🚗Best car battery chargers for 2024


A person is faced with chargers every day, which he uses to recharge gadgets and household appliances. It should be noted that car batteries during their operation also need to be periodically recharged. Indeed, during the operation of the vehicle, they are gradually discharged.

Experienced drivers know that the batteries that are equipped with cars are instantly discharged in severe frosts, in the winter season. Therefore, often in winter, when the vehicle is parked on the street, it is very difficult to start it.

Today, a large number of car owners purchase special car chargers (chargers), thanks to which you can recharge the battery or start a car. In addition, to prolong the life of the vehicle's battery, it is recommended that it be recharged regularly and not completely discharged. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared for your attention, having studied all the reviews, advice and recommendations of most users, a rating of high-quality memory models as of 2024.

Reference! Battery chargers are pre-starting and starting. Prestarting chargers can charge the battery by connecting to an external power supply. Starting chargers, in addition to the charging function, are also capable of starting the vehicle engine.

Description of chargers

Thanks to the use of pre-starting chargers (ZU), the battery is charged due to the transfer of current. It should be noted that the car battery can be charged using both constant voltage and constant current. It should be borne in mind that using a constant voltage for charging is a safer method. However, the use of constant voltage will not allow fully, 100% charging the vehicle battery.

In the case of using direct current, the car battery can be fully charged. However, there is a risk of overheating or boiling of the electrolyte, which may make it unusable for further use. It is for this reason that special combined chargers have appeared on the market that allow you to charge a car battery. The principle of operation of the combination charger is based on the fact that the battery is first charged with direct current.

Then, when it is practically charged, such a device automatically switches the trickle charge mode and uses constant voltage. Thanks to the use of such a system of automatic switching of charging modes, the possibility of boiling or overheating of the electrolyte is minimized.

All memory devices are divided into two classes. The first class includes transformer-type devices. It should be noted that chargers of this class are rarely found on the modern market. They work thanks to a built-in high-power transformer. It should be mentioned that, despite the fact that such chargers are more reliable during their use, they are larger in size.As a result of this, because of their dimensions, the charger is inconvenient to transport, transport over long distances and operate.

The second class of memory should include the so-called impulse devices. As a rule, such models are smart devices equipped with a transformer that operates at high frequencies.

Thanks to this, impulse chargers are compact devices that are convenient in everyday use, storage and transportation. Also, the advantages of such chargers include the fact that they are additionally equipped with protection against short circuits and have autonomous operation, which allows the device to independently control the entire charging process.


With a completely discharged battery, you can start a car in several ways. The first method involves the use of a pusher, which, by the way, is not always possible to find. Also, in order to start the vehicle, you can light the battery from another car. However, when using this method, the donor's car may have problems with the electronics. It is for this reason that not every driver will agree to use the battery of his car as a donor.

When the battery is fully discharged, to start the car, it is best to use starting - chargers (ROM). It's worth noting that ROMs are easy to use. To start a vehicle using such a device, you need to connect it, observing the polarity, to the battery terminals.

Then you need to set the value of the charging current within 15-20 A and constantly monitor the voltage readings at the terminals. When the voltage level reaches 15V, you can try to start the vehicle. In this case, the starter must be turned on for about 10 seconds. You do not need to disconnect the ROM during startup.

Reference! When using ROM, the car engine does not always start the first time. Therefore, in this case, you need to again bring the voltage level at the terminals to 15V and try to start the car again. After starting the car, the ROM must be turned off to prevent overcharging the battery.

It is worth noting that most of the popular ROM models can also be used to recharge the car battery. As a rule, such devices can work with batteries whose rated voltage is 12V and 24V. The best, high-quality popular ROM models are equipped with an adjustment of the current set for recharging.

How to choose a charger

What are the criteria for choosing a charger, which device is better to buy, how to choose the right one and what they are. Before buying a charger, first of all, you need to check the type of battery used in the car and find out the indicators of its capacity. Capacity is measured in amperes per hour (Ah). It is worth considering the fact that different types of batteries have their own individual charging characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to select a charger that is suitable for a specific, separately taken battery.

In addition, chargers differ in charging time. According to this criterion, they are of the following types:

  • Slow (the entire charging procedure lasts from 14 to 24 hours);
  • Accelerated (full charging takes no more than 3 hours);
  • Conditioning (charging takes about one hour).

When choosing a car charger, you need to take into account the fact that not every battery is capable of charging at a fast or accelerated rate. Therefore, the power of the used memory must correspond to the indicators of its capacity. Otherwise, the battery capacity level may decrease or it may fail.

When selecting a charger, it is recommended to pay attention to how the device detects and signals the end of the charging time. Cheap models of chargers are equipped with only one timers, as a result of which the risk of overcharging or incomplete charging increases.Most modern devices, including pulse chargers, are equipped with a special microcontroller that measures several different parameters at the same time, so that it can independently turn off the device after a full charge.

