🔞Attention! The article is intended for readers who have reached the age of 18!
The condom has always been considered one of the most popular methods of contraception. Gynecologists in medical institutions and pharmacists in the pharmacy network talk about this. Modern latex remedies are overgrown with many speculations and misconceptions, but it has already been proven that this popular barrier contraceptive does not have a negative effect on the health of partners. It is mainly used by couples who are critical and careful about their health and the health of their partner.
The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" will review the best condoms, talk about modern barrier contraceptives, and provide a rating of the best remedies based on recommendations and user reviews.
A bit of history
Archaeologists, based on the results of ancient excavations, argue that condoms have appeared in ancient Egypt. At that time, they looked like a gift leather bag decorated with colored ribbons.
Modern products were created in the seventeenth century by the Italian Gabriel Fallopius. Even then, he suggested that men use linen bags soaked in special compounds during intercourse. They protected partners from syphilis and unwanted pregnancies.
In the eighteenth century, a product made from sheep gut appeared. It was invented in England by the king's court physician by the name of Condom, in his honor the barrier condom was later named.
And only many years later, already in the twentieth century, condoms began to be made from latex.
Our contemporaries are so accustomed to the use of barrier contraceptives that, in gratitude to him, February 13 was named International Condom Day. Just on the eve of a wonderful romantic holiday - Valentine's Day.
Condom myths and truths
The younger generation adopted latex products as good medical helpers in preventing intimate diseases, unwanted pregnancies, and getting quality sex. Today, intimacy without a condom is possible when a couple is confident in each other's health and ready for possible consequences.
However, not everyone is of this opinion. There is a category of the population that has a prejudice and certain misconceptions in relation to barrier contraceptives.
Let's consider the most common myths about a modern and popular means of protection.
The condom has no side effects
It really is. All types of contraception have side effects. For instance:
- hormonal pills can cause impaired coagulation of blood cells and liver function, increase irritability in women;
- the intrauterine spiral can fall out, exacerbate chronic inflammatory diseases, disrupt regular menstrual cycles, make them painful and prolonged;
- a vaginal preparation has a detrimental effect on the microflora of the vagina.
Nothing bad can be said about condoms, as they do not have a negative impact on the health of partners. This contraception is used by literate modern people who value the comfort in relationships and the health of each other.
Condom is the best protection against unwanted pregnancies
This is not entirely true. Although latex products have no side effects, they do have their drawbacks. The main ones are that they can slip or break. Therefore, the condom has a high degree of contraceptive error (up to 12%). Pills, creams, suppositories have a higher error, they have more than 13%.
If you use injections and capsules, then the result is practically maximum - the error does not exceed 1%, however, to achieve a good effect, they must be used correctly and on time, which is not always possible.
A condom may protect against HIV and sexually transmitted diseases
At the moment, this is a rather controversial statement. Latex condoms refer to a barrier contraception that blocks the exchange between sperm and vaginal secretion. And the causative agent of sexually transmitted diseases can penetrate both the semen and the blood or sweat compartments of the carrier of the disease.
Latex protects against bacteria, but it cannot resist 100% viruses. Moreover, the latex material is not very durable, it can be pierced with sharp nails, it can accidentally break, and then its protection is reduced to zero.
Before purchasing a product, you need to carefully study the validity period and inspect the packaging for its integrity.
A visual inspection of the product must always be carried out to ensure safety
Latex reduces the sensitivity of partners
This is wrong, since the sensitivity is psychological and depends on the mood of the couple. If a man wants to protect his partner from unwanted pregnancy, latex will not interfere with him.
The pharmacy chain has latex contraceptives of various thicknesses available, so super thin or ultra-thin products cannot affect the severity of sexual desire and experience. If a man wants to use a barrier condom, he will use it. If he does not want to, he will find the bad sides in this protective tool.
Condom characteristics
All barrier protection products are standardized, models differ in color, smell, texture, size and material. Expertise has proven that correctly selected contraceptives guarantee comfortable and safe use for partners. They are able to protect a couple from viral, sexually transmitted, immunodeficiency diseases. The packaging must indicate the material of the product.
Consider the materials from which contraceptives are made.
Latex condom
The most common condom is a condom made of latex rubber, which is used by many domestic and foreign manufacturers.
Before sending barrier contraceptives to the counters of pharmacies or stores, they are certified and tested in several stages. First, the appearance is assessed, the tightness is verified, then they are checked for artificial aging of the material. Almost all latex contraceptives after a certain time become better quality, this is facilitated by the effect of "ripening" of rubber.
The World Health Organization notes that latex condoms can protect users by 85% from the transmission of genital infections. When used correctly, latex contraceptives are the most reliable cure for HIV infection.
There are simple rules for purchasing it:
- it is better to buy a product in a pharmacy chain;
- be sure to look at the date of its manufacture and expiration date;
- make sure the integrity of the package;
- remove the product from the package only with your hands, without using nails or scissors.
