Every woman strives to look great and uses all possible means for this. Sometimes it happens that with frequent changes in the image, and at the same time, and with frequent changes in hair color, its structure suffers. It also happens that nature has not rewarded the hair with the quality that one can only dream of, then helpers come to the rescue. The editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offers you an overview of the best products for the botox procedure for hair.
The hairstyle affects how the day develops, and ultimately life. (Sophia Loren)
- 1 Hair structure
- 2 Why hair deteriorates and how to care for it
- 3 What is recovery
- 4 Rating of the best manufacturers of botox for hair
- 4.1 Honma Tokyo H-Brush Capillary Reconstruction - Hair Botox Set (Classic Botox), 2 * 100ml
- 4.3 KayPro Botu-Cure
- 4.4 Keratin Research Inverto Hair Botox Trial Kit 100/50/120 ml
- 4.5 Botox cream for hair structure renewal / BOTOX TREATMENT CREAM, 50 ml
- 4.6 Salon Tech Lipidic Complex
- 5 What to remember about the botox procedure
Hair structure
If you look at the hair in a section under a microscope, you can see three layers that make up the whole system. It is thanks to them that you can determine the condition of the hair and understand what needs to be done to restore it.
- Cuticle. It is a scaly layer. Thanks to these scales, nutrients can penetrate deep into the hair structure and fill it with the necessary components. It should be understood that the extent to which the scales are open and how much they can close directly give an answer to the question of whether hair restoration is possible.
- Cortex. The next layer plays a significant role in the issue of coloring, as well as curling and straightening. In addition, it takes the brunt of it, with a negative effect, the cortex begins to become drier, after which the hair breaks off or begins to split. It has stretching properties and helps to withstand some loads, making it possible to create complex hairstyles and even extensions. It is very easy to determine the damage to this layer if the hair began to dry many times more in the same temperature and climatic conditions.
- Medula. A little explored layer that is a sponge-like surface. Scientists suggest that medula promotes thermoregulation of the hair and scalp when the sponge layer is saturated with air.
Why hair deteriorates and how to care for it
Hair can deteriorate for many different reasons. So, for example, you may not even suspect that something is wrong with their health while precious time and the rest of life are leaving their hair.
- Inappropriate selection of care. Due to the aggressive formulations of shampoos, the hair scales are injured, not only opening up as much as possible, but also allowing the next layers to be injured. Deep cleaning shampoos should be used as little as possible, without giving the hair a reason for a painful condition. The use of folk remedies as masks containing soda, as well as other abrasive particles, is the most dangerous and completely not useful for hair scales. The inclusion of a conditioner in the washing procedure, on the contrary, favorably affects the overall quality of the hair, giving the necessary nutrients and closing the upper protective layer.Don't forget about end oils and moisturizing masks, applying them as often as needed.
- Hair coloring. Frequent exposure to ammonia in dyes can destroy even the healthiest hair. In addition, lightening powders, in cooperation with an aggressive percentage of oxide, can literally burn them to the point of dead, so you should only trust your hair to a trusted hairdresser. It should be noted that there is a type of dyes and pigments of direct action that can be absorbed into the cortex as much as possible and seal the cuticle tightly, preventing it from opening properly. An example of such a paint is anthocyanin.
- Exposure to various temperatures. Frequent drying at high temperatures, straightening or curling can destroy the healthy structure of the hair and dry it out completely. Unfortunately, the quality of the hair in the future leaves much to be desired. That is why the Botox procedure was invented to bring hair back to life.
- Careless handling of wet hair. You can often observe how wet or damp, freshly dyed hair is combed; this is absolutely impossible to do. The fact is that in a wet state the hair is more susceptible to damage, the structure is very fragile and any careless movement can harm it. For the same reason, after shampooing, the hair should be soaked with a towel and left in this state, without trying to aggressively rub against each other, otherwise the cuticle may be damaged, which is the cause of ugly hair.
What is recovery
Restoration is a procedure in which, by maximizing the opening of the first layer, the next layer is nourished and the hair is filled with nutrients. If we talk about the classic hair restoration procedure using Botox, then it is divided into two types.
- Hot botox. The procedure is carried out using a hot hair dryer or a straightening iron. After applying the composition, a cap is put on and the hair is heated, and after the second application, you need to walk with a straightening iron to seal the scales and then preserve the structure.
- Cold botox. The technology differs from the first only in the absence of elevated temperatures due to a different composition and a slightly different effect. After applying the composition, a plastic hairdressing cap is put on and the hair is blown with cold air from a hair dryer.
In addition to the classic type of procedure, on the market you can find a variety of products containing botox, which is essentially a similar product that can renew the hair structure and improve the overall condition. All kinds of masks, balms and oils containing Botox can breathe new life into dead hair.
It is best to give preference to the type of procedure based on the quality of the hair and the effect to be achieved. It is preferable to use the services of professionals and get advice from a salon hair master, most often they are free of charge. With the help of the consultation, you can get important advice about the correct care after the procedure, and which brand of product is best for you.
Advantages and disadvantages of Botox for hair
In order to decide on the procedure for hair restoration, it is necessary to consider all the arguments for and against, it is thanks to this that you can stop doubting and decide exactly on this step.
- Noticeable improvement in hair quality;
- Beautiful and healthy shine;
- Neutralization of yellowness in blonde shades;
- Long enough effect;
- Some products are complemented by a lamination effect.
- High price for the procedure;
- With some types of hair damage, the result will not be visible;
- Unpleasant smell of some compounds;
- Possible allergic reaction;
- Unpredictable result if the procedure is performed incorrectly;
- After canceling the course of procedures, the condition of the hair may worsen from habituation;
- Difficulty in the sequence of actions and performing them when applied alone.
