Choosing the best inflatable pool in 2024


With the onset of the summer season and hot sunny days, everyone wants to swim and swim, not only for children, but also for adults. Various pools are intended for this. They come in different types, but inflatable models are the most profitable, economical option. These products are filled with air and they perfectly replace stationary pool installations - a rather expensive pleasure to acquire, to maintain, and therefore not affordable for most of the population.

The editorial staff of the site "" offers you an overview of the best inflatable pools of the current year, structured by age category.

Inflatable Pools

Summer day

For the full functioning of the purchased pool and in order to avoid disappointment, you need to know which ones are on sale, how to choose the right one, what you should pay special attention to. Having inquired about the characteristic features of popular models, having found out how much each of the ones you like costs, you can decide which one is still worth having, and which one does not need to spend money on.

Pool types

Pools come in different types, sizes, capacities, volumes, heights. Some are purchased for summer cottages, others for installation in an apartment. The main parameters characteristic of many of them are the following:

  1. Depth: this value depends on who the purchased pool is intended for, as well as on their age characteristics:
  • children under one and a half to two years old need a height of no more than 17 cm;
  • until the age of three, the rational height will be about 50 cm;
  • from three to seven - 50-70 cm;
  • from the age of seven, up to twelve years old, you can purchase up to 170 cm deep and this is already a high side;
  • in pools over 170 cm, it will be comfortable for older children, as well as adults.
  1. By the filling factor there are:
  • inflatable, that is, evenly filled walls, bottom with air;
  • liquid - only the upper ring is inflated, and the pool itself is filled with water, thereby the ring rises, straightening the entire structure, making it more stable and rigid;
  • dry - filled with balls, the frame is made either entirely of plastic material, or inflatable sides. Designed for children for entertainment purposes, as well as for developing exercises, massages. Convenient for use at home, in child care facilities, playrooms. The average price for such pools, together with a set of balls, varies between 3-4 thousand rubles.
  1. There can be several types of construction by type:
  • dug in - a model (artificially created mini-reservoir), which is installed once and for a long time, using concrete, wood and other materials specially designed for this;

Stationary pool unit

  • fully inflated with air (inflatable);
  • with a top ring filled with air (bulk);
  • frame - seasonal (a three-layer bag is installed in metal frames), all-season (a solid sheet of steel, bent in the shape of a pool bowl) and stationary (prefabricated, consisting of duralumin sections, made of plastic, which are fastened together with bolts or other connections). All varieties of such pools have soft bowls, but with a more rigid frame, which is what distinguishes frame devices from inflatable ones; they can be disassembled at any time, compactly folded;
  • with a bottom that can also be inflated to avoid various injuries;
  • with an inflatable roof (awning, canopy, dome);
  • without covering installations;
  • with a ladder structure;

Inflatable pool ladder

  • a slide will be a very useful acquisition for children;
  • play complexes containing shower sprays, slides for toddlers, from one year old and older;
  • with inflatable toys;
  • seats, playpens, houses can be additionally installed;
  • with jacuzzi function - for massage lovers and connoisseurs of spa treatments.
  1. Pools are mostly round or oval, and many prefer these shapes due to the fact that they take up a minimum of space. But some people like more rectangular, square, diamond-shaped and even multifaceted varieties, but these should be bought after a thoughtful allocation of space.
  2. The volume is directly related to the size of the tank, as well as on how many people it is designed to use, that is, what is its comfortable capacity:
  • minimum volume from 25-45 liters or more - per child;
  • the average figure, ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 liters, provides for bathing up to seven people at a time;
  • in pools with a maximum capacity of 10,000 liters, more than 5 people will be comfortable together, designed for almost any family, a friendly company.


Before choosing the right pool, you need to understand all their subtleties, functionalities, so as not to make stupid mistakes when buying and not to be disappointed.

