Fashion trends in 2024 are pretty unexpected. In addition to the usual hairstyles, rather unusual hairdressing solutions have come into vogue - a large variation range allowed the fair sex to choose what suits them. Practicality and style are the 2 main dictators of girls' choice. Summer, winter, spring, autumn - every season of the year is a serious test for the hair structure. However, every woman wants to feel convenience, comfort, while remaining beautiful.
The editorial staff of the site "" offers you a selection of stylish women's haircuts for long hair for 2024.
Features of haircuts
What is a haircut A haircut is a procedure for shortening hair. The quality of the haircut affects the overall appearance.
More often than not, clients want a haircut like some Hollywood actor who just showed up at an awards ceremony. What to do for a stylist Sometimes hairdressers catch a trend and start cutting every visitor like that. However, it must be remembered that each person has a different face shape, type and type of hair. Before choosing and doing a haircut like an actor or actress, you should think a few times.
Hair types: straight, curly or wavy. It's a shame, but few people think about choosing the right haircut. After all, it is worth choosing the right type and the problem of a sloppy head will disappear forever. It is important to find a high-level understanding specialist. He will be able to help and guide the choice of haircut in the right direction.
It is quite difficult to properly care for long hair, to keep it clean and silky. This was especially difficult for girls several hundred years ago, when the industry of quality hair care products was not developed.
Hygiene was the original reason for the haircut. Haircuts are now driven primarily by an understanding of aesthetics and beauty.
They make hair look more beautiful and neat. A person who looks after themselves should have a well-cut and styled hairstyle.
The beauty industry is particularly well developed in 2024. The services of stylists and cosmetologists are constantly growing, every year there are more and more hair care procedures. Hairdressers can cut their hair using a variety of techniques and tools.
Hair cutting technologies and tools
- Thinning scissors. The peculiarity of the procedure is in the thinning of the strands to reduce the thickness of the hair. Quite a popular procedure among visitors, which is firmly entrenched in the salon's service catalog. She can both add volume to the strand and significantly reduce it.
Note! Not recommended for fine or sparse hair.
Technique Tools:
- straight scissors;
- one and two-sided thinning scissors;
- cars;
- razors.
When cutting with thinning scissors, the hair must be dry and clean.
- for a feeling of airiness and smoothness of the transition, thinning can be done at the ends of the strands, cut to 5 mm or walk with scissors along the curl while keeping it at an inclination of 30 degrees;
- you can give lightness to thick hair when thinning the entire length;
- thinning at the roots will add a little volume to the hairstyle, while using this method the hairdresser needs to cut it very carefully.
- The trimmer is a machine. Mainly used to create men's haircuts.
- Razor. Only high-level professionals can perform a razor cut. If a stylist has this skill, then be sure to trust your hair to a true professional. It can be used to cut short male and female hair of different lengths.
Important! Perform only on wet strands.
When cutting with a razor, remember that if used incorrectly, the strand will be cut completely. However, when done correctly, the haircut looks natural with a smooth transition. More often suitable for owners of thick hair structure. The result is manageable and easy-to-style strands with excellent volume.
- Hot scissors. In 2024 they are very popular. According to visitors and stylists, after the procedure, the hair becomes and looks healthier. It also eliminates split ends. A huge role in this is assigned to the experience and level of the master. Most often negative reviews are left by clients of low-skilled specialists. What to look for The duration of the procedure should take more than 1 hour. With thick hair, the time increases by almost 2-3 times. That is how long it will take a hairdresser to resuscitate hair with hot scissors. You should not contact the masters who promise fast service.
- Fire. The most advanced and modern technology. It is more of a wellness treatment than a haircut. Fire cut technology can deal with brittle and split ends. The advantage is an instant effect. In this technique, as in others, it is especially important to find a specialist and trust him.
Reasons to change your image
There is an old dream of changing your image and haircut. Now is the time to change yourself and your appearance. Usually, changes begin with the appearance: lose weight, get a haircut, dye your hair in a different color.
To cut your hair, you need to have 100% confidence. Below are several reasons for an immediate image change.
- Another haircut goes more. How can you treat other haircuts badly if you haven't gone with them? You need to learn to experiment. When to do it, if not in a gloomy autumn
- Having a haircut shows that you are looking after your appearance. When a haircut matches a trend, people around you will immediately know that you are striving for new and creative experiences in your life.
- The result of a haircut is healthy hair. Even the constant use of styling, irons, curling irons and frequent staining is not so scary, with a regular visit to a specialist.
- Drying and styling recently changed hair requires a minimum amount of time and effort. This is especially necessary in the morning.
- A new hairstyle distracts from facial imperfections.
- You have to take risks and experiment with style. When planning big changes in life, it is important to start changing both internally and externally. Do not pay attention to public opinion. You need to do as you want yourself.
Care advice
Choosing the right master and hairstyle is not enough, you need to properly care for your hair. With poor care, a haircut after 2 weeks will look untidy and ridiculous.
The main thing is to stop destroying your hair with harmful shampoos. Studies have shown that 97% of brand name shampoos damage the hair structure.
Check the composition of the shampoo for the presence of elements: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. The listed components aggressively and destructively affect the hair, make it lifeless, depriving the curls of color stability and elasticity. Tip: give up these shampoos and use only natural products or sulfate-free formulations.
Important! The best natural cosmetics have a shelf life of no more than 1 year.
In search of a new image and excellent style, many girls are ready to spend a lot of time and energy. But if you need a radical change, then you should start with a haircut.
