☕Best Instant Coffee for 2024


Coffee is the most morning drink in the world. Its invigorating scent is able to tune in to work and become a great start to the day. Today, a huge number of types and brands of instant coffee are presented on supermarket shelves, which makes it difficult for an ordinary consumer to choose. The editors of the site “best.desigusxpro.com/en/” have prepared for you a rating of the best instant coffee for 2024.

Types of instant drink

Every year, more new varieties of coffee appear on store shelves. They differ in strength and taste, in price. However, all this diversity is divided into three main groups:

  • Powdery. The cheapest option. The production process consists of grinding coffee beans. Further, the resulting fine crumb is drip moistened in a special apparatus under the influence of vacuum and immediately dried. And coffee powder is received at the entrance.
  • Granulated. To obtain such a product, powdered coffee goes through another stage of humidification, but this time with steam. This promotes the formation of granules. The price of such coffee rises, but its taste and aroma diminish.
  • Freeze-dried. This is the most expensive type of instant coffee. Its production is somewhat more complicated. First, the coffee beans are turned into dust, then water is added and frozen. Then, thanks to special equipment, the liquid is separated. And the tiles obtained by the coffee shop are ground again. Such processing allows preserving natural taste and aroma qualities, therefore the finished product does not require the use of additional flavors or dyes. Outwardly, such instant coffee differs from other types in flat and slightly shiny granules.

Cafein free

There is a perception that decaf coffee is safer for health. However, this is not quite true. After decaffeinating coffee beans, the drink turns out to be more acidic, and therefore is not recommended for people with gastritis and other problems in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is not possible to completely remove caffeine from beans. After all the procedures, the amount of this substance only decreases by no more than 5 times.

It's also worth remembering that removing caffeine does not exclude the chlorogenic acid content of the coffee beans. But it is she who increases the level of homocysteine, which further provokes various heart diseases. Coffee also flushes calcium out of the body, and this is absolutely independent of the caffeine content in the drink. Therefore, you should not attribute absolute harmlessness to a non-caffeinated drink.

Is it harmful? Or is there a benefit?

One of the main substances in coffee is caffeine. And his actions are quite contradictory. So, for example, one of the properties is an increase in blood pressure, which in turn makes life easier for hypotensive patients, but is absolutely contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

The main coffee substance increases the level of serotonin in the blood, which improves mood and invigorates.But with excessive consumption of coffee, more than two cups a day, the body becomes addicted. And without caffeine, a person feels lethargic and drowsy, headaches often occur.

Coffee increases the acidity level, and therefore it is better for people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases to exclude this drink from their diet. You might think that increasing acidity will speed up digestion and thereby help you lose weight. But instead, excessive coffee consumption promotes the development of cellulite and adversely affects the condition of the skin. And coffee also increases appetite.

Also, coffee lovers will not be amiss to know that coffee dehydrates and flushes vitamins and minerals from the body. And from this, not only the internal organs suffer, but also the skin. The skin becomes loose, dull, dry and takes on an unhealthy tone. Therefore, in order to avoid such changes in the body, first of all, it is necessary to reduce the daily consumption of coffee. And after each cup of drink, drink a glass of clean water.

Unlike natural grain coffee, instant coffee often contains flavors, colors and preservatives. And besides, the caffeine in the instant drink is not much less than in grains, and sometimes the same or more. But in any case, everyone chooses what coffee to drink.

TOP - 10 Best Instant Coffee for 2024

Instant coffee Today Ineo Arabica freeze-dried with the addition of ground

Today Ineo Arabica is an excellent solution for those who like freshly brewed coffee, but cannot prepare it, for example, in the office. Each crystal of freeze-dried beverage contains natural roasted and ground grains. This technology protects the ground coffee from oxidation, thereby preserving the natural aroma.

For the production of Today Ineo, only natural selected grains of Colombian Arabica are used.

The preparation of the drink is very simple, just pour one spoonful of coffee with hot water. You can add sugar and cream to taste. After consumption, a sediment remains at the bottom of the cup - these are ground Arabica beans.

Average cost: 305 rubles for 95 g.
Country of origin: Germany.

Instant coffee Today Ineo Arabica freeze-dried with the addition of ground


  • invigorates;
  • strong;
  • fragrant;
  • 100% Arabica;
  • rich taste;
  • does not contain GMO.


  • not found.

Instant coffee Cafe Esmeralda decaf

Decaffeinated coffee can be delicious and aromatic, and Cafe Esmeralda is a prime example. This instant drink can be drunk both for people with medical contraindications and for nursing mothers, and for those who simply monitor their health. Selected grains of 100% Arabica grown in Colombia are used for its production.

