💊Best choleretic drugs for 2024


The gallbladder is an important part of the digestive system, responsible for the accumulation and storage of bile. Any malfunction in this system leads to major health problems and a sharp deterioration in the quality of life. To prevent bile stagnation and maintain the correct functioning of the gallbladder, doctors prescribe special medications. In this article, the editorial staff of "I Found" has prepared a rating of the most famous and popular choleretic drugs for 2024.

In what cases it is necessary to take choleretic drugs

The gallbladder is an organ located in a person on the right side, in the lower part of the liver. It is intended for the accumulation and storage of a greenish liquid - bile. Bile plays one of the key roles in the digestion process, contributing to the proper processing of food in the gastrointestinal tract and cleansing the body of toxins processed by the liver. When malfunctions occur during the work of the gallbladder, bile can accumulate and stagnate in the gallbladder, clogging and blocking the bile ducts. The result can be the development of inflammatory processes and the formation of stones in the gallbladder.

Signs of bile stagnation:

  • Recurrent bitter taste in the mouth;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Unpleasant sensations on the right side;
  • Frequent belching
  • Increased liver size;
  • The skin becomes yellowish:
  • Lack of strength and energy, weakness;
  • Lack of stool or vice versa, diarrhea;
  • Lack of essential vitamins in the body, especially A and D.

If one or more of the above-described signs appear, you need to contact a gastroenterologist for a detailed examination and an accurate diagnosis.

Choleretic drugs are intended for the prevention and elimination of bile stagnation in the body. It should be noted right away that they can only be taken by agreement with the attending physician.

The main types of choleretic drugs

Doctors divide all choleretic drugs into the following types:

  1. Medicines that promote the production of more bile are choleretics. They, in turn, are: vegetable, synthetic and true origin.

Herbal preparations contain herbs, plant extracts that thin bile and have a positive effect on the general condition of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Synthetic choleretics basically contain artificially created chemical components that have a choleretic, antibacterial and analgesic effect.

True choleretics contain animal bile or liver enzymes.

  1. Substances aimed at improving the quality and increasing the rate of outflow of bile by relaxing the walls of the bladder. They are called cholekinetics, and serve as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for congestion in the gallbladder.
  2. Drugs that combine the first two functions, that is, they simultaneously increase the volume of bile produced and contribute to its rapid outflow.
  3. Cholespasmolytics, their main task is to eliminate pain and discomfort with bile stasis.

Criteria for the selection of choleretic agents

Before choosing and purchasing a particular drug, it is best to consult with your doctor in advance, because an incorrectly selected drug can significantly worsen the clinical picture and cause many unpleasant side effects.

Before buying, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • List of contraindications. If you have a history of a chronic disease in which you cannot take this drug, then you will have to refuse to take it in order to avoid dire consequences. Almost all choleretic drugs can not be taken with obstruction of the biliary tract, stomach and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, diarrhea.
  • The presence or absence of potential side effects. If the list of potential risks in the instructions is too extensive, it makes sense to think about the advisability of taking the drug.
  • The age of the patient. Relevant for children, many drugs are allowed from the age of 12 or from the age of 18. Only a small number of herbal products are suitable for preschool or primary school children.
  • Release form of the drug. The most effective are tablets and capsules, but for children and a number of diseases, it is best to give preference to syrups or herbal preparations.
  • Indications for admission. In severe cases of diseases, drugs of synthetic origin are most often prescribed, and for mild or preventive purposes, herbal medicines or herbal decoctions are prescribed.
  • Volume: With a long course of treatment, the most economical option will be the largest bottle size or the largest number of tablets per package.

Rating of the best choleretic drugs, according to buyers


A budget tool that has been popular with buyers for many years. Increases the amount of bile produced and speeds up the process of its outflow. Refers to true choleretics. The composition includes the following active ingredients: bile, activated charcoal, nettle leaves and garlic bulbs. The drug is taken three times a day after meals, washed down with plenty of water, after 1-2 weeks, when the first noticeable improvements appear, the dosage can be reduced to 2 tablets a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months, if necessary, it can be repeated after three months. Price: from 47 to 85 rubles per pack of 50 tablets.



