💊Rating of the best diuretics for swelling and weight loss for 2024


The problem of edema worries many people, girls are especially sensitive to this pathology. Firstly, the female body is prone to edema more often than the male, and secondly, excess fluid contributes to weight gain, which also spoils the life of women.

In order to remove excess water from tissues and cavities and to reduce weight, there are special pharmaceutical preparations called diuretic tablets. Modern pharmacology provides consumers with a huge amount of both medications and dietary supplements to relieve edema. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared a rating of the best pills for fluid withdrawal and weight loss.

Mechanism of action

Diuretics, or diuretics, are drugs that increase the outflow of fluid from the body and cause a decrease in the water content in the tissues.

The main purpose of these drugs is to lower blood pressure and treat chronic heart failure. The mechanism of action of substances is to remove fluid from the body, as a result of which the total volume of circulating blood decreases. Thus, the load on the myocardium decreases and the functioning of the respiratory organs improves. We will not go into complex descriptions of physiological and pharmacological processes, frightening you with unfamiliar terms. We just want to note that taking any medications should be combined with a consultation with a specialist.

Only a doctor, having identified the exact cause of the edema, will prescribe the most appropriate drug for you.

You can find out about the reasons for the appearance of puffiness below.

Why does fluid retention occur?

If you notice this unpleasant problem in yourself, do not be alarmed. Fluid retention is often non-hazardous and does not require serious medication. So what causes swelling

  1. Kidney problems - if you urinate less often than usual, urinating becomes painful, and the amount of fluid secreted becomes small, most likely your kidneys require examination. The patient's face will also help to suspect the pathology of the excretory system. Morning puffiness and impressive bags under the eyes are nothing more than another signal of a malfunction in the body. Kidney diseases are accompanied by fluid and salt retention in tissues, so the result is literally on the face.
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system - ischemia, angina pectoris, hypertension. These are the names of the main culprits of edema. With such pathologies, the human heart simply cannot cope with its work, therefore, unpumped blood accumulates in the tissues, mainly in the legs. Unlike the previous reason, fluid retention is most pronounced in the evening, and in the morning everything returns to normal.Also, patients often observe compressive chest pain and severe shortness of breath, which worries during physical exertion, and in advanced cases - at rest.
  3. Varicose veins is a common disease among women; it can affect men, but to a lesser extent. What you can see Puffiness of the legs in the evening, swollen veins, imprints from socks or tights, pain and heaviness in the legs.
  4. Endocrinological Disorders - Hormonal dysfunction can also cause fluid retention. Most often, emotional lability is added to edema, weight gain even with poor nutrition, constipation and a lump in the throat.
  5. Allergies are temporary, but no less dangerous. Allergy edema can be local, or it can spread to adjacent tissues. The most serious condition is called Quincke's edema. With untimely assistance, a lethal outcome is quite possible.
  6. PMS or pregnancy - both conditions can cause the development of edema. If fluid retention during premenstrual syndrome is a transient phenomenon and does not cause complications, then edema in the last stages of pregnancy requires immediate medical intervention. Especially with a combination of high pressure and the presence of protein in the general urine analysis. The so-called triad of symptoms is a harbinger of gestosis or, even worse, preeclampsia, a pathology that causes the death of the fetus and the mother.
  7. The reaction to heat is the most common and not dangerous phenomenon. It does not require medication; to stop the edema, it is enough to take a cool shower and relax in the supine position. Also, to prevent such fluid retention, you should drink enough water in the heat.

As you can see, the causes of edema are varied. The withdrawal of fluid in this case contributes only to temporary relief and symptomatic relief. It is not fluid retention that should be treated, but the source of its occurrence. So, for example, kidney pathology requires a consultation with a nephrologist, and varicose veins cannot be eliminated without special compression stockings. Therefore, we continue to insist on the mandatory consultation of the attending physician before taking medications.

Types of diuretics

In total, pharmacology has several types of diuretics. Let's consider them in more detail.

Loop diuretics

These drugs have the strongest effect. Most often they are used for pronounced edema, for stopping an attack of hypertension, for removing toxins and poisons from the body. Also, these drugs are permissible for use in liver pathologies and renal failure at any stage. The positive aspect of taking such drugs is their quick effect and relief of breathing due to the elimination of shortness of breath.

