❤Pressure under control - choosing the best tonometer


To exercise control over your blood pressure today, it is not at all necessary to go to a polyclinic. Most manufacturers that produce medical equipment provide many models of both mechanical and automatic blood pressure monitors for home, independent use.

Description of the device

A tonometer is a special device, thanks to which it is possible to determine the level of blood pressure. Thanks to its daily use, you can monitor your health. Indeed, in some cases, it is very difficult to accurately establish the cause of one's weakness, malaise.

For example, with a hypertensive crisis and hypotension, the symptoms of a person's malaise are very similar and, as a rule, it manifests itself in the form of weakness, dizziness and the appearance of severe headaches. Therefore, in this case, only by measuring the pressure, a person can accurately diagnose and provide the necessary assistance.

In online stores, pharmacies, a large selection of blood pressure monitors of various types is provided. They differ significantly from each other both in price and in quality. In addition, today, on the medical equipment market, one can find measuring devices from different companies and countries of manufacture, which differ from each other both in functionality and in the mechanism of operation. Tonometers are of several types, namely mechanical and electronic. Electronic, in turn, are divided into devices that carry out their work in automatic or semi-automatic mode.

Mechanical or electrotonometer: which one to choose

The cost of electronic devices is slightly higher in price compared to mechanical ones, however, electric tonometers are much more comfortable when measuring pressure on their own. To measure pressure with mechanical devices, you must have a certain level of skill and knowledge that allows you to work with them. In addition, electrotonometers are quite often equipped with some additional functions (voice notification, Wi-Fi, dual measurement method). Some types of talking electrotonometers are equipped not only with voice notification, dual measurement method, but can also connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth.

However, the main advantage that mechanical tonometers have over electronic devices is their reliability and accuracy. In addition, often in pharmacies or specialized stores, you can find semi-automatic devices.

During the selection of a tonometer, most people have such questions: how to choose the right model, which company is the best device, what tonometers do doctors use, how much do they cost? When choosing the most optimal option for home use (in this case, it is best to buy an automatic or semiautomatic device, since mechanical types are mainly used by doctors and require certain knowledge during their operation), it is necessary to be guided by such criteria as the frequency of use of the device, compactness, accuracy. In addition, when choosing, in order to obtain correct readings, you need to choose the correct cuff in size.

Mechanical blood pressure monitors

Mechanical blood pressure monitors with shoulder mount are classic, accurate and reliable devices for measuring blood pressure at home. Their principle of operation is not based on electronics, but on mechanics. Air is pumped into the cuff using a manual method. For this, a special rubber bulb is used. Thanks to such a device, pressure indicators are monitored according to the data of a dial gauge. Mechanical blood pressure monitors consist of several constituent components, namely:

  1. Cuffs. It is a special rubber chamber into which air is injected. The outer part is pasted over with fabric, and is additionally supplied with special textile fasteners that allow it to be fixed on the hand.
  2. Supercharger. In addition, the blower is equipped with a special valve that allows air to be released. In its shape, it resembles a pear-shaped balloon. As the compressor is compressed, air begins to flow.
  3. Pressure gauge. Used to evaluate the pressure indicator. It is a special sensor equipped with an arrow and a measuring scale.
  4. Rubber tubes. These tubes are required to connect the blower, cuff and pressure gauge into a single circuit.

In addition, a stethoscope is required to measure blood pressure. As a rule, it is not included with a mechanical tonometer, however, there are models that are equipped with a stethoscope head.

Thanks to the use of mechanical tonometers, it is possible to obtain more accurate blood pressure readings with a minimum measurement error. The use of this type of device is recommended for taking readings from people who suffer from arrhythmias or who have circulatory disorders in the extremities. This is due to the fact that when using them, the cuff is tightly attached to the arm and adjoins the brachial artery, in contrast to devices that are attached to the wrist.

The advantages of mechanical blood pressure monitors should also include their low cost, simplicity of design, and low cost of repair. In addition, during the operation of such a device, there is no need to use a variety of power sources (batteries, mains).

The disadvantages of mechanical blood pressure monitors include their inconvenient design, due to which, in some cases, it can be problematic to use them independently, without the help of an outsider. Also, it will be difficult to use them for people with poor eyesight or hearing.

Semi-automatic tonometers

Devices of this type have high accuracy rates, good functionality, and are also equipped with a special memory unit. The complete set of the semi-automatic tonometer includes a cuff, an electronic display that displays pressure and pulse. In addition, it is equipped with a pear, which allows you to independently pump air into the pear.