The latex contraceptive is the most durable and widespread. It is produced in different sizes, smells, tastes. But when the product is lubricated, the protective properties of rubber are weakened, they become less durable.
Latex may cause allergic reactions
In addition to the popular latex rubber, other materials are used for the manufacture of barrier contraceptives using new and old, forgotten technologies.
Polyisoprene and medical polyurethane
An alternative option would be polyurethane condoms. Such a barrier contraceptive is more durable, although its walls are thinner than latex.
These products are distinguished by a very thin material. However, they are durable, do not cause allergic reactions, and are compatible with any lubricants. They are odorless and practically imperceptible. They have their disadvantages associated with the high price and lack of sufficient quantities in the pharmacy chain.
Other materials
Sometimes pharmacies can offer a lamb intestine condom. Pharmacists claim that it is a good remedy for unwanted pregnancies. However, this material was used in the past, when the entrails of animals were used to make protection. These condoms have no function of protection against viral and infectious diseases.
Products made from modern materials are very popular:
- latex, with a reduced content of plant proteins;
- made of elastomer;
- made of lambskin.
Recently, new, interesting models have appeared in the pharmacy chain - “liquid” condom in an aerosol can. A special mixture of liquid latex and a stimulant substance is sprayed onto a man's organ and after two minutes the frozen condom can be used. These are new, interesting technologies that support the sexual desire of men. They do not cause allergies and are very popular among young people.
Dimensional grid of condoms
To determine "your" size, you need to measure the length and diameter of the penis. Ease of use of a condom depends on the width, therefore, the dimensions on condom packages have the following standard designations:
- S - the smallest, this is the base, the width of the product is from 3 to 4 cm;
- M - is considered an average size with a width of 5 cm;
- L - assumes a large size, more than 5 cm wide;
- XL, Extra Large are the largest. More than 6.2 cm wide.
The average length of a condom is 18 centimeters.
Varieties of grease
Condoms need to be used in conjunction with lubricants, but you need to choose wisely. Some manufacturers of latex contraceptives double the amount of lubricant, they include medicinal formulations, which reduces the sensation of the strong side, but prolongs the act of love.
Lubricants with a taste or aroma are used to protect oral sex.
For fans of experiments and bright effects, you can use a luminous, phosphorescent lubricant.
You need to choose latex and lubricant for specific situations and moods in order to expand your sexual capabilities and conduct vivid experiments.
Interesting effects
For the comfortable use of the contraceptive, there are various additions:
- Lubricants. Spread are super moisturizing protectors with a large dosage of lubricant. They are used with women with vaginal dryness.
- Antiseptic additives. Used to protect against infections and diseases.
- Antiseptics protect the couple from the multiplication of microbes in the body, protect against infection.
- Condoms marked with 'freeze effect'. The lubricant contains lidocaine, which reduces the heat of sensuality in a man and prolongs sexual intercourse.
- Flavoring additives with flavors. Remedies are available with citrus, berry, banana flavors for oral use and the pleasure of both partners.
- The spermicidal supplement reduces the risk of accidental pregnancy, contains nonoxynol, which inhibits the motility of individual sperm.
- The luminous additive makes the protective device interesting, glowing green, blue, pink.
Barrier contraceptives are made: classic, very thin, with a bright glow. A variety of condoms with antennae, ribs, pimples, rings, and attachments are also produced.
The supremacy of very strange condoms belongs to toys. Condoms in the form of a duck, alien, elephant or bird are difficult to use for direct use, but funny and funny experiments can be done with such interesting toys.
Terms of use and storage
To maintain the quality characteristics of the product, it is necessary to store it away from direct sunlight and away from a hotbed of high temperatures.
For the correct use of the contraceptive, you must adhere to the following rules:
- When buying a protective barrier, you must familiarize yourself with its expiration date. If a contraceptive is expired, it cannot be a guarantor of protection, it has reduced elasticity and margin of safety.
- You must follow the instructions exactly when storing the condom. You cannot carry it in the back pockets of your trousers, keep it with documents in the car or in your wallet. Latex rubber can quickly deteriorate when heated, and rubbing with other objects can shatter and damage the material.
- The condom ends with a small tip for collecting semen. If there is air in it, the product will tear. Therefore, proper handling of the rubber barrier will provide protection to partners.
- After the end of intercourse, the latex must be removed immediately so that it cannot slide off on its own. In this case, sperm can enter the body and cause undesirable consequences.
- Reuse of a condom is prohibited.
Rating of the best condoms
All manufacturers are responsible for the quality of their products, they are obliged to test it. Condoms from trusted and trusted manufacturers are popular with users and lovers of these products.
Consider the best, reliable means of protection. We will indicate what you need to pay attention to so that there is no mistake when choosing a product brand.
