Review of the best infant car seats in 2024


A kid in a car is not a trend of fashion, but a desire of parents to spend as much time as possible with their child. These are trips to nature, to large supermarkets for groceries, to relatives or friends.

The safety of finding children in cars is enshrined in the Traffic Regulations. During the trip, the child should not be in the car in his arms or just lie on the seat. Parents should purchase a car seat or infant car seat before placing a child in a car. This requirement has significantly reduced the percentage of minor injuries in car accidents.

Traffic rules do not allow the use of deformed car seats and car seats with dents and cracks. Devices should not have obvious signs of wear, faulty locks and seat belts.

The editors of the site "" have prepared an overview of car seats for children weighing up to 13 kg.

Parents are responsible for ensuring the safety of the child in the vehicle.

Car seat selection criteria

Car seat, car carrier - a restraint device in a car for a child from birth to one and a half years.

How to make the right choice from the many offers on the market? What to look for and what to consider when choosing a restraint? Which manufacturer should you choose? We will give detailed answers to these questions.

Important criteria:

  • the age of the child for which the chair is designed;
  • anatomical features and design;
  • ergonomics;
  • way of installation in a car;
  • safety;
  • materials and additional accessories;
  • infant carrier weight;
  • mount;
  • manufacturer.


For newborns, there are two groups:

  • group 0

newborns up to the age of 6 months, weighing up to 10 kg.

In this group, manufacturers offer an infant car seat that resembles a regular stroller. In babies of this age, the neck muscles are weak and unable to support the head. Experts recommend a device in which the body is in a horizontal position. Such a car seat is installed in the back seat perpendicular to the movement.

Disadvantages: fragility of operation, the child can be transported in it only up to 6 months, takes up a lot of space in the back seat.

  • group 0+

newborns and up to 1.5 years, weighing up to 13 kg.

For this age group, trucking is used to travel in cars.

Anatomical features considered when creating a car seat

In newborns, the weight of the head is greater relative to the body, and the bones are still fragile. The developers of the car seats have chosen the shape of a large bowl.In it, the body of a newborn in the infant car seat is at an angle of 30º to 45º. It is in this position that the baby's body is safe, as in the arms of a mother.

  • if the angle is less than 30º, it will make breathing difficult for the child;
  • if the angle is more than 45º, it may cause injury on impact.

Car seat design

The car seat has an orthopedic base. This base is attached to a housing that can be made of plastic or metal. Carrying is easier with a plastic frame, but a frame with metal rails is safer.

The car seat is designed in such a way that the child's body is fully protected. The orthopedic base ensures the safety of the spine, the neck and hip joints protect the side walls. The carrycot is equipped with a handle for easy carrying and installation in the car.

Ergonomics are important for both the driver and the baby.

Ergonomics - comfort and convenience while traveling. The support device is matched to the child's weight and height. It is not allowed to use a chair that does not correspond to the age group. Comfort is an important condition for a trip, if a child is capricious, it means he is uncomfortable.

This could be:

  • the wrong choice of the angle of inclination - the baby's back is in the wrong position;
  • the seat belts are very tight to the body.

How to install the infant carrier in the car

The infant carrier in the car can be installed in the direction of travel or against the direction of travel. For age groups 0 and 0+, it is recommended to install the chair against the movement, so damage to the cervical spine can be avoided not only in an accident, but also during sudden braking.

The carrier can be installed both in the back seat and in the front. Mums prefer to place the infant carrier in the front seat to see the baby.

Installing a rear-facing infant car seat in the front seat is only permitted if there is no airbag.

By type of attachment

Mounting option:

  • fastening with regular seat belts

Seat belts in a car have a drawback - there is not always enough length to install an infant car seat. The chair is recommended to be installed at a short distance from the side door.

  • Isofix system

Car seat fastening system - Isofix has been adopted since 1995 and is included in the rules of the European standard. The structure consists of metal guides with locks. The rigidity of fastening the car seat in the car is ensured by the connection of the fasteners on the rear seat of the car and the brackets of the structure itself. This system is used for chairs of different ages.

The Infant Car Seat System can be purchased separately.

Disadvantage: When moving, vibration may be generated, which is undesirable for a small organism.

  • Latch system

Fixing system - Latch. An American invention that reduced the weight of the structure. The metal guides are replaced with strong belts. This mount eliminated vibration when driving.

With such a fastening, the chair is conveniently fixed in a car, even small sizes. In the Latch system, an additional anchorage for the backrest has been developed.

Carry safety

Since 1982, the European safety standard - ECER44 has been approved. The standard was developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. These are the rules of quality and safety for materials used in the manufacture of restraints, for fastening and safety. It is determined by passing dynamic tests. The results of dynamic tests are called crash tests.

