‍♀Best Vitamins Against Hair Loss for 2024


For many girls and men, hair beauty is in the first place; for this, modern cosmetic brands produce a number of high-quality and effective shampoos, balms and other products. However, care products are not always able to fully nourish the hair. You can buy all kinds of expensive items, but the strands will continue to fall out and fade.

Most trichologists recommend combining hair care with vitamin and mineral complexes. Such complexes require an individual approach, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the organism. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared a rating of the best vitamins for hair loss for 2024.

How to choose

As mentioned above, the search for such drugs is directly related to the needs of the body, before starting to take any supplements, it is recommended to visit a specialist. In this case, we advise you to visit a trichologist. He will assess the condition of your hairline, conduct the necessary examinations. Often, problems with curls are just one of the symptoms of diseases. Be that as it may, a doctor's consultation does not hurt.

The reasons

Hair treatment should begin with determining the source of hair loss, dullness and brittle curls. Most often, the following factors affect the condition of the strands:

  • stress;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • seasonal vitamin deficiency;
  • low immunity;
  • hormonal dysfunction (such as menopause);
  • seasonal changes of hairline.


The ingredients included in the preparation are the main selection criterion. Good complexes should contain the following vitamins:

  • Retinol (vitamin A) is the main ingredient for beauty. This vitamin is necessary not only for hair, but also for nails and skin. Retinol is taken to saturate curls with keratin, which makes hair shiny, smooth and strong.
  • B vitamins are also important for the good condition of the strands. In particular, the composition of the drug should include: B5, B5, B6, B8, B9 and B12. The main effect is to strengthen hair follicles, get rid of split ends, increase root volume, and prevent hair loss.
  • Vitamin C - if your body lacks such a component, this can be understood by the white spots on the nail plates and dull sparse hair. Without ascorbic acid, no supplement will help your curls.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) is another important ingredient for the beauty of curls and skin. Tocopherol is responsible for the prolongation of youth. If you want a thick head of hair, you cannot do without this vitamin. Deficiency of tocopherol is difficult to determine immediately, its lack accumulates in the body for a long time, and only after a while symptoms appear.
  • Vitamin D3 is essential for active hair growth.
  • Of the mineral elements, iron, zinc and copper should be distinguished. Their presence in supplements guarantees the effect of the use of drugs. Also, do not ignore calcium, it will strengthen the hair follicles, strong teeth and nails will be a pleasant bonus.

Release form

Such products can be bought at the pharmacy in the form of vitamin and mineral complexes and dietary supplements. There are also vitamins for hair in the form of ampoules. They can also be purchased at the pharmacy, in addition, such preparations are made by cosmetic brands.

There are many shampoos fortified with beneficial substances. And, of course, you can get the elements necessary for the hair from food.

Where can I buy

We recommend purchasing vitamin complexes in pharmacies after the recommendation of a specialist. Products in the form of cosmetic ampoules and shampoos can be purchased from a cosmetic brand. The main thing is that the manufacturer has a good reputation, and the composition of his products is as natural and healthy as possible.

How to take vitamins correctly

Uncontrolled intake of any pharmaceuticals can lead to complications and aggravate the situation. When taking supplements, follow these guidelines:

  1. Most of the complexes should be taken in courses. So, for example, vitamins must be consumed in late autumn, winter and early spring. In summer, when we get plenty of fruits, vegetables and sunlight, the need for healthy supplements decreases.
  2. The drugs should be taken after meals, without observing this point, fat-soluble vitamins simply will not be absorbed.
  3. It is best to drink drugs with clean water. But coffee or tea can disrupt the absorption of nutrients, so their use should be postponed. It is better to enjoy coffee or tea one hour after taking vitamins.
  4. If vitamins are in liquid form, they can be enriched with shampoo, balm or hair mask. Just add the required amount according to the instructions.


Without a doubt, the ideal result can only be obtained in an integrated approach. Include healthy foods in your diet, and then you will soon see the result. So what foods should you eat to benefit the strands?

