Best bathroom oils for 2024


Taking a bath after a busy day is one of the best ways to relax and forget about pressing problems and accumulated affairs. Aromatic oils can help with this. But it is worth remembering that this is an excellent remedy not only for the nervous system. Correctly selected it will help improve mood, tone the body, increase efficiency, will have a bactericidal, healing, softening and rejuvenating effect on the skin. Some of the essential oils are able to cope with the manifestation of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, reduce appetite and speed up metabolism. The best bath oils are chosen primarily based on their needs.

Do no harm

What you need to know about oils, going to the pharmacy for the coveted bottle. Popular models used in cosmetology are not always effective. Many firms, keen on increasing income, use synthetic or semi-synthetic raw materials, adding a natural component only for flavoring. Of course, such a tool will not bring harm, but there will be little benefit from using it. It is worth focusing on the best manufacturers of such products.

The benefits of essential oil baths

Essential oil is a concentrate of the most useful substances contained in a particular plant.

  • Bath with oils of herbs and plants, which have a slight sedative effect, in the evening will give you the opportunity to relax, calm down and quickly fall asleep.
  • Many formulations have the opposite effect. On the contrary, such a procedure will help to quickly recover and gain strength before new achievements.
  • The aphrodisiacs contained in myrrh, jasmine or nutmeg oils will awaken sensuality.
  • Most of the ester formulations contain bactericidal components to one degree or another. They perfectly cope with mild skin problems, colds and disorders of the genitourinary system.
  • Baths with oils have both a warming and anesthetic effect. Sometimes they are recommended for arthritis and arthrosis, muscle pain after prolonged physical activity.

And naturally, do not forget about the condition of the skin. Baths give it softness, velvety, increase tone, and some help to reduce the appearance of pigmentation and stretch marks.

For therapeutic purposes, baths with essential ingredients should be taken in courses for 10 days daily or every other day for 20 days. For pleasure and improvement of the emotional state, you should not get carried away with such procedures. One or two a week should be sufficient.

Potential harm

The bath itself is not only beneficial but also harmful. Who should think about contraindications for a bath with aromatic oils?

  • Naturally, for people suffering from allergies and bronchial asthma. The smell itself can cause a violent reaction in them, not to mention the substances contained in the oil.
  • Hypertensive patients and everyone who has problems with blood vessels or heart. A warm bath is already a load on the cardiovascular system, and for example, eucalyptus or fir oils have a vivid warming effect and accelerate blood flow to the skin surface.
  • Pregnant. The reasons are about the same as for people with high blood pressure.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Increased body temperature.

Baths should be taken with caution by people with benign neoplasms, diabetes mellitus, and severe skin problems.

An overview of essential oils for bathing

Below is a small overview of the products that are popular among buyers, have good reviews and recommendations from medical professionals.

Tea tree

Tea tree bactericides have long been used in cosmetology. With their help, bacterial, viral and fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes are fought.

tea tree oil


  • Tea tree remedy dries skin and removes oily sheen;
  • Perfectly helps in the fight against enlarged pores, acne and other inflammatory processes;
  • Baths with its use are shown in the complex treatment of thrush, cystitis, vaginitis;
  • Helps get rid of fungal nail diseases;
  • Inhalation of tea tree phytoncides has a healing effect on the condition of the upper respiratory tract with the onset of a cold.


  • Quite a specific smell according to many buyers;
  • Caution when using. The substance often leads to irritation, redness and flaking of the skin. The issue is easily resolved by taking foot baths or sit-downs if necessary.


Fir oil is similar to tea tree in its anti-inflammatory properties. However, it has a more pleasant pine scent and has a pronounced therapeutic and cosmetic effect.

fir oil


  • Fir oil baths warm and relieve pain. That is why, it is often recommended for joint and muscle pain;
  • It not only relieves inflammation of the skin, but also affects the deep layers of the epidermis, slowing down the processes of its wilting;
  • Relieves heaviness and pain in the legs with varicose veins;
  • By accelerating metabolism and warming effect, the composition is an excellent aid in losing weight;
  • Inhalation of vapors while taking a bath has a healing effect on tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis.