Colombian coffee plantations are located high in the mountains. The grains are carefully harvested and processed. The production processes of coffee factories are closely monitored by the National Federation of Coffee Producers.

The bright aroma and rich taste of Cafe Esmeralda will serve as an excellent start to a new day. And given the minimum caffeine content, your favorite drink can be enjoyed in the evening without worrying about the quality of sleep. True coffee lovers will appreciate the combination of light bitterness and subtle acidity.

Like all instant coffees, Cafe Esmeralda does not require much effort and time to prepare. A small package is convenient to take with you on a trip or to work.

Average cost: 474 rubles per 100 g.
Country of origin: Colombia.

Instant coffee Cafe Esmeralda decaf


  • soft taste;
  • cafein free;
  • bright aroma;
  • 100% Arabica.


  • not found.

Instant coffee Bushido Original

The refined aroma and pleasant aftertaste of freeze-dried instant coffee Bushido Original will give you cheerfulness and good mood for the whole day. Bushido is a fusion of East and West, where ancient Japanese traditions and European coffee culture come together. The unique taste of this drink will conquer even the most fastidious coffee lovers.

Bushido Original uses carefully hand-picked South American Arabica beans. Then they are fried and cooled naturally.The composition is completely natural and does not contain any additives or flavors.

Little secret of preparation: in order for the taste of the drink to be even more sophisticated, coffee should be poured with hot, but not boiling water. And adding sugar, milk or cream to a cup makes a truly delicious morning drink to start your day with!

Average cost: 692 rubles per 100 g.
Country of origin: Switzerland.

Instant coffee Bushido Original


  • quality;
  • fragrant;
  • rich taste;
  • does not contain GMO;
  • selected coffee beans.


  • price;
  • not sold in all stores.

Instant coffee Lavazza Prontissimo Classico with ground coffee

For over 100 years, the Italian brand Lavazza has been renowned for producing quality coffee. Prontissimo Classico is a combination of instant and ground coffee. Ground granules in the composition of about 20%, and this is enough to get a natural aroma. The drink has a balanced taste and a pleasant chocolate-tart aftertaste with a slight bitterness.

The Lavazza brand has its own plantations in South and Central America. There, the beans are hand-picked and processed under the guidance of coffee professionals. Producers manage to achieve a refined taste and rich aroma thanks to the unique roasting technology.

Average cost: 450 rubles for 95 g.
Country of origin: Italy.

Instant coffee Lavazza Prontissimo Classico with ground coffee


  • fragrant;
  • 100% Arabica;
  • selected grains;
  • gluten free;
  • pleasant aftertaste;
  • soft and balanced taste.


  • high price.

Instant coffee Bushido Red Katana

Red Katana is a freeze-dried coffee for true connoisseurs. The drink has a truly inviting aroma with light wine notes and a unique mild taste. For its manufacture, selected Arabica beans were used, collected on plantations located in the highlands of East Africa.

The composition of the product is completely natural: only coffee beans and no dyes, flavors or other additives.

The Bushido brand has a gold medal received for the victory in the “Innovative Product” nomination at the Prodexpo exhibition in 2007 in Moscow.

Preparation: coffee is prepared using hot, but not boiling water, so the taste and aroma will be maximized. Add sugar and milk or cream if desired.

Having tasted this delicious drink once, it will forever remain a favorite of even the most sophisticated coffee lovers.

Average cost: 619 rubles per 100 g.
Country of origin: Switzerland.

Instant coffee Bushido Red Katana


  • invigorates;
  • fragrant;
  • quality;
  • alluring aroma;
  • rich taste;
  • natural composition.


  • high price.

Instant coffee Jacobs Monarch Decaff decaffeinated

Jacobs Monarch Decaff is a godsend for those who cannot deny themselves a cup of delicious coffee in the morning or during the day, but for some reason has contraindications to this. The decaffeinated drink has a mild taste and an attractive coffee aroma. The low caffeine content (only 0.3%) does not increase blood pressure and does not affect heart function. The downside, perhaps, is that such a drink will not add vigor, however, for coffee lovers suffering from insomnia, this is what you need.

A freshly brewed Jacobs Monarch Decaff cup will instantly fill the surrounding space with coffee aroma and create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home. Jacobs Monarch is made for a great start to the day or for heart-to-heart conversations with loved ones.

Average cost: 326 rubles for 95 g.
Country of origin: Russia.

Instant coffee Jacobs Monarch Decaff decaffeinated


  • delicious;
  • fragrant;
  • affordable price;
  • 0.3% caffeine content.


  • does not invigorate.

Instant coffee Tchibo Gold Selection

Tchibo Gold Selection is a combination of a noble rich taste and a bright coffee aroma. Lovers of instant coffee with hints of light bitterness will surely appreciate this product.

