Ranking of the best soundbars for any budget in 2024


The market is saturated with modern TV models, which compete with each other in saturation with various functions: 3D effect, smart TV, built-in DVD - player, the ability to connect USB drives, etc. But modern TVs have one common problem. The flat case of a modern TV doesn't have a decent speaker system. The user cannot fully enjoy the sound effects while watching their favorite movies (especially action movies), or listening to music content. The problem is solved by purchasing a home theater speaker system. But the equipment takes up a lot of space, which is not very convenient in small apartments. You can give up on the problem and do nothing. The most correct decision would be to purchase a soundbar - a compact acoustic device that is inferior in sound quality to a home theater, but significantly improves the sound of a TV receiver. The editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offers you an overview of the best soundbars for any budget in 2024. The rating is based on customer and expert reviews.

How speakers evolved

Any audio system starts with an electrodynamic emitter, it is also a speaker, it is also a loudspeaker. The first is considered a device designed by Johann Reis in 1861.

He chose pig intestine as a membrane, drowning it in mercury. To get a message over the phone, you had to shout louder. He found no application and after a while remained in the "people's memory" a useless toy. One of these toys fell into the hands of Alexander Graham Bell. By studying and creatively reworking Flight's design, Bell created his own phone.

To reproduce the sound, he used a leather membrane, pulling it tightly over a tube connected to a magnetic system and an induction coil. On this, the development of electrodynamics was slowed down for many years.
Around this time, Thomas Edison invented his phonograph, using an ordinary horn instead of a speaker. Despite their weakness and poor sounding, horn devices were popular until 1924.

It was then that Chester Rice and Edward Kellag, after numerous experiments in the General Electric laboratory, manage to patent the principle of operation of an electrodynamic emitter. The discovery made it possible to create loudspeakers that practically do not distort transmissions. Two years later, the first-born radio in the world, the Radiola model 104, with the very first amplifier, whose power did not exceed 1 W, went on sale.

In our country, the "breakthrough" was the appearance of the "record" loudspeaker, better known as a "radio point" mainly from old pre-war films and pictures taken during the war.

In 1927, thanks to the developments of Harold Hartley, inductors in electrodynamics were replaced by permanent magnets, further reducing distortion.

Interesting! High fidelity or high fidelity of permanent magnet speakers has led to their classification as Hi - Fi (English High Fidelity - high fidelity).

Modern electrodynamics work on the same principle as the Model 104, which will soon celebrate its 90th anniversary.

The acoustic design has undergone a change.A revolution in the world of acoustics was the appearance in 1954 of a device by the American Edgar Wilchur, called a "closed box". Until 1954, the speaker enclosures were not closed from the rear. Vilchur's idea, as simple as everything ingenious, was to place the electrodynamics in a closed box, thanks to which the sound became richer, saturated with low frequencies.

But the talented American became famous not only for the invention of the box. It was he who developed the high-frequency emitter known to us as twitter. Not a single speaker can do without it.

Why did you need a subwoofer

The minimum frequency of air vibrations perceived by the human ear is 20 Hz. Maximum - 20,000 Hz. In order to understand a lot or a little, consider the sensitivity of our hearing using the example of the most common sounds to us:

  • man's voice - from 120 to 200 Hz;
  • woman's voice - from 200 to 500 Hz;
  • street noise - from 20 to 300 Hz;
  • musical works (from afar) - from 50 to 3000 Hz;
  • mosquito squeak - 2000 -3000 Hz.

Analyzing this data, it becomes clear that the frequency of the most important sounds for a person is located in the lower part of the audible range. Hence the increased attention to the most realistic sounding of low frequencies in high-quality recording of soundtracks for movies. As for the tweeters (tweeters), their design is quite well developed and it is difficult to find fault with the purity of reproduction.
Problems arise with the reproduction of low-frequency vibrations from 20 to 400 Hz. Here diffusers of large (in comparison with tweeters) dimensions and weight are needed.

They are called subwoofers. They account for the lion's share of the power and cost of any audio equipment. To make it completely clear, discussion of the sound quality of an audio system devoid of a subwoofer does not make any sense, since there can be no question of any quality in this case.

Acoustic design

There are five types of acoustic design for subwoofers. The most common among home audio devices are the already familiar closed box and a case with a bass reflex (the same box, closed, but "not completely"). Simply put, a bell is inserted into the body (called a port, pipe, slot, etc.). This bell expands the low-frequency sound by resonating at a frequency below that of the speaker. This improves the "bass".

The enclosures are made of wood, MDF, plastic and aluminum. The highest quality acoustics are provided by wooden cases, however, the selection and preparation of wood for external speakers is as painstaking as making musical instruments. Therefore, only premium class products can boast of wooden cases. It's not hard to guess how much it costs.

Among metal cases, aluminum boxes and boxes based on alloys with "winged metal" are widely used. To reduce vibration and improve the acoustic performance of the aluminum enclosure, some manufacturers use sandwich panel walls for the boxes. Sound-absorbing material is inserted between the metal sheets.

Most often, housings are made of MDF (wood fiber board). The body made of this material is slightly inferior to natural wood. The material is excellently processed, has high acoustic characteristics that allow it to be used in the production of Hi-Fi products, and is significantly cheaper.