  • For the most part, it has a healing effect, rather than relaxing and calming;
  • It causes vasoconstriction, therefore baths with fir oil are contraindicated for hypertensive patients.


Narrow-leaved lavender is one of the universal herbal remedies, the beneficial properties of which were known in ancient times. Lavender oil has a delicate floral scent. In small doses, it has a pronounced relaxing and calming effect. It is used for prolonged mental and physical stress, chronic fatigue, helps to raise mood at the time of depression.

lavender oil


  • Safe to use. Lavender extract rarely causes allergic reactions. In certain dosages, it can be used when bathing children to relieve overexcitation syndrome and help them fall asleep;
  • Helps with mild hypertension, headaches and migraines caused by overwork;
  • The scent of lavender noticeably dulls the feeling of hunger. An evening bath can be a substitute for a hearty dinner during a weight loss diet;
  • It is included in many bath recipes. Its aroma overpowers the aromas of some substances, the smell of which may seem unpleasant. The chemical composition of the oil tends to enhance the effect of other constituents.


  • Use with caution under reduced pressure;
  • Overdose leads to overexcitation and insomnia;
  • The narrow-leaved lavender has a therapeutic effect. On sale today there are oils prepared from other types of plants. The aroma is pleasant, but the medicinal properties are much lower.


A bath with a few drops of orange oil added to the water has a lot of positive properties. However, like the use of extracts from most citrus fruits. First of all, it is an unobtrusive aroma and a whole storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

oil Orange


  • Orange oil is great for a relaxing evening treatment. It relieves fatigue, eliminates the effects of stress in the form of headaches or irritability;
  • Its beneficial properties include beneficial effects on the skin. It saturates it with vitamins, improves elasticity and smoothes such unpleasant phenomena as stretch marks, gives the skin a healthy, radiant appearance;
  • Relieves fatigue and muscle pain after exercise.


  • The main problem when using citrus fruit oils, and oranges in particular, is allergic reactions.


A yellow, tarry substance, one of the best that can be used to gain peace of mind.

Frankincense oil


  • Has a rather strong sedative effect, allows you to quickly relax;
  • Helps fight chronic stress and insomnia;
  • It has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity, aligning the rhythm with arrhythmia and tachycardia;
  • Enriches tissues with oxygen, its inhalation relieves the condition in case of lung diseases;
  • It is believed that incense baths help with inflammatory manifestations on the skin, tighten pores, and make scars and scars less visible.


  • Strong odor, reminiscent of religious practices, not always associated with pleasant events;
  • Due to the pronounced sedative effect, it is not recommended to drive or perform work that requires concentration after taking a bath;
  • High risk of allergic reaction.


Many people know that grapefruit is indispensable in the diet for weight loss. The substances contained in it have the property of breaking down fats. The oil has no less, and possibly a greater effect. After all, the concentration of nutrients in it is much higher.

Grapefruit oil


  • A delicate and pleasant aroma that envelops a woman like a cloud;
  • Able to break down fats and remove fluid from the body. This not only helps to get rid of extra pounds, but to avoid such a problem as cellulite;
  • Perfectly tones the skin and improves its elasticity;
  • Improves mood and tune in a romantic mood.


  • It is important not to overdo it with concentration, otherwise itching of the skin is possible;
  • Mild relaxing and calming effect. But besides grapefruit, there are many other essential oils with a relaxing effect on the body.


For the first time, the use of bergamot essence was talked about in Italy in the middle of the 18th century. Since then, on the Apennine Peninsula, it is considered almost a panacea for all ailments. With its help, the skin is given a velvety and delicate aroma, gets rid of bad mood, treats tonsillitis and bronchitis, and even expels parasites from organisms. The latter, of course, is not done by taking a bath.

bergamot oil


  • Bergamot oil is considered one of the best antidepressants, it helps to get rid of fears, anxiety, nervousness;
  • At the same time, it does not have a sedative and hypnotic effect, but on the contrary raises the mood, adds vigor and efficiency;
  • It is an aphrodisiac, increases a woman's sensuality and allows you to get a bouquet of new emotions and sensations from a meeting with a partner;
  • Perfectly tones the skin, giving it elasticity and a fresh look;
  • Stops hair loss;
  • It has an antioxidant and regenerative effect, removes toxins from the body.