Selected coffee beans are carefully processed and roasted under the strict supervision of specialists. That is why the drink does not have an unpleasant rancid taste. Tchibo Gold is the ideal value for money.

With a cup of Tchibo Gold Selection it is pleasant not only to start a new day and cheer up, but also to sit with friends for an interesting conversation and escape from everyday worries. And quick preparation will be an additional plus for your favorite coffee.

Average cost: 185 rubles for 75 g.
Country of origin: Poland.

Instant coffee Tchibo Gold Selection


  • strong;
  • does not taste bitter;
  • pleasant taste;
  • affordable price;
  • convenient packaging.


  • not found.

Instant coffee Moscow coffee house on payah Arabica

Premium class freeze-dried arabica coffee. Coffee beans grown on our own Colombian plantations are carefully hand-picked, sorted and roasted using a unique technology. Thanks to this approach, the resulting drink has a rich aroma and soft, enchanting taste.

The versatility of taste with a pleasant aftertaste will not leave indifferent any coffee lover. In addition, one cup of this drink will charge you with energy and positive emotions for the whole day. The granules dissolve completely, giving the full depth of taste and aroma.

Convenient soft packaging allows you to take your favorite coffee with you, and a reliable lock will preserve the aroma and all the taste of the product down to the last granule.

Average cost: 258 rubles for 75 g.
Country of origin: Russia.

Instant coffee Moscow coffee house on payah Arabica


  • invigorates;
  • strong;
  • fragrant;
  • soft taste;
  • affordable price;
  • does not contain GMO;
  • convenient packaging;
  • 100% Arabica in the composition;
  • balanced rich taste.


  • not found.

Instant coffee Bushido Kodo with ground coffee

Bushido Kodo is the perfect combination of freeze-dried instant product with ground coffee beans. Its deep taste and multifaceted aroma will give vigor and a feeling of joy for the whole day.

In Japanese culture, “Kodo” is the “art of listening to scent”. And the manufacturers of the Swiss brand Bushido, in an effort to comprehend the peak of perfection, have created a refined combination of taste and aroma. Now lovers of a tonic drink do not need to make a choice between the taste of natural freshly brewed coffee and the simplicity of preparing an instant analogue. Thanks to In-Fi technology, there are ground grains in each sublimated crystal.

The drink is packaged in a stylish glass jar with an original design and can be a great present to one of your friends or work colleague. Every coffee lover should try Bushido Kodo at least once in his life!

Average cost: 609 rubles for 95 g.
Country of origin: Switzerland.

Instant coffee Bushido Kodo with ground coffee


  • strong;
  • does not taste bitter;
  • quality;
  • rich taste;
  • the content of ground coffee in the composition.


  • high price.

Instant coffee Davidoff Fine Aroma

Davidoff Fine Aroma is created from selected Arabica beans, hand-picked from coffee plantations in Central and South America. It differs from other soluble colleagues in its rich taste with noble sourness. From the very first cup, it will forever take its rightful place in the collection of true coffee connoisseurs.

Davidoff will help you to invigorate in the early morning and energize the whole day. This is truly one of the best instant coffee. The cooking process takes just a couple of minutes and the perfect addition to breakfast is ready. Pamper yourself with classic harmonious taste!

Average cost: 439 rubles per 100 g
Country of origin: Poland

Instant coffee Davidoff Fine Aroma


  • invigorates;
  • strong;
  • fragrant;
  • soft taste.


  • cost.

Coffee is an integral part of a modern person's day. And when there is no time to prepare a drink from ground grains, its soluble counterpart can be an excellent solution. It can be a product that is cheaper or more expensive, powder or freeze-dried, of varying strength. Every person probably has their own favorite brand.

And if you have experience of using instant coffee, described in the rating, or you know a more delicious coffee product, share your opinion in the comments.


  1. Angelina

    On account of the effect of caffeine on the skin - tested on myself. It really spoils the color and condition of the face. I just love coffee? 3-4 cups a day is my standard dose. For about a year now, I noticed that the complexion has deteriorated and the skin itself is tight and as if dry, it does not absorb water at all. I decided to check - I reduced the consumption to a cup for a month and added herbal teas - the changes are noticeable! Therefore, everything is good in moderation.
    According to the selection, my favorite is Davidoff Fine Aroma, indeed the taste is soft and invigorates perfectly, it is pleasant to drink and energizes.

  2. Vasilina

    I read a lot of new things in the article. For example, I thought that "freeze-dried" is not a way of processing grains, but simply a marketing move of manufacturers to attract interest in their products. I like coffee, but I try to drink no more than 1 cup a day, as I knew before that an excess of this drink is not very useful for the body.


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