supplement, which contains vitamins and minerals. The drug contributes to the well-being of the mother and the development of the child. Experts recommend starting to take the complex at the stage of pregnancy planning. Vitrum Prenatal Plus effectively replenishes the lack of minerals and vitamins, reduces the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia. The vitamin and mineral complex is in great demand on the territory of our Motherland. It is produced in the form of soft gelatin capsules and enriches breast milk with all the components necessary for a child. One capsule is taken twice a day.

Average cost: 1,523 rubles.

Vitrum Prenatal Ply


  • rich, balanced composition;
  • ease of assimilation;
  • saturation of breast milk with all the necessary components;
  • high quality;
  • improvement of digestion;
  • increased endurance.


  • high price.

Elevit Feeding

The complex was developed by the manufacturer specifically for mothers and is recommended for use during breastfeeding. The unique formula delivers essential vitamins and minerals to the body to help enrich breast milk with essential micronutrients. The drug supports the baby after birth, ensures the correct and healthy development of the baby's vision and brain. The course of application is 1 month. The drug should be taken after meals 1 time per day.

Average cost: 1270 rubles.

Elevit Feeding


  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • efficiency;
  • availability;
  • rich and balanced composition;
  • lack of unpleasant smell and taste;
  • frequency of reception.


  • there is no magnesium in the composition.

Rainbow light prenatal one

One of the most popular complexes for pregnant and lactating women. The product contains all the necessary substances for mom and baby. The supplement is intended for long-term use. Experts advise taking the remedy from conception planning to the end of breastfeeding. The composition includes all the necessary vitamins, minerals, as well as extracts from the aquatic plant spirulina, which helps to normalize the immune system.

Average cost: 3523 rubles.

Rainbow light prenatal one


  • high quality;
  • efficiency;
  • fast and targeted results;
  • ease of use;
  • the presence of iodine in the composition;
  • can be taken on an empty stomach.


  • high price.

Benefits of vitamins for breastfeeding

Each nursing mother should carefully monitor her health and nutrition, since the correct development and well-being of the baby depends on this. In order to achieve the maximum effect, it is very important not only to provide a woman with a balanced diet, but also to additionally saturate it with vitamins and microelements. This is why it is important to take the appropriate vitamins.

Under the influence of the components that make up the products for nursing mothers, the immune system improves, exhaustion of the body is excluded, the nervous system is stabilized, and the functioning of all internal organs improves. Insomnia also disappears, the risk of anemia is eliminated, metabolic processes in both the mother and the child improve, nails and tooth enamel remain in a good, healthy state.

In order to provide the body with the intake of nutrients during lactation, it is necessary to take vitamins regularly.

If the daily dose entering the woman's body is insufficient or exceeded, then this can negatively affect the health and development of the child.

What vitamins are better for nursing mothers

It is impossible to name the unambiguous leader of our today's rating. The choice always depends on individual preferences and recommendations. The characteristics of the body and financial capabilities. But, despite this, when making a decision, you must definitely look at the manufacturer and the composition of the product.

It is recommended to give preference to those options that contain all the important and necessary elements that contribute to the rapid recovery of the female body after childbirth, as well as the active development of the baby.

Before buying, it is imperative to consult with a doctor who will select the safest and most optimal remedy. It is necessary to take multivitamins as a course. Skipping appointments is strictly prohibited. There should be breaks between courses, the duration of which should not be less than 2 weeks. The instructions and dosages indicated by the doctor must be observed unconditionally and carefully monitor not only the condition and reactions of the baby, but also your own.

If you are already taking one of the listed in the top vitamin and mineral complex or prefer other means, share your opinion and experience with us in the comments.


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