The crash test is mandatory for manufacturers. There are a number of independent laboratories that conduct their own crash tests.

One such laboratory is ADAC.

The German auto club ADAC conducts car seat tests twice a year. This laboratory has more stringent safety requirements than the standard. Products are tested for safety, comfort, content of hazardous materials and ease of use.

The club publishes the results of passing the tests on its websites.

  • Laboratories in other countries:
  • ANWB is an automotive organization in the Netherlands.
  • TCS is a Swiss company that tests car seats for safety and comfort.
  • VTI - Institute of Transport Traffic. Performs a stress test on the cervical vertebrae at the time of collision.
  • RACC is a Spanish club. Tests restraint models for safety, comfort, environmental friendliness and ergonomics.
  • Autoreview is a Russian magazine. Conducts tests on usability, safety, and spine and neck protection.

Russia also has a security standard since January 1, 2007. GOST R 41.44-2005 defines all the safety criteria for small passengers.

View the test results on the laboratories' websites and find out if the model you selected passed the test or not.

Carrycot weight

The weight of the car seat varies from 2.5 to 7 kg. The weight depends on the material of the frame and the seals. The lower the weight of the infant carrier, the less safe it will be for your baby. The more security, the harder it is to carry.

Materials and accessories

  • durable plastic for the frame;
  • safe and non-toxic upholstery materials;
  • inserts made of natural materials.

Additional accessories are purchased as needed, they can be included in the carrycot package:

  • ergonomic handle;
  • additional side impact protection;
  • Sunshield;
  • soft pads for seat belts;
  • headrest;
  • mosquito net;
  • raincoat;
  • awning from ultraviolet rays;
  • mirror for controlling the child;
  • cotton cover;
  • bottle stands;
  • heated liner.

Car seat manufacturers

Before buying a car seat, check with the manufacturer. Study the merits of the selected manufacturers, pay attention to the logo. This knowledge will help you not to fall for the tricks of scammers selling low-quality fake goods.

Chicco is an Italian manufacturer

The company makes a variety of products for newborns, but car seats are the mainstream. The chairs have a quality standard, which means they have passed safety tests. Prices range from inexpensive to mid-range.

Car seat Chicco Autofix Fast

The popular model of this company is for the age group 0+. The chair has good ergonomics. Comfortable handle, side impact protection. It can be installed both with the base and independently. Installation of such a chair is carried out against the direction of the vehicle.

Price - 12,650 rubles.

Chicco Autofix Fast


  • ergonomic anatomical bed;
  • there is an insert for a newborn;
  • the handle can be used to hang rattles.


  • only for small children, after 8 months the child does not fit in the cradle.

Cam is an Italian stroller company

A very large selection of different models. The products of this company have gained recognition in quality control institutions in countries such as England, Germany, USA and Australia.

Infant Car Seat CAM Area Zero

The chair is equipped with a sturdy carrying handle. There is an awning to protect from the sun. The cradle design supports the newborn's head well. The small weight of the product - 3.6 kg makes it easy to carry the newborn.

CAM Area Zero


  • correct back position;
  • large seat sizes;
  • high level of protection against impacts to the side of the car;
  • natural fabrics;
  • used as a rocking chair.


  • the back of the cradle does not move to a horizontal position;
  • the base must be purchased separately.

Price: 4300 rub.

Concord is a German company

Has its own laboratory for quality and safety. Only the model that has passed the tests gets on the market.

Car seat Young Profi Plus

The chair is equipped with an Isofix mount. Car belts can also be used while driving. The model received high marks in crash tests. Therefore, young parents choose safety for their children.

Concord Young Profi Plus


This infant carrier is equipped with:

  • anatomical pillow;
  • five-point seat belt system;
  • soft strap pads;
  • hood;
  • sun awning;
  • additional protection against side impacts.


  • the baby is sweating in the infant car seat;
  • large babies do not fit in the cradle, especially in winter;
  • the back position in the car is not fixed in a horizontal position, which can affect the back of the baby.

Cost: 18,700 rubles.

Recaro is a German company

Car seats of this brand are made taking into account all the little things for the safety of a small passenger. Only ventilated fabrics are used in the upholstery of infant carriers and car seats.

Model HBRx1 Black

The car seat is fixed in the car with regular belts. The ability to adjust the headrest.

The handle can be fixed in three positions:

  • for carrying;
  • in the car;
  • stand.
Recaro HBRx1 Black


  • reliable fastening;
  • the presence of an insert allows you to transport the baby from the first days;
  • the set includes a sun visor.


