☢ Rating of the best radiation dosimeters for 2024


In everyday life, there are many negative factors that affect human health. This can be an unfavorable environmental situation, poor-quality food, constant stress and, of course, radioactive radiation. A radiation dosimeter will help to measure and control the emission of particles. It can be applied at home and outdoors, in relation to products, things and any possible sources of radiation. The editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offers you an overview of the best radiation dosimeters.

How does radiation affect the human body?

A small proportion of radiation is constantly present in the environment, objects, clothing, food, building walls, etc. If the background radiation exceeds the norm, a person may develop malignant diseases.

Radioactive radiation occurs as a result of the decay of the atomic nucleus. In this process, the active (radioactive) isotope seeks to get rid of the accumulated excess energy. The result is ionization or radiation. New radioactive particles have their own definite lifespan. This is called the half-life. After a while, the radiation becomes inactive.

There are the following types of particle emission:

  • Alpha is a positively charged particle that creates a very powerful ionizing stream, but does not reach matter and is unable to penetrate cells;
  • Beta is an electron or positron. Particles with a faster speed than alpha. They have a penetrating ability to a depth of no more than 10 mm;
  • Gamma radiation is a penetrating wave. Its particles propagate at the speed of light because they have very high energy. However, after a while they tend to quickly dissipate, or disappear. Gamma rays include x-rays and waves emitted by the sun that are not allowed through by the Earth's atmosphere.

It is known that the natural background of radiation is not harmful to the human body, but rather useful. Small doses of ionization can "wake up" the body, activating the natural immune defenses. Irradiation can occur only through direct contact with a radiation source. The only way to reliably check the level of radiation in the environment is with a dosimeter. The compact device is capable of detecting violations, protecting human, animal and plant health from negative effects.

How does a radiation dosimeter work?

A dosimeter is a small, rechargeable battery-powered device for measuring radiation. Its operation is based on the principle of operation of the Geiger-Muller counter. It is a tote made of plastic or glass and filled with an inert gas. A cathode and anode are located inside the counter, which are closed when radioactive particles are detected.The result of radioactive radiation will be reflected on the display of the device. Different types of counters, built on the same principle, catch a certain type of radiation:

  • Mica counters are designed for counting α and β particles;
  • Gas discharge devices detect beta and gamma particles;
  • Scintillation devices are designed to detect gamma particles;
  • Thermoluminescent dosimeter registers beta, gamma and neutron radiation;
  • Pin photodiodes specialize in detecting high-energy pulses emanating from gamma rays.

The dosimeter determines the content of radioactive particles in the air or in objects. To assess the degree of influence of these particles on living organisms, the concept of radiation dose was introduced. This value can be measured in the following units: microroentgens per hour (μR / hour), sieverts (Sv), or microsieverts per hour (μSv / hour). So, the permissible content of ionizing particles in the air is possible up to 50 microroentgens per hour. Exceeding the norm of these is dangerous to human health. The purpose of the device is to detect violations and transmit data in a digital equivalent, and to notify of the danger with a sound or light signal.

Types of devices by appointment

Meters are divided into the following categories:

  1. Professional.

They are used in enterprises where there is a risk of radiation radiation. These can be factories for the production of any equipment, nuclear power plants and other industrial facilities. High technical requirements are imposed on such units. They must be registered in the state register. Counters are able to record minimal radiation and high doses of radiation at sufficiently large distances with a small error.

  1. Household multifunctional.

Compact adapters for measuring radiation with a high degree of error, designed for home use. Unlike professional units, they have compact dimensions and minimal functionality. Household devices cannot distinguish between beta and gamma radiation. And also do not see alpha particles. However, the devices can easily cope with the measurement of radioactive radiation emitted from food, clothing and other equipment.

In turn, household sensors are subdivided into the following types:

  • Pocket.

A miniature device that can be placed in a pocket, powered by batteries. They have a simple interface and no display. In the presence of radioactive radiation above the norm, they are notified with a sound signal or vibration.

  • Portable.

Portable adapter that records gamma radiation and transmits readings to the display. It can be applied to products and things indoors and outdoors. The device has the function of storing and archiving data. If necessary, the gadget is connected to a PC to study the collected data.