The top haircut will help the girl out and transform her beyond recognition. It is worth taking into account such selection criteria as lifestyle, type of activity, type of appearance, face shape, its features and more.
A selection of stylish women's haircuts for long hair for 2024
Cascading haircut
This type of haircut has been popular for several years. Feature - thinning of the ends. The beginning of the classic cascade is taken from the middle of the bangs and spreads throughout the entire strand. The second name is a graduated cascade. Also in 2024, bangs with a cascading haircut are relevant. Hairdressers advise two types of consideration. With oblique bangs that fit perfectly into the structure of the cascade, and with short, torn bangs, complemented by a cascade along the entire strand. Looks especially good on girls with long hair below the chest.
- easy to stack;
- suitable for any features and type of face;
- for women and girls of any age;
- add volume to your hair;
- suitable for both office workers and young people.
- owners of a rigid hair structure will have to choose a different haircut;
- uncomfortable for girls involved in sports, as the hair in the tail can get disheveled;
- not combined with lush and voluminous hair;
- not suitable for cutting hair;
- to grow hair of the required length for a long time to create a haircut.
Ladder haircut
A ladder-style haircut, the so-called multi-level haircut, does not give up its position. Not suitable for owners of a thin hair structure, but it will look gorgeous with thick and voluminous strands. Feature - crisp hair cuts that frame the face. As a rule, the layer in such a haircut begins to be cut from the ear. Most often, the back hairstyle looks like a straight cut or looks like a "fox tail". In 2024, hairdressers advise against creating this geometric expression border. A haircut with the addition of texture and volume looks better. For girls with a round face, it helps hide the cheeks and visually stretches the face, making it oval. The triangular shape of the face is corrected in oval proportions due to the haircut, the short one highlights the cheekbones. With a square face, the hairstyle will smooth and round the chin angle. The owner of a rectangular face will make the face more expressive, visually rounded.
- this year's trend that has been at the forefront for a long time;
- does not need daily, constant styling;
- looks great with any type and facial features;
- there are several options for creating styling;
- practically does not require special care;
- visually increases hair volume.
- curly hair looks ridiculous with this haircut;
- you need to choose the right type of haircut;
- the ends of the hair need constant monitoring.
A bold and stylish haircut on long hair, it is distinguished by tousled and carelessness. The technology for creating a hairstyle is similar to a cascade, but differs in a thinning method: not with scissors, but with a razor. The result is thinned and shaggy hair. Stylish haircut is layered and asymmetrical. Shaggy looks amazing on long hair, but it is more difficult to style it. It is important not to mix up uncombed and carelessly styled hair. Twisting the strands into curls, you can perfectly style straight long hair. Also, this type of haircut looks spectacular on curly hair.
- suitable for all hair types;
- easy to fit;
- hair becomes more voluminous with the help of a multi-level haircut type;
- volume is a great advantage for girls with thin hair;
- suitable for any style of clothing;
- can divert attention from various facial imperfections.
- not found.
Elongated bob
A selection of the best haircuts cannot do without the popular square. For long hair, there is an elongated type. The haircut is truly versatile. It goes well with any face shape and any hair type. Stylists advise chubby or chubby girls to pay attention to this type of hairstyle.The haircut stretches the face, brings it closer to the required oval shape and hides the cheeks. In this case, it does not matter: curly hair, straight, thick or thin. On any type of hair, an elongated bob looks amazing.
- will help to emphasize the singularity and originality of the image;
- does not require daily laying;
- will hide the narrow chin of the owners of a triangular face type;
- there is no feeling of heaviness in the hair;
- strands become much larger and more fluffy;
- saving time when drying hair;
- the face visually looks younger and more interesting.
- suitable only for those with a long neck;
- constant monitoring of the degree of cleanliness of the hair - the shorter the hair, the faster and more often it gets dirty;
- a small number of types of available styling;
- hats have a great influence on the hairstyle;
- high-quality haircut styling is possible using foam and hair spray.
Asymmetrical haircuts
This species is losing its popularity, but takes a confident 4th place in the selection. High-quality execution of asymmetry can hide facial flaws and emphasize advantages. But hairdressers advise to dwell on the asymmetry within the bangs. She, like nothing else, needs variety. Owners of the ideal hair structure can safely experiment with a haircut. In the presence of split ends and brittle strands, it is better to refuse this type of haircut. The stylist creates asymmetry by removing the length from only one part of the hair and leaving the other part intact.
The peculiarity of one of the haircut variations is that the length of the hair remains usual and only part of the crown is cut. The asymmetry sticks out like a hedgehog and looks short.
- excellent correction of imperfections in appearance, ideal for lengthening the shape of the face;
- hair volume will become more noticeable;
- versatility of hairstyles, suitable for any hair color, skin;
- can be wound on a curling iron, so the curls will look dynamic and support the girl's personality;
- multi-layered haircuts.
- the presence of an oblique cut complicates the contour of the face;
- a haircut that fully opens the neck is suitable only for a slender girl, as it emphasizes the volume of the face and figure.
Thus, the above is a description of creative haircuts for girls and teenagers. When in doubt, whether a modern and trendy haircut is appropriate. Tip: see photos of girls before and after with a similar shape and facial features. It is also important to consult with experts, they will be able to reveal the main secrets and subtleties of fashionable haircuts for 2024.
It is important to remember that an excellent and chic appearance depends on the color of the hair, their condition, and then on the type of haircut and styling.
If you have experience in using haircuts described in the list, or more interesting options, tell us about it in the comments.