The best women's hair removal shaving razors for 2024


The razor has long ceased to be an exclusively male accessory. The need to feel confident and attractive forces women to regularly get rid of unwanted hair on their bodies. The fastest and most painless way to achieve the desired result is shaving. At the same time, men's shaving accessories are not suitable for tidying up thin and delicate women's skin. They are too sharp, for they are designed for steel male bristles. A special tool is needed here, and it is. The modern market is oversaturated with women's shaving accessories: expensive and budgetary, of high quality and not very good. To facilitate the choice of visitors to the site "", the editorial board offers an overview of the best women's shaving razors for hair removal in 2024 ", compiled on the basis of customer reviews and expert opinion.

Epilation from ancient times to the present day

In prehistoric times, there was no need for a person to shave their hair cleanly from open areas of the body. On the contrary, the thicker the vegetation on the body, the easier it was to survive in the cold season.

The ancient Egyptians took up epilation and depilation. Smooth skin without signs of vegetation served for them the personification of innocence and youth. Women then had to use various sharp objects for hair removal: shells, pumice, stones.

Such procedures can hardly be called pleasant and painless. Egyptian women started creating hair removal creams and they succeeded. The composition of the product included: wax, honey, a mixture of various herbs.

Interesting! The first woman to use wax strips was Queen Cleopatra of Egypt.

The inhabitants of ancient Hellas removed their hair with tincture of bryony root, bronze tongs, and burned them out with open fire.

The Romans practiced epilation in thermal baths, rightly believing that pulling hairs from steamed skin was less painful. They were wound on a coarse thread and torn by the roots.

The Arabs contributed to the development of hair removal. Islam obliged Muslims to get rid of hair in the armpits and groin. Initially, the operation was performed with sharp steel, forceps and thread. In the 7th century, the Indians introduced the inhabitants of the Middle East to sugar. On its basis, the Arabs manage to create a paste and remove hair with it. This is how a new method of hair removal was born, known today as shugaring.

From the dark middle ages to the present day

The ladies of the Queen of England Elizabeth I, inspired by the ruler of Britain herself, were seriously engaged in hair removal. True, the noble Englishwomen fought only with facial hair, removing even the hair from the eyebrows and barely noticeable fluff from the lips. The shaving tool resembled a modern straight razor. A mixture of lime and vinegar was used as shaving foam. As for male hair removal, they completely forgot about it, and remembered only at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries.

The first straight razor appears in 1760 thanks to the diligence of the French barber Jean Jacques Perret.The tool was originally designed for shaving men, but soon found its way onto women's dressing tables.

A hundred years have passed, and the American King Gillette managed to improve Perret's invention by equipping a razor with replaceable blades. True, he did not think about women either. The beautiful ladies themselves used the new tool for their own needs.

Development of modern hair removal

The twentieth century is a time of revolutions and numerous freedoms, including freedom of morals. Fashion for short skirts made women struggle with vegetation on their feet by all available means. With the advent of bikini swimwear, I had to do hair removal in the body area of ​​the same name. At first, these operations were performed with a razor. In the 50s, Brazilian emigrants brought shugaring to the United States.

In the 70s, the picture was spoiled by the hippie movement, which promotes nature. But not for long. With the advent of photoepilation and laser hair removal, the fight against unnecessary vegetation on the body received a new impetus and forced even men to do it.

Interesting! Despite the variety of hair removal methods, more than 70% of the world's population prefer an ordinary razor, about 5% use an electric shaver or depilator, and 7% prefer wax or sugaring.

The device of female and male machines

Does it matter which machine you shave with? To achieve a result, it must be sharp enough, and more is not required from it, and the production of women's shaving accessories, which are more expensive than men's, is just a clever marketing ploy? However, there are still differences:

  1. The total area of ​​the skin to be shaved by women exceeds that of gentlemen. Therefore, the female loom is made wider. With such, neither beard nor mustache can be corrected, there is nowhere to turn around. But on the leg, he "flies" without interference.
  2. Razors for men are more compact, the blades are adjacent to each other, for a more thorough shave of coarse stubble on the cheeks, mustache and chin.
  3. The sharpening of the blades of men's devices is characterized by a sharper angle, i.e. men's blades are sharper than women's. Women don't need such a dangerous tool. Their hair is thinner and softer.

