Pregnancy is a very important period in the life of every woman. In order for the child to be born healthy, and the expectant mother to feel good for nine months, it is better to prepare for this event in advance. The right approach will help avoid risks to both the mother and the baby. The health of the future baby directly depends on the diet of the expectant mother.
Often, after fertilization during the first weeks, a woman may not even guess about the pregnancy that has come. But at this moment, the formation of the vital systems of the baby is already taking place. To eliminate the likelihood of unpleasant and irreparable consequences, it is necessary to plan conception in advance and take certain vitamins. The editors of the site “” invites you to familiarize yourself with a selection of the best vitamins for 2024, which will help prepare for pregnancy.
Why does the body need vitamins?
Before getting pregnant, many women wonder whether they should take vitamin complexes in advance. In this matter, many believe that a fairly balanced diet, while others, on the contrary, believe that vitamins are an essential component.
The female body experiences tremendous stress throughout the entire period of bearing a child. Body tissues require a large supply of nutrients. It is possible to saturate the body with all the necessary components for such a crucial period only thanks to a careful attitude to one's health, proper nutrition and intake of vitamins. The most important thing is to choose everything correctly, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.
When choosing the right vitamins, it should be borne in mind that they must contain folic acid. It is classified as vital and helps provide protection against CNR.
Folic acid in the first trimester is prescribed for every woman.
When pregnancy is discovered suddenly, it is recommended to start taking it immediately. Even if the woman has not yet attended an antenatal clinic.
Taking vitamins promotes rapid conception, successful gestation, the absence of reproductive failures, as well as normal health and the formation of the immune system.
If the female body lacks vitamins, then this will be manifested by rapid fatigue, lack of energy and the fact that the body will not be able to function normally. This kind of problem can only be avoided through a responsible and correct approach.
Essential vitamins
To prepare in advance for pregnancy, it takes about three months to undergo a full diagnosis. Based on its results, it is recommended to choose an appropriate diet and vitamins, which are best taken as a course. Experts say that in preparation for conception, folic acid is considered especially necessary for the body, which was already mentioned above, it reduces the likelihood of pathologies developing, promotes normal fetal growth and is directly involved in the process of cell division.Vitamins E, A, D are also of great importance. They have a direct effect on reproductive functions, contribute to the proper development of the placenta.
It is imperative that a woman's body must receive iodine, which contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which in turn has a direct effect on gestation.
It is best to drink vitamin and mineral complexes at the stage of planning pregnancy, but it is also not forbidden to purchase and take the vitamins listed above separately. The most important thing is that they are correctly selected and taken even before conception.
Ranking of the best vitamins in 2024
Women who approach pregnancy responsibly try to take care of the baby and their health even at the planning stage. Most of them prefer multivitamin complexes. All the necessary components are already included in their composition, besides they are easy to use.
One of the most common is the drug of a German pharmaceutical company, which is widely recognized among women around the world. This is a multivitamin complex related to dietary supplements. It provides the female body with folic acid and biologically active folates. The composition of the product creates the best conditions in the body for the birth of a completely healthy child, even if the woman had decreased performance of the corresponding systems before pregnancy.
Average cost: 595 rubles.
- replenishes the deficiency of all essential vitamins;
- controls nutritional balance;
- has an immunomodulatory effect.
- there are no trace elements in the composition.
Vitrum Prenatal Forte
The action of a multivitamin preparation with minerals is determined by the components that make up it. The tool guarantees the replenishment of the deficiency of minerals and vitamins for a complete preparation for conception. It is used as a prophylactic drug for hypovitaminosis.
Average cost: 562 rubles.
- the composition contains iron and iodine;
- helps to strengthen the immune system;
- normalizes hemoglobin;
- promotes early conception.
- large tablets, so it is difficult to swallow them;
- in rare cases, the drug may cause an allergic reaction.
Elevit Pronatal
Medicinal product, which contains 12 essential vitamins, 3 trace elements and 4 minerals. It is this composition that corresponds to the doses recommended for use, both in the planning process and during gestation. Mainly in the composition of the drug contains vitamin A and folic acid, which are especially necessary for the body while carrying a child. The only thing to consider is that there is no iodine in the composition, which will need to be taken separately. Many women planning pregnancy prefer this particular remedy. And its efficiency and balance made it one of the most efficient and reliable systems.
The cost of the drug depends on the number of tablets in the package and varies from 780 to 2000 rubles.
- efficiency and balance;
- does not cause side effects.
- there is no iodine in the composition.
Women planning a pregnancy are often advised to use the Pregnakea vitamin and mineral complex. It helps to stabilize and improve the metabolism, replenishes the deficiency of trace elements, improves immunity and protects against negative external factors. It contains many components.
Average cost: 577 rubles.
- efficiency;
- standard capsule size that is easy to swallow.
- manifestations of allergies are possible.
Doppelherz asset
A complex of preparations for maintaining health, originally from Germany.The drug supplies the body of the expectant mother with all the necessary nutritional components. Thanks to the unique composition, the woman's body is best prepared for the upcoming bearing of the fetus. The composition contains 11 vitamins and 5 minerals.
Average cost: 510 rubles.
- efficiency;
- lack of side effects;
- positive effect on the general condition of the female body.
- the tablets are very large and difficult to swallow.
Centrum Materna
The drug is specially developed by manufacturers to prevent the development of complications and provide the unborn child with everything necessary for normal development and growth.
This balanced complex of trace elements contributes to the normal development of the fetus, does not cause adverse reactions. It contains a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins, which not only eliminate toxicosis, but also guarantee that the child will be born without defects and pathologies.
