Family events, holidays and corporate parties are often quite violent. How successful the holiday was, can be assessed the next morning: hangover symptoms follow all day. Special means and a number of measures will help to relieve discomfort and improve well-being.
The editorial staff of "" has prepared for your attention a review of the best hangover remedies worth from 50 to 252 rubles.
Where does the hangover come from?
Many people know how hangover syndrome manifests itself. But not everyone knows why and how it develops. In some, it is actively manifested, while in others, in the morning after alcohol battles, they feel excellent.
A hangover occurs with excessive alcohol consumption: post-intoxication syndrome develops and is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Poisoning of the body occurs.
An excess of alcohol in the blood leads to a decrease in the function of the enzymatic system: acetaldehyde (ethanal) is not completely converted into acetic acid. It accumulates in the body. This substance is more toxic than alcohol itself (10 - 30 times). In this case, an enzyme (CYP2E1) is also formed under the action of hard drinks, which is capable of forming toxic substances and free radicals.
Due to complex biochemical processes against the background of alcohol intoxication, a lack of glucose develops. Other substances present in alcohol (the presence of fusel oils), during fermentation, increase the symptoms of hangover.
Light drinks can produce a milder hangover (due to the presence of zinc and other metals in vodka to sweeten the product). Darker colored products cause more severe conditions. These are bourbon, dark whiskey and beer with a high alcohol content, tequila, brandy, red wine, scotch.
Sugary drinks also lead to severe hangovers due to the presence of sugar and fusel oils, which are not removed, they enhance the taste of the product and its aroma.
Alcohol influence
A person loses fluid with a hangover syndrome. However, such a serious symptom as tissue edema can be noted. This means that there is a pathological process of fluid redistribution and its shortage in the vascular system.
The presence of acidosis (nausea) is caused by a violation of the acid-base balance: a shift towards an acidic environment occurs.
Against the background of increased urine output, dehydration develops: severe headache, nausea and dry mouth appear. The blood becomes viscous. Physical activity decreases, the person feels tired, becomes lethargic.
To the above symptoms of intoxication, you can add:
- nervousness and irritability;
- unbearable headache syndrome;
- increased thirst, heartburn is possible;
- irritability;
- redness of the mucous eyes;
- sensitive perception of light and noise;
- feeling of tremors in the body and limbs;
- arrhythmia and chills;
- unstable psycho-emotional state;
- the presence of the effect of "alcoholic blush" is possible;
- feeling of lethargy and weakness, lack of good mood, decreased concentration and attention (lack of glucose);
- in severe cases: vomiting pallor of the skin to a blue state, chills, palpitations, decreased body temperature, confusion, stomach pain.
Alcohol can also contribute to:
- the development of inflammatory processes in the body;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases (gastritis, gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, ulcers of the gastric mucosa and duodenal ulcer);
- a sharp drop in blood sugar;
- the formation of erythema;
- dilation of blood vessels;
- the development of "hypnotic effect";
- the formation of a depressive state;
- inappropriate behavior.
Removing a hangover: the necessary measures
Water mode
With an ordinary hangover syndrome, the negative state disappears within 24 hours. It is important to return the fluid to the body in time to relieve the symptoms of intoxication, restore the water-alkaline balance and normalize the blood condition. This is, first of all, simple water, maybe mineral water without gas, not strong sweet tea (preferably green) with lemon, mint and honey.
For some, cabbage or cucumber pickle helps. The presence of salt and potassium in it contributes to the rapid absorption and retention of water. It is best to do this after eating tomatoes or cabbage (1 cup) and then switch to water.
Doctor's advice! It is not recommended to take strong tea or coffee if you have a hangover. These drinks will stimulate and excite the congested nervous system.
Proper nutrition
If you want to eat something, you need to use the first: soup with chicken broth, pickle or cabbage soup (ideal). The main thing is not to overeat. Otherwise, food in large quantities can provoke nausea and even vomiting.
It is better to give preference to light food: dried fruits, oatmeal or semolina porridge, yoghurt, fermented milk products. Sauerkraut, low-fat chicken broth, borsch with sour cream, hard-boiled eggs and tomatoes with salt help many to relieve discomfort.
Water procedures
A warm bath or shower can help with a hangover. It is even possible to use cooler water if the person is adapted to the low temperature. You can use a contrast shower. The water temperature is selected individually. The procedure improves blood circulation, moisturizes dry skin, invigorates and improves mood.
Access to fresh air
After they started taking water, ate and drank sweet tea, and returned the water to the cells while taking a shower, the state of health should improve. And here one point is important: it is necessary to return oxygen to the cells of the body. The room must be well ventilated.