The disadvantages of the product include a short period of action and the removal of potassium ions from the body, which negatively affects the work of the heart.


Also effective drugs. They are prescribed in the same cases as described above. In addition, their use is permissible for edema in a newborn.

The greatest activity of the drug is achieved in a short time period, and lasts for several days. But the elimination of potassium from the body has not been canceled, while the level of decrease in this trace element can reach a critical indicator. It is also possible to increase blood sugar, which is dangerous in the presence of diabetes mellitus.


As the name implies, these drugs help maintain potassium ions in the body. Their therapeutic effect is weak, but they will persist for a long time. Such funds can be used in conjunction with other tablets if you have a history of diabetes mellitus. Also, one of the advantages is to enhance the action of cardiac glycosides, which allows for a quick recovery from heart failure.

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

If you are a climber who is trying to avoid developing altitude sickness, your doctor will most likely recommend these remedies.Also, a similar agent is often prescribed to reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma. Since the effect of these drugs is poorly expressed, they are not used in the presence of serious pathologies.

Herbal preparations

If you are not burdened with serious illnesses, then such medications will allow you to get rid of edema in unreleased situations. Correctly selected pills are quite capable of removing excess fluid from the body. Most often, these funds retain potassium and sodium ions, but do not have a strong effect. To get the effect of the reception, they should be drunk in a certain course.

Slimming diuretics

The use of diuretics for weight loss is permissible only if the extra pounds are caused by non-dangerous edema. For example, in the case of PMS or overeating salty foods at night. In other cases, you will receive only a temporary effect, since the excreted fluid will re-recover in the body. What's more, a “diuretic diet” can cause dehydration, a life-threatening condition. We do not recommend losing weight with diuretics alone, especially without consulting a doctor.

Best diuretics for 2024


The drug, which has a dull effect, belongs to the group of thiazides. Such a remedy is effective in the presence of cardiovascular insufficiency and with an increase in blood pressure. Taking pills helps to reduce stress on the heart and relieve shortness of breath. The main effect occurs one hour after administration, and lasts for the next day. It is recommended to take a diuretic in the morning on an empty stomach.



  • non-aggressive action;
  • easily tolerated by patients;
  • reduces pressure;
  • can be taken while traveling;
  • not toxic to the kidneys.


  • does not retain potassium ions;
  • affects the absorption of drugs that lower blood sugar levels;
  • causes weakness and drowsiness.

The average cost is 30 Russian rubles for 30 capsules.


A good drug that does not cause the removal of potassium from the body. It is used for heart disease and thyroid dysfunction. The disadvantages of the remedy include the long-term development of the effect - 4-5 days. Therefore, such capsules are not suitable for relieving acute syndrome, but they will be a good way to lose weight.

The mild effect of the drug can be combined with long journeys and travels without unpleasant consequences.



  • retains potassium;
  • efficiency;
  • reduces pressure;
  • does not harm the body;
  • can be used for a long time.


  • wait a long time for the effect;
  • affects hormones.

The average cost is 90 Russian rubles for 20 capsules.


Another good remedy for weight loss, which does not remove potassium and sodium ions. Such a drug is able to cope not only with kidney and heart problems, but also with other pathologies.

One of the advantages of the drug is the removal of water from the brain, which is why such pills are used for hydrocephalus and other diseases accompanied by cerebral edema. This action allows you to prescribe the remedy to one-year-old children with a history of birth trauma.



  • soft action;
  • can be prescribed for various pathologies;
  • reduces intracranial pressure;
  • effective in childhood.


  • causes convulsions;
  • the manufacturer does not recommend the drug to children under 3 years old;
  • there is no way to find an analogue;
  • can cause anorexia.

The average cost is 300 Russian rubles for 30 tablets.

Triamterene (hydrochlorothiazide)

Of all the potassium-sparing diuretics, this drug is the most potent. Therefore, such a remedy is prescribed to those patients who cannot tolerate the lack of a trace element. This diuretic is most often prescribed for blood circulation disorders due to liver cirrhosis or liver failure.