  • Green vegetables - spinach, broccoli, celery, cucumbers are low in calories, but they contain a lot of vitamins A and C. Enrich your menu with these vegetables, and you will become the owner of luxurious hair without harm to your figure.
  • Beans - beans and lentils are leaders in the amount of biotin - a substance that prevents hair breakage and dullness. They also contain protein, iron and zinc.
  • Nuts - allow you to saturate curls with zinc and selenium.
  • Chicken and beef meat is a source of protein, without which you are guaranteed to get hair loss. Do not neglect meat, without it your body will not be able to function normally.
  • Cereals and whole grain breads are a storehouse of useful trace elements and minerals. Start your day with porridge and black bread toast, and then you will not only get a luxurious hairstyle, but also improve your overall health.
  • Eggs are useful in any form. Contains biotin and vitamin B12.
  • Milk and sour milk are known sources of calcium.
  • Fatty fish contains omega acids that are not produced in our body. If you want to prolong the youthfulness of the skin and hair, focus on trout, salmon and mackerel.

Rating of the best vitamins for hair loss for 2024

This top is compiled taking into account the recommendations of leading trichologists. Also, when writing the selection, real customer reviews were taken into account.

Complex V-Min "Alerana"

Before using this remedy, a consultation with a specialist is necessary, since the product regulates the secretion of the hormone androgen. Otherwise, it is a great all-in-one supplement designed to address many hair-related problems. In particular, the drug actively affects the follicles, causing accelerated hair growth. Also, such an additive is designed to eliminate dandruff, itching and increased fat content in curls.

The tablets are a complex of two formulas. The first, "day", contains the following active substances: magnesium, iron, folic acid, vitamins B, C, beta-carotene.

The formula called "night" includes B vitamins, zinc, chromium and biotin. Regular use of this supplement will increase the thickness of the hair, give it splendor, healthy shine, and provide a tonic and antioxidant effect.

Complex V-Min "Alerana"


  • good composition;
  • efficiency;
  • has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.


  • high price;
  • hair actively grows not only on the head;
  • difficult to find on sale;
  • should not be taken if pregnant or breastfeeding.

The average cost is 700 Russian rubles.

Complivit Hair Growth Formula

Not a bad supplement aimed at stimulating new hair growth and strengthening curls in general. With proper and regular use, vitamins are able to participate in metabolic processes, providing a regenerating and antioxidant effect. The main effects are as follows: restoration of shine and structure of curls, elimination of fragility, split ends, return of elasticity. Dwarf palm extract, which is part of the composition, blocks the hormone that causes hair loss in men and women.

In addition to the dwarf palm extract, the composition contains vitamins A, C, B, zinc, copper, manganese. At the moment it is the only drug that works in two directions - blocking hair loss and stimulating the growth of new ones.

Complivit Hair Growth Formula


  • good composition;
  • suitable for men and women;
  • acceptable cost;
  • has a positive effect on the skin.


  • there are contraindications;
  • should not be used during pregnancy.

The average cost is 500 Russian rubles.


If you want the simplest possible remedy that has a positive effect on skin and hair, try this budget supplement. The composition of the preparation includes vitamins of youth and beauty - A and E. In addition, these fat-soluble vitamins have the best effect on the condition of the retina, restoring visual acuity, especially at night. It should be noted the effect of the additive on the reproductive system of a woman. The accumulated vitamins contribute to the successful onset of pregnancy and the harmonious development of the baby.

To the pluses of the complex, you should add the release form - capsules in a gelatinous shell. Under the shell is a mixture of vitamins in sunflower oil. As you know, fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed and act only under the influence of fats. Therefore, when taking aevit, you do not have to worry about the absorption of substances.



  • complex positive impact;
  • suitable for men and women;
  • low cost;
  • relieves acne and acne;
  • reception regardless of food.


  • there are contraindications and side effects;
  • increases appetite, causing weight gain.

The average cost is 55 Russian rubles.

Hair, Skin & Nails Advanced Formula (21 st Century)

If you prefer only natural supplements, then this complex of vitamins and herbal extracts will be the best option.