Depending on the purpose of use: for home, or for industrial enterprises, the choice of the type of device is determined.

Radiometers are also divided according to the type of work:

  • Indicators - signaling devices.

The purpose of the indicator: in the event of a radioactive hazard, give a hazard signal. Such sensors have a large error and poor sensitivity.

  • Search engines.

The device is intended for simultaneous search and measurement of all types of ionizing effects. The searcher determines at a distance changes in the radioactive position, while the numerical readings may not be accurate.

  • Measuring instruments.

The purpose of the measuring instruments is to measure the ionizing background in any locality or in objects. For this, a digital or analog indicator is used. The readings are transmitted with maximum accuracy.

How to use a personal device?

Before purchasing a household meter, read the instructions for use. Then you can start testing the dosimeter. As mentioned above in the article, the permissible limit for the radioactive dose is from 5 to 50 micro-roentgens per hour. But there are places where 100-200 microroentgens per hour is considered the norm. For example, in the cockpit of a flying plane, on the mountain tops.

It is important to know that the device measures readings with a small margin of error. In the description of the device, the deviation from the true value must be written. Only then can the exact rate of the ionization dose be determined. The interval between checks should be 5 - 10 minutes.

After reading the instructions, it is enough to bring the meter to the object and wait for the processing of the result. The conclusions will be reflected on the display in the corresponding numerical values. Measurements should be taken outdoors, then at home. To obtain a more accurate analysis, the experiments are carried out three times at the same place. The more serious the equipment, the faster the speed of obtaining the result.

How to choose a radiation meter?

Not only the correctness of the choice, but the health and safety of a person depends on the parameters that are presented to the meter.

Which sensor is better to buy for measuring the radioactive background, the following criteria will help determine:

  1. Appointment of the device.

Everything is simple here. Depending on the purpose of use, the type of meter is selected: professional or household. A personal sensor is suitable for everyday checking of products, things, and the area. Professional dosimeters and radiometers are purchased for industrial enterprises, carrying out serious checks to detect radioactive power.

  1. A kind of signals.

This parameter largely depends on the type of device. The obtained values ​​can be reflected by a numerical value on the display, or by sound notification.

The figures largely give a clear picture of the radioactive situation, but they are understandable only to specialists. It is enough for an ordinary person to have a pocket assistant who, in the event of a radioactive danger, will notify you with a sound signal.

  1. PC connection type.

The data obtained by the radiometer can be transferred to a smartphone or to a computer. This is done to analyze and archive indicators.

Connection types are:

  • By means of Bluetooth - a more convenient and faster way;
  • Using a USB port.
  1. Dimensions.

The size of the radiometer will be very important. For use in everyday life, it is enough to have a compact sensor that fits in a pocket or in a small purse. Usually these are devices that do not exceed 100 g in weight. Professional units weigh from 300 to 500 g.

  1. Check interval.

Before entering the stores, measuring devices undergo a metrological check for operation and accuracy of readings. The product passport must contain a stamp with the date and time of the initial testing. The check interval is 1 year. After this period, a re-examination of the device is required, regardless of when it was purchased. After the next testing, the dosimeter is sealed with an imprint of the stamp and becomes ready for use again.

  1. Before purchasing a sensor, a certificate of conformity must be requested. The condition will allow you to exclude the purchase of low-quality goods. And also you should get acquainted with the warranty card and the terms of warranty service. In the event of a breakdown of the goods, the buyer can contact the service center and demand repair, exchange, or return to the store.

How much does a dosimeter cost and where can you buy it?

The cost of a personal radiometer depends on the following conditions:

  • Manufacturer brand;
  • Overall dimensions;
  • The sensitivity of the device in relation to ionizing flows;
  • The duration of the service life.

The Yandex Market resource provides an overview of dosimeters for measuring radiation with different price categories:

  • Inexpensive options start at 2,990 rubles. These devices are connected to a personal smartphone on Android or iOS through the headphone port. For a simple smartphone user, such dosimeters are affordable and popular models;
  • Personal sensors with complex menus and controls are slightly more expensive. For example, the Soeks 112 dosimeter model on the Internet portal is presented at a price of 4360 rubles. This is a new model from the Soeks brand that measures the background radiation level in just 10 seconds. The price limit for a household gadget reaches 30,900 rubles. This is a device called CEM DT-9501 481943, designed to measure all types of radiation. However, this model is not included in the state register.