Triamterene (hydrochlorothiazide)


  • efficiency;
  • quickly removes swelling.


  • side effects;
  • causes dryness of the mucous membranes;
  • leads to drowsiness and lethargy, causes distraction of attention.

The average cost is 50 Russian rubles for 20 tablets.


One of the most potent diuretics. It is he who is so often prescribed to patients with serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system with severe arterial hypertension.

Diuretic release form: tablets or ampoules for injection. Most often, doctors use such a drug to relieve acute attacks in conditions that threaten the patient's life. The effectiveness of the tablets occurs in 20-30 minutes, the injection can alleviate the condition after 5-10 minutes. However, do not forget that such a medicine should not be used as a treatment; it is rather a kind of emergency aid. Also, such a remedy in no case can be used uncontrollably for weight loss, this approach can cause fainting, coma and dehydration.



  • fast action;
  • efficiency;
  • saves in severe life-threatening cases.


  • removes potassium;
  • long-term use requires monitoring blood counts;
  • there are serious contraindications and adverse reactions.

The average cost is 20 Russian rubles for 20 tablets.


If you are looking for a natural herbal product, then try this option. It is characterized by a mild effect and few contraindications. Also, this diuretic has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it can be prescribed in the presence of cystitis and urolithiasis. The safety of the infusion goes well with pregnancy and lactation.



  • safe composition;
  • can be used by pregnant women;
  • low cost;
  • efficiency;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.


  • can not be used for allergies to plant pollen;
  • the need to independently prepare the infusion;
  • unpleasant taste of the medicine.

The average cost is 70 Russian rubles for 50 g of dry mixture.


Such a remedy cannot be called a complete analogue of furosemide, but these drugs have a similar mechanism of action. It is worth noting the milder effect of the tablets and the minimum excretion of potassium. Also, a diuretic is most effective in kidney pathologies. In case of heart dysfunction, the drug copes well with the removal of edema.



  • soft action;
  • efficiency.


  • relatively high price.

The average cost is 100 Russian rubles for 20 tablets.


And another good emergency product. The active action of the tablets develops quickly, but the effect does not last long. The drug is able to get rid of fluid retention of any etiology. Also, a decrease in blood pressure is manifested, shortness of breath is relieved and the load on the myocardium decreases.

The disadvantages of diuretics include the withdrawal of potassium and sodium ions, however, this applies to most groups of diuretic drugs.



  • the effect comes quickly;
  • multifunctionality;
  • reduces blood pressure.


  • causes headaches and weakness;
  • conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: prescription only;
  • high price;
  • not suitable for long-term therapy.

The average cost is 1,900 Russian rubles for 20 tablets.

Traditional methods

It is not necessary to fight edema only with industrial preparations; you can prepare a diuretic at home. However, traditional medicine must be combined with medical supervision. Do not engage in uncontrolled self-medication.

Here are the most popular methods.

Parsley infusion


  • a bunch of parsley, preferably with roots;
  • boiling water;
  • 50 ml lemon juice.


  1. Chop the parsley along with the roots.
  2. Pour boiling water in a 1: 2 ratio.Insist for at least 10 hours.
  3. Add lemon juice to the mixture.
  4. Drink 1/3 cup 1 time per day before meals.

Flax seed infusion

Flax seeds are known for all their beneficial qualities; they are able to help with fluid retention.


  • 4 tbsp. l. flax seeds;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 1 liter of boiling water;
  • honey to taste.


  1. Pour boiling water over the flax seed.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and wrap with a warm towel.
  4. Insist 6 hours. Take 0.5 cups every 3 hours. For taste, add lemon juice and honey to the infusion.

Birch leaf wraps

This method will allow you to quickly tidy up the lower limbs.


  • 2 pillowcases;
  • birch leaves.


  1. Fill pillowcases with birch leaves.
  2. Put pillowcases on your feet. Contact with the leaves will cause profuse sweating in the leg area.
  3. Continue wrapping until the leaves are completely saturated with moisture. Then remove the pillowcases from the lower extremities.

If you had experience using the products or folk remedies described in the rating, write your feedback in the comments.


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