Contraindications for use
As with any chemical care products, the Botox procedure has its own contraindications. It is not recommended to carry it out during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. One of the contraindications is allergy or intolerance to the components that may be contained in the product.
Rating of the best manufacturers of botox for hair
Honma Tokyo H-Brush Capillary Reconstruction - Hair Botox Set (Classic Botox), 2 * 100ml
Set for the procedure Botox for hair, made in Japan. The set is intended for the hot botox procedure, however, a hairdryer and a straightening iron with a titanium or tourmaline coating should be used for exposure to temperatures. Used for professional use, but includes smaller home care items. Suitable for bleached hair only. Average price: 2000 rubles.
- Long term effect;
- Hair does not frizz;
- Excellent hydration.
- Long procedure;
- Help with application may be needed.
Professional remedy for hair botox procedure, country of origin Brazil. The set consists of two jars, which allows you to go through the procedure in stages. The composition includes caring oils: olive oil, tamarind and myrrh. Average price: 1400 rubles.
- The effect lasts up to three months;
- Hair does not get electrified or frizzy;
- Lamination effect;
- Mild composition compared to other products.
- Quite a budget price for such funds.
- Not found.
KayPro Botu-Cure
Revitalizing mask with botox, country of origin Italy. The functions of the maxi include restoration of structure, nutrition and smoothing of the cuticle. Suitable for damaged, brittle, thin and colored hair. An additional function is to make combing easier. Includes keratin ingredient. Contains shea butter. Average price: 1600 rubles.
- Easy combing of hair;
- Good dampening of the canvas;
- Easy to apply and easy to wash off;
- Easy to use.
- Specific pungent odor;
- It makes fine hair heavier.
Keratin Research Inverto Hair Botox Trial Kit 100/50/120 ml
Repair kit for damaged hair. It consists of three components that must be applied in stages. The effect of the remedy lasts up to three months. Contains keratin, which, in addition to restoring, helps to straighten hair. The product contains a variety of oils to promote beneficial recovery and nutrition. Average price: 2600 rubles.
- Well nourishes and moisturizes;
- Nice smell;
- Hair does not frizz;
- Budgetary price.
- Lack of volume;
- The straightening effect is not clear enough.
Botox cream for hair structure renewal / BOTOX TREATMENT CREAM, 50 ml
A set for professional hair care. Includes three constituent parts, each of which must be applied in turn. The composition contains a combination of various types of oils: coconut, macadamia, flax and argan. Suitable for damaged, damaged by dyes and perm, brittle hair. Average price: 1900 rubles.
- Hair becomes less porous;
- Updating the structure of the canvas;
- Hair softening;
- Suitable for all hair types.
- High price;
- The use of a straightening iron is required.
Salon Tech Lipidic Complex
The box includes ampoules of 13 ml each. The duration of the effect is up to 3 weeks, the duration of the procedure is up to 40 minutes. Used in professional hair care salons. Suitable for natural and ethnic hair types. Creates a silky effect and makes hair manageable. For salon use only, if used incorrectly can cause unpredictable consequences. Average price: 4000 rubles.
- Nice smell;
- It moisturizes and nourishes well;
- Feeling of salon care;
- Low consumability.
- High price.
What to remember about the botox procedure
- Professionalism. The procedure is best performed in competent beauty salons with good reviews and specializing in botox care. Caring for the health of your hair, as well as any procedures with them, is a very responsible and important matter, because if you spoil your hair, it will be difficult to fix it. Ultimately, when the hair is completely depleted, nothing else can be done. Hair will simply have to be trimmed as long as it is still healthy and can be restored. Typically, this is 5-10 cm from the root.
- Addictive. With prolonged and repeated care, even the most expensive and rated hair product begins to get used to it, and, being lazy, ceases to function independently. When a long course is canceled, the quality of the hair can be noticeably deteriorated, and the hair will become even worse than it was before all the procedures. Therefore, you should use restorative agents in moderation and not try to overdo it.
- Saving. When choosing a salon or product, you should not focus solely on the price, because this can play a bad joke. Since hair quality is very important, you should not take risks and save on health.
- Effectiveness. Based on the fact that hair is quite different in structure for all people, it should be understood that two different people can have completely different results. They are influenced by such indicators as: how long has the hair been dyed and whether it has been dyed, the degree of discoloration of the scales, general indicators of hair health, abuse of thermal devices, hair burnout in the sun. All these factors greatly influence the final result.
- Help. In the event that it is impossible to visit the salon, and you are going to use the kit yourself, it is recommended to use the help of someone to minimize the risks. Also, the helper will be able to evenly apply the composition, without missing the hair on the back of the head, otherwise the head will look untidy with stripes. It should be noted that following the instructions is extremely important. With it, you can do the job neatly and not harm your hair. Different manufacturers produce compositions with different fillings, which means that the application is quite different.
- Correctly selected care. After applying this procedure, all manufacturers recommend using sulfate-free shampoo... Most often, the manufacturer takes care of this in advance and in its line produces just such a tool that allows you to preserve the result and not wash out the beneficial substances before the expected time. Sulfate-free shampoo can also be purchased at any, even the most budgetary store. In terms of composition, it is softer and spares the structure of the hair that has just undergone a useful procedure.
When meeting a person, and especially a girl, people first of all pay attention to the hair and its condition. Therefore, every woman strives to make her hair perfectly smooth and shiny. In the modern world, a variety of tools and procedures come to the rescue, including botox. If you have experience in using the various types of Botox for hair described in the review, or more interesting products, tell us about it in the comments.