On a note! It is preferable to purchase charger models that are equipped with such additional functions as testing the generator, checking the charge level, diagnosing the general condition of the battery used. It is also recommended to buy universal devices that can charge different types of batteries.

How to charge a deeply discharged battery

The most detrimental to any battery is zero discharge when it is completely, 100% discharged. In this case, it is unlikely that the battery can be completely restored and restored to its working capacity. However, even in this case, it can still be saved if a special charging recovery charger is used for recovery.

Most of the popular chargers cannot recharge fully discharged batteries, since they do not have this functionality. In this case, the charger simply cannot detect a completely discharged battery and, as a consequence, select the required recharging mode.

How to charge a fully discharged battery with an external charger To restore a discharged battery to zero, it is recommended to use a universal charging model, which is equipped with a special mode that allows you to recharge a fully discharged battery. As a rule, pulse charging is used to restore full performance.

Cold battery charging capability

The battery can be charged normally only at a positive temperature of its electrolyte. In the event that the electrolyte temperature indicators fluctuate in the limit of 5 degrees Celsius or less, it will have to be prepared for a full charge for about 2 hours. Therefore, if the battery was brought from frost to a warm room, it must be given a little time for it to heat up (preferably the electrolyte temperature is more than 5 degrees Celsius).

However, there are special models of chargers that allow you to charge cold batteries that have been exposed to low temperatures for a long time or perform their desulfation procedure. These chargers are equipped with a special temperature compensation function.

This function is also called "cold weather mode". As a rule, most modern automatic chargers are equipped with this mode. This charging mode is suitable for almost all types of batteries, but most of all it is optimal for charging high-power AGM battery models.

Best car battery chargers for 2024

Today on the market you can find a wide variety of chargers for car batteries. How to choose a car charger for your car, what selection criteria to be guided by, what characteristics of such devices, first of all, to pay attention to

Which memory company is better, how much they cost, how much energy they consume On the modern market there are devices for recharging the battery of a car, both domestic and foreign. Cheap, budgetary Chinese devices are very popular due to the relatively inexpensive cost. However, the greatest demand among domestic consumers is used for charging devices from such manufacturers as:

  1. Aiken. The company is engaged in the production of electrical appliances. It also successfully manufactures high quality charger for vehicle batteries.
  2. Telwin. It is a popular Italian manufacturer of professional and household electrical appliances. It is engaged in the production of welding machines, as well as memory for cars.
  3. Caliber. One of the most popular domestic companies that manufacture power tools. It also produces a line of devices that allow charging car batteries.
  4. Sorokin. The company is engaged in the production of inexpensive, budgetary memory models.
  5. Resant.The Latvian manufacturer of battery chargers, which are additionally equipped with batteries, so that a car with their use can be started even if there are no available power sources nearby.

It should be noted that when using a charger, you must adhere to the rules of their operation, which are indicated by the manufacturer. In the case of proper care, both domestic and Chinese-made devices will be able to work for a long time. When using the charger, you must ensure that it does not overheat, do not allow its ventilation openings to become dirty. Also, when connecting it, you must observe the polarity.

Fubag Smart 225/24

It is an automatic powerful charger of a professional type. This device is controlled by a built-in microprocessor. This model is capable of recharging even heavily discharged batteries. Also Fubag Smart 225/24 is equipped with a built-in regeneration program that allows you to recover sulfated batteries.

This model can be used to recharge all types of lead acid batteries. It is additionally equipped with an intelligent system that controls the process of its work. It has the function of forced recharging, protection against polarity reversal, as well as automatic compensation of strong fluctuations that may appear in the electrical network.

The maximum charging current of the device is 15A, and the maximum power consumption is 450 W. Weight is 8.5 kg. Also supports 7 and 10 A. The maximum charging capacity is 225 Ah, the minimum capacity is 35 Ah.

Fubag Smart 225/24


  • Functional;
  • Equipped with three adjustment positions;
  • Suitable for recovering even heavily discharged batteries;
  • The presence of an intelligent system.


  • Price (average cost is 10709 rubles);
  • Large weight (8.5 kg);
  • Dimensions.


High-quality compact automatic charger, thanks to the use of which it is possible to carry out diagnostics and take care of batteries. Suitable for all types of lead acid batteries. A feature of this model is that the user can diagnose the state of the battery both before recharging and after its completion. Additionally, this machine is equipped with an LCD display that displays all diagnostic information.

The BERKUT BCA - 10 model is capable of operating in 4 modes (charging cars and motor vehicles, winter charging mode, as well as operating in power source mode). The device has a good level of protection against sudden voltage surges and is made in a waterproof, durable case. The maximum current is 10 A. The weight of the device is 1.47 kg. Suitable for batteries with a minimum output of 10 Ah and a maximum output of 200 Ah.