A characteristic feature of this device is that it automatically measures blood pressure. However, the process itself, associated with air injection, is performed using a mechanical method. For the operation of this device, batteries (batteries or electrical network) are required.You can measure with a semi-automatic measuring device yourself, without outside help.

Automatic blood pressure monitors

Equipped with a special oscillometric electronic measuring system. Most models are also equipped with an arrhythmia indicator. Thanks to the use of such a system, you can independently control and take readings of blood pressure, as well as pulse. Automatic tonometers have a sufficiently high measurement accuracy, and during their use, additional human participation is not provided. The entire measurement process is carried out in a fully automatic mode.

The air in the cuff begins to flow automatically after pressing the start button. An automatic tonometer consists of a cuff and a special display that shows the results of measuring blood pressure and heart rate. It should be noted that devices of this type can be equipped with different types of cuffs that are attached to the shoulder or wrist area.

Comparative characteristics of tonometers of different types

A typedisadvantagesAdvantages
Auto-Requires constant replacement of batteries (batteries) due to the fact that they are quickly discharged during operation, as they additionally also power the compressor+ Compactness and high mobility
-Hard to repair in case of breakdowns+ Control is due to the press of one key
-Shows low quality readings (compared to other types of tonometers)+ Can be conveniently fastened in the wrist area, does not tighten or squeeze the hand
+ Shows accurate data for arrhythmia
Mechanical-Difficult to use on your own, without help+ Ease of repair and maintenance
-Air is pumped mechanically (manually)+ Low cost
-The design of the device is bulky+ Does not require the use of batteries
+ Has the highest measurement accuracy
Semi-automatic-Pear is pumped with air using a mechanical method (manually)+ Low cost
-Need for the use of batteries (batteries)+ Batteries (batteries) keep their charge for a long time, since I only power one sensor
-Measurement accuracy is slightly lower compared to mechanical type+ Automatically show measurement results on the display
+ Can be used independently
+ Can be used by people with poor eyesight or hearing
+ Simple controls

List of the best manufacturers for 2024

  • Well. A fairly young, actively developing company, which has already managed to show itself on the positive side in the medical equipment market. It was founded 15 years ago in 2004 in the UK. All products of this company are made in China. The main activity of the company is the development and manufacture of devices for family medicine.
  • Omron. Has been working on the market related to the production of equipment since the late 40s of the 20th century. Most people know about this Japanese company as a reliable manufacturer of ATM machines and keyboard accessories. However, Omron is currently also a manufacturer of quality medical equipment.
  • A&D. The company was founded in 1977 in Japan. It is engaged in the production of high-quality measuring instruments for pressure control, which are used both at the professional level and at home.
  • Little Doctor. It is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of measuring instruments and medical equipment.
  • Beurer. It is engaged in the production of electric blankets, scales, as well as measuring medical equipment. Produces products that are most convenient for everyday household use. It was founded in 1919 in Germany and currently occupies a leading position in the production of medical equipment.
  • Microlife. It is a leading manufacturer of medical-type equipment for independent, household use.The company occupies a leading position in the medical equipment market for the production and sale of measuring equipment.

Where can you buy

You can buy a tonometer both in a pharmacy and in a specialized store that sells medical equipment. A wide selection of these devices is also presented in the catalogs of online stores selling various equipment and medical equipment.

For example, in the catalog of the Aliexpress online store, there are many models with various functions. However, when buying products from online stores or from Aliexpress, in order to avoid mistakes when choosing, you need to carefully study the description provided in the catalog. When choosing a tonometer, you must also pay attention to the presence of special functions in it, contraindications to use, what type of power it uses (battery, batteries, electrical network).

Rating of high-quality models of mechanical blood pressure monitors with a shoulder cuff

Mechanical devices are classic devices that allow the most accurate measurement of blood pressure. They are not equipped with electronics and carry out their work without using a variety of power elements (accumulators, batteries or electrical network). Their main advantage, in addition to obtaining accurate readings, is their low cost.

B.Well WM - 62S

  • The model is equipped with a universal cuff;
  • The country that owns the brand is Great Britain;
  • Country of origin China;
  • The average cost is about 850 rubles.

The main advantage is the cuff of a universal size, which is perfect for use by people with both large and small shoulder circumference. Its size is about 25-40 cm. In addition, it is equipped with a metal stethoscope and a handy pear. B.Well WM - 62S has excellent accuracy.

B.Well WM - 62S


  • Compactness;
  • The ability to mount a stethoscope in a special ring;
  • Equipped with a large cuff, thanks to which it can be used by overweight people;
  • The cuff is made of durable materials.

In addition, a special case is included with the B.Well WM - 62S. Thanks to this, this mini device is compact, it can not only be conveniently stored, but also transported over long distances, for example, taken with you during your holidays.