The additive was developed in the USA, the main direction of action is the preservation of youth and beauty. The special formula of the product participates in metabolic processes, delivering useful active ingredients to the cells. With regular use, you can notice the following effects: strong curls, increased immunity, elimination of inflammation on the skin, strong and healthy nails.

Active ingredients: vitamins A, C, E, nicotinic acid, iodine, phosphorus, manganese, soy protein, betaine, biotin, horsetail, parsley, rose hips, seaweed, citrus. The product does not contain gluten, which is a very important indicator for people prone to allergies.

Hair, Skin & Nails Advanced Formula (21 st Century)


  • good composition;
  • gluten free;
  • efficiency;
  • naturalness;
  • low cost;
  • good condition of hair, nails and skin.


  • difficult to find on sale;
  • wait a long time for the result.

The average cost is 500 Russian rubles.


The best product for hair loss restoration.If you have undergone chemotherapy, radiation or simply severely damaged your hair at the hairdresser, this remedy will help you quickly regain curls. In addition, the drug reconstructs damaged nail plates. However, keep in mind that the supplement is not able to cope with the problem caused by hormonal imbalances or infectious processes.

The pharmacological action is to saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Active ingredients: medicinal yeast, thiamine, cystine, keratin. When taking the complex, take into account the fact that hair follicles require a long regeneration, therefore, the supplement should be taken continuously for 6-9 months.



  • efficiency;
  • balanced composition;
  • the body tolerates well.


  • high price;
  • there are contraindications;
  • wait a long time for the result.

The average cost is 1,700 Russian rubles.


And one more multifunctional tool. This supplement affects the skin, hair and nails. Agree, vitamin deficiency rarely manifests itself only on curls, the entire appearance suffers from a deficiency of nutrients.

The composition of the product is rich and balanced. The active ingredients include a complex of vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, chromium. Regular use of the product prevents the aging process, provokes the production of collagen, heals withered skin and dull strands, and helps to restore follicles. Also, one cannot fail to note the positive effect on the epidermis - the processes of regeneration and healing are accelerated, chronic dermatitis and psoriasis go into remission.

If in the near future you have a vacation in hot countries, then the reception of this complex will have a positive effect on the formation of a beautiful tan.



  • good composition;
  • protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • acceptable price;
  • efficiency;
  • quick result.


  • adaptation of the body is required;
  • causes nausea and stomach pain;
  • side effects.

The average cost is 500 Russian rubles.

Vitamin masks for hair loss

If you do not want to take full-fledged complexes, but want to have a local effect, try the recipes described below. They are completely safe and highly effective.

Method 1


  • 1 banana;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 ml lemon juice;
  • 1 ampoule B6;
  • 1 ampoule B12;
  • 1 tbsp. l. panthenol.


  1. Combine all ingredients, mix thoroughly. Beat with a blender if desired. Vitamins and panthenol can be purchased over the counter at any pharmacy.
  2. Apply the prepared mixture to the hair, cover with plastic and tie with a towel.
  3. Keep on the head for half an hour, then rinse with water and shampoo.

Method 2


  • one dose of hair balm (conditioner, mask);
  • one ampoule B1, B6, B12;
  • 2 capsules of aevita.


  1. Pour the medicinal ingredients into the hair product. Pre-pierce Aevit with a needle and squeeze out the liquid contents.
  2. Apply to head, rinse off after half an hour.

Method 3


  • 1 tbsp. l. castor oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil;
  • one ampoule B1, B6, B12;
  • 1 tsp honey.


  1. Mix the active ingredients.
  2. Apply the mixture on the head, cover with plastic, wrap in a towel.
  3. Wash off after half an hour.

Remember, proper scalp care includes more than medication and nutrition. Regular washing and gentle drying are important for the health of the curls. You should not often use a hairdryer, irons and curling irons, use only gentle methods of styling and dyeing your hair. It is also advisable to normalize your daily routine by observing your sleep and rest routine. With this approach, you do not have to treat curls, but only prophylactically maintain their condition.

If you had experience using the products described in the rating, write your feedback in the comments.


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