  • Acceptable cost (6250 rubles);
  • Diagnostic mode;
  • Works in 4 modes;
  • LCD screen;
  • Compactness;
  • Supplied with thick, long wires.


  • The maximum charge current is 10A;
  • Suitable for AGM / GEL batteries only.

ZUBR 59305

High-quality, budgetary, inexpensive memory model from a domestic manufacturer. It is an intelligent device that is perfect for batteries of cars, trucks, motorcycles, snowmobiles, tractors, boats, and jet skis. The device is controlled by a built-in microprocessor.

Suitable for charging 6/12 / 24V batteries. The maximum charging current is 12A. Additionally, this model is equipped with a built-in 12 V socket. Suitable for batteries of the following types: WET, GEL, AGM. The weight of the device is 0.7 kg.

ZUBR 59305


  • Low cost (the average price of this model is 4457 rubles);
  • Functionality;
  • The presence of an outlet;
  • Short circuit protection;
  • Compactness.


  • Thin wires;
  • Poor spark protection.


It is a new generation electronic memory. Perfect for use on both cars and motorcycles.Perfect for recharging standard batteries such as AGM, WET, GEL, MF, with a capacity of 3-60 Ah with a maximum current of 2A. This model is equipped with a recovery system, as well as a sophisticated multi-stage recharging system, both in voltage and current.

In addition, GOODYEAR CH - 2A is additionally equipped with protection against overloads, short circuits, and incorrect connections. This device is equipped with a convenient and simple charging mode indication system. After the end of the charging process, the device automatically switches to storage mode.



  • Affordable cost (1,791 rubles);
  • Compactness;
  • The presence of a charge indicator;
  • Storage mode (no need to constantly monitor the recharging process);
  • Availability of protection against voltage surges in the network;
  • Suitable for mottos and vehicles.


  • Low power;
  • Not suitable for batteries with a capacity exceeding 60 Ah.


A universal model of a starting-charger that allows you to quickly start car engines, as well as snowmobiles. The device is equipped with a sturdy housing that protects it from mechanical stress. Also, this device is equipped with a built-in LED - backlight, which acts as a signal indicator.

Suitable for batteries up to 15V. The minimum charge current is 2A, the maximum is 3.5A. Additionally, this model is equipped with a built-in battery, as well as USB ports that allow you to recharge gadgets and other electronics. Can be used as a Powerbank. The device weighs 0.8 kg. It is mainly used for running mottos and vehicles.



  • Compactness;
  • Acceptable cost (3380 rubles);
  • LED backlighting;
  • High body strength:
  • Can be used as a portable Powerbank.


  • Low power indicators (used mainly for starting vehicles);
  • The maximum charge current is only 3.5 A.

Bosch C1

One of the high-quality models of automatic portable, compact and inexpensive chargers from a worldwide popular manufacturer. Ideal for recharging all types of lead acid batteries used in passenger cars as well as small commercial vehicles. It can also be used for recharging motor vehicles.

This charger model is recommended to be used for recharging batteries, the voltage of which is 12V, and the capacity indicators are 5-120 Ah. This device operates in a single charging mode (14.7V / 3.5A) for batteries with a capacity ranging from 5Ah.

It can also be used to recharge cold car batteries that have been exposed to low temperatures for a long time. This device is capable of switching to a special mode of the so-called pulse charge, if the voltage level of the battery being charged fluctuates in the region of 4.5-10.5V. The maximum charging current of this device is 3.5A.

Bosch C1


  • Can be used for cold charging;
  • It is a compact device;
  • The terminals are well insulated;
  • Short circuit protection;
  • Complete with long wires;
  • Acceptable cost (average price is 2305 rubles);
  • Does not heat up much during operation;
  • The presence of an automatic shutdown function (no need for manual control).


  • Long recharges;
  • The crocodiles on the wires for connecting to the terminals are non-removable and not made of copper;
  • There is no storage case.

Comparative characteristics of chargers:

Name, descriptionMaximum charging current (A)Battery capacity indicators (Ah)Cost (in rubles) 
Fubag Smart 225/241535-22510709
BERKUT BCA - 10 1010-2006250
ZUBR 59305122404457
GOODYEAR CH - 2А 2from 3 to 601791
SPECIAL UPZU - 10000 2-3,5Is a starting-charger (maximum starting current 560A)3380
Bosch C13.5from 5 to 1202305

During the selection of the device's memory, you need to pay attention to its indicators such as voltage, capacity level, and current.In addition, the characteristics of charging and rechargeable battery must match. Simply put, if you buy a 12V charger, then they are unlikely to be able to recharge the 24V battery. If in your daily life you use the charger model presented in our rating, or use another device to recharge your car's battery, please share your opinion with us in the comments.


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