Radiation dosimeters can be purchased in the following online stores: Dicmarket.ru, la crosse technology, MedGadgets.ru, MyDozimetr.RU, OZON.ru, SITITEK, TopRadar.ru, Antiradara-Strelka.rf, TechnoMed, etc. It is most profitable to buy a dosimeter on AliExpress. In this online store, the most budgetary version of the dosimeter in the form of a ballpoint pen costs only 223 rubles.

It should be noted that high-quality dosimeters will not cost little money. Cheap models may not meet expectations: the readings can be superficial with a high degree of error. And the service life of such devices can reach no more than one day.

Best manufacturers of radiation dosimeters

The following companies - manufacturers of dosimeters have proven themselves well:

  1. FT Lab;
  2. Soeks;
  3. Pocket Geiger;
  4. Radex;
  5. i4Technology.

The popularity of the models of these brands is due to the high quality of products and an affordable price. Manufacturers produce the most accurate meters with simple functionality that are understandable to every user.

Which company is better to buy a radioactive background meter can be understood by examining the rating of high-quality dosimeters for 2024.

Rating of high-quality radiation dosimeters for 2024

Dosimeter Smart lab FSG-001 (Smart Geiger)

Measurement objectRadiation level
Measuring range0.1-200 μSv / h
Accuracy of measurements30% (the amount depends on the smartphone)
Platforms Supported by the ApplicationAndroid, iOS
Connection interface4-pin headphone input
Body materialAluminum
Body dimensionsLength - 30 mm, Diameter - 10 mm

Country of origin: South Korea. The leading position in the rating is taken by the Smart Geiger dosimeter. Almost weightless and compact, the counter is paired with a smartphone. Measures the level of radiation in any area. You can control the device using a user-friendly interface. The received data is immediately reflected on the smartphone screen. The sensor body is made of aluminum, which protects the mechanism from serious damage. Thanks to its miniature size, it can be easily transported in a purse. Average price of the counter: 2990 rubles.

Dosimeter Smart lab FSG-001 (Smart Geiger)


  • Lightweight and compact;
  • Simple interface;
  • No need to charge the battery;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Not found.

Dosimeter Soeks 112

Range of indications of the level of radioactive backgroundfrom 0 to 999 μSv / h
Exceeded warningsfrom 0.4 μSv / h
Indication of indicationsContinuous, numeric
Time of continuous operation of the productUp to 100 hours
Measurement errorNo more +/- 15%
Product weight (without batteries)No more, c. 30 gr.
Operating temperature rangefrom -10 to +50 С

Country of origin: Russia. The counter is designed to register gamma and beta particles, as well as X-rays. The device is made in a stylish and discreet design with convenient push-button control. The sensor housing is made of lightweight and durable plastic. The received data is reflected in a monochrome display. The deviation of the radioactive background from the norm is signaled by a light and sound indicator. If necessary, you can set the automatic shutdown mode. Product cost: 4360 rubles.

Dosimeter Soeks 112


  • There are light and sound indicators that warn about the excess of the radioactive background;
  • Lightweight and compact;
  • Stylish design.


  • Not found.

Dosimeter Pocket Geiger for Iphone / Ipad / Ipod (Type4)

SensorHigh precision, First Sensor AG (Germany) X100-7
Measuring range0.05 ... 10000 μSv / h (Cs-137);
0.01 ... 300000 cpm.
Duration of data analysis2 minutes
Display of received dataGraphic and digital on the screen of Apple devices
Binding measurement results to GPS coordinatesthere is
NutritionFrom the Apple device battery
Supported DevicesiPhone 3GS, 4, 4S and 5
iPad (Gen. 1, 2, 3 and mini)
iPod touch (3 Gen. 32GB or 64GB, 4 & 5 Gen.)
compatible with iOS4.2 and above
Operating temperature range0 ... + 40 ° C
The size61 x 34 x 12 mm
Weight24 g

Country of origin: Japan. High-precision meter designed to sync with Apple gadgets. The meter does not require batteries or chargers as it is powered from the connection source. The obtained measurements are processed instantly and immediately reflected on the smartphone display. The dosimeter is controlled by an Apple device. The radiation test product has been certified in Europe. The measurements are saved in the application memory. They can then be archived and used for research. You can buy a Japanese sensor at a price of 4440 rubles.