  • You should not take baths with bergamot in the evening. Of course, if your top-priority plans don't want to write a term paper or prepare an annual report in one night.


Perhaps it is difficult to find another product with such a wide spectrum of action. Only lavender oil can argue with geranium oil. In the Middle Ages, geranium or pelargonium was planted along the hedges, believing that it expels evil spirits and does not allow witches to approach the house. Whether this is true or not is unknown, but the fact that geranium oil can work wonders with the female body is an indisputable fact.

Geranium oil


  • An excellent remedy for nervous disorders associated with hormonal imbalance. It will not be able to restore the background itself, but it will help to restore mental and psychological comfort in difficult periods. Reduces nervousness and irritability during menopause, relieves pain syndrome and also improves mental state with premenstrual syndrome;
  • All buyers mark the product as a miracle cure for skin problems, it rejuvenates the epidermis, gives it a radiant appearance and softness;
  • The oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They are manifested not only in the treatment of eczema and psoriasis, but also in the fight against tonsillitis, pharyngitis and sore throat.


  • As a means for taking a bath, no shortcomings have been identified.


Currently available for sale are Roman and German chamomile oils. If a blue, opaque substance with a pungent medicinal odor is found in the vial at home, you should not blame the pharmacy for selling a fake. This is a German chamomile. The oil from her Roman sister will be emerald or azure in color with a summer herb scent and light fruity notes. According to the method of influence on the body, the compositions practically do not differ.

Chamomile oil


  • An excellent sedative. It can even cope with prolonged insomnia. An evening bath with chamomile will help you get rid of the stress accumulated during the day, relieve anxiety and drive away heavy thoughts.
  • It has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect. It helps well with hepatic, renal, intestinal colic, premenstrual syndrome. Doctors recommend chamomile baths for arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatism.
  • Chamomile oil is indispensable for dry skin, itching, inflammation, in particular acne and hives.
  • Can be used for children from an early age. Such baths help to cope with prickly heat and diaper rash in babies.


  • Chamomile has strong healing effects that can reduce the effectiveness of other homeopathic remedies.

This is a small selection of aromatic oils available in pharmacies today. Every day the choice becomes wider. Before you buy one or another remedy for taking a bath, you should carefully read the instructions and familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

How to use essential oils for baths

It is important to know how to do all the preparatory procedures correctly. The fact is that oils are poorly soluble in water. Having dripped oil directly into the bathtub, there is a high probability of getting several greasy stains, which are then difficult to wash off from its surface.

The oils are preliminarily diluted in alcoholic tinctures of plants. You can use an infusion of chamomile, calendula or celandine. Or they impregnate crystals of sea salt with them. Many people prefer to use milk or cream. Then the solution is poured into a bath.

The optimal amount is from 8 to 10 drops per 200 liters of water. For children, the elderly and people with chronic illnesses or allergy-prone people, the norm is divided in two. The water temperature should not exceed 38 degrees, and the duration of the bath should be 15-20 minutes.

Several recipes

Many people prepare a bath with aromatic oils according to their own recipes, using several components at once.

  • If you still have to work in the evening, then you should mix three drops of lemon, eucalyptus and blue spruce oil. The same composition will help you quickly wake up in the morning and tune in to a working mood.
  • A mixture of orange, grapefruit and mint, or lavender, cedar and geranium oils can help calm you down after a busy day. Calmness and a burst of energy will help you have a great time with your family.
  • For insomnia it is enough to mix lavender, frankincense and peppermint or lemon balm oil.
  • A mixture of marjoram, juniper and rosemary can help relieve muscle tension and soreness after an intense workout in the gym.

Aromatic oils are an effective remedy for many problems. A bath will not only allow you to feel their effectiveness, but also devote half an hour only to yourself. This is so important for a woman.Moreover, after the bath, the skin is so soft and silky, the mood is pacified, and a pleasant aroma of pleasure and bliss hovers around.


  1. Julia

    I agree that a bath with oils is a good anti-stress after work. And for mommy, maternity leave is an impermissible luxury. Of all the listed oils, I use orange. I love the smell, although I don't eat the orange itself. I can't stand bergamot.


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