Important! Women have to perform skin care procedures in the bathroom, in conditions of high humidity and temperature. In order to thoroughly process the legs, one has to freeze in an almost acrobatic position. Therefore, when developing a shaving device, special attention is paid to its ergonomics and the selection of non-slip materials.

How to choose a machine

In order not to be mistaken when looking for a suitable shaving device, you should know what to look for. You need to figure out what kind of shaving devices are and understand some selection criteria: functionality, cost, design, manufacturer.


The razor can be disposable or reusable, with a different number of blades, a swivel head, a lubricating strip - a wear indicator, etc. Let's consider each parameter in more detail.

Disposable machines

Many users treat this type with disdain, and in vain. Such devices have their own undeniable advantages:

  • more than affordable price;
  • ease of use, regardless of the place of stay - printed and shaved;
  • no need to search for a long time (sold in postal kiosks, stalls, at the checkout in stores).

There are also disadvantages:

  • shaving is not of the highest quality;
  • the service life is short;
  • the handle is not ergonomic.

Important! Wearers with sensitive skin should pay serious attention to disposable devices. Using a new razor every time you shave will help prevent irritation.

Replaceable Blade Machine

The beautiful half of humanity often chooses reusable razors.Their blades are distinguished by excellent sharpness, provide the desired effect, and have been used for years. The main thing is to change cassettes on time, which are constantly being improved by manufacturers. It seems that until recently the top of perfection was a cassette with two blades. A little time passed and a variant with three blades and a moisturizing strip appeared on the market. Today, no one is surprised by cassettes with five blades, a dampening strip and micro-combs for lifting short hairs.

Which machine is better to choose

So which machine is best for a woman? There are a lot of options that are most suitable for delicate female skin. Careful consideration should be given to models with the following device:

  • the presence of a floating head, facilitating shaving in hard-to-reach places;
  • ergonomic handle with non-slip coating;
  • a strip of moisturizing gel;
  • Presence of silicone pads and indicator strips to prevent cuts.

Top manufacturers

Which company is the best machine to buy? The market is saturated with similar goods of various price categories from well-known manufacturers. Here are some of them:

  1. Gillette. Manufactures shaving and body care products. The brand is owned by the well-known American company Procter & Gamble. Since 1901 it has been producing shaving accessories. Especially for women, the company produces the popular Venus models, with additional protective functions and special cassettes. Gillette is one of the world's leading manufacturers of shaving razors.
  2. Schick. American company for the production of electric shavers, razors and accessories. Founded at the beginning of the last century by Colonel of the US Army Jacob Schick. The company was one of the first to launch stainless steel blades with Teflon coating. A little later, the edges of the Schick blades received a chrome coating, which increases their strength. The first electric shaver was developed by the colonel already in 1926. By the end of the 20th century, as a result of a series of resales, a new manufacturer of Schick shaving accessories - Wilkinson Sword was formed. Already in 1994, the new company launched its first model for women - the Lady Protector. The next product for ladies is the first women's shaving system - three in one, with simultaneous moisturizing, lathering and hair removal. Behind her comes the Quattro for women 4-blade system. The popularity of the Schick - Wilkinson Sword models has remained unchanged for many years.
  3. Bic. French corporation for the production of disposable household items. Its founder, Baron Beek, spent most of his life on the move. He dreamed of getting rich so that he could easily part with old things and buy others at a new place. Then he came up with the idea that he needed to produce more cheap things that work on the principle of "use - throw away." This is how the Bic company was born - the world leader in the production of disposable pens, lighters, razors. Their first disposable razor for women was the Bic Lady Shaver. Since 1979, Bic has been a leader in the manufacture of disposable razors with Gillette, especially popular with women and teenagers.
  4. Dorco. South Korean company for the production of shaving accessories for men and women. On the market since 1962. Its blades are considered the sharpest in the world. Dorco, the world's first razor with six and then seven blades. Its products are in demand in 130 countries around the world. The company produces disposable models with replaceable cassettes. Her female six-blade razors are in high demand among the fair half of humanity.
  5. Feather. A Japanese company that manufactures shaving supplies, hairdressing scissors and medical instruments for surgeons, dentists and ophthalmologists. The city of Seki, where the company was born in 1932, is located in Gifu Prefecture, famous for its ancient traditions of making swords for the samurai. The quality, durability and sharpness of Feather instruments are beyond question. More than 500,000 hairdressers around the world use the products of this company.
  6. Deonica. The brand belongs to Russia.The devices are manufactured in the USA. Judging by the feedback from users, they will not compete with the world's leading manufacturers, except for the price. Shave cleanly and smoothly. Does not cause skin irritation. A very simple and budget option.

