The benefits of books are undeniable for children. But for the full harmonious development of the child, all sensory systems must be involved. Typically, reading stimulates the visual, auditory and visual spheres. With the help of reading books, parents have always solved many problems in raising a child: developing cognitive interest, broadening their horizons, getting to know the world around them.
Children perceive information with the help of hearing, if parents read to them; with the help of sight, if they read themselves or examine pictures. There are tactile books for toddlers in which you can touch the structure of materials. But there are also senses that help to get a comprehensive idea of the subject. For example, the sense of smell. This is one of the important ways of knowing the world. Fragrances help in stimulating memory and developing imagination, as well as developing thinking. The emergence of new words and concepts in the child's speech is facilitated by the need to describe the aroma.
Is it possible to combine the development of all sensors in the book? It turned out - you can! Fragrant books are still new in Russia, but they are already gaining popularity. The editors of the site "" present you with an overview of these books.
Amazing books
This invention belongs to two Swiss: Roger Riner, an engineer and radio journalist, and Patrick Mettler, an elementary school teacher, artist and web designer. Roger wrote a fascinating story about Charlie the goat, and Patrick illustrated the book. And in the end, they gave each page a scent, covering it with varnish containing microcapsules with fragrance. If you don't take a book in hand, it is no different from ordinary books. But it is worth rubbing the drawings, as, collapsing from the touch, the microcapsules release a fragrance. These elements are safe and will not harm the child, but he will now be able to feel the spirit of the object, make a complete impression of it.
Rules for reading fragrant books
- Select a picture in the book and rub it easily;
- Smell - the smell can be felt by hand and from the page;
- Try not to mix smells - use different fingers to rub.
Rating of fragrant books
"Diary of the cat Basi"
Authors: Nastya Landa, Tasya Xont.
Publisher: SCENTBOOK.RU, 2024
Age: from 2 years old.
Average price: 1500
Format: 300 x 230 mm, 24 pages, 12 fragrant illustrations on centerfolds, in film.
The story of Basya's life on the farm is told from the perspective of the cat itself. In her diary, she talks about other pets - her friends, describes their appearance and habits. Together with Basya, children will be able to feel the aromas of garden plants and learn a lot of interesting things about life in the village.
With realistic illustrations, you can show your child what a dog, cat, rabbit, cow and horse look like.
The kid will get acquainted with the aromas of lavender and narcissus, jasmine and lemon balm, learn how lilacs and roses smell. The aromas of favorite fruits: apples, raspberries, cherries and strawberries will delight children, and wood and cinnamon will replenish their horizons. If the smell and image of the plant is unfamiliar to the child, you can find its name in the lower corner of the picture.
The varnishes that are used to flavor the drawings are certified and safe for health.
- interesting story;
- component safety;
- colorful pictures;
- the smell is very persistent;
- the set includes a gift case;
- the smell appears only when rubbed.
- no obvious shortcomings have been identified.
Reviews: great edition with baby-friendly smells.
"Mole Max"
Manufacturer: Veshkina & Ronner.
Publisher: SCENTBOOK.RU, 2024
By Roger Riner and Patrick Mettler, 2024
Average price: 2100 rubles.
Format: 300 x 225 mm, 24 pages, 12 illustrations.
Velvet hard cover with gold stamping, gift case included.
The book is not only with fragrant and tactile pictures, but also equipped with Braille. This makes it possible for children with vision problems or lack of vision to use it independently!
According to the plot, the hero of the story, a little mole, rescues chickens. But young readers must help him decipher the key to salvation. Solving the secret cipher stimulates the development of logical thinking, and children love to complete intellectual tasks according to their age.
In addition, they will be able to feel the aromas of jasmine, rose, strawberry and other plants and feel the structure of various objects.
- develops several sensory systems: visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile;
- recommended for children with disabilities;
- very beautiful cover;
- used fragrance varnishes are safe for health;
- the fragrances are realistic and recognizable.
- not cheap.
Reviews: the book is wonderful in itself, but it is also available for independent reading for a blind child - an accessible environment!
"The crocodile who did not like water"
Manufacturer: Veshkina & Ronner.
Publisher: SCENTBOOK.RU, 2018
Author: Gemma Merino.
Average price: 950 rubles.
Age: from 2 years old.
Format: 350 x 270 mm, 28 pages, 3 fragrances on centerfolds, sealed in film.
The hero of the work, although he is a crocodile, does not like water and does not know how to swim. He is not at all like his fellows. But he knows how to crawl through trees and sneeze with fire. The crocodile stops being sad when he realizes that he is no worse and no better than others, he is simply not like that. He begins to do what he can and becomes happy.
