Best dental flosses for 2024


Dental floss or, as they are also called, floss have become very popular recently. Due to the fact that the toothbrush, to which we are so accustomed, helps to care for only three surfaces of the tooth instead of five, we have to buy additional care products.

The editors of the site "" have compiled an overview of the best floss, and also offers you advice on the choice of dental floss and general recommendations of doctors for oral care.

Dentist Tips for General Oral Care

Today, many doctors are sounding the alarm, as dental diseases have become younger before our eyes. Due to improper care, caries appears in children even on milk teeth 7 times more often now than 15 years ago.

According to statistics, many people do not attach importance to oral care, and soon they will completely switch to cleaning according to the scheme every two or three days.

But, if you do not want to spend fabulous money on treatment, you just need to provide proper care.

Tip # 1

To improve hygiene, dentists recommend purchasing an electric toothbrush. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on the purchase of an expensive device, a brush for 1,000 rubles will be enough, it cleans no worse than a brush for 15,000 rubles. The point here is that such a brush helps to clean the oral cavity much better than an ordinary one, since not many are able to devote more than four minutes to the procedure.

In order to clean off plaque, it is enough to slightly lean the brush against the surface of the tooth and wait a little.

If it is not possible to change a regular brush to an electric one, then you need to carefully monitor the current one, change it after 3 months, when buying it is advised to choose a brush with medium bristles. Too hard gives a quick cleansing effect, but can be very traumatic for the gums and enamel.

Tip number 2

Do not neglectmouthwash.

But here, too, there is one secret, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with a mouthwash between cleaning, and not after the procedure. This will help freshen your breath after a light snack, and will perfectly wash away food debris.

Council number 3

Since the brush cleans only three surfaces out of five, it is necessary to stock up on floss, because caries that forms in the interdental space is a fairly frequent occurrence. Only if you accustom yourself to use such a tape, you need to remember the main rule - either use it on a daily basis, or not use it at all. The moment this cleaning procedure is canceled, pieces of food begin to fall into the well-cleaned spaces, and caries begins to develop rapidly.

Flosses that are treated with a medicinal solution are very good. During cleaning, not only the main function is performed, a nutrient enters the enamel, which strengthens it.

It's important to know!

If you follow the recommendations of dentists, then, first of all, cleansing begins with the use of floss, only then you can continue the procedure using a paste and a brush.

Tip # 4

If the evening is supposed to be fun, and alcohol was consumed during dinner, in no case should you brush your teeth at night. You can simply rinse your mouth and clean it in the morning.

Dentists give this advice because it has been proven that alcohol, especially fizzy, such as sparkling wines, softens the enamel with its effect, the cleaning procedure can do more harm than good.

Council number 5

When choosing a paste, you need to look at what level of fluoride it contains. For adults, it must be at least 1500 ppm, children need to buy exactly children's toothpaste, since depending on age, the paste must contain a certain amount of fluoride.

Why is it so necessary to pay attention to this particular component?

Fluoride is a substance that kills caries microorganisms, saturating the enamel with useful components. If caries is just beginning, then fluoride helps to remove it.

Council number 6

In the morning, you need to brush your teeth just before breakfast, this procedure will help remove plaque that has formed overnight, and will prevent bacteria from multiplying after breakfast. Of course, if you really want to freshen up after breakfast, you can go and rinse your mouth.

Council number 7

If you have a habit of constantly chewing gum, then you need to buy it only without added sugar. For the whole day, a sufficient amount of sugar enters the body, not only from sweets. It is high time to exclude from life the myth that sugar is contained only in sweets, chocolates and sweet rolls - it is full in other products.

How to floss

Dentists recommend using it daily, the ideal option would be to use floss after every meal. Therefore, you can use it in the evening, after the last meal.

In order to brush your teeth with floss, you must:

  1. Measure out a small amount of dental floss, 5-6 centimeters.
  2. Wrap the ends of the thread around your index finger and thumb, leaving a couple of centimeters between them.
  3. Insert it between the teeth carefully, taking care not to damage the gums.
  4. Pull the thread, move it from bottom to top.