1MaterialIn the manufacture of products, polyvinyl chloride is used, in short - PVC, three-layer and more. To make adult models stronger and more stable, use a polyester mesh.
For the production of children's pools, the following materials are used to preserve the appearance of the product, avoid stretching and various deformations:
• PVC;
• Rubber;
• Polyester;
• Nylon.
2The formIn the form of a circle (the most common), oval pools, square, rectangular, multifaceted.
3CapacityThe volume of water depends on the size of the tank: from 25 liters (for children) to 30 tons (for adults, families).
4Number of rings inflated with airBasically, only the top ring needs to be inflated over the entire diameter of the pool in order for the structure to take the desired shape. But sometimes, in large adult models, it is required to pump up several rings with air.
For children, you need to pump up not only the top ring, but also the bottom, in order to avoid injury on a hard surface when swimming.
5Board heightDepends on who the pool is intended for, namely:
• For kids up to 1.5-2 years old - up to 17 cm;
• Children 2-3 years old - 17-50 cm;
• From 3 to 7 years old - no more than 70 cm;
• Up to 12 years old - no higher than 107 cm;
• For adolescents and adults - more than 107 cm, as a precaution, it is necessary to equip an additional ladder.
6Construction areaFor a small children's model, one child should have 1 m² of free space, and an adult needs about 1.5-2 m².
7EquipmentTypically inflatable models come with a water pump included, and a water filter may be included for circulation and cleaning.
The pump delivers water to the filter, forcing it to recycle, purify it. Its power must match the power of the filter, otherwise the latter will not have time to fully perform its function, which can cause its breakdown. The pump performance can be calculated as follows: the volume of water in relation to 6 hours, that is, for a pool with a volume of 18 m³, a pump with a derivative speed of 3 m³ of water per hour is needed.
To keep the pool clean, if not included in the kit, filters are still a necessary purchase, which are of the following types:
• mechanical - the most inexpensive in terms of cost, are divided into three types by internal content, such as sand (quartz or glass sand), diatom (crushed shells of marine life) and cartridge (contain a coal mixture inside, require regular replacement of the cartridge);
• not the most budgetary option, an innovation is an electrophysical filter that purifies water using ions of silver, copper, ozone and ultraviolet radiation;
• chemical filters are cleaned by ionization, iodization, chlorination and bromination, but there is a minus in the large sizes of filtering installations, as well as the fact that water, after exposure to bromine and chlorine, becomes hard and negatively affects the health and quality of the skin;
• combination filters are expensive and are made for large public swimming pools.
In home use, it is logical and quite sufficient to install some kind of mechanical filters.
8Useful add-onsAdditional accessories can be purchased:
• awning (calculated depending on the length and width of the pool, does not allow water to quickly evaporate into the air, protects from debris, dust, insects);
• water vacuum cleaner (for cleaning fine litter, leaves, twigs from the water surface);
• technical accessories (nets, brushes, vacuum cleaner attachment and others);
• chlorine generator;
• stairs;
• water heater;
• slide (the pool must have an inflatable bottom);
• game center;
• canopy (used if the installation is for a long time, helps to protect the pool from the bright rays of the sun, rain);
• bedding under the bottom (will save the product from early damage).

Thus, these parameters can be considered the main criteria for choosing pool installations. It all depends on the requirements and preferences of the buyer himself, therefore, given the huge number of models offered by manufacturers, you can decide which one is best to buy, choosing the most suitable for yourself both at a price and at will.

Pool selection rules

To make a useful purchase, without wasting money, you need to decide where this structure will be installed, for how many people it will be used.

Pool structures with a filter and a pump require a place close to the outlet, or you can connect it through an extension cord, but observing fire safety measures.

First photo

You should also take into account the distance to the water supply system, sewage, or think in advance about a way to remove water from the tank.

For one person, about 2 m2 of free space in the pool tank is calculated, and for a child - 1 m2, therefore, based on these calculations, the total footage is calculated, compared with the size of the proposed area for installation. There should also be enough free space around the bowl for easy cleaning, exiting and entering the pool.

The used water in the pool can find a so-called second life, saving money on it for paying for water supply. For example, instead of just pouring such a large amount of liquid onto the ground or down the drain at home, watering the plantings on site is a smart solution. But, in the case of the presence of chemical disinfectants in it, this option of reusing water is excluded.

When choosing a model, attention is paid to the type of bottom, since it can be in the form of a single-layer oilcloth coating, or with a ribbed surface, which will protect against falls and slips while swimming.

It will not be superfluous to inspect the external condition of the product, whether all seams are glued securely, whether there is an obvious risk of injury from their protruding edges.

For children's models, it is better to additionally purchase an awning, a canopy to save the child from the ultraviolet rays of the bright summer sun - when there is no desire to stop swimming, but the scorching rays can have a negative effect on the child's body.

The best manufacturers of inflatable pools

The modern market is rich in various models of pool installations, each of which belongs to a specific manufacturer.The most demanded firms today are:

  • Bestway is a British company that manufactures a huge assortment of swimming pools of various shapes, dimensions, colors, using only environmentally friendly and harmless materials for adults and children. The cost for the products of this brand is sufficient acceptable for the majority of the population;
  • Intex - an American company presents to the attention of buyers products of sufficiently high quality, reliable, durable with undeniable affordability. The materials used by the company will not harm human health due to their eco-purity. The products are of great design.
  • Jilong is a Chinese manufacturer, which has been in considerable demand for half a century, because the pools it produces are of high quality, with a wide variety of models, in various price categories.

Thus, everyone has the right to choose which company is better to buy a product for themselves, so you can only heed the advice of those who already use the pools. After all, the popularity of models depends not only on the brand name, but to a greater extent on how their quality is assessed by the buyers themselves.