The list of manufacturers of quality women's shaving devices goes on and on. Which company the product is better to buy is up to you. Before buying, it is advisable to listen to advice and recommendations from adherents of various brands, find out how much your option costs, study reviews about it, characteristics, description. With a limited budget, you should carefully consider low-cost models. Disposable razors can be great value for money. If you don't care about price, refer to popular models with advanced features. The feeling of your own attractiveness, beauty and self-confidence will give you the procedure of epilation and depilation using shaving devices from the best manufacturers.

Rating of high-quality women's depilation machines

10. Deonica 3 for women

The tenth place in the ranking is occupied by a disposable shaving machine, jointly produced by Russia and the USA, Deonica 3 for women. The simple and affordable model is sold in a package with dimensions of 21x12x3 cm (height x width x depth). The shaving device will easily free the female legs from unwanted vegetation, make the skin smooth and silky. The tool fits comfortably in the hand. The non-slip grip cover allows it to be used in wet conditions. The head with three blades removes hair in one stroke and under the root. Before starting the operation, you should apply a shaving gel to the skin to avoid irritation. The average price of a razor is 116 rubles.

Deonica 3 for women


  • floating head;
  • ergonomic handle;
  • very affordable price.


  • no moisturizing strip.

Model name / brand nameSpecificationsaverage price
Deonica 3 For Women / RussiaFemale shaving machine, disposable with floating head with three blades made of high quality stainless steel. The handle is ergonomic, non-slip, plastic.116 rubles

9. Bic Miss Soleil

In ninth place is the French model for women Bic Miss Soleil. For 116 rubles, you get two disposable machines with fixed heads, three blades and two lubricating gel strips. Blades of excellent sharpness, shave clean hair without any effort. Be sure to apply a shaving gel or foam to your skin before use. No irritation guaranteed. Customers note the magnificent design of the ergonomic handles of the machine tools, their bright summer colors. Functionally, not inferior to expensive models, Bic Miss Soleil is several times cheaper and more affordable. One machine can be used for more than a month. According to buyers, this is an excellent value for money

Bic miss soleil


  • stylish and bright design;
  • comfortable non-slip handles;
  • profitable price.


  • fixed head.

Model name / brand nameSpecificationsaverage price
Bic Miss Soleil / FranceSingle use female razor. The working part is fixed. Number of blades - 3. Material - high quality stainless steel. Moisturizing part in two strips. Ingredients - Vitamin E plus Aloe Vera. Ergonomic handle with non-slip coating.112 rubles

8. Dorco Chai Vanilla 6

The South Korean model Dorco Chai Vanilla 6. It is a disposable razor for women. Equipped with six blades and a dampening strip, the shaving surface removes unwanted vegetation in one stroke. The ergonomic rubberized grip fits securely in the hand. Micro rubber combs lift hair for a close shave. The presence of chamomile and olive extracts in the moisturizing strip brings a feeling of freshness and comfort to the process. The use of shaving gel is mandatory. This will keep the skin from irritating. The average cost of the machine is 162 rubles.

