In adolescence, children are highly active. At the same time, the level of load is quite high, so they need to eat correctly and balanced. Not always the products offered by parents can make up for the lack of useful elements in the child's body. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you an overview of the best vitamins for teenagers.
What substances are necessary for the body of a teenager
Many parents are faced with feeding problems for their teenagers. Girls at this age believe that only slim models are attracted to boys, so they often deprive themselves of the pleasure of eating meat, proteins and sweets. In an effort to take care of their appearance, the young representative of the stronger sex strives to completely switch to sports nutrition, completely or partially excluding from the diet many useful and necessary products for the body.
The taste preferences of children are also quite difficult for parents. They simply refuse many dishes, and are wary of new food. Persuading them to eat the right and healthy food is often difficult.
There are some substances, without the use of which, the body of a teenager simply cannot fully develop. These include:
- Retinol, which is responsible for full-fledged puberty and physical development of a teenager;
- The group of B vitamins, without which it is difficult to establish the metabolic process in the body;
- Vitamin E, which allows you to resist various diseases;
- Vitamin PP, which ensures proper blood circulation in the body of a teenager,
- Vitamin D, which strengthens the skeletal system of a developing organism;
- Ascorbic acid, which boosts immunity and helps heal wounds or cuts.
To ensure that all the necessary components enter the adolescent body, it is necessary to understand which foods contain this or that vitamin composition. There is a lot of vitamin D in dairy products, eggs or butter. To provide the body with vitamin A, it is necessary to eat milk, fruits, vegetables and liver. Vegetable oil and nuts contain a lot of vitamin E, and fish, cottage cheese, cheese or milk can add phosphorus to a teen's diet.
Knowledge of the vitamins that make up the food does not always help parents to establish good nutrition for their teenager. They simply refuse many useful components in their diet. Then vitamin complexes come to the aid of parents, thanks to which the growing body can receive full development.
When to start taking vitamins
Complexes that allow the body to receive a full range of useful elements are prescribed in the cold season when there is a risk of catching colds, and an indication for admission can be:
- Slowing down the growth of a teenager;
- The presence of severe mental or physical stress;
- With no appetite;
- In the absence of the possibility of providing a balanced diet;
- During the rehabilitation period, when the body is weakened by the disease;
- After prolonged use of potent drugs.
The intake of the vitamin complex should be balanced and balanced, because an overdose of a certain vitamin does not end well for a teenager. It is better to trust the doctor's advice in this matter than to self-medicate.
Vitamins can be supplied as tablets, capsules, or lozenges. Some of them need to be taken regularly, while others can be consumed only in case of a lack of a particular element in the body.
Review of the best vitamin complexes for teens
It is not easy to decide on the selection of vitamins for the younger generation. For the selection of the most tested and well-proven means, the editorial staff of "" was guided not only by the elements included in the composition, but also by the reviews of our compatriots.
This multivitamin is allowed to be consumed from the age of 14. The tool is very useful for weakened immunity or increased intellectual activity. In order to prevent it, it is recommended to take it once a day after breakfast. Taking the drug will help:
- Normalize the condition of the skin;
- Stabilize the work of the nervous and cardiovascular system;
- Improve eyesight;
- Establish protein metabolism;
- Normalize the regeneration of the skin;
- Reduce cholesterol;
- Provide oxygen saturation of body tissues;
- Prevent anemia;
- Improve the work of the gonads, as well as nervous and muscle tissue;
- Strengthen bone and teeth;
- Improve hair regeneration and growth;
- Enhance cell mineralization.
It is prescribed in complex treatment with the appointment of antibiotics. This drug will also help to restore the defenses of the body weakened by the disease. It is an indispensable tool for large intellectual and physical exertion. With the help of this drug, you can establish metabolic processes in the body of a teenager. Reception should be carried out only after consultation with the attending physician, and if allergic manifestations to the components of the drug occur, the reception should be discontinued. The cost of Complivit is 125 rubles.
Complivit includes:
- Calcium;
- Magnesium;
- Iron;
- Lemon acid;
- Phosphorus;
- Silica;
- Cobalt;
- Zinc;
- Potato starch;
- Hyprolosis;
- Tocopherol;
- Talc;
- Polyvinyl alcohol;
- Povidone;
- Sucrose;
- Copper;
- Calcium stearate;
- Collicoat Protect;
- Vitamin B12,
- Nicotinamide;
- Rutin;
- Manganese;
- Thiamine hydrochloride
- Folic acid;
- Pyridoxine;
- Riboflavin;
- Retinol;
- Vitamin C;
- Thioctic acid.
