Modern unfavorable environmental factors have a negative impact on the environment and public health. Many people are now beginning to pay more attention to their health, sports, proper nutrition, and taking vitamin and mineral complexes. The combination of these elements has a beneficial effect on a person's condition, allows him to be active, confident, efficient, cheerful.
The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best vitamins with zinc for women for 2024, which play an important role for a person in maintaining his life and health. Based on the rating data, one can determine the choice of the best quality and affordable mineral preparations.
What is zinc and how does it affect the female body
Over time, every person undergoes aging. It is impossible to stop this process, but it is possible to continue an active and fulfilling life at any age. It has been proven that the trace element is important for us, and its absence in the required amount has an extremely negative effect on the human condition. Prolongation of youth is possible through a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet that includes useful minerals.
Previously, it was believed that this trace element is responsible only for the beauty of our hair and the condition of our nails. Then it turned out to be another, rather important functional involved in such metabolic processes of the body:
- "Maintenance" of a huge amount of protein fractions and enzymes of an immune nature;
- normalization of the functioning of the vascular and pulmonary systems;
- regulation of blood pressure;
- participation in fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
- support and stimulation of immunity;
- prevention of diabetes mellitus.
It has been established that during hypothermia of a person, zinc in the body leaves it along with urine. As a result, the patient gets sick with colds, and this confirms the influence of this trace element on the immunity of each of us.
The zinc content is checked by blood tests and daily urine.
The deficiency of this drug can be determined by the following signs:
- disease of the mucous membranes of the nose;
- reducing the level of skin moisture;
- frequent colds;
- increased acne on the face and body;
- brittle nails and dry hair;
- long-term healing of various wounds;
- damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
- the appearance of dizziness and tinnitus;
- decreased visual acuity;
- memory impairment.
The mineral helps to produce over 300 enzymes for the healthy functioning of the female body, it:
- Participates in the formation of sex hormones.
- Leukocytes and immunity are directly related to the amount of this drug in the body.
- The trace element helps during pregnancy, allows the fetus to grow and develop properly.
- Adequate amounts of it promote breast milk production in nursing mothers.
- Maintains the necessary level of fluid in the fallopian tubes for the normal course of the process of conception.
- Prevents chromosome changes and defects.
- Promotes the restoration of the skin with acne, while opening the pores of the skin and blocking excess secretions.
- Supports the integrity of collagen in connective tissues and hair, as if it is insufficient, the hair becomes thinner and falls out.
- It is important in the synthesis and production of thyroid hormones (if the amount is insufficient, hypothyroidism develops, which leads to a deficiency of the trace element).
- It is an antidepressant, supports the release of cortisol and regulates stress responses.
- Reduces inflammation.
The main sources of mineral intake in the body should be dietary products: poultry and beef, seafood and eggs, cereals, beans, cheeses, nuts, seeds. There is a lot of trace element in the gifts of the forest: raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, cloudberries.
The abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking leads to the removal of the mineral from the body. At an early stage, its deficiency is not noticeable. Therefore, it is very important to get early diagnosis and maintain a balanced diet that contains the required amount of vitamins and minerals. This prevention will help maintain beauty and youth for a long time.
It has been proven that a lack of zinc affects the occurrence of such ailments as atherosclerosis, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunctions of various degrees.
Why is it vital for the female body
The microelement is necessary for the female body, there is no replacement for it, since it is concentrated in every cell. Its absence leads to a weakening of immunity, aging of the skin and the body as a whole, a decrease in the hormone insulin.
It is not deposited in cells, it is obtained with meals, and a deficiency leads to physiological disorders.
The trace element needs to be received daily, since it is extremely small in the female body, only 1.5 grams. It all enters the cells and is used for life purposes. The element is of particular importance during pregnancy - a lack of zinc can negatively affect the mental development of the fetus.
Women often develop cataracts in old age. The body can absorb vitamin A, which is very important for the retina, only with the help of zinc found in food or in dietary supplements. It helps to avoid lens clouding and sudden loss of vision.
Deficiency reasons
If the cells do not have a sufficient amount of the mineral, taste sensitivity is significantly reduced, and the perception of odors worsens. The nails begin to flake and become covered with white spots. The risk of infertility increases, the level of "harmful" cholesterol in the blood rises, and vision in the dark brings down. The human body is weakened, it lacks resistance to colds, flu and infectious diseases.
A drug deficiency occurs:
- When playing sports. The study of the effect of physical exertion on the body led to the conclusion that after intense training for five months, the plasma content of the mineral sharply decreases, and two months of physical training significantly reduces the interchangeable zinc circulating in the blood.
- When using diets. Low-calorie protein-deficient diets, eating unleavened bread, fasting lead to significant losses of the mineral.
