Rating of the best bows and crossbows for kids for 2024


All parents want all the best for their children, which is why they give their children to various sections and circles, acquire high-quality toys for them. Today, shooting takes a leading position among children's hobbies, and this is quite justified. What boy would not like to feel like a superhero with superpowers? The choice of the right inventory in this case is a matter of paramount importance, since the health of the baby directly depends on this.

The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared for you a rating of the best children's bows and crossbows for 2024.

Criterias of choice

A bow for an adult has a sufficiently large mass, therefore, requires certain sports skills. And in the case of equipment for children, first of all, you should focus on the age of the baby and the purpose of acquiring a crossbow. The toy can be purchased for entertainment purposes or for training with a trainer - in any case, certain requirements must be observed.

Toy crossbow

Such equipment is made for entertainment purposes only. The material of such an object is plastic, it is thanks to it that the toy is lightweight and will not cause discomfort when used. If you prefer more natural materials, take a look at wood products. You can also purchase a bow made of metal. Such equipment has sufficient shock resistance, but the strength of the material will affect the weight - it will be inconvenient for the child to play with a heavy object for a long time.

Arrows, arrowheads and targets are included in the package. Subject to certain safety measures, the use of such a toy will be absolutely safe. Recommended age is 4 years and older.

Sport bow

This equipment is suitable for older children who are seriously starting to get involved in shooting. Such equipment should be made of durable materials such as wood. Often, metal inserts are added to such products for endurance. Arrows are also recommended to be purchased from wood. Professional trainers strongly advise to additionally purchase protection for the joints of the hands, such an acquisition will save the child from dislocation of the wrist and sprains. For greater safety, it is worth adding a heart rate monitor to the crossbow, a product designed to monitor the state of the baby's cardiovascular system.

String tension

This parameter completely depends on the age of the child and in the most direct way affects the power of the crossbow. The tension should correspond to the physical capabilities of the baby, so, for example, for children of primary school age, it is recommended to select a bow with a tension of 7-10 kg. The older the child, the higher this indicator. If you wish, you can purchase a bow with adjustable tension, then you don't have to constantly update your inventory.


To be more precise, we will talk about the tips. For entertainment purposes, arrows with suction cups are acceptable.Such weapons will not harm the people and things around them; arrows with rubber tips easily stick to any smooth surfaces and targets.

If we talk about the choice of arrows with ordinary tips, then here, too, certain rules should be followed. For toddlers, ammunition with a blunt or rounded tip is best suited. The use of pointed arrows is highly contraindicated.

Types of onions

For beginners in the field of shooting, the simplest classic bow is suitable. Such a weapon does not cause difficulties in use; if desired, a classic bow can be tested without a load, for example, for training purposes.

The block bow is suitable for older kids with serious intentions to practice shooting sports. Such inventory requires careful and thoughtful selection. For the correct use of such a tool, all the parameters of a particular child should be set on it in advance. It is no longer possible to let another child use such a bow.

Financial component

The purchase of a professional crossbow is a fairly serious financial investment. Weigh carefully and consider this decision with your child. If you just want to pamper your little one, get him an inexpensive toy option. Perhaps the child will play enough and forget about this toy.

For sport shooting, you should buy an expensive bow made of quality materials. The manufacturer's brand must be well-known, with an excellent reputation. Don't buy cheap Chinese copies, they won't last long. It is also worth finding a shooting coach in advance. He will give additional advice on choosing a weapon and teach the kid the basics of shooting.

Rating of the best children's bows and crossbows for 2024

Bow 1 TOY (T11621)

Let's start our top with the simplest game option. This set is suitable for children aged 5 and over. The bow comes with 3 ammunition and a target. The arrows are made of plastic and have rubber tips, which increases the safety of using this tool.

The toy is made in bright colors, which will really please any kid - boy or girl. The weight of the device is small, the tension of the bowstring allows you to maintain a high bow power Such equipment will allow your kid to develop dexterity, accuracy, attentiveness, speed of decision-making, and will also provoke a craving for fantasy and adventure.

NLUK 1 TOY (T11621)


  • light weight;
  • budgetary cost;
  • arrows with rubber suction cups.


  • the product is quite fragile.

The average cost is 250 Russian rubles.

Play set for children "Bow and Arrows"

A beautiful fantasy bow made especially for unforgettable games. If your kid likes to imitate famous heroes, then this purchase will be the best gift for him.

The toy is recommended for children aged 3 and over. Manufacturing material - plastic, absolutely safe for a child. The set includes ammunition in the amount of 3 arrows with rubber tips. The target is also available.

Play set for children "Bow and Arrows"


  • light weight of the toy;
  • full ammunition;
  • Beautiful design;
  • suitable for children from 3 years old.


  • breaks down quickly.

The average cost is 700 Russian rubles.

Children's crossbow with arrows and suction cups Crossbow

And now we present to you one of the best representatives of the brand line. Such a toy will suit any active child who loves competition. The plastic crossbow is made of safe materials that do not contain toxic impurities. The weapon is made in a naturalistic modern design that will bring double pleasure while playing. The management of this product will allow to develop not only the dexterity and accuracy of the baby, but also to form fine motor skills of the hands, which is so important for the harmonious development of the child.

For the convenience of the game, the device is equipped with a laser sight powered by batteries (included in the kit).Also included are four arrows with rubber suction cups. Parents need not worry about the integrity of the arrows, as they are packed in a quiver - now it will be much more difficult to lose them. In addition, a convenient bright target is included in the package.

The toy is universal, it is suitable for boys and girls. The manufacturer recommends using the crossbow for children over 6 years old, however, with proper supervision and mandatory supervision of parents, a child of 3 years old can operate the weapon.