- Acceptable cost;
- Balanced composition;
- Efficiency;
- Strengthening hair and nails;
- Suitable for the prevention of hypovitaminosis;
- Improving skin condition;
- Well absorbed with food;
- Strengthening immunity;
- Convenient form of release;
- Availability.
- Should be taken only after a meal, otherwise nausea is possible;
- Not suitable for everyone;
- There are side effects;
- Large tablet size.
VITUS Gravitus No. 10
Highly purified components are used to produce this drug, which is perfect for teenage girls, women and pregnant women. This vitamin complex contains 12 vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the health of the fair half. It is better to take it once a day by dissolving the tablet in a glass of water. The cost of the vitamin complex VITUS Gravitus No. 10 is 185 rubles per 40 grams.
VITUS Gravitus No. 10 contains:
- Vitamins B5, B12, PP;
- Thiamine;
- Iron;
- Retinol;
- Calcium;
- Riboflavin;
- Vitamin C;
- Pyridoxine;
- Magnesium;
- Calciferol;
- Iodine;
- Biotin;
- Zinc;
- Tocopherol;
- Molybdenum;
- Manganese;
- Selenium;
- Folic acid;
- Phosphorus.
- Dissolves well;
- Pleasant taste and aroma;
- Balanced composition;
- Convenient packaging;
- Efficiency;
- Acceptable price;
- Adds tone;
- Pain relief during menstruation;
- Safety;
- Quality;
- Nails stop breaking;
- The condition of the skin improves.
- Not suitable for everyone;
- May be addictive.
Supradine Kids Junior
The German manufacturer offers a balanced vitamin complex for teenagers and adults. It contains 22 active ingredients. The drug has a general strengthening effect on the entire body, and also compensates for the missing substances in the body. Schoolchildren really need support for the body, because the physical and mental stress in children of this age is quite high. To get rid of possible allergic manifestations, it is worth observing the dosage and duration of admission indicated in the instructions. The drug is produced in chewable tablets. The cost of the vitamin complex "Supradin Kids Junior" is 670 rubles.
The composition of "Supradin Kids Junior" includes:
- Iron;
- Zinc;
- Iodine;
- Chromium;
- Calcium;
- Choline;
- Selenium;
- Magnesium;
- Copper;
- Manganese;
- Vitamins A, B1, B3, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, H, D
- Acceptable price;
- Pleasant taste;
- The condition of the skin improves;
- Balanced composition;
- Hair structure is restored;
- Efficiency;
- Stabilization of water balance;
- Increasing the body's defenses;
- Safety.
- The package is difficult to open;
- Large tablets are inconvenient to consume;
- Difficult to find at the drugstore;
- May cause allergies;
- Do not take with phenylketonuria.
"AlfaVit Shkolnik"
Taking this vitamin can be prescribed to children from the age of 14. The younger generation at this age is exposed to significant physical and intellectual stress. Often, in addition to the school curriculum, children attend sections, various additional activities or hobby groups, so they need nutrients. The drug is available in tablet form. It must be chewed thoroughly and then swallowed. Each tablet can taste very differently. Each box contains reflectors made in the form of stickers. They are distinguished not only by their visual appeal, but will also help ensure the safety of the student at night. Returning home at dusk with such a decoration on a backpack, a teenager will be clearly visible to passing cars. Each tablet contains a different vitamin composition.
The red pill contains:
- Vitamin C;
- Copper
- Thiamine;
- Iron;
- Beta carotene;
- Folic acid.
The orange tablet contains:
- Molybdenum;
- Riboflavin;
- Vitamin C;
- Pyridoxine;
- Iodine;
- Nicotinamide;
- Selenium;
- Manganese;
- Tocopherol;
- Beta carotene;
- Magnesium;
- Zinc.
The white tablet contains:
- Chromium;
- Pantothenic acid;
- Vitamin K1;
- Cyanocobalamin;
- Calciferol;
- Biotin;
- Folic acid;
- Calcium.
Indications for taking the vitamin complex are:
- Decreased mental performance;
- The need to facilitate adaptation to stressful situations and emotional stress;
- To increase endurance when exercising in sports sections;
- With frequent illnesses caused by a weakened immune system.
In addition, taking vitamins will allow:
- Increase physical endurance;
- Improves the functioning of all parts of the teen's brain;
- Increase resistance to stress;
- With an unbalanced diet, this will allow the child to receive all the nutrients;
- Eliminate problems with sleep or digestion;
- Improve the work of the heart system;
- Stabilize and improve vision;
- Remove toxic substances from the growing body.
The cost of the AlfaVit Shkolnik vitamin complex is 325 rubles.