Dosimeter Pocket Geiger for Iphone / Ipad / Ipod (Type4)


  • The most accurate measurements;
  • Lightweight and compact;
  • Convenient interface;
  • Excellent value for money;
  • Powered via Apple device connector;
  • The device has built-in memory.


  • The dosimeter only works with Apple devices.

Dosimeter BR-9 (Geiger counter)

Measured radiation typegamma, beta, x-ray
Sensor typeHalogen gas tube
Radiation registration range20 keV to 3.0 MeV
ErrorTo 10 %
Sensor sensitivity80 times per minute / µSv
Operating temperature from - 25 C to +45 C

Country of origin: Hong Kong. Convenient and simple Geiger counter with the capabilities of a professional device. Suitable for measuring background radiation and accumulated dose levels. The counter interface is convenient and straightforward. The measurements taken in the current time are immediately reflected on the display of the device. The advantage of the sensor is the continuous search function in sleep mode. In case of danger, the dosimeter will signal a change in the radioactive position. If continuous operation is required, the meter can be connected to a computer via a USB port. The average BR price is RUB 9,489.

Dosimeter BR-9 (Geiger counter)


  • Compact and lightweight;
  • In terms of functionality, it is comparable to a professional unit;
  • Easy to use.


  • Not found.

Radioactivity dosimeter Radex (radex) RD1503 +

Device typeDosimeter
Measured radiation typeGamma, beta, X-rays
Measurement time, sec40 sec
Battery type "AAA", pcs2
Time of continuous work, hour550
Overall dimensions, mm105 x 60 x 26
Weight (without batteries), kg0.09

Country of origin: Russia. Personal meter with a liquid crystal display is designed to measure gamma, beta and X-rays. The sensor can independently set the initial and threshold levels of the background radiation. It is possible to set the type of signal: sound, or using vibration. The counter is equipped with three simple control buttons. Any unit of measurement can be specified. A household gadget can be used in any location, in relation to buildings, products and things. The product can be purchased at a price of 5200 rubles.

Radioactivity dosimeter Radex (radex) RD1503 +


  • Reliable;
  • Measures radioactive background quickly;
  • There is an alert signal about exceeding the norm from the permissible value;
  • Compact and easily transportable.


  • The batteries need to be changed periodically.

Radiation dosimeter (radiometer) Radex RD1706

Range of characteristics of ambient dose equivalent rate0.05 to 9.99 μSv / h
Analysis time 40 sec
Built-in backlight for radioactivity indicator displayRadex RD1706
Alarm about exceeding the permissible level of radiationthere is

Country of origin: Russia. The product from Radex registers gamma and beta radiation.There is a built-in "Background" function to determine the average level of background radiation indoors or outdoors. Due to its small size, the device with an LCD display is convenient to hold and transport. There are also individual settings and indication of the difference between the average dose level and the actual one. The cost of a household meter is 8715 rubles.

Radiation dosimeter (radiometer) Radex RD1706


  • Compact and lightweight;
  • Fast registration of gamma and beta radiation;
  • There is a possibility to control sound signals.


  • Timely replacement of batteries is required;
  • High price.

Dosimeter Radex RD 1212

A typeDosimeter
Time to display the result10 sec
Type of indicators on exceeding the normSound
Digital value
ErrorWhere P is the dose rate in μSv / h ± (15 + 6 / P)%
Saving and transferring values ​​to a PCthere is
Dose rate indication range0.05 to 999 μSv / h
BatteriesAAA type 2 pcs
Continuous working time300 h

Country of origin: Russia. The rating of the best dosimeters was supplemented by an industrial model from Radex RD 1212. In the process of exploratory research in the counter, you can independently set the threshold critical background level. There is also a built-in function to automatically search for radiation. The received data can be transferred to a PC via the USB-port. You can buy a personal dosimeter for 6,990 rubles.