Disadvantages :

  • Hard to use on your own;
  • Not suitable for independent use by people who have low vision or hearing;
  • The human factor affects the measurement readings (certain knowledge and skills are required in order to use it).

CS Medica CS 105

  • Practical device for convenient and comfortable pressure measurement;
  • Country of origin - Japan;
  • The average cost is 890 rubles.

It is a very compact and classic device. CS Medica CS 105 is equipped with a phonendoscope built directly into the cuff itself with soft ear pads. Also, the set includes a pressure gauge, which is equipped with a high-quality, durable metal case and a large dial. The size of the cuff is 22-38 cm. Perfect for measuring blood pressure in children and thin people.

CS Medica CS 105


  • Compactness;
  • Pressure measurement accuracy;
  • Low cost.


  • Wears out quickly;
  • It's hard to measure your blood pressure yourself.

Little Doctor LD-71

  • It has a light weight of 328 grams;
  • Country of origin - Singapore;
  • The cost is 780 rubles.

The main advantage of this model is the ratio of quality and price. It is a striking representative of classic, budget type devices.

Little Doctor LD-71


  • Low cost (as a rule, simple models are inexpensive);
  • High accuracy;
  • Equipped with a special seamless camera;
  • The cuff is made of nylon;
  • Comes with vinyl cover.

This model is available on the market in two versions: with a removable (model LD - 71) and with an integrated (LD - 71 A) stethoscope head.A device with a built-in head is perfect for self-measurement of pressure. The device is equipped with a standard cuff (25-36 cm).


  • Certain skills are required for full use;
  • Inconvenient to use on your own;
  • The pear is made of a fragile material.

The best popular models of semi-automatic blood pressure monitors

Semi-automatic models are something between automatic and mechanical devices. They are equipped with a manual air injection system. Air injection is carried out using a pear. However, measurements and calculations with such devices are carried out automatically, without human intervention. Thanks to their use, pressure can be measured independently, without assistance. They are perfect for an elderly person, for independent use, or for people with visual impairments.

Omron M1 Compact

  • Country of origin: Japan;
  • The best option in terms of quality and price ratio;
  • The average cost is about 1,695 rubles.

It has a small size, therefore it is compact. However, despite its small size, the Omron M1 Compact is packed with features. He is able to measure the pulse and save 30 records of previous measurements in his memory. The main features of this device include:

Omron M1 Compact


  • Availability of replaceable cuffs;
  • The cuff, due to its conical shape, fits well to the surface of the hand;
  • Low cost (compared to other similar models).

This model is perfect for people who suffer from arrhythmias. During the measurement, the Omron M1 Compact takes into account all errors in the heart rate. For its operation, batteries are required, namely 4 batteries of type 3A.


  • Accuracy;
  • It is necessary to use 4 cells (batteries) during operation;
  • Short period of operation.

A&D UA -705

  • Only one AA battery is required for operation;
  • Country of origin: Japan;
  • The average cost is 2290 rubles.

The Japanese-made A&D UA-705 is supplied to the market in several modifications. In the first modification, this measuring device comes with a standard cuff, in the second - an enlarged one. The advantage of A&D UA-705 is its compactness, good durability, and high accuracy of the measurements.

The characteristics of A&D UA-705 are not inferior to some electronic models: the WHO scale, the presence of an arrhythmia indication. Also, A&D UA-705 is equipped with a large memory, which is able to store data of 30 measurements and a special painless cuff, which after use does not leave marks on the skin and does not cause discomfort. Thanks to the large numbers on the display, this model is perfect for use by the elderly or visually impaired.

Tonometer AND UA-705 with standard cuff


  • Sold in several modifications;
  • Compact;
  • Accuracy;
  • Durability.


  • Air injection is done manually;
  • Requires certain skills and knowledge during use.

Microlife BP N1 Basic

  • Low weight;
  • Country: Switzerland;
  • The cost of the model is 1,450 rubles.

The Microlife BP N1 Basic is a compact yet precise device. Microlife is registered in Switzerland, but its manufacturing facilities are located in China. This model is equipped with a memory that can memorize up to 30 measurements. In addition, Microlife BP N1 Basic is able to accurately measure blood pressure even when a person has arrhythmias. In addition, Microlife BP N1 Basic additionally measures the heart rate. It is additionally equipped with a WHO scale and is capable of showing deviations from generally established standards.

The Microlife BP N1 Basic weighs 106 grams, and it works thanks to 2 AAA batteries, therefore, considering such a selection criterion as compactness, this model is perfect for the road and long journeys as a road measuring device.It also has a large display and simple, intuitive controls. Its only drawback is the presence of a small cuff (22-32 cm).