Dorco Chai Vanilla 6


  • the presence of a micro ridge and a dampening strip;
  • excellent pungency and long-term use;
  • easy and complete hair removal in one motion;
  • ergonomic, non-slip handle.


  • fixed head.

Model name / brand nameSpecificationsaverage price
Dorco Shai Vanilla 6 / South KoreaSingle use female razor. The working part is equipped with six blades and a lubricating strip. Ergonomic handle with non-slip coating. The number of machines included - 1 pc. 162 rubles.

7. Carelax Silk Touth

In seventh place is the Czech disposable shaving razor for women Carelax Silk Touth. The kit includes four disposable floating head machines with two blades. To facilitate sliding, the heads are equipped with lubricating strips with vitamin E and aloe extract. The manufacturer declares that the machine is suitable for sensitive skin. In any case, applying shaving foam or shaving gel to the skin is mandatory. Otherwise, irritation cannot be avoided. Not a bad tool for the care of female legs. The average price of a set of 4 machines is 199 rubles.

Carelax Silk Touth


  • four machines in a package;
  • floating heads;
  • lubricating strips;
  • very favorable price.


  • does not cope well with vegetation on uneven surfaces (armpits, etc.).

Model name / brand nameSpecificationsaverage price
Carelax Silk Touch / Czech Republicdisposable razor. Suitable for shaving sensitive skin. Working part with three blades, floating head and dampening strip. The set includes 4 machines.199 rubles

6. Venus Simply 3

The sixth line of the rating is occupied by the model Venus Simply 3, the American company Gillette. This is a feminine disposable shaving machine for a clean and comfortable shave. To facilitate sliding, the blade head is equipped with a dampening strip. The micro-ridges prevent a single hair from escaping from the three sharp and durable stainless steel blades. The comfortable grip does not slip in the hand. The floating head follows the curves of the body, allowing you to fight vegetation in hard-to-reach places. The average price is 211 rubles.

Venus simply 3


  • stylish design;
  • comfortable handle;
  • floating head;
  • lubricating strip;
  • the presence of micro-ridges.


  • not identified.

Model name / brand nameSpecificationsaverage price
Venus Simply 3 / USASingle use female razor. Equipped with a floating working head with three stainless steel blades, micro-ridges and a dampening strip. The handle is comfortable, does not slip in the hand, does not require efforts to hold. The number of machines in the package - 1 pc.211 rubles.

5. Venus Bikini Trimmer

In fifth place is the Venus Bikini Trimmer for women. The name speaks for itself. The product is intended for bikini area hair care. The set includes a comfortable ergonomic handle with a floating head and two cassettes, with one blade each. The working part is equipped with a special comb. With Venus Bikini Trimmer, you can not only completely remove hair from the intimate area, but also simply shorten it to the desired length. The dimensions of the head are small. This makes it easy to deal with unwanted vegetation in tight spaces. According to customer reviews, the depilation process using this model is a pleasure and pleases with the result. The average price of the model is 1,350 rubles.

Venus Bikini Trimmer


  • clean and painless shaving in hard-to-reach areas;
  • replaceable cassettes;
  • swivel head;
  • ergonomic non-slip handle.


  • high price.

Model name / brand nameSpecificationsaverage price
Venus Bicini Trimer / USAShaving razor for women with a floating head. The number of blades is one. The number of machines in a package is one. The ergonomic handle with a non-slip grip is designed for hair removal in hard-to-reach areas. The purpose of the trimmer is to treat the bikini area. Includes Venus Embrase machine, two spare cassettes. 1350 rubles

4. Venus & Olay

The fourth line of the rating was taken by another Gillette product, the Venus & Olay model. The working part is equipped with five blades, micro-combs and foam pads. With this device, you do not need to apply gel or foam to the skin before starting the process. It is enough to moisten it and you can get down to business. The process is real pleasure and does not cause irritation. The average cost of the device is 578 rubles.