Using the example of an unusual crocodile, which was not like everyone else, you can explain to the child that people are different, teach him to treat his own and other people's shortcomings with patience and understanding and see each one as unique and good.
A fascinating story about a crocodile is complemented by colorful illustrations, for which the author received an award from the Macmillan publishing house. Here you will experience three aromas: peach shampoo, flame of fire and ... dragon.
- interesting instructive plot;
- beautiful pictures;
- excellent publication quality;
- components for natural odors;
- bookmark with a pleasant smell as a gift.
- there are few aromas - only 3;
- unpleasant pungent smell of fire;
- unrealistic dragon smell.
Reviews: in general, the book is good and interesting, but not everyone likes smells and there are few of them.
Books about the goat Charlie
The Swiss series about Charlie the goat appeared thanks to the stink of the stink of the goat barn, which Roger Riner was passing by in his car.
He was so impressed and took so long to ventilate the car from the persistent smell of animals that he decided to translate it into ... a book.
The illustrations for the stories were drawn by Patrick Mettler. The books have gained immense popularity in Switzerland and beyond. 5 editions of this line have been translated into Russian: "The Adventures of Charlie the Goat", "Charlie the Goat Travels the World", "Charlie the Goat Meets the New Year", "Charlie the Goat is Looking for Medicinal Herbs", "Charlie the Goat in the Swiss Alps".
"The Adventures of Charlie the Goat"
Manufacturer: Veshkina & Ronner.
Publisher: SCENTBOOK.RU, 2016
Posted by Roger Riner and Patrick Mettler.
Average price: 1600 rubles.
Age: from 2 years old.
Format: 300 x 230 mm, 24 pages, 12 fragrant illustrations on the spreads.
This is a story about how the goat Charlie decided to change his smell in order to please the goat Alice. He tries different scents to choose the best one, and the reader has the opportunity, by rubbing the illustration, to feel the aromas of lemon, chewing gum, green grass, mint, strawberry, apple, honey, rose, spruce, lavender and goat smell. But it turns out that the goat liked exactly the spirit that the goat itself had.
- high-quality edition, dense pages;
- good translation into Russian;
- instructive meaning;
- smells are recognizable.
- the smell of a goat is sharp and unpleasant;
- aromas disappear;
- price.
Reviews: the book is unusual and interesting, but the smell of a goat is very unpleasant.
"Charlie the Goat Travels the World"
Manufacturer: Veshkina & Ronner
Publisher: SCENTBOOK.RU, 2017
Posted by Roger Riner and Patrick Mettler.
Average price: 1600 rubles.
Age: from 2 years old.
Format: 300 x 230 mm, 24 pages, 12 fragrant illustrations, framed in a gift cardboard box, sealed in film.
The story of the journey of Charlie and the mole Max across five continents. They are looking for happy animals to help their quarreling friends from their home farm. The reader will get acquainted with new places, animals and aromas of rosemary and coca-cola, hay, raspberry and pineapple, tree and coconut, banana and watermelon, eucalyptus, cotton candy and chocolate. Fascinating easy reading, bright drawings and many pleasant smells will delight children and parents.
- recognizable smells;
- interesting story;
- original illustrations.
- price.
"Charlie the Goat Welcomes the New Year"
Manufacturer: Veshkina & Ronner.
Publisher: SCENTBOOK.RU, 2018
Posted by Roger Riner and Patrick Mettler.
Average price: 1500 rubles.
Age: from 2 years old.
Format: 300 x 230 mm, 24 pages, 12 fragrant illustrations, in a gift cardboard box.
In the New Year's story, Charlie and his friends are waiting for a holiday: the goat prepares gifts, and the animals from the farm must bring a treat. New Year will burst into your home with a book. You will feel the aromas of the holiday and delicious food: marmalade and chewing gum, vanilla and peanuts, cinnamon and gingerbread cookies, tangerine and orange, dried berries and spruce, beeswax and apple punch.
In the pre-holiday bustle, the animals lose the main symbol of the New Year - the Christmas tree - and are looking for it.
- bright illustrations;
- excellent publication quality;
- pleasant smells.
- not a very meaningful plot;
- smells, though pleasant, are difficult to recognize;
- the large format is not very kid-friendly.
Reviews: the book is saturated with New Year's atmosphere, but not all smells are identical to natural ones.
"Charlie the goat is looking for medicinal herbs"
Manufacturer: Veshkina & Ronner.
