Best vitamins for athletes for 2024


A person gets the necessary vitamins and elements from food. But in modern conditions of the speed of life, when it is not always possible to balance the diet, and people snack on unhealthy foods "on the go", when we cannot be sure of the quality of food consumed, it is necessary to take care of the body's support and prevent a deficiency of nutrients with the help of vitamin complexes. This is especially true for athletes who spend more strength and energy, and whose body needs additional intake of vitamins. The editors of the site "" will acquaint you with the rating of the best vitamins for athletes.

What are we for

The functionality of the complexes includes the following options:

  • acceleration of energy synthesis;
  • supporting cells and preventing their destruction;
  • catalyze the processes of hypertrophy;
  • assistance in building and maintaining the integrity of the muscles;
  • control over metabolism;
  • support of neuromuscular activity and bone skeleton;
  • prevention of overeating in order to replenish the supply of nutrients.

That is, people who are actively involved in sports, special supplements are simply necessary to build muscle mass, accelerate metabolism, strengthen bones and the cardiovascular system, supply the body with strength and energy.

What are

There are fat-soluble and water-soluble supplements.

  1. Fat-soluble ones (A, E, D, K) are retained in adipose tissue and can accumulate to dangerous amounts. If body weight drops sharply, then their concentration decreases too. Elements of this group should not be used constantly.
  2. Water-soluble (group B and ascorbic acid) do not accumulate in the body, therefore, their intake should be continuous, avoiding excess amounts in order to avoid stress on the kidneys. The need for these supplements for athletes is explained by the increased volume of muscle mass, consisting of 70% water.

Types of vitamins for sports

There are specially designed complexes specifically for athletes, taking into account the type of sport, gender and age. Despite all the benefits of micronutrients, you should not overuse any one type, as an excess can lead to intoxication and other serious health problems. As a rule, the main trace elements are included in the composition in different proportions.

  • Retinol is involved in the growth of new cells and tissue regeneration, controls glycogen in the body, regulates blood sugar levels, Necessary for men, as it improves the production of male hormones and activates the growth of muscle mass. In addition, it prevents malignant growth. With a deficiency, the athlete feels a lack of energy and can hardly tolerate heavy training and recover from it. Contained in dairy products, liver, eggs.
  • Ascorbic acid is a strong antioxidant and one of the most important components of any complex, especially for athletes. It is thanks to ascorbic acid that oxygen is supplied to the body and muscles are built up due to its ability to synthesize protein structures.Another of the positive properties can be noted participation in the stimulation of anabolism and the synthesis of testosterone, the absorption of iron, the improvement of blood, the formation of collagen and the regulation of cholesterol levels. Taking it in accordance with the quantitative norms and doctor's recommendations, the athlete organizes himself a quick recovery after exertion and a decrease in the risk of injury. You can get it by consuming fruits and vegetables, in particular citrus fruits, cauliflower, rose hips and sea buckthorn. Vitamin C is from the water-soluble group, so it is difficult to get an excess of it in the body. From the recommendations for use, an important rule must be observed - do not take on an empty stomach, since this is an acid that affects the gastric mucosa.
  • Thiamine regulates metabolism, including protein and carbohydrate, which is why it is necessary for those who are engaged in bodybuilding and bodybuilding. In addition, it participates in the process of digestion, accelerating it, strengthens the nervous system and restores spent energy. With a deficiency of the element, lactic acid, toxic to the body, accumulates and carbohydrates are poorly absorbed. Contained in cereals, legumes and brewer's yeast.
  • Riboflavin is essential for protein metabolism and cell renewal. Contained in buckwheat, eggs, liver. During physical exertion, it is actively consumed, therefore, an additional intake in the form of supplements is required. Increases immunity and regulates the nervous system.
  • Nicotinic acid is involved in metabolic processes and dilates blood vessels. The body has the function of synthesizing it itself. It is forbidden to consume large amounts of niacin before a competition, as it can disrupt the process of burning fat under the skin.
  • Pyridoxine is responsible for the metabolic processes of proteins and amino acids and the synthesis of hemoglobin and is the main building material for muscle growth. It also regulates cholesterol and hemoglobin levels, is one of the enzymes and is involved in the formation of neurotransmitters. With a lack of pyrodixin, troubles appear in the form of mood swings and pressure, muscle cramps and deterioration of the work of the heart muscle, difficulty in removing harmful substances from the body. Contained in cabbage, peas, cottage cheese, buckwheat.
  • Cobalamin is water-soluble and has many functions: it helps to synthesize amino acids, participates in protein metabolism, provides muscles with oxygen and controls the functioning of the spinal cord cells, which, in turn, are responsible for the muscles, prevents anemia and normalizes the digestive tract. With a deficiency of B12, a state of fatigue occurs, the work of the brain and the brain is disrupted, and the muscle reaction is upset. The greatest effect is achieved when working together with companions - vitamins C and A. Cobalamin can be obtained from milk, fish, liver, but the body is able to synthesize it itself. Women who take OK, destroying its accumulations, should be attentive to the amount of its content. It is also recommended to eat bread without yeast, since yeast prevents the absorption of B12.
  • Cholecalciferol (D3) helps to assimilate phosphorus and calcium, strengthens bones, improves the functioning of ns and strengthens the immune system and is necessary for both children and adults. Athletes choose it because of its ability to ensure the stability of the skeletal system to injury and quick recovery, increasing endurance. The element can be obtained from food (meat, milk, fish, yolks), exposure to sunlight (the body begins to produce it itself) or by taking an additional dose in the form of drugs.
  • Alpha-tocopherol is essential for those who play sports. It has the ability to increase endurance and helps fight fatigue during exercise and promotes muscle growth, normalizes the functioning of the sex glands, thereby producing testosterone.
  • Biotin is involved in metabolic processes and saturates muscles with energy, regulates the digestive tract and effectively burns fats.