  • Natural safe composition;
  • Low cost;
  • Favorably affects the condition of the liver and gallbladder;
  • Fast effect;
  • The tablets are coated with a special coating with a pleasant taste;
  • Prevents the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines;
  • Can be taken from birth.


  • High likelihood of an allergic reaction;
  • Possibility of stool disturbance in the form of diarrhea;
  • In some cases, the reception does not bring the desired result.

Main characteristics:

Pharmacological groupCholeretic, holikinetic
Release formTablets, capsules, lozenges
The main active ingredientBile, activated carbon, herbal ingredients
Application areaCholeretic agent


One of the most popular natural choleretic drugs. The composition includes dry bile and dried membranes of the mucous membrane of the small intestine and pancreas. Improves digestive functions and the condition of the gastrointestinal tract in people who have no history of serious diseases in this area. Suitable for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or do not follow the rules of a healthy diet. Daily dose: 1 to 3 tablets after meals, swallowing whole and drinking plenty of liquid. Cost: from 170 to 320 rubles per pack (50 tablets).



  • The composition is based on natural ingredients;
  • Acceptable price;
  • Promotes the complete assimilation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • Improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Suitable for adolescents from 12 years old.


  • The components of the drug can cause an allergic reaction;
  • Forbidden for children under 12;
  • Reviews for this product indicate its ineffectiveness in chronic diseases or an abnormal anatomical structure of the gallbladder.

Main characteristics:

Pharmacological groupCombined drug
Release formTablets, capsules, lozenges
The main active ingredientDry bile, dried pancreas, dried intestinal mucous membranes
Application areaCholeretic agent


A modern drug that has proven itself well for digestive problems. It combines antispasmodic, choleric and cholekinetic properties. Eliminates congestion in the gallbladder and all associated symptoms. Serves as a prophylactic agent for the prevention of liver and gallbladder diseases. The main active ingredient is gimecromone. Take 200-400 mg. 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The maximum daily dose is 1200 mg. Treatment course: 2 weeks. The price varies from 340 to 660 rubles for a package of 20 200 mg tablets.



  • Easily and quickly absorbed by the body;
  • A wide range of actions;
  • Relieves nausea, yellowish eyes and skin;
  • There are no harmful chemical components in the composition;
  • Eliminates pain in the right hypochondrium, constipation;
  • The minimum likelihood of allergies;
  • Can be used for biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis and other diseases of the digestive system;
  • Allowed for children from 7 years old.


  • High price;
  • It is forbidden to accept children of preschool age;
  • Not recommended for use in pregnant women due to the lack of necessary research.

Main characteristics:

Pharmacological groupCholeretic drug
Release formTablets, capsules, lozenges
The main active ingredientHymecromon
Application areaGallbladder disease associated with bile congestion


A herbal preparation based on artichoke extract, known for its medicinal properties. Hofitol has a wide range of applications: it normalizes the production of bile, fights dyskinesia, has a beneficial effect on the liver, protecting it from destruction, and is used for various kidney diseases. The drug is often prescribed to pregnant women with the manifestation of toxicosis, to eliminate nausea, solely as directed by a doctor. Method of administration for adults: 2-3 tablets three times a day before meals, for children: 1-2 tablets three times a day. Treatment course: 2-3 weeks. Average price: 420 rubles per pack of 60 tablets.



  • Safe composition based on herbal ingredients;
  • Wide range of applications;
  • Normalizes metabolic processes;
  • Protects and restores liver function;
  • It is used for kidney diseases;
  • Eliminates nausea;
  • Effective for biliary dyskinesia
  • Allowed for children from 6 years of age and pregnant women under the supervision of a doctor.


  • High price;
  • There is not enough packaging for a full course of treatment;
  • Not suitable for children under 6 years of age.