Rating of the best inflatable pools in 2024

This rating is compiled on the basis of quality reviews and recommendations of users who purchased inflatable pool models and were able to confidently present a description of each, indicate all their pros / cons. According to many buyers, the models presented in this review are most in demand and worthy of attention.

For convenience, the rating is presented in the form of a list, divided into two age categories (children's pools, for teenagers and adults) with an indication of their main characteristics.

The best children's pools

Intex Sunset Glow Three Ring 57412

Intex Sunset Glow Three Ring 57412

An inflatable pool of round shape, containing 173 liters of water, 114 cm in diameter, 25 cm deep. The cost of this model is 390 rubles.

Intex Sunset Glow Three Ring 57412


  • small price tag;
  • soft inflatable bottom;
  • child-friendly size.


  • there is no awning, canopy from the scorching sun;
  • no pump included.

Intex Oval Whale Fun 57482

Intex Oval Whale Fun 57482

Inflatable children's model of a famous world manufacturer. It has a stylish oval shape 163 cm long, 107 cm wide, 46 cm deep, holds a volume of 238 liters of water, with an inflatable bottom for the safety of the child. The cost is acceptable for many - in the range of 1100-1200 rubles.

Intex Oval Whale Fun 57482


  • price;
  • design;
  • high sides;
  • suitable for children from 1.5 years old;
  • according to buyers, it is very convenient, thanks to the oval shape, which is not standard for children's pools.


  • the water drain valve is inconveniently located (at the bottom);
  • not too strong bottom;
  • insufficiently soft bottom - it is required to additionally underlay something to soften it;
  • there is no awning and canopy from bright sunlight;
  • it is necessary to additionally purchase a mat for the pool;
  • lack of a water pump included.

Intex Classic Three Ring Baby Ball Pit 48674

Intex Classic Three Ring Baby Ball Pit 48674

A popular model of inflatable dry pools filled with balls for fun and educational games for children. It has a standard round shape, 86 cm in diameter, 25 cm deep. The price of the product does not exceed 650 rubles.

Intex Classic Three Ring Baby Ball Pit 48674


  • design;
  • convenient to use in an apartment;
  • cost;
  • 50 balls included;


  • hard bottom, you need to soften it additionally;
  • no sun canopy when operating outdoors.

Intex Swim Center 58485 Tropical Reef

Intex Swim Center 58485 Tropical Reef

Inflatable rectangular pool for children with 1092 liters of water. The model is 305 cm long, 183 cm wide, and 56 cm deep. Soft inflatable bottom. It costs around 2300 rubles.

Intex Swim Center 58485 Tropical Reef


  • very spacious, can accommodate several children;
  • price;
  • Beautiful design.


  • no awning, awning, bedding;
  • no pump.

Intex Summer Lovin Beach Play / Countryside Play Center 57421

Game Center Intex Summer Lovin Beach Play Countryside Play Center 57421

Children's inflatable play center of multifaceted shape with a sprinkler, 170 cm long, 150 cm wide. Capacity - 79 liters. Cost - no more than 1240 rubles.

Intex Summer Lovin Beach Play / Countryside Play Center 57421


  • the presence of a sprinkler;
  • design;
  • the presence of a canopy from solar ultraviolet rays;
  • affordable cost.


  • the bottom is not inflatable;
  • not too large;
  • no awning, bedding for the structure;
  • lack of a pump complete with a pool.

The best models for older kids and adults

SPA Pool Jilong Prompt Set Deluxe JL017146NG

SPA Pool Jilong Prompt Set Deluxe JL017146NG

An inflatable adult round pool with a spa function, a diameter of 178 cm, a depth of 62 cm and a good capacity of 700 liters of water.

The set includes a filtering device in the form of a cartridge filter.

The cost is 24,600 rubles.

SPA Pool Jilong Prompt Set Deluxe JL017146NG


  • volume;
  • design;
  • the presence of a water pump;
  • there is a cartridge filter for water purification;
  • awning included;
  • SPA function;
  • 88 air nozzles.


  • hard bottom;
  • no sun canopy and pool bedding;
  • cost.

Intex Family 56483

Intex Family 56483

Inflatable family pool of rectangular shape, spacious - with a volume of 920 liters, length / width / depth - 262 cm / 175 cm / 56 cm, the cost does not exceed 1900 rubles.

Intex Family 56483


  • cost;
  • roominess - 3-4 children, adult;
  • convenient form.


  • bottom rigidity;
  • no canopy, awning, bedding;
  • lack of a pump, filtering device, additional purchase is required.