Publisher: SCENTBOOK.RU, 2016
Posted by Roger Riner and Patrick Mettler.
Average price: 1250 - 1600 rubles.
Age: from 2 years old.
Format: 300 x 230 mm, 24 pages, 12 fragrant illustrations on the centerfolds, printed on film.
In the story, Charlie the goat fell ill, and the wise Owl advises him to look for medicinal herbs in the forest. Children will get acquainted with unusual plants and learn about their beneficial properties. The whole book is filled with the scent of a summer forest. If you rub the images, you can smell the rosemary, thyme, marjoram, fennel, which are added to food. Pages with flowers: violet, geranium and lemon balm - will take you to the summer garden. And smells of blueberries, pine resin and mushrooms will help you feel the breath of the cool forest.
- the image of plants, not very familiar to children, and their name on the flyleaf;
- informative information about plants;
- excellent publication quality;
- the ability to buy without a case for a lower cost.
- inconvenient format for children.
"Charlie the Goat in the Swiss Alps"
Manufacturer: Veshkina & Ronner.
Publisher: SCENTBOOK.RU, 2024
Posted by Roger Riner and Patrick Mettler.
Average price: 1250 - 1600 rubles.
Age: from 2 years old.
Format: 300 x 230 mm, 24 pages, 12 fragrant illustrations on the centerfolds, printed on film.
The last of the books about Charlie the Goat translated into Russian. The little indefatigable hero again embarks on a journey. This time the action takes place in the Swiss Alps, in the Freiberg nature reserve, where Charlie went to find a solution to the black shadow that darkens the sky over the reserve and frightens its inhabitants. The pages contain the scents of this fabulous place: alpine meadows, spruce forest, cedar pine, blackberry, blueberry, valerian, mountain goat and domestic goat, black cocktail, fish, cave and chewing gum. With the help of narration and illustrations, children will get acquainted with such animals as: mountain goat, deer, roe deer, marmot, hare, squirrel and others.
- fascinating plot;
- unusual odors;
- colorful illustration.
- the format of the book is not convenient for kids.
A series of fragrant books about the Mouse.
"New Year in the Little Mouse"
Author: Zenkova Anna.
Artist: Tretyakova Elizaveta.
Publisher: Dragonfly, 2024
Price: 3000 rubles.
Age: 3 - 6 years old.
Format: 232 x 310 mm, 24 pages, 12 fragrances.
A kind New Year's tale about the preparation of the Mouse and his friends for the holiday. You can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the New Year, looking at the vivid illustrations and enjoying the flavors associated with this holiday: sweet cake, sweets, bee honey, tart needles, chocolate, marzipan, pine nuts, coconut, lemon, pineapple and mandarins, mandatory for the New Year.
- very colorful illustrations;
- quality paper and decoration;
- suitable for a gift.
- very simple plot;
- price.
Reviews: a wonderful gift for small children, a simple story, magical pictures, pleasant aromas.
"Mouse's birthday"
Author: Zenkova Anna.
Artist: Tretyakova Elizaveta.
Publisher: Dragonfly, 2024
Price: 2000 rubles.
Age: 3 - 6 years old.
Format: 232 x 310 mm, 24 pages, 12 fragrances.
The little mouse wants to make a birthday cake and treat his friends to it. But while he goes shopping, he always has to help his friends who find themselves in unpleasant situations. He lingers on the road and does not have time to arrive at the grocery store before closing. Here you can get upset and feel sorry for the birthday man, but now friends are rushing to help him. A very kind story about friendship will appeal to preschool children. They will be able to listen to a wonderful story, look at great pictures and feel the delicious aromas of fruits and berries: pear, apple, peach, raspberry and strawberry; flowers: roses and violets; delicious food: cheese and chocolate, unusual smells of mint, cocoa and fresh shavings.
- very pleasant smells.
- format.
Reviews: the child really liked the scents and illustrations.
It is difficult to decide which book is better for your child. The selection criteria are influenced by the age of the reader and the absence of allergies to certain odors. If the child is very young, it is better to purchase a book where illustrations prevail over text. In age recommendations, they often indicate from 0, but you need to be sure that smells will not irritate the child and will not cause allergic reactions. Fragrant books have appeared in Russia recently, so you can buy them only on websites. Despite the fact that the books are not at all budgetary, the discounted price of an excellent quality publication will delight you very much!
If you have already bought one of these publications, tell us in the comments how your child perceived the unusual book.
For some reason I immediately remembered the perfume catalogs. It was so interesting to play with them as a child. I didn’t even know that there were such books, I’ll definitely look for and buy them for children.