Main characteristics:

Pharmacological groupHerbal preparation
Release formPills
The main active ingredient Field artichoke leaf extract
Application areaMedicine for the liver and gallbladder


One of the most famous and widely used cholekinetics. Refers to myotropic antispasmodics, relaxes the smooth muscles of the gallbladder and bile ducts, facilitating the outflow of bile. Contrary to popular belief, antispasmodics do not have a strong analgesic effect and are ineffective in a strong inflammatory process, such as cholecystitis. It is produced both in the form of tablets and in the form of rectal suppositories of solution for intravenous administration. Adults are advised to take 30-40 mg. a day 3-4 times a day.The dosage for children is determined by the attending physician. Average price: 60 rubles per pack (20 tablets).



  • Fast-acting drug;
  • Low price;
  • Allowed for children from 6 months under the strict supervision of a doctor;
  • Stimulates the outflow of bile from the gallbladder;
  • It is used for diseases in the genitourinary sphere.


  • Does not relieve severe pain syndrome;
  • Doesn't help with severe inflammation;
  • The use of the drug during pregnancy is controversial and is possible only after being prescribed by a specialist.

Main characteristics:

Pharmacological groupHolikinetic, miatrope
Release formTablets, suppositories, rectal, intravenous injections
The main active ingredientPapaverine
Application areaRemedy for spasms

Choleretic collection No. 3. Phytohepatol

Medicinal product with an exclusively natural herbal composition, which includes chamomile flowers, peppermint leaves, yarrow herb, marigold flowers and tansy. These plants contain tannins, essential oils, flavonoids, organic acids, which have a mild anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic effect. Taking the drug has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver, gallbladder, stomach and intestines. Cook the infusion in a water bath for 15 minutes, pouring one tablespoon with a glass of boiling water. The finished product must be infused for at least half an hour, after which you can take 100 ml. half an hour before meals. Treatment course: at least a month. Cost: from 70 to 115 rubles.

Choleretic collection No. 3. Phytohepatol


  • Completely natural and safe composition;
  • Low cost and expense in the cooking process;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism;
  • It has a soft, gentle effect;
  • Available in sachets for sale.


  • The need for self-preparation of the final product;
  • Possibility of an allergic reaction;
  • With prolonged use, there is a risk of stagnation in the liver;
  • Prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

Main characteristics:

NameCholeretic collection (Fitohepatol) No. 3
Pharmacological groupCholeretic herbal remedy
Release formCollection shredded
The main active ingredientChamomile, peppermint, yarrow, marigold flowers and tansy
Application areaDiseases of the liver and biliary tract

Doctor's advice and recommendations for bile stasis and gallbladder diseases

To normalize the work of the muscles of the gallbladder, gastroenterologists advise following simple recommendations:

  1. Eat a diet that excludes all salty, spicy, smoked, fried, sugary foods, fast food, and carbonated drinks from your diet.
  2. Eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. The best choice is considered to be: steamed vegetables, low-fat broths, boiled chicken or turkey, whole grain cereals.
  3. Do not eat later than 2-3 hours before going to bed.
  4. Do not lift weights.
  5. Refuse from tight, tight clothing in favor of loose fit.
  6. Move more and play sports. However, it is better to give up strength exercises in favor of cardio exercise.
  7. Spend more time outdoors.
  8. Drink a glass of mineral water half an hour before meals.
  9. Take decoctions of medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on the activity of the digestive system: chamomile, peppermint, rose hips, milk thistle, immortelle, etc.

In this article, we examined the most popular and budget choleretic drugs, but the choice of the drug always remains with the buyer after the obligatory consultation with the doctor. If you have experience using any of the listed tools, please share your opinion about it below in the comments.


  1. Elena

    I do not suffer from stagnation of bile, but after 20 years I regularly, at least once a year, drink a course of Holosas (choleretic of plant origin). It tastes and in fact is rosehip syrup, but I don’t know any problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver, despite the fact that I don’t limit myself to food and alcohol.


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