Durex Sensitive
The Durex brand has been producing barrier contraceptives for over a hundred years, it is considered the most famous manufacturer. Durex products are electronically tested and are considered the most reliable models today. The assortment includes classic product options, models with a variety of tastes and textures.
There are consumers who find a lack of the smell of a condom, but this does not prevent the model from taking a leadership position among its counterparts.
The condom is popular, customers can buy it in the pharmacy chain, supermarkets, online stores. The package contains 12 units.
Country of origin: Great Britain.
Cost: 657 rubles.
- latex rubber;
- dotted surface;
- silicone grease;
- smooth surface;
- thin transparent walls;
- spermicidal lubricant;
- full body fit.
- not very pleasant smell;
- expensive.
Wonderful range of condoms, customized in size from smallest to largest. The size (half circle) is indicated on the package, which helps in the selection of the correct size.
The material of manufacture is high-quality latex, which perfectly fulfills its protective functions. Smooth model, enlarged.
The packages are different, they contain 3 or 10 pieces.
Country of origin: Germany.
Cost: 261 rubles.
- large selection of sizes;
- pleasant silicone lubricant;
- reliable protection;
- high comfort.
- a large amount of grease;
- significant were not found.
Okamoto skinless skin
The flamboyant Japanese brand has released a set of ultra-thin condoms, each of which retains a sensitivity higher than that of other brands. The protective agent has a high strength, due to which it does not break. The condom has a standard cylinder shape, coated with silicone grease on top. The model is transparent, invisible on the body.Sufficient lubricant, non-irritating, improves feel. Made of latex, anatomical model.
The package contains 3 or 10 units.
Country of origin: Japan.
Cost: 199 rubles.
- quality material;
- smooth surface;
- super thin walls enhance pleasant sensation;
- flavored;
- almost not felt on the organ;
- there is no pronounced smell;
- a sufficient amount of lubricant;
- not sticky.
- the Japanese brand is not available in all retail outlets;
- diameter only for 55 mm and less.
The model deservedly belongs to the best means of protection, it has boring colors. Bright condoms are painted in different colors and have a pleasant aroma. Used for all kinds of sex.
The model is made of latex, has a smooth surface, silicone grease.
Packing forms with 3 and 12 units, each complete with three different products.
Country of origin: Germany.
Cost: 157 rubles.
- quality material;
- go through a complex verification system;
- the cost is low, the price is not overpriced.
- wall thickness 0.07 mm, which is slightly more than other brands;
- has a different taste and color that you can't guess.
VIZIT Classic
The manufacturer is registered in Russia; the models are manufactured at factories in Germany. The models are of high quality and low price. Buyers noted only the positive aspects of the contraceptive, they practically have no shortcomings.
The manufacturer's line contains textured, flavored, colored condoms. Classic models are free of dyes and fragrances. The condom has very strong walls, standard size, silicone grease.
They rarely break or slide off.
Country of origin: Germany.
Cost: 97 rubles.
- natural latex;
- smooth surface;
- Silicone Grease;
- high strength;
- low price.
- significant were not found;
Sagami Original
The Japanese brand makes super thin, virtually invisible polyurethane protective condoms. These models are suitable for people who have an allergic reaction to latex. The manufacturer carefully checks the models, they are distinguished by high tensile strength (up to two times) and volumetric expansion. They have a high thermal conductivity, which is 7 times higher than that of latex products. They are considered the thinnest and most reliable.
Polyurethane condoms do not contain proteins, so there is no specific, rubbery smell. The surface is extremely smooth, the lubricant is silicone.
Packages are different, 2, 6, 12 pieces.
Country of origin: Japan.
Cost: 180 rubles.
- the thinnest (0.02 ml);
- high quality;
- reliable;
- transparent;
- each unit is individually packed.
- high price;
- rarely found in the pharmacy chain.
Contex romantic love
Contex Romantic Love condoms are sleek classic designs. The lubricant has a flavored taste and smell of berries and fruits, it does not destroy sperm cells. Condoms are made of natural latex, tested with electronic devices for durability.
These protective flavored devices are suitable for preventing unwanted pregnancy during sex, infections and sexually transmitted infections. They are loved for their good quality and reasonable price.
Many people are comfortable with large packages containing 12 condoms. In addition, a special small napkin is placed in each box, which allows sexual intercourse in extreme conditions.
Country of origin: Great Britain.
Cost: 142 rubles.
- high quality, reliable;
- a variety of exotic aromas;
- comfortable;
- good value for money.
- insufficient lubrication;
- difficult to dress.
When choosing protective equipment, you need to pay attention to the quality of the model, the popularity of the brand, and the price. Good quality products cannot be cheap.
The editors of the site hopes that the material reviewed will help you in purchasing reliable, high-quality and comfortable barrier protective equipment.