In addition to those listed, vitamin complexes for athletes should contain:

  • Iron - to normalize blood and protect against anemia;
  • Zinc - for immunity;
  • Copper - for better absorption of iron;
  • Manganese - for acid exchange;
  • Chromium - to normalize insulin metabolism;
  • Iodine - to combat pathogenic flora;
  • Calcium - to strengthen bones.


Since all elements are important, and each of them fulfills its role, it is better to turn to vitamin complexes. If a person combines various additives, their compatibility must be considered. In order not to make mistakes when choosing, carefully read the composition and analyze the compatibility of trace elements.

  • Iron is best taken separately from calcium, which impairs the absorption of the former.
  • Ascorbic acid is not combined with some B vitamins, and its excess affects the copper content in the body.
  • Tocopherol should only be taken with organic iron, otherwise it loses its function. Beta-carotene also neutralizes the beneficial properties of tocopherol.
  • The combination of zinc with copper also does not bring the expected effect.


  • selenium with tocopherol;
  • boron with calcium, magnesium or phosphorus;
  • retinol with iron;
  • iron with ascorbic acid or copper;
  • magnesium with pyridoxine;
  • calcium with vitamin K or cholecalciferol.

Criterias of choice

First of all, it is necessary to decide for what purpose the athlete turns to dietary supplements: to get rid of exhaustion, to recover from an intense exercise, to strengthen the muscles, to gain mass, or, conversely, to lose weight. In addition, you need to take into account the alleged benefits and harms of the selected complex, individual contraindications and consult with a specialist.

  • For example, orotic acid, retinol and thiamine are suitable for gaining mass.
  • Niacin, folic and ascorbic acids, biotin and tocopherol are ideal for muscle tone.
  • The stimulating effect can be achieved with pyridoxine, riboflavin and l-carnitine. Taking these supplements improves carbohydrate-fat metabolism, helps break down fats and has a beneficial effect on all body systems.
  • For recovery from injuries, it is recommended to take cholecalciferol, choline, ascorbic acid and tocopherol, which effectively strengthen joints and bones and promote phosphorus-potassium metabolism.
  • B vitamins are a source of supplementation that is essential for gaining muscle mass.

Thus, to support the body and obtain results in sports, you can take both mono-vitamins and their complexes. But it is necessary to take into account the type of sport, age, gender, physical fitness, body weight, diet and the task at hand. Study the instructions and analyze the composition of the preparation, paying attention to the dosage of vitamins and minerals in the composition. Do not neglect the recommendations of specialists and do not increase the dose and duration of administration - an excess may not be beneficial, but harm and provoke problems in the body.

The purchase of pharmaceutical products must be made only in pharmacies, specialized sports food stores or ordered online in online stores that guarantee the quality and safety of the product.

The best vitamins

The drugs are divided into universal, solving non-specific problems and suitable for everyone, supporting the body and all its systems. But there are complexes specifically for adolescents involved in sports, with a balanced composition, selected taking into account age characteristics and hormonal growth. There are also male and female drugs, where the difference in composition is due to gender differences in the needs of the body. For example, women need more iron, and men should be careful about the dosage - an excess is fraught with serious problems and can provoke a heart attack and the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

For teenagers

The complexes contain many useful elements, so they must be used in monthly courses during intense exertion, observing all precautions, and carefully monitor the teenager's condition.

Alphabet Teen

Chewable tablets should be taken in a regimen that separates the incompatible elements and makes them work effectively. The growing body receives powerful support during exercise and all the necessary vitamins and minerals that ensure the normal functioning of all systems during hormonal changes. The cost of 1 course is from 315 rubles.

Alphabet Teen


  • a source of nutrients;
  • bioavailability;
  • convenient reception scheme;
  • compensates for nutritional deficiencies;
  • strengthens bones and joints;
  • helps a lot during competitions;
  • natural composition.


  • reception is contraindicated in case of thyroid dysfunction and hypervitaminosis.

Vitrum Teenager

The complex helps to normalize body functions during growth and puberty, increases stress resistance and endurance, reduces the negative effects of stress and fatigue, and improves immunity. The balanced composition saturates with all the necessary elements. Cost - from 450 rubles.