Intex Swim Center Family Lounge 56475

Intex Swim Center Family Lounge 56475

A real family recreation center, with a volume of 763 liters, 229/229/66 cm, rectangular shape with an inflatable bottom and seats. Price - 2320 rubles.

Intex Swim Center Family Lounge 56475


  • spaciousness;
  • cost;
  • design;
  • soft bottom;
  • there is a bottle holder;
  • large end-of-use air vent valve.


  • there is no awning, canopy and bedding - if you wish, you can purchase it additionally;
  • separate valves for releasing inflated air in each seat, small in size;
  • depth - 35 cm (66 cm - height to the upper edge of the seats).

Bestway 57265

Bestway 57265

The pool has a capacity of 2300 liters, which makes it quite spacious. It has a round shape with a diameter of 244 cm, a depth of 66 cm. The price tag varies from 1,500 to 1,700 rubles.

Bestway 57265


  • price;
  • spaciousness;
  • elastic walls - good fluid retention.


  • lack of awning, awning, bedding under the structure in the set;
  • additional purchase of a pump, filtering installation.

Intex Easy Set 28120/56920

Intex Easy Set 28120 56920

The pool is large in size and holds 3,853 liters of water, so it is well suited for families with children for a fun simultaneous stay in it. The model is round, with a diameter of 350 cm, a depth of 76 cm, with a soft inflatable bottom, which eliminates injury to the bathers on a hard surface. Price - 2490 rubles.

Intex Easy Set 28120/56920


  • price;
  • tank volume;
  • soft bottom;
  • easy construction installation.


  • no additional equipment (canopy, awning, bedding, pump, filter).

Thus, the presented review allows us to draw certain conclusions about some of the best and most popular models of inflatable pools in 2024. It remains to decide where exactly to buy a specific type of device, where to place it and what rules to follow in order to prolong the life of the much-desired object of fun, joy for children and adults.

Terms of use and safety measures

Child safety

Any inflatable product should be handled carefully and tenderly in order to avoid damage to it with further repair of gaps and various defects on the surface. But for pools this is not enough, because in order for the pool to serve for more than one season, it is advisable to equip it with a water purification filter - this will save from liquid bloom in the tank, the appearance of a musty smell, and the rapid development of harmful microorganisms in it. What a child bathes in can have a significant impact on his health. Therefore, in order for the water to always be filtered, clean, it is necessary to install a filter of any kind you like.

Cartridge filter

You will also have to buy a pump if it is not included in the package. It delivers water to the filter. When choosing, its performance should be taken into account so that it matches the capabilities of the filtering mechanism.

But, before choosing filtering devices, you need to decide on the installation site of the structure itself. To do this, the surface of the soil is cleaned of various branches, debris, hard grass, any irregularities. It depends on how firmly and reliably the pool is installed, protects the pool from unnecessary gusts, loss of water, a person from falls, injuries.

Further, after installation, air is pumped and the reservoir is filled with water. We must not forget about the mandatory disinfecting process before and after using the product. Processing is carried out not only from the inside, but also from the outside, followed by thorough rinsing with running water, wiping with a dry clean cloth. Modern tablets are used as disinfectants, allowing you to achieve ideal cleanliness and sterility of the treated surfaces, strictly following the instructions for use.

It is necessary to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the volumes and indicators of the rate for inflation with air. It is better to recruit a pool by 80% of the indicated figure. This will keep the material from gusts, which can easily occur under water pressure, and also protect against injury to the person himself, since the wet top side of the bowl will become especially dangerous. The product must not be inflated in excess of the norm - this can greatly affect the condition of the material, lead to its inevitable rupture.

Hand pump

If the pool is located outdoors, then it is worth considering purchasing a water heater in order to prevent hypothermia of the child's body on a cloudy day. The optimal water temperature for a child will be between 26 and 30 ° C, depending on the baby's mobility, and for adolescents and adults, a comfortable stay in the water from 26 to 28 ° C will be sufficient with active being, but 22-24 ° C - if the goal is just relax without games, jumping and fun.

Also, outdoor pools at the end of their use at the end of the season should be properly washed, dried and left for some time in a well-ventilated room in a packed form, while protecting the material of the product from strong folds during packaging.

If the pool is bought for kids, then it is better for everyone to buy inflatable vests, circles, mattresses, since they still cannot swim and do not hold well in water conditions. Under no circumstances should children be left unattended in the pool.

Child in the pool

Thus, by purchasing this device for yourself and your children, you can enjoy the freshness of the water and a good vigorous mood on hot summer days. It's nice when not only children, but also their parents are happy, and this is possible only when swimming together in a quality pool. In order for it to be completely satisfied with its characteristics, you need to learn to understand them, listening to the objective opinion of buyers, which is the reason for the presented review.

If you have experience in operating inflatable pools described in the rating, or a more interesting model, tell us about it in the comments.


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