- Balanced composition;
- Hypoallergenic;
- Improving the condition of teeth and muscles;
- Separate intake of vitamins;
- Strengthening immunity;
- Reduces fatigue;
- Acceptable price;
- Efficiency;
- Sleep is normalized;
- Beautiful packaging;
- The nervous system is strengthened;
- Good digestibility;
- Domestic manufacturer.
- Large tablets with a rough surface;
- Children don't always like the taste;
- Inconvenient reception schedule;
- One pack is not enough for the course;
- The composition contains a sweetener and a color.
Daily Formula
It is a vitamin and mineral complex designed for teenagers, athletes and people who prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle. The American manufacturer has included in the vitamin complex all the necessary vitamins and minerals for an active life. With the correct use of the drug by a teenager, you can get rid of the following symptoms:
- Chronic fatigue syndrome;
- Stress,
- Thyroid problems;
- Overwork;
- Metabolic disease;
- Depression;
- Pathology of blood vessels and heart;
- Avitaminosis.
The cost of the Daily Formula vitamin complex is 590 rubles per 100 tablets.
The Daily Formula includes:
- Vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B10, B12;
- Calcium;
- Manganese gluconate;
- Phosphorus;
- Potassium;
- Iodine;
- Copper;
- Chromium;
- Zinc;
- Selenium.
- Acceptable cost;
- Efficiency;
- Balanced composition;
- Large volume;
- Verified brand;
- Normalizes sleep;
- Convenient packaging;
- Lack of chemistry in the composition;
- No side effects;
- Cheerfulness appears;
- Suitable for training;
- Working capacity increases;
- Mild effect on the body of a teenager.
- Due to the large size of the tablets, they are difficult to swallow;
- Few components in the composition;
- Lack of protection from children;
- May provoke an upset stomach;
- Not a very pleasant smell;
- You need to consume a lot of water.
This vitamin complex contains many useful vitamins and minerals. Reception can even be carried out by pregnant or nursing women. It copes well with hypovitaminosis and is effective for unbalanced or inadequate nutrition. The vitamin complex contains iron, which can cause side effects. It is quite possible to take it for adults and children.
The Centrum includes:
- Vitamin B12;
- Stearic acid;
- Retinol;
- Folic acid;
- Lactose monohydrate;
- Potassium;
- Biotin;
- Niacinamide;
- Microcrystalline cellulose;
- Pantothenic acid;
- Fitonadion;
- Calcium;
- Crospovidone;
- Molybdenum;
- Phosphorus;
- Iodide;
- Magnesium;
- Vanadium;
- Iron;
- Tocopherol;
- Chromium;
- Calciferol;
- Tin;
- Vitamin C;
- Silica;
- Copper;
- Thiamine;
- Nickel;
- Riboflavin;
- Zinc;
- Pyridoxine;
- Selenium;
- Nickel;
- Silicon;
- Chloride;
- Magnesium stearate;
- Manganese.
The cost of the drug "Centrum" will be 493 rubles.
- Balanced composition;
- Efficiency;
- Strengthens nails and stabilizes hair growth;
- Helps with vitamin deficiency;
- Helps relieve stress;
- Effective for chronic fatigue;
- Increases immunity;
- Gives energy;
- Convenient way of receiving.
- Not suitable for everyone;
- An expensive tool;
- Not everywhere you can buy;
- Lots of fakes;
- Large tablets are difficult to swallow;
- The composition contains dyes.
FutureBiotics, M.V. Teen
This vitamin complex is perfect for teenagers from 13 years old. It is taken as a dietary supplement by adults and children. The presence of iron in the preparation requires careful attention to the dosage of the intake. It is not recommended to use the drug for pregnant and lactating women. With FutureBiotics, M.V. Teen includes:
- Vitamin B12;
- Retinol;
- Niacin;
- Vitamin C;
- Zinc;
- Silica;
- Folic acid;
- Tocopherol;
- Calcium;
- Biotin;
- Chromium;
- Pantothenic acid;
- Manganese;
- Gelatin;
- Peppermint oil
- Iron;
- Thiamine;
- Copper;
- Microcrystalline cellulose;
- Iodine;
- Pyridoxine;
- Selenium;
- Soy;
- Magnesium stearate;
- Magnesium.
FutureBiotics, M.V. Teen is 1,080 rubles for 90 capsules.
- Efficiency;
- Professionally selected composition;
- Easy to swallow;
- Acceptable price;
- Pleasant taste;
- The result after taking is visible almost immediately.
- 3-time reception;
- Synthetic origin;
- Contains soy;
- May cause allergies;
- There are contraindications;
- Not to be taken by pregnant women.
We have considered the most popular vitamin complexes for teenagers. If you have experience in using vitamins for teenagers listed in the rating, or more effective means, share your opinion in the comments.