- With a decrease in immunity. During infectious diseases, in stressful situations (trauma, burns), inflammatory infections, increased blood glucose, with liver diseases.
Function of zinc in the body
The main functions performed by the drug in the female body are associated with the stabilization of DNA and RNA structures, on which genetic information is stored. The vulnerability to cellular “damage” and gene risks is reduced, and toxins are removed.
- collagen protein for skin elasticity and improving the condition of the ligaments, as a result, the risks of injury during physical activity are reduced, morning bone stiffness decreases;
- pancreatic hormone
Protects blood loans and nerve endings from damage.
Promotes normalization in the circulation of the female hormone estrogen and reduces the likelihood of ovarian dysfunction, menstrual cycles and infertility.
The mineral plays a huge role in suppressing inflammatory processes, improves the state of the intestinal microflora, reduces the tendency to allergies, improves memory and concentration, affects the condition of the skin, hair and bones.
The role of zinc in the body's fight against viral infections such as herpes and helminths is especially important.
What role does vitamin play in the health of a woman of mature age?
With age, women come to a period when there is an acute deficiency of a trace element. It appears during age-related changes in the body. If during this period a sufficient amount of the drug is received, it will be easier for a woman to survive such phenomena:
- profuse sweating;
- mood swings;
- negative changes in weight;
- deterioration of the skin;
- sudden hair loss;
- aggressiveness
The obtained Zn in the right amount will help get rid of the symptoms of menopause and improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system.
Zinc is an effective prophylactic agent for osteoporosis in women
The best vitamins with zinc from world famous manufacturers for women
Before purchasing preparations with a mineral, you need to pay attention to:
- the composition of the mineral complex (purpose and dosage);
- age qualification of a woman;
- contraindications for use
Consider the mineral complexes that women take to solve their various life tasks:
- ZINC MAX BIOTECH - for fitness, bodybuilding and professional sports.
- Doppel Herz Aktiv Vitamin C + Zinc - to strengthen the immune system.
- Female Multiple. Solgar - for women's health.
- Zinc and selenium with ORIHIRO chromium - for the health of expectant mothers.
- Antioxicaps with zinc - to prevent infectious diseases.
- ZINC 15 MG NEUTRAL BIOVEA is a product for vegans.
- Maxler Calcium Zinc Magnesium + D3 - to maintain healthy bones and metabolism. Sports nutrition.
- Zinc + Vitamin C - to improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails.
- Zinc Picolinate - for the development of the reproductive system.
Before purchasing microelements, every woman thinks about which company is better to purchase the drug.
Our rating will show the best manufacturers of these vitamin products:
- Hungarian company BioTechUSA. Offers a complex that affects cell regeneration, neutralizes harmful radicals, improves metabolic processes.
- German company Doppel Herz Aktiv. Produces minerals for pregnant women, active lifestyles, business people.
- American company Solgar. Recognized as the best vitamin for women in the production.
- The Japanese company "ORIHIRO" is famous for vitamins for pregnant women.
- Antioxicaps with zinc, Republic of Belarus. A mineral complex has been developed for the recovery period after severe diseases.
- The American brand BIOVEA is widespread in the sports environment.
- The Maxler brand is sports nutrition.
- Russian brand Evalar. Has won recognition in the world market with dietary supplements for problem skin care.
- American firm NOW. Offers a vitamin complex that has an antioxidant effect and has a positive effect on the reproductive system of women.
Rating of quality and best vitamins
We bring to your attention an overview of the best minerals with minerals, which will help you make the right choice when buying drugs.
Mineral complex ZINCMAX by the American company BioTech is designed for women involved in sports. It is popular among athletes - athletes, female bodybuilders.
Saturates the body with important trace elements, including zinc oxide, has a positive effect on the development and growth, hematopoiesis, metabolic processes.
Helps with sports and mental work, increasing endurance, recuperating after extreme stress. Strengthens health, improves appearance.
The mineral is provided in an economical pack with 100 tablets.
The content of the element in the tablet is 25 mg.
Average price: 450 rubles.
- economical consumption;
- no addiction to the mineral;
- suitable for vegans;
- there is a separating risk on the tablet
- not found.
Doppel Herz From A to Zinc
German brand Doppel Herz Aktiv has developed a special depot tablet that releases minerals throughout the day.
Doppelherz asset From A to Zinc has the following indications for use:
- insufficient or unbalanced nutrition;
- decreased ability to work, deterioration in concentration;
- treatment and prevention of "chronic fatigue";
- to improve the activity of the cardiovascular system;
- rehabilitation after severe illnesses, surgical interventions, radiation therapy;
- boosting immunity
The package contains 30 tablets.
Average price: 350 rubles.
- inexpensive pills;
- can be used by pregnant women;
- if necessary, the tablet can be divided into 2 parts;
- large composition of minerals.
- the duration of the course is from 2 months.