Such simple actions must be repeated with a new piece of thread, until the entire oral cavity is cleansed.

As soon as the procedure is completed, be sure to rinse your mouth.


It is recommended to start using the tape from the age of 7.

Up to 7 years old, you can only get by with toothpaste, but upon reaching this age, doctors recommend teaching the child to additional care.

Types of threads and their features

All flosses are divided into certain types, depending on the type of teeth, types of coverage.

For comfortable use, the tape is treated with various flavors, preparations, and agents.

Threads are classified by type of coating:

  1. Soaked in wax;
  2. Not soaked in wax.

A tape that has been treated with wax is called waxed. They cover it so that it glides well between the teeth. It removes plaque well, but unwaxed copes with this task much better.

Waxed tape is recommended for those people who have fillings on the sides of the teeth.

Unwaxed at the time of brushing your teeth diverges into fibers, absorbs plaque, thereby removing it without residue.

By types of threads:

  1. Round;
  2. With a flat cut;
  3. Superfloss.

The flat-cut tape helps to penetrate even subtle gaps between teeth, therefore it is recommended for people with crowded teeth.

Round floss, on the other hand, is suitable for people with large gaps in the teeth, helping to clean out all plaque.

Superfloss is made especially for people who wear braces, plates or prostheses. It combines 2 types of thread, with round and flat edges.

They are divided by type of impregnation:

  1. Impregnated;
  2. Without her.

What are dental floss impregnations for?

They impregnate it in order to refresh the oral cavity, fight microorganisms, and strengthen the tooth enamel.

Companies that make the best dental floss

In fact, the list of companies producing quality floss is not that great. The implication is that floss must be safe, reliable, effective in use.

Based on research results, a list of seven brands has been compiled that represent the best floss in 2024.

The studies were carried out according to the following characteristics:

  • Length;
  • a type;
  • the presence of impregnations;
  • aroma;
  • thread price;
  • manufacturer and its reputation in the market;
  • lack of discomfort when using;
  • effectiveness in cleansing;
  • ease of use - does it cut your fingers during use, how does the packaging slide over the surface.


This company is known all over the world, it produces premium quality oral cleaning products. A plus of the products of this company can be considered a large selection of goods for adults and children, and the products are also suitable for people with sensitive oral cavity. The company also produces special tapes that help in the care of orthodontic constructions.

The best buy would be President Dental Floss Waxed and President Dental Floss Fresh Waxed.

President dental floss


  • Contains fluoride to effectively remove plaque and help teeth fight tooth decay;
  • has a mint flavor;
  • thread length - 50 m, it will last for a long time;
  • inexpensive price.


  • There is none of them.


The second in the ranking is the company, also known in all countries of the world. The tapes from this company are designed for daily care, are well suited for both adults and children, people who have braces or dental plates installed. Since, when creating the product, the company took into account precisely these features, their floss is made of a material that will not harm the gums, even with careless use. The width and length are optimally proportioned to ensure that the tape does not get stuck in the interdental space, causing any discomfort.

The company has an excellent series called Essential which has both waxed and unwaxed tape, Essential floss and 50m SuperFloss with mint impregnation.

Price: from 166 rubles.

dental floss Oral-B


  • Suitable for teeth with narrow interdental spaces;
  • perfectly removes dental plaque;
  • soaked in mint oil;
  • price.


  • No medicated impregnation.


The products of this company were put on the market recently, 9 years ago, in 2010. Nevertheless, the products from this laboratory are not inferior in quality to the threads of world brands.

When cleaning, the floss does not separate into fibers, helps in removing even old food debris, glides well, does not cause unpleasant sensations.

Floss from this company are of excellent quality. But it is not cheap, from 300 rubles. for 10 m. There is a silk embossing on the tape, which helps in cleaning the tooth surface. And also it is suitable for people with sensitive gums, since it is impossible to get hurt with it, after the procedure, bleeding of the gums was not observed.

dental floss MontCarotte


  • silk embossing on threads;
  • suitable for people with sensitive gums.