Average cost: 480 rubles.
- does not cause side reactions;
- effectively prepares a woman for conception;
- ensures the full development of the fetus.
- not found.
The drug is considered one of the most popular. When planning pregnancy, women prefer it due to its effectiveness and reasonable cost. The preparation contains 13 vitamins, 11 minerals and taurine. The tool is included in the ranking of the best drugs used to prevent risks during childbearing. With its help, the woman's health improves, as well as the appearance, and the fetus receives all the necessary mineral and sitamin components throughout the gestation period.
Average cost: 523 rubles.
- all components are effectively combined in the preparation;
- easy to swallow;
- help to increase immunity;
- give vitality.
- must be taken three times a day.
To prepare the female body for bearing a child, experts very often recommend taking pregnoton. This drug provides the body with all the necessary nutrients. It also replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Thanks to the application, the female body prepares for conception, the pregnancy subsequently passes easily and a completely healthy baby is born.
Also, it is pregnoton that helps to restore the body after stressful situations and increased emotional stress. The product helps to normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce the increased levels of prolactin in the body.
Average cost: 790 rubles.
- helps to replenish the lack of vitamins and normalizes the menstrual cycle;
- bring the level of prolactin back to normal.
- side effects are possible.
Solgar Prenatal
Dietary supplement, which is designed exclusively for women preparing to conceive a child. The preparation contains components that contribute to the normal development of the fetus and the preservation of health, as well as the excellent well-being of the expectant mother.
Women who are fully responsible for planning pregnancy prefer this particular tool. This is explained by the fact that only the necessary components and useful substances are collected in the composition, which are perfectly absorbed by the body and help the unborn child to develop correctly. Contains no flavors, gluten or artificial colors.
Average cost: 2990 rubles.
- efficiency;
- balance of the composition;
- contains iodine.
- capsules are large, which makes it difficult to swallow;
- high price.
The drug contains 11 vitamins, 12 bioelements and β-carotene. This composition ensures the normal working capacity of the body.As a result of using the complex, the female body receives all the necessary components to ensure the normal functioning and development of the fetus. In order to get the daily dose of the necessary substances, you need to drink just one tablet.
All over the world, these vitamins are considered one of the most effective, as they combine a huge number of different substances. Thanks to this drug, vitamins in the right amount enter the female body and contribute to the rapid conception, and further favorable development of the fetus.
Average cost: 2730 rubles.
- rich composition;
- efficiency;
- saturation of the body with all the necessary substances.
- high price.
This dietary supplement is specially designed for women who are planning a motherhood. After all, it is in this crucial period of life that the body needs a large amount of trace elements and vitamins. Their lack can lead to negative changes in the body of both the mother and the child.
The drug helps to replenish the deficiency of necessary elements that contribute to improving health, as well as preserving the fetus.
Average cost: 934 rubles.
- excellent composition, taking into account all the nuances;
- convenience;
- excellent portability.
- problematic to find in stock.
A biologically active agent that rapidly compensates for the lack of vitamin B and iodine in a woman's body. When planning a pregnancy, the drug rapidly reduces the risk of developing congenital defects. Manufacturers provide the drug in convenient small tablets that are very easy to take. The drug differs in that it contributes to the early onset of pregnancy.
Average cost: 650 rubles.
- efficiency;
- convenience.
- high price.
The composition of the drug is distinguished by the content of impressive dosages of fat-soluble vitamins. They provide the body with all the necessary enzymes. Throughout its existence, manufacturers have been able to prove that the drug is highly effective and efficient.
Average cost: 345 rubles.
- efficiency;
- normalization of vitamin bursts.
- vitamins should be taken for several months.
Rainbow light prenatal one
This remedy is considered one of the highest quality drugs recommended for use during pregnancy planning. Women who have already taken this remedy respond only positively about it. The composition is balanced, as it contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Average cost: 3700 rubles.
- efficiency;
- balanced composition;
- high price.
When planning a pregnancy, women take care of their health and begin to take special vitamin complexes. They help the body get enough of all the necessary components.
When choosing a vitamin, it should be borne in mind that each drug has certain nuances that are explained by its composition. It should be borne in mind that each organism is individual, and depending on this, it is required to select certain drugs.
During pregnancy, out of all the variety of vitamins, Elevit Pronatal took, the gynecologist recommended them to me.
Of all the vitamins presented, Elevit drank in all three pregnancies.And she started drinking even before pregnancy, during the planning period. The only thing that was inconvenient was that I had to drink folic acid separately. Although there is no iodine in Elevit, I did not take it separately, although my gynecologist advised me. But I drank folic acid even before 12 weeks, for prevention.
I still prefer to use pills to a minimum and stock up on vitamins from vegetables and fruits.
First of all, it is necessary to prepare the ovaries for conception and pregnancy so that they work normally, so that there are healthy eggs. For example, I drank ovariamine for this, and I think that better preparation could not be imagined, since I became pregnant quickly, and the pregnancy proceeded well, and gave birth to a healthy child. As for vitamins, if the tests show their lack, then yes, you need to take something extra. And if there is no shortage, then there will be enough vitamins in the products if the diet always contains nuts, cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, that is, when you eat well and variedly.
It seems to me that it is better to prepare for pregnancy, as they say, deployed from all sides) And drink vitamins, at least folic acid, and such drugs for conception as ovariamine so that the ovaries should also be properly prepared for conception and for pregnancy. Personally, I prepared for both of my pregnancies this way, the children are healthy) and in general everything, as they say, went smoothly)