Microlife BP N1 Basic


  • Easy;
  • Compact;
  • Able to measure the pulse;
  • Accurate;
  • Additionally equipped with a special WHO scale.


  • Its disadvantage is the presence of a small cuff (22-32 cm);
  • It is necessary to additionally use batteries (batteries) during its operation.

The best models of automatic blood pressure monitors for 2024

The most common and popular among the population are automatic (electronic) tonometers. The popularity of these models is due to the fact that they allow you to independently, quickly and accurately measure blood pressure. Answering the question: what models are there, and which tonometer is best to buy, shoulder or wrist, it should be noted that the most compact devices are those with a cuff attached to the wrist or fingers. However, they are less accurate from the entire class of automatic electrotonometers and often underestimate or, on the contrary, overestimate pressure indicators. For daily and professional use, it is best to choose a device with a cuff attached to the shoulder area.

Microlife BP W100

  • Equipped with large memory capacity;
  • The cuff is attached to the wrist;
  • Country: Switzerland;
  • The average price is: 2760 rubles;
  • The service life is over 3 years.

The Microlife BP W100 is equipped with a large memory capacity that can store up to 200 blood pressure measurements. It also features arrhythmia indication and simple controls. The advantages of Microlife BP W100 include its low weight, which is only 130 grams, small dimensions, and the presence of a large LCD display. This device requires 2 (AAA) batteries to power.

Microlife BP W100


  • Compact;
  • Easy to use
  • Comes with a special storage case;
  • Equipped with large memory capacity.


  • Low measurement accuracy;
  • High price;
  • Requires constant battery replacement.

B.Well WA - 33 + Adapter

  • Comes with a special power adapter;
  • Attaches to the shoulder;
  • The country that owns the brand is the UK;
  • Mill manufacturer China;
  • Cost: 2100 rubles;
  • The warranty period is 12 months.

B.Well WA-33 is equipped with a large-size display, which additionally has a built-in special backlight. It can carry out its work both autonomously, using batteries, and stationary, thanks to the use of an ordinary outlet, when it is powered, using an adapter, directly from the network. To do this, you need to use the special power adapter that comes with the device. The parameters of the WHO scale, which this model is equipped with, allows the user to analyze their indicators from the generally accepted normal indicators of a healthy person.

This device has simple controls and is perfect for home use. Measurement and control is carried out by pressing one button.

B.Well WA - 33 + Adapter


  • Low cost;
  • The presence of a large display equipped with backlight;
  • Equipped with a special Fuzzy Logic technology, thanks to which energy is saved and, consequently, battery power is saved.


  • Inaccuracy of measurements;
  • Increased noise level during operation;
  • The disadvantage of B.Well WA - 33 is its heavy weight. The mass of the device is 480 g.

Omron 717 + adapter

  • Supplied complete with dedicated power adapter;
  • The cuff is attached to the shoulder;
  • The cost is 2600 rubles.

The Omron 717 tonometer is equipped with an LCD screen, which displays pressure measurement data. It works both in stand-alone mode (for this, 4 AA batteries are used), and in stationary mode using a network (implies the use of a special network adapter). The size of the cuff, which is equipped with the Omron 717, is 22-32 cm. Also, this measuring device is equipped with a memory for storing data, which is 30 cells.Thanks to its automatic memory, the Omron 717 is able to record the last measurement. Also, this device is equipped with an arrhythmia indication and a WHO scale. The Omron 717 weighs 255 grams.

Omron 717 + adapter


  • Large display;
  • Equipped with a graphical indicator that shows the level of blood pressure;
  • Equipped with an arrhythmia indicator;
  • Management is carried out with one button.


  • Requires constant replacement of batteries (in case of using batteries);
  • High price;
  • The cuff is made of fragile material.

For home blood pressure measurements, it is preferable to purchase an automatic or semi-automatic tonometer. This is due to the fact that devices of this type allow you to quickly, in a short period of time, and most importantly, independently measure your pressure. For people who work in the medical field, it is best to purchase mechanical models as they are more accurate. Also, it must be remembered that before checking the pressure, the person must relax and not be subjected to physical exertion.


  1. Ludmila

    I saw a mechanical bwell at a therapist and asked how I liked the device. She praised him, she has been using Gauvreau for many years. I myself am not able to measure mechanically, so I bought a bwell, but an automatic pro-35. Small, compact, simple - pressed the button and he measured everything himself. Very like. And most importantly, accurate. They compared it to the mechanical theme and I'm very happy.


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