Children's crossbow with arrows and suction cups Crossbow


  • full set;
  • fast delivery through online stores;
  • bright design;
  • the presence of a laser sight.


  • no significant disadvantages have been identified.

The average cost is 780 Russian rubles.

Junxing classic children's bow F021

This representative is a fairly serious weapon for sports shooting. Accordingly, such a bow is intended for older children. Since this model is a classic version of the bow, beginners in the field of shooting can use such equipment.

The bow has a comfortable ergonomic design, the appearance is similar to the older versions of the weapon. This feature of the product will strengthen the child's desire to engage in shooting at a professional level. The gun owes high-quality and accurate shots to high-strength plastic, which does not cause deformation of the bow during prolonged use. Parents also need not worry about the integrity of this equipment - it is absolutely not afraid of falls from a child's height.

This model is a versatile option that will suit both left-handed and right-handed people. The comfortable handle is designed in such a way that it can be gripped with either hand, while the palm and wrists will not get tired during long workouts. The bowstring is equipped with special protection, which is also an important moment for inexperienced shooters. The set to the equipment includes: rubber guard for additional protection, arrows with suction cups. The ammunition is made of durable materials, so this purchase will allow your child to safely learn sports shooting without additional spending.

Junxing classic children's bow F021


  • professional equipment;
  • versatility;
  • the presence of protection in the kit;
  • the convenience of use.


  • only suitable for primary school children.

The average cost is 3,000 Russian rubles.

Junxing classic bow F179

This classic model is perfect for shooting sports. One of the main advantages of the gun is its complete versatility. Such equipment is available for use by both adolescents and older people. The comfortable grip is made of high quality materials, the design of the device allows it to be used by left-handers and right-handers.

The tension of the bowstring can be easily adjusted to the height and weight of any child; if desired, this parameter can be adjusted.

The bow is equipped with aluminum inserts that add strength to the weapon while keeping it lightweight. Also, this particular model is processed with special materials that protect the onion from high humidity. Users can no longer worry about mold and exercise in rainy conditions. As for the gripper handles, they are also carefully designed by the manufacturer. The grip is covered with rubber inserts, this approach will make it easy to hold the bow. Parents also do not have to worry about the health of their children. All handles, grips, shoulder pads are made taking into account the anatomical features of the child's body. The shoulder pads are removable so the implement is easy to store, carry and clean if necessary.

Optionally, you can attach a sight and additional protective equipment to your inventory.

Junxing classic bow F179


  • versatility;
  • the convenience of use;
  • power;
  • ideal for beginners;
  • comfortable to use;
  • accuracy.


  • noisy shots.

The average cost is 8,500 Russian rubles.

Far & Near Sport FN-T0461

And such a toy will be a wonderful educational gift for a boy aged 6 years and older. Such equipment will be an excellent assistant for the development of agility, accuracy and physical endurance in a child. Also, such a toy will develop in the kid the desire for sports activities and the thirst for victory.

The body of the crossbow is made of plastic with steel inserts that add strength to the weapon. Ammunition type - arrows with rubber suction cups, 3 pieces. A nice addition is the presence of a laser sight, which will provide accurate shots.

The assortment of the lineup is presented in a number of several colors.

Far & Near Sport FN-T0461


  • compact size;
  • safety;
  • the formation of useful skills.


  • no significant disadvantages were found.

The average cost is 1,300 Russian rubles.


If you want to please your future defender with a really good and multifunctional gift, pay attention to this crossbow. Such a model is capable of shooting not only arrows, but also water bullets (balls). If desired, the toy can be disassembled and used a crossbow or machine gun separately. Without a doubt, such equipment cannot be used without additional protective equipment. That is why special safety glasses are included with the device. Water balls also do not cause any complaints in terms of safety. The bullets are covered with a polymer shell, when they hit the target, they crumble into small pieces that do not pollute the environment.

The machine is powered by a battery, the charger is included in the kit. In addition, the gun is additionally equipped with a special case for bullets and arrows for a crossbow.



  • a complete set of necessary materials;
  • multifunctionality;
  • excellent value for money;
  • safety.


  • fragile material.

The average cost is 2,000 Russian rubles.

Children's block bow "Ajax"

The light weight of the device will make it suitable for beginners in the field of shooting. The ergonomic design of the model is designed to easily teach kids accuracy and dexterity.

The manufacturer approached the creation of this bow with all responsibility. The handle is made of high quality rubberized material, the configuration of the handle is aimed at long workouts. In addition, the handle has an openwork structure, this feature lightens the weight of the bow and will not cause fatigue on the child's wrists.

The grip is designed in such a way that it will easily fit into any palm, while it will not slip and cause discomfort. Frequent and prolonged use of the equipment should not cause concern for parents. Even the most vigorous training will not deform the bow and its shoulder pads. The accuracy and power of the device will also not cause any complaints - the manufacturer has carefully thought out and foreseen everything. In other words, it is more than a quality weapon for sports shooting. For the convenience of users, the bow is equipped with a sight and an arrow stand. This approach will quickly teach an inexperienced shooter accurate and accurate shots. Boom balancing is easy and requires no special skills.

The disadvantages include the fact that the tool is suitable only for right-handers.

Children's block bow "Ajax"


  • light weight;
  • high-quality performance;
  • ease of use;
  • optimal ratio of quality and price;
  • competent and carefully thought-out design.


  • not suitable for lefties.

The average cost is 5,300 Russian rubles.

A crossbow or bow are, without a doubt, wonderful toys for developing useful skills in a child. However, parents must follow the safety rules when using such a tool. Be sure to explain to your kid that in no case should you shoot at animals or people, all the more you should not aim at the eye area. Never leave your baby alone with such devices.

If you had experience using the products described in the rating, write your feedback in the comments.


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