  • heavy in weight (up to 5 kg).

Price: 5 499 rub.

Britax-Romer is a German company with its own laboratory

Restraints are tested on a regular basis. The market is represented by a large range of products.

Infant car seat "Britax Romer Baby-Safe i-Size"

The model has improved side impact protection. Mounted with Isofix system.

Britax Romer Baby-Safe i-Size


  • the presence of an anatomical pillow;
  • reliable fasteners;
  • removable cover;
  • safe;
  • weight in 4.7 kg.


  • shallow hood.

Price: 16 500 rubles.

BeSafe is a Norwegian manufacturer

The goal is to provide safety and comfort for young passengers. The company spends up to a million NOK annually on the development of new technologies and research.

Car seat Jooiz iZi Modular BeSafe

The seat in the car is secured with car belts. The baby in the cradle is secured with belts with five attachment points. Additionally, the set includes an anatomical pillow, pads for seat belts, a hood and an awning from the sun's rays.

Jooiz iZi Modular BeSafe


    • light weight 3.9 kg;
    • anatomical bed;
    • many useful accessories.


  • not.

Bebe Confort is a French company

The products of this company belong to the premium class. All products are of high quality and pass the strictest safety controls. Differs in design and reinforced side protection.

Bebe Confort Creatis Fix

Spacious model. Use as a rocking chair.

Bebe Confort Creatis Fix


  • high sidewalls;
  • inner movable liner;
  • the presence of a thermal pad;
  • removable visor and upholstery;
  • the ability to install on the base.


  • When installed on the base, the strap length may not be sufficient.

Price: 7 700 rubles.

Doona is a brand of an Israeli company

Doona +

The first model to convert the infant carrier into a stroller. The model has passed all tests and received the safety standard. It is longer and wider than analogues, which allows for longer use of the car seat.

The Doona seat is both a child car seat and a comfortable stroller. It turns into a stroller at the push of a button. The Doona Infant Car Seat has been certified for air travel. Compliant with standards: ECE R44 for car seats, EN 1888 for strollers and mechanisms and EN 12790 for rocking cradles. Received high marks in crash tests and certified in the Russian Federation.

Doona +


  • reinforced side protection;
  • removable liner;
  • wider and longer than their counterparts;
  • fastening with belts and on the basis of Isofix.

Chair weight up to 7 kg.


  • not.

Price: RUB 27,900

Zlatek is a Russian company with Czech roots

Has its own design bureau. Products are tested in a research and development center. The products comply with safety standards.

Model Zlatek Collibri

Has additional inserts to give a more horizontal position of the baby. It is lightweight and easy to use. The complete set includes a soft inner liner for the baby's head. There is a sun visor. The curved bottom allows the infant carrier to be used as a rocking chair. In the car, it is fixed on the standard 3-point belt.

Model Zlatek Collibri


  • durable car seat frame;
  • padded headrest and inner harness pads;
  • earbuds for comfort;
  • removable cover;
  • made of hypoallergenic materials;
  • convenient carrying handle;
  • removable hood;
  • Weight 2.5 kg.


  • not.

Price: 2 318 rub.

The main mistakes of attaching the infant car seat

  • Loose fixation of the seat can lead to unwanted injuries to the little passenger;
  • The seat belts should clearly fix the child in the cradle, tightly fitting to his body;

  • A child under 8-9 months must be in the cradle against the direction of the vehicle. The fact is that a child at this age has insufficiently developed neck muscles, which, with a sufficiently sharp impact or braking, can lead to serious consequences;
  • It is imperative to fasten the groin strap to avoid its involuntary slipping off the seat;

  • The car seat must strictly match the age of the baby. If the child is too small for the chair, the straps will not be able to fix it tightly. If the child has already grown out of the chair, then in an accident or sudden braking of the car, the seat belts may not support his weight.

When buying any car seat, you will find instructions with a detailed description and rules for cleaning it from dirt. If there are no instructions, then before buying, you must make sure that you are purchasing an infant car seat with a removable cover that can be washed in a typewriter.

How to clean your infant car seat

  • First you need to get all the pads, toys, blankets from the infant car seat and wash them separately;
  • Vacuum the chair to get rid of the crumbs;
  • Prepare a solution with detergent and a sponge, gently wipe the infant car seat, especially paying attention to the middle of the seat;
  • Treat the chair with a sponge with clean water to remove soap stains, gently blot wet areas with a dry towel;
  • Dry the infant car seat without using a hair dryer or other heating items.

We hope that our information will help you better understand the offers and choose a comfortable infant car seat for your baby. If you have experience with infant car seats up to 13 kg, share your opinion in the comments.


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