If the state allows, then you can go outside and take a walk in the fresh air. It will also help to cheer you up, improve your mood and well-being. When moving with breathing, there is an active removal of decay products from the bloodstream.
Sleep to relieve a hangover
It is believed that in a dream, the body grows faster, restores physical strength after a hard day's work, relieves tension in the nervous system. Also with hangover syndrome: it is easier to endure in a state of sleep. I want to sleep, so I need to sleep. The body needs rest to normalize the functions of all organs and systems.
We lighten the body
It is necessary for hangover syndrome to ensure the presence of a stool, as this will help remove toxins accumulated in the body. Going to the toilet is a must! At the same time, the concentration of harmful substances decreases, and the body becomes easier.
If for some reason it was not possible to empty the intestines. It is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures: use an enema or use a laxative.
Folk recipes
There are various ways to get rid of a hangover at home.For some people, the old "grandmother's methods" help with hangovers.
Method number 1. "Chatterbox with vinegar".
It is used on an empty stomach, while using:
- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
- vinegar - 2 tsp;
- salt and pepper - on the tip of a knife.
Mix all components well and drink immediately, without diluting with water.
Method number 2. "Milk cocktail"
Milk-based drink:
- 250 ml of product;
- 4 tsp castor oil.
We mix everything well and drink in one gulp.
Method number 3. "Mineral cocktail"
We use:
- mineral water - 300 ml;
- lemon juice - 4 tablespoons (freshly squeezed);
- sugar - ½ tbsp.
This remedy should be drunk slowly.
Method number 4. Mint Iced Tea
Brew weak green tea, with the addition of mint (the strength of the drink and the amount of mint can be determined individually, to taste). Cool and add ice. Drink a little in small sips.
Method number 5. "Dangerous mix"
I consider this method to be very effective for hangover syndrome. This includes:
- spicy tomato sauce - 2 tsp;
- raw egg yolk - 1 pc .;
- lemon juice - 1 tsp;
- the presence of salt, red and black pepper (ground);
- vodka or peppercorns - 1-2 tablespoons
Prepare the mixture in a wide glass greased with vegetable oil. Drink immediately (in one fell swoop) and lie down. Put a cold towel on your head for 12-15 minutes.
With a very bad hangover, it is important to start restoring the body with a cleansing enema. Then give the victim to drink an adsorbent for binding and removing toxins (activated carbon or enterosgel). Then restore the drinking regime.
Advice! For some, another drink of alcohol in the morning helps to relieve hangover. Better not to. "Resurrection" will not last long. But the recovery will take a long time, since a new portion of alcohol will increase intoxication.
With a severe headache, it is necessary to drink an anesthetic, which previously helped, is chosen individually. A single use of drugs with aspirin for blood thinning (or based on it) is possible.
For the normalization of cardiac activity, cardiac and sedative drugs (valerian extract, barboval) are necessary. With severe vomiting: antiemetics (cerucal, ondosetron).
Doctor's recommendations
These tips are suitable for getting out of the usual "one-time drinking":
- eat a little, not through force, exclude overeating;
- if possible, do not take antiemetic pills, since vomiting helps to cleanse the stomach (it is possible only with its frequent manifestations, when the stomach has already cleared);
- take aspirin with caution: the interval between doses should be at least 6 hours (a single dose of drugs based on aspirin is better, as it can contribute to the development of gastric bleeding);
- it is not recommended to use citramone or paracetamol for a hangover (aggravate the victim's condition), spazmalgon (causes arrhythmia and raises blood pressure, is not highly effective);
- drugs such as Corvalol, Valokardin and Glukofozh are not compatible with alcoholic beverages - they contribute to the development of complications (up to a coma);
- it is necessary to take laxatives and sorbents with an interval of at least 2 hours;
- if serious symptoms appear (severe chest pain, arrhythmias, blurred vision, blood in the urine), call an ambulance;
- it is forbidden to use alcoholic products to relieve hangover.