Vitrum Teenager


  • convenient intake - 1 tablet a day;
  • in case of malnutrition, compensates for the lack of vitamins;
  • helps to cope with physical stress;
  • pleasant chocolate taste;
  • inexpensive.


  • not found.


The Serbian preparation with 10 vitamins and 10 minerals is combined and is recommended for young athletes with increased loads. Replenishes nutritional deficiencies, increases stamina, concentration and strengthens the immune system. The average price is from 200 rubles for 1 month course.



  • balanced composition;
  • a budget option;
  • excellent effect;
  • support under loads.


  • allergic reactions are possible.

For women

Women's sports vitamins should also have a balanced composition, but the main difference from male complexes is a greater amount of folic acid. B9 is very important for women at any age - it participates in hormonal processes and facilitates the course of puberty, bearing a child, delays menopause and menopause, normalizes the genitourinary system, affects mental balance and endurance. In addition, the need for retinol, copper, iron in women is higher than in men.

Optimum Nutrition Opti-Women 120

The increased content of pantothenic and folic acids improves fat burning due to accelerated metabolism. Plant extracts work for the same purpose, therefore, the systematic course of courses will help you lose weight, get in shape, and improve your well-being. You can buy it for 1690 rubles.

Optimum Nutrition Opti-Women 120


  • normalize metabolism;
  • help with weight loss;
  • excellent balanced composition;
  • combination of price and quality.


  • long course of admission.

Ultra Women’s Multivitamin Formula

An excellent complex for intense physical activity, designed specifically for women. In addition to the main elements, the content of vitamin D is increased, which helps to normalize weight and get rid of extra pounds. Doctors advise taking this drug, which contains the vitamins and minerals necessary for women in the right amount. Cost - from 750 rubles for 90 capsules.

Ultra Women’s Multivitamin Formula


  • high dosage of vitamin D;
  • great reviews;
  • the necessary set of nutrients;
  • helps to lose weight.


  • absent.

Universal animal pak

Ideal supplement for strength sports. Increased dosage of silicon and lecithin and added essential amino acids to ensure muscle building. In addition, the product fights cellulite, cholesterol and effectively removes toxic substances from the body, normalizes the menstrual cycle and strengthens the nervous system. You can buy it for 2200 rubles.

Universal animal pak


  • ensures the achievement of results in sports;
  • reduces the appearance of cellulite;
  • eliminates negative climatic symptoms;
  • excellent composition.



Vita Complex Lady Fitness

The preparation contains a basic complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for women involved in sports. Especially recommended for fitness and shaping people. Enriched with calcium and iron, it strengthens bone structure and prevents bone breakage. Also, with the help of its reception, you can normalize the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the immune system, get rid of stress. The average cost is from 350 rubles for 60 tablets.

Vita Complex Lady Fitness


  • replenishes the daily intake of valuable substances;
  • indispensable for athletes;
  • improves the condition of nails and hair;
  • effectively fights stress;
  • prevents the development of anemia;
  • natural composition;
  • inexpensive.


  • not found.

For men

They differ from women in the amount of substances. Often, amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids are added to male complexes, which effectively restores muscles after sports.

Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men

Amino acids are added to the standard set of vitamins and minerals to provide the male body with energy and add endurance. The composition is specially selected to improve performance, accelerate protein synthesis and recovery. The cost of 90 tablets is from 1,700 rubles.

Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men


  • strengthens bones;
  • helps to remove free radicals from the body;
  • high concentration;
  • improves the reproductive system.


  • expensive.

Olimp Gold Omega 3 Sport Edition

Excellent balanced composition supplemented with fish oil, acids and tocopherol in high concentration. It strengthens the immune system and allows you to withstand high loads and achieve high results. The composition does not contain sugar and its substitutes. 120 servings start at RUB 1,300.

Olimp Gold Omega 3 Sport Edition


  • improves brain function;
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • there is no fishy taste and smell;
  • inexpensive.


  • short shelf life.

ALLMAX Nutrition, Premium Vitaform, Performance MultiVitamin

It is a support for the body, but the concentration of nutrients is relatively low, so the main source of their receipt should be a properly selected diet. Contains herbal complexes that improve the reproductive system, attention, memory, joints. Average price - from 1900 rubles for 90 servings.

ALLMAX Nutrition, Premium Vitaform, Performance MultiVitamin


  • good composition;
  • all the necessary elements are present;
  • affordable price.


  • under heavy loads, insufficient maintenance.

VPLab Ultra Men’s Sport Multivitamin Formula

The complex of basic substances is supplemented with plant extracts that effectively improve health and increase the athlete's endurance and training performance. Cost - from 900 rubles for 90 caplets.

VPLab Ultra Men’s Sport Multivitamin Formula


  • natural antioxidants in the composition;
  • improve prostate health;
  • added amino acids.


  • specific smell.

The editors of the site "" introduced readers to the best vitamins for sports and the characteristics of vitamins for men, women and adolescents. We hope for the usefulness of the material and ask you to leave your feedback on the complexes and preparations that you like.


  1. Olga

    Magnesium Diasporal was taken to increase endurance. It is taken once a day as a drink. Good prevention of cramps and muscle strain


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