  • High price, 300 rubles. with short length.


The tapes of this brand are impregnated with a special solution that prevents the formation of plaque on the enamel of the teeth, helping it to remain snow-white. They are made of a special material that can even come into contact with problem teeth, but does not bring pain. And also after brushing the teeth with this floss, gum bleeding is not observed, so they can be used by people with very sensitive gums.

dental floss Colgate


  • Price: from 155 rubles;
  • thread length - 25 meters;
  • impregnation with different aromas.


  • No medicated impregnation, only bleaching.


Brand from South Korea. The company is known all over the world for its popular designs of a two-level toothbrush. Floss is made from natural ingredients, and the action is aimed at making your smile more beautiful. The material from which the tapes of this company are made helps to normalize the microflora of the oral cavity, providing a safe interaction with the enamel.

Unwaxed tape Dr. NanoTo costs from 250 rubles, length - 50 meters.

The manufacturer impregnated it with sage oils, bamboo charcoal, beeswax, and silver ions. That is, in addition to its main function, the thread performs the role of disinfection, prevention of incipient caries due to sage and propolis oil, additionally whitening enamel, since silver ions are present.The model is made in different variations, there is an impregnation of mint, sage, juniper and eucalyptus oils.

The manufacturer also has waxed threads of the same series, the difference is only in cost, waxed ones are sold at a price of 300 rubles.

dental floss DR.NanoTo


  • Disinfects and fights incipient caries;
  • length - 50 meters;
  • price.


  • The product is difficult to buy. There are few representatives, but the Internet saves the situation.


The company is less well-known, produces more budget options for floss, but in quality they are in no way inferior to more expensive options. The ribbons of this company are impregnated with silver ions, helping to remove food debris, give fresh breath and kill bacteria.

RiserFloss - dental floss with an unusual strawberry flavor!
The thread is round, when cleaning the teeth, the thread breaks up into fibers, perfectly absorbs all unnecessary substances and perfectly freshens breath. Price for it: from 159 rubles, length: 25 meters.

SplatDentalFloss - thread 50 m long, presented with several additives. The aromas are quite interesting - bergamot, cardamom and lime, there is plenty to choose from! The price is also pleasing, only 159 rubles.

dental floss Splat


  • When cleaning teeth, the thread breaks up into fibers and perfectly absorbs all unnecessary substances;
  • perfectly freshens breath;
  • price;
  • length at choice: 25/50 meters.


  • No medicated impregnation.


DIES brand products are inexpensive and of high quality. By their structure, they are interesting in that they can penetrate even into small interdental spaces. This allows you to avoid the development of various diseases, prevents caries, does not cause inconvenience in use.

The DIES model is cheaper than the others, cost: from 131 rubles. With a product length of 50 meters, this is a very advantageous offer. It is very thin, it helps to clean even a very small interdental space, which is suitable for absolutely all users.

dental floss DIES


  • Price: from 131 rubles;
  • length: 50 meters;
  • very thin, helps to clean out any interdental space.


  • not.

It is interesting! The so-called Floss Pick has become a very convenient invention. This device is used as an auxiliary device - that is, you do not need to wind the tape on your fingers, it is enough to insert it into the device and start the cleaning process.

Such a device is offered to be purchased, for example, by DR.NanoTo, to save time and minimize unpleasant sensations.

As you can see from the recommendations, it is not so difficult to care for your teeth in order not to go to the dentist at all. The funds presented in the article are inexpensive; in aggregate, it turns out that monthly care costs 300-400 rubles, while a trip to the dentist costs an average of 5000 rubles. The most important thing is to find time for the procedure of brushing your teeth, and even more so you should not neglect this procedure at all. 10 minutes of daily care helps to save a fairly large amount in your wallet and save your nerves.

If you've had any experience with dental floss, please share your impressions in the comments.


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