Characteristics of the TOP-7 best drugs for relieving hangover syndrome
Characteristics of the TOP-7 best drugs for relieving hangover syndrome | ||
N / a | Drug name | Functional features |
1. | Activated carbon, Russia | Natural adsorbent, excellent detoxification function |
2. | Enterosgel, Russia | Removes harmful substances from the body without absorbing nutrients |
3. | Alka-Seltzer, Germany / Switzerland | Has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects |
4. | Antipohmelin, Russia | Reduces the effect of alcohol on the body, promotes rapid sobering |
5. | Alkoklin Glutargin, Ukraine | For the treatment of mild, moderate and severe hangovers, stimulates the utilization of alcohol |
6. | Glycine forte, Russia | It relieves the negative effect of alcohol metabolites, relieves anxiety, excitability, fatigue, improves the condition of the body as a whole, a natural remedy |
7. | Succinic acid forte, Russia | Helps to cope with hangover syndrome, a natural product, relieves intoxication, inflammation, intensively removes salts from the body |
Activated carbon
The drug is an adsorbent: it binds and removes toxins from the body, reduces intoxication. Manufacturer: Russia. Available in the form of tablets in a blister of 10 pcs. Average price: for 10 tab. - 9 rubles.
Active substances: activated carbon.
How to use: 1 tab. per 10 kg of the victim's body weight (for example, with a weight of 80 kg, you must drink 8 tablets at a time). At this dosage, take 2 - 3 times / day.
- safe natural product;
- excellent detoxification function;
- the drug is easy to use;
- has excellent reviews;
- a budget option.
- with frequent use may cause constipation, as it fixes the stool.
The drug was developed at the Institute of Physical Chemistry. L.V. Pisarevsky (in Ukraine) in 1980. This is a trusted remedy for the removal of a toxic state, since its action is aimed at removing harmful decomposition products and removing intoxication after a hangover. At the moment it is produced in Moscow (Silma firm). Produced: gel in the oven and paste in a tube of 225 gr. Average price: 252 rubles.
Active ingredients: polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate.
How to take: 1 tablespoon * 3 times / day, be sure to drink water. The daily dose is 45 grams. In severe conditions: 2 times / day with a twofold increase in dosage for three days. Treatment course: from 7 to 14 days. The paste is taken on an empty stomach, between doses of medicines and food (2 hours after a meal or 1.5-2 hours before a meal).
Advice! Before taking it, it is advisable to cleanse the stomach with water and enterosgel, stirring it beforehand. This is especially important with severe alcohol intoxication.
Active substance:
- methylsilicic acid (hydrogel).
- removes harmful substances from the body within 7 hours, binding them in the intestine (bacteria, viruses, radionuclides);
- does not penetrate into the bloodstream and is not absorbed in the intestine;
- is a kind of sponge that removes all toxic substances;
- does not absorb useful substances, bifidobacteria;
- the drug is indicated for food poisoning, allergies, infectious-toxic diseases of the kidneys and liver, and other conditions that are accompanied by intoxication;
- has an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, improves its peristalsis and parietal digestion;
- has positive reviews;
- value for money.
- causes constipation during the first three days (in this case, a cleansing enema is recommended);
- contraindication to use is acute intestinal obstruction.
A drug for the removal of negative symptoms with mild to moderate pain syndrome. Manufacturer: Germany / Switzerland. Produced in the form of effervescent tablets, 10 pcs. in a blister. Average price: 167 rubles.
Active substances:
- citric acid and acetylsalicylic acid;
- dried sodium bicarbonate.
How to use: 1-3 tab., Previously dissolved in 200 ml of water. The drug is taken at intervals of up to 4 hours. Reception is shown from 3 to 5 days. Daily dosage: 9 tab.
- has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects;
- neutralizes free hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
- relieve headache, muscle and joint pain;
- also indicated for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
- positive reviews.
- individual intolerance to the components;
- use is contraindicated in erosive and ulcerative pathology, nasal polyposis of the paranasal sinuses, bronchial asthma;
- can not be used in patients under 15 years of age and pregnant women;
- in case of an overdose, side effects are possible.
The drug is designed to stop the toxic effects of alcohol, reduce its effect on the body and promote faster sobering. Manufacturer: Russia, "Inat-Pharma". Available: 10 capsules, 6-8 tablets, 8 lozenges. Average price: 72 rubles. for 6 tab.
The composition includes acids:
- amber;
- fumaric;
- glutamic (Na glutamate);
- ascorbic;
- glucose.
How to take: 1-3 capsules (depending on the severity), wash down with mineral water (200 ml).
- eliminates hangover symptoms;
- indicated for poisoning with low-quality alcoholic beverages, mixing them;
- provides a faster recovery of the body in severe poisoning;
- replenishes the body with energy;
- it is recommended to take the drug before and after drinking alcohol;
- positive reviews;
- has quality certificates;
- affordable price.
- individual intolerance to the components;
- has contraindications: during lactation, with kidney disease, relapses of gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;
- causes allergic reactions.