Female Multiple. Solgar
American Female Multiple vitamins contain minerals, vitamins, natural herbs, folic acid, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the female body. Contains the proper vitamin and mineral complex to support cardiovascular health and strengthen bones.
This complex is designed for busy women, it helps to maintain high vitality, normal digestion. Provides health to the heart, mammary glands, skin, hair. Supports and strengthens the immune system.
The package contains 120 tablets.
Average price: 1895 rubles.
- easy to swallow;
- do not cause nausea;
- give a boost of vivacity
- large pill;
- bad taste
The Japanese company "ORIHIRO" is a leader in the production of dietary supplements, one of the oldest.
The preparation "Zinc and Selenium with Chromium" is indispensable for women who want to become mothers. The mineral helps them survive toxic periods and contributes to the healthy and proper development of the fetus. It is recommended to take the drug in the early stages of pregnancy and continue taking it after the baby is born.
In addition, the drug:
- improves immune responses;
- supports the bone tissue of the teeth and skeleton;
- improves brain activity, memory;
- promotes good vision;
- slows down the aging of the body.
The package contains 120 tablets of 250 mg each.
Minimum price: from 1728 rubles.
- great quality;
- good dosage;
- a good combination of minerals;
- no side effects.
high price.
Antioxicaps with zinc
The Belarusian mineral complex Antioxicaps with zinc helps patients recover after a protracted, prolonged illness, prevents the occurrence of infections. It is used to prevent vitamin deficiency and treat zinc ion deficiency.
The drug is prescribed for:
- numerous diseases with colds;
- increasing mental and physical stress;
- malnutrition;
- asthenic state of various etiology;
- nicotine and alcohol addiction.
The drug is provided in capsules in the amount of 20 pieces, 10 pieces in a blister.
Minimum price: from 498 rubles.
It is better to buy this drug in an online store, since city pharmacies often have an Antioxicaps deficiency.
Before using the drug, you need to consult a doctor
- Easy-to-swallow softgels
- pleasant taste.
- the possibility of allergic reactions;
- when using high doses, anemia, symptoms of copper deficiency may develop;
- a limited amount of the drug in online pharmacies.
The trace elements found in ZINC 15 MG NEUTRAL BIOVEA are highly popular with athletes and are also suitable for vegans.
Vitamins are taken in order to restore muscle tissue and the blood circulation process after physical exertion, for better work of the cardiovascular system.
Medicinal capsules help to strengthen the nervous system, immunity, protect against infectious and fungal diseases, and have a positive effect on vision.
Fitness women use the drug to improve the visual appeal, beauty and purity of the skin.
The drug is sold in capsules 120 pcs, 15 mg each.
The average price is 900 rubles.
- fast healing of wounds and microcracks;
- gives a feeling of cheerfulness;
- good price for high volume.
not found.
Maxler Calcium Zinc Magnesium + D3
The basis of the mineral complex Maxler Calcium Zinc Magnesium + D3 is calcium, zinc, magnesium, which are used by our body to optimize the work of the muscular and nervous systems. They help to strengthen the skeleton, regulate metabolism and normalize blood pressure.
It is used as a sports nutrition for professional athletes and women leading an active lifestyle.
Sold in a bottle of 90 tablets.
The average price is 577 rubles.
- great quality;
- sufficient monthly volume;
- high-quality packaging.
not found.
Zinc + Vitamin C Evalar
Mineral complex Zinc + Vitamin C is intended for the resistance of the female body to infectious diseases.
The sufficient content of the mineral Zn and vitamin C in the body activates the immune system, ensures uninterrupted functioning of the defenses throughout the season of colds. This complex is used for the prevention of influenza and SARS, has proven itself in the treatment of hair loss and for strengthening brittle, thin nails.
Sold in a pack of 50 tablets.
The price is 151 rubles.
- low price;
- good quality;
- taking 1 tablet a day
- the effect is not always noticeable.
NOW Zinc Picolinate
Dietary supplement Zinc Picolinate is designed to replenish an essential mineral in the body.
The drug contains the optimal amount of a trace element and promotes tissue restoration, improvement of liver function, normalization of hemoglobin production.
It is recommended to be taken to restore and strengthen hair and nail plate. Together with the mineral, vitamin E is well absorbed, which contributes to the activation of the body's self-rejuvenation process.
The drug is very useful for women - it has a positive effect on the reproductive system.
To obtain a good result, it must be consumed within two months.
Vitamins are packaged in a container with a quantity of 60 capsules.
The price is 651 rubles.
- has many useful properties;
- brings relief from psoriasis;
- does not contain preservatives.
not found.
We reviewed the popular vitamin and mineral complexes, made a rating of the best of them. We hope this material will help you choose the minerals you need.
The editors of the site will be grateful for your feedback and comments on rating products.