Venus & olay


  • stylish design;
  • ergonomic handle;
  • interchangeable heads with five blades;
  • duration of use of one cassette.


  • cassettes are expensive.

Model name / brand nameSpecificationsaverage price
Venus & Olay / USAFemale razor with replaceable blades. The working part is equipped with five blades of high quality corrosion-resistant steel, with micro-ridges, gel foam pads, a dampening strip. The model is equipped with a stand.578 rubles

3. Feather Mermaid Rose Pink

The top three are opened by the Japanese model Feather Mermaid Rose Pink. The razor is produced in one of the prefectures, where samurai swords have been forged since ancient times. The Feather Mermaid Rose Pink razor blades are as sharp as legendary weapons. There are only three of them on the floating head, but this is enough for a comfortable shave in any area of ​​the body. Micro-combs won't leave a single hair a chance. All will go under the knife. The blades are sharp, with a hard coating, withstand repeated use for six months (or more), until they wear out. The average price of the device is: 720 rubles.

Feather Mermaid Rose Pink


  • sharp and durable blades;
  • comfortable handle;
  • floating head.


  • high price.

Model name / brand nameSpecificationsaverage price
Feather Mermaid Rose Pink / JapanFemale razor with replaceable blades. Equipped with a floating head. Refill cassettes are equipped with three blades of high quality corrosion-resistant steel and micro-ridges for a close shave. 720 rubles

2. Venus Snap with Embrace

Venus again! The Snap with Embrace model ranks second in the ranking. An excellent travel option. Its dimensions allow it to easily fit into a handbag. However, it offers almost all the functions of a standard sized shaving razor. He only lacks the gel pads. Despite its modest size, the razor provides a clean and comfortable shave without subsequent skin irritation. This is facilitated by five strong and sharp cassette blades. There are no hard-to-reach areas for him. The result of depilation will be the same - 100% removal of unwanted body vegetation and smooth, elastic skin. The average price of this "crumb" is 539 rubles.

Venus Snap with Embrace machine


  • compactness;
  • functionality;
  • ease of storage and use on the road.


  • not identified.

Model name / brand nameSpecificationsaverage price
Venus Snap with Embrace / USARazor for women, compact. Includes two interchangeable cassettes with five blades, dampening strip and micro-combs. Suitable for all replacement cassettes in the Venus range. 539 rubles

1. Venus Spa Breeze

The first place in the rating and the best customer reviews goes to Venus Spa Breeze - a popular women's razor for replacement cassettes. This model contains everything that "goddesses" need for a comfortable shave. Removing hair in the most inaccessible places, she does not rape, but caresses the skin. Micro-combs lift each hair for 100% results. Foam pads create a head of foam, making the process easy and enjoyable. You can forget about shaving gel and foam. With Venus Spa Breeze, they are no longer needed. The razor is equally good for legs, armpits and intimate area. Its average price is 822 rubles.

Venus Spa Breeze machine


  • sharp blades;
  • swivel head;
  • lubricating strips;
  • gel pads;
  • comfortable handle;
  • microcrests.


  • high price.

Model name / brand nameSpecificationsaverage price
Venus Spa Breeze / USA Women's reusable shaving machine. Equipped with a floating head, replaceable cassettes, with three blades made of high quality stainless steel. In addition, the cassettes are equipped with foam cushions and a dampening strip. The handle is ergonomic, non-slip.822 rubles

Elastic, smooth, silky skin makes any woman a queen. Not so much is needed for beauty: the desire to be attractive, the best cosmetics and a good women's razor. Manufacturers offer many different options, from the cheapest to the obscenely expensive. You just need to carefully consider this or that model and find an option that satisfies you in all respects. Our review will help you not to make mistakes when choosing.


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