Dosimeter Radex RD 1212


  • Compact and lightweight;
  • The industrial meter can be used for domestic purposes;
  • You can transfer the received data to a personal computer for synchronization and analysis;
  • Light, sound and numerical indicators for warning about exceeding the permissible radiation dose.


  • High price.

Dosimeter Soeks 01M

Parameters Specifications
Device typeHousehold dosimeter
FillingGeiger-Muller counter (SBM20-1)
Dose rate range0.01 to 999 μSv / h
Accumulated dose range0.01 μSv to 999 Sv
Measurement time10 sec
Saving resultsNot
Synchronization with PCNot
Power supply2 AAA batteries, USB port

Country of origin: Russia. The recorder is designed to record gamma, beta and x-ray radiation. The device has three built-in modes of operation: measurement of the degree of radioactive particles content; conducting search work to detect an increased danger zone; determination of the accumulated radiation dose. If the threshold dose of radiation is exceeded, the sound indication of the notification is activated. The meter is equipped with a color display, the brightness level of which can be controlled. If necessary, you can turn on the battery power saving option. Average price of a household assistant: 5950 rubles.

Dosimeter Soeks 01M


  • Lightweight and compact;
  • Two power supplies;
  • There is a sound signal about the excess of the radioactive background.


  • No synchronization with the computer;
  • Does not save the results obtained;
  • Batteries must be replaced promptly.

Mobile dosimeter for working with smartphones Pocket Geiger (Type 6) Android

Device typeHousehold dosimeter
Synchronization with which devicesAndroid smartphones;
Windows computers.
Measuring range0.05 to 100 μSv / h (Cs-137);
0.01 to 5400 cpm
Measurement time2 minutes
NutritionFrom USB port
Dimensions61х34х12 mm

Country of origin: Japan. The principle of operation of the recorder is based on a photodiode receiver of gamma radiation. A modern device is synchronized via a USB port with a Windows computer, tablet, or Android smartphone. During operation, you can independently calculate the measurement error, which allows you to accurately determine the level of the radioactive dose. The radiometer is suitable for scientific research and as a household aid for measuring radiation. The cost of the gadget: 5490 rubles.

Mobile dosimeter for working with smartphones Pocket Geiger (Type 6) Android


  • Provides accurate measurements;
  • Long lasting;
  • Easy to transport and work with a meter;
  • Compact due to the lack of a display.


  • Power supply from one source;
  • It can only work with certain devices.

Dosimeter i4Technology "EcoLifePro1"

Device typeHousehold dosimeter
Radiation dose measurement range0 to 10,000 μSv; from 0 to 1,000,000 μR
Radiation dose rate measurement range0 to 1000 μSv / h; from 0 to 100000 μR / h
Average error of all measurements±25%
Internal background level of the deviceNo more than 0.05 μSv / h
Time of activation and transition to operating modeNo more than 1 s
Average time of one analysis10 sec
Nutrition2 batteries / accumulators "AAA"
Battery life72 hours (at standard settings)
dimensions105 x 58 x 18.5mm
Weight (with batteries)110 g

Country of origin: Russia. High-precision recorder with double checking function, designed for industrial and domestic use. It can measure the level of beta and gamma particles. If the permissible norm is exceeded, it notifies with an audible and visual indicator. The body of the device is made of durable plastic with an integrated color display. The device can be used not only to measure the radioactive background, but also to determine the potential hazard in water and food. You can work with the interface in two languages: Russian and English. There is a built-in memory function. The average price of a household meter is 6490 rubles.

Dosimeter i4Technology "EcoLifePro1"


  • High precision;
  • Reliable;
  • Interface menu in two languages;
  • There is a built-in memory;
  • Mobile.


  • Batteries need to be replaced promptly.


Every year the ecological situation in the world is deteriorating. People are forced to adapt to new conditions, trying to control the quality of food, the safety of homes and the radioactive background of the environment. A dosimeter is exactly the device that can accurately and quickly measure ionizing radiation, and in case of danger, it will give an alarm signal. And in order to learn how to use the device correctly, you need to understand the nuances of its work. Therefore, before purchasing a product, you should study the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the product. If you have experience in using the dosimeters described in the rating, or a more interesting model, tell us about it in the comments.


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