Alkoklin Glutargin
The drug is intended to stimulate the utilization of alcohol from the liver in case of alcohol intoxication. Manufacturer: Ukraine, Kharkov "Pharmacological company" Health ". Available in packs of 3 grams. 2, 5.10 pcs / box. Average price: for 2 sachets 80 rubles, for 10 - 242 rubles.
Active substances:
- glycine;
- lemon acid;
- salt of arginine and glutamic acid;
- beckons;
- aspartame;
- lemon flavor (has maltodextrin, gumarabik).
How to take: the package must be diluted in 1/2 -1/4 glass of water at a time. Alcohol intoxication of moderate severity and acute: 1 packet (1 gr.) - 4 times / day. The interval between doses should be 1-1.5 hours, on the following days (2-3 days) 1 packet 2 times / day.
A condition with severe intoxication requires taking the drug, 1 g. (1 pack.) 2 times / day for 20 days together with complex therapy with the injectable drug Glutargin.
Important! The drug affects the increase in the secretion of insulin and growth hormone. Therefore, it should be taken with caution in people with dysfunction of the endocrine glands. May increase the level of urea in the blood, since the agent actively binds ammonia to urea.
It also poses a danger to patients with phenylketonuria, since aspartame is a marching phenylalanine.
- used to treat mild, moderate and severe hangovers;
- relieves depression of the nervous system;
- has a hepatoprotective and hypoamonemic effect;
- has a positive effect on the process of energy supply in hepatocytes;
- does not cause allergic and teratogenic effects;
- positive reviews.
- individual intolerance to the components;
- can sometimes cause gastrointestinal and immune system side effects.
Glycine forte
The drug relieves anxiety, excitability, fatigue, improves the condition of the body as a whole. Manufacturer: Russia, the Evalar company. Available: tablets in a blister. Average price: 60 rubles. per package 20 tab.
Active ingredients: aminoacetic acid, B vitamins.
How to take: It is necessary to completely dissolve the pill by placing it under the tongue. On the first day of a hangover, it is recommended to take 1-2 tablets every hour. Daily dosage: 10 tablets.
- natural remedy;
- is not a drug (dietary supplement);
- is a weak antidepressant and tranquilizer;
- stops the negative effect of alcohol metabolites;
- relieves cravings and the desire to drink alcohol;
- relieves the feeling of psycho-emotional stress;
- protects brain cells (neurons) from the negative effects of the decay products of ethyl alcohol;
- promotes social adaptation;
- removes aggressiveness and conflict;
- helps to reduce vegetative-vascular and brain disorders;
- improves sleep, makes it easier to fall asleep;
- increases the body's resistance to physical activity;
- the drug is successfully used to smoothly withdraw the patient from the state of binge;
- the effect of the drug is cumulative;
- you can take glycine tablets at the time of the feast every hour to relieve hangover syndrome (the remedy is compatible with small portions of alcohol);
- positive reviews.
Advice! Taking glycine along with alcoholic beverages can get a strong sedative effect, a feeling of increased fatigue. It is better to take the drug sober.
- the permissible daily dosage must not be exceeded (there may be side effects).
Succinic acid forte
This drug is an active biological supplement that helps to cope with hangover syndrome. Manufacturer: Russia, LLC "Kvadrat-S". Available in tablets. Average price: 50 rubles. per package 20 tab.
Active substances: succinic acid.
How to take: on the first day of a hangover - 3 tab., Then 1-2 tab. 3 times / day during meals during the entire period of intoxication of the body. General course: 1-4 weeks.
- is a natural product (processed from natural amber);
- improves the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous system;
- has antioxidant properties;
- increases the body's defenses, increases resistance to various bacteria and viruses;
- relieves intoxication, inflammatory processes, intensively removes salts from the body;
- great for getting out of a hangover;
- increases the nutritional value of foods;
- has positive reviews.
- individual intolerance to the component;
- can not be taken in case of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, erosive gastritis in the acute stage;
- increases gastric secretion.
Product selection criteria: what to look for
When choosing a certain tactic for withdrawing a victim from a hangover syndrome, one must take into account the individual characteristics of his body. Of course, the advice of friends and acquaintances can be adopted, but you should choose your own method.
First of all, you must adhere to the above listed methods of dealing with a hangover. Apply those means that would be safer and meet all the requirements of the body.
The main rule is: "Do no harm." It is also necessary to be patient, because you will not be able to get out of the hangover quickly. It takes some time to stop the hangover. In severe cases, contact a medical facility for medical help. The doctor, having studied the condition of the victim, will prescribe the necessary drugs.
If you have experience in using the hangover remedies described in the rating, or other products, tell us about it in your comments.