Subwoofers of the cheapest models are “put on” in plastic cases. The material allows you to use bold design solutions and a wide range of colors. But the plastic case has a serious disadvantage. When reaching medium and high volume levels, the plastic case begins to rattle disgustingly.

How soundbars evolved

The sound of CRT TVs was quite satisfactory for our inexperienced TV viewer until the beginning of the dashing nineties. It was at this time that digital copies of films recorded on DVD discs appeared on the market. Dolby Digital and DTS multi-channel audio recording and playback formats were developed for them. To watch and listen to DVDs, the development of new portable speakers for TVs was required.Home theaters appeared, in which speakers with speakers for various purposes were located around the viewer. The budget home theater option includes front and center speakers. Rear speaker models are premium priced products. The central speakers represent the central channel of the speaker system and are located in front of the viewer, the front speakers are to the right and left of him and the rear speakers are behind the viewer.

However, such devices, standard 5.1, already assume the presence of five external speakers, a subwoofer and a common control and adjustment module. In total, there are seven rather bulky boxes. Add to this the considerable cost of equipment, power wires and commutation of speakers with each other and the TV receiver, plus the need to tweak it all so as to get the expected effect. All of the above factors hindered the widespread use of such audio equipment in domestic spaces.

It was necessary to come up with a device that would not be inferior to a home theater, but more affordable, compact, even unobtrusive, not creating a feeling of overloading the apartment with drawers and boxes of portable speakers, even with the coolest design. Tireless acoustics have strained and developed audio equipment called a soundbar or sound projector. They will call him a soundbar later.

We will not go into the details of its device now, but we managed to get surround sound with its help. However, in those days, this product was not in demand, possibly due to the decent cost. In addition, the TVs of that time were mostly CRT, i.e. were hefty boxes where powerful enough built-in speakers were easily installed.

They were quite satisfactory for the average consumer, and the sound projectors had to wait for their finest hour.

This hour has come with the release of the Yamaha YSP - 1 sound projector. This event fell on the beginning of the new century. By that time, the number of flat-panel TVs had already exceeded the number of CRTs.

And in view of the fact that there was no place for powerful speakers in new forms of television sets, the appearance of soundbars on the market was very useful.
The Yamaha YSP - 1 is a very powerful sound projector. It includes 38 tweeters with a diameter of 40 mm, and two built-in subwoofers with a diameter of 110 mm each. The tweeters created a spatial effect, with both subwoofers delivering deep and rich bass.

The panel replaced the bulky multi-subject home theater system and significantly improved the sound of the TV, therefore, it was 100% fulfilling its purpose. Such pleasure was not cheap. However, the YSP - 1 was in demand.

Our days

Manufacturers quickly realized that there are a lot of soundbars, they must be different, both in functionality and in price. If the device produces high-quality and surround sound, does not take up much space and looks organic against the background of a flat-panel TV, you need to make it accessible to the general public. This thought, translated into reality, has led to a doubling of sound projector sales. Many manufacturers have taken the path of reducing the cost of products by reducing functionality. For example, refusing to play surround sound. The soundbar in this version becomes a stereo system.

Most often, a budget device consists of an active speaker of class 2.1. Two tweeters + a separate subwoofer are built into the projector body, and almost always with a wireless connection. In such a configuration, the device is quite satisfying for both film and music lovers. This does not mean that there are no surround sound models. It's just that you can't find a sound projector with four dozen speakers. The maximum is twelve.It is easier and more reliable. In addition, the sound projectors are equipped with a digital signal processor, Dolby Digital and DTS support protocols, ports for connecting USB media, digital optical cable, HDMI and Bluetooth. There are devices with which the user can organize a local multimedia network throughout the house or apartment. Depending on the "filling", the price also changes. Products of budget, medium and premium classes are widely represented on the market. The development of sound projectors does not stand still. Soundbase is gaining popularity - a TV stand with a soundbar function.

How to choose a soundbar

To make the right choice, you need to decide in advance which company is the best to buy the device, find out in more detail what soundbars are, study its technical characteristics, compare them with the size of the room where it will be located. It will not hurt to listen to the advice of experienced users, the recommendations of the sellers in the store, listen and compare the sound of different models. Sound projectors vary in price for inexpensive, mid-range and premium devices. Here the choice depends on the financial solvency of the buyer.

Criterias of choice

In order to understand what you should pay attention to when buying a device, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some selection criteria:

  1. Equipment. Products complete with a subwoofer will delight the buyer with a more complete sound. However, the price tag will be higher, and you will need to look for a place to place the sub. Speakers without it are cheaper. But the sound does not differ from a simple stereo system.
  2. The presence of surround sound. A modern surround sound projector is far behind the most basic home theater. In addition, certain conditions are required to obtain volume: a special configuration of the room and smooth walls to reflect sound. So to take or not to take a "volumetric" model, everyone determines for himself. Experienced users are advised to take it all the same. With a spatial effect, the thrill of watching movies will remain in your memory for a long time.
  3. The dimensions of the speaker correspond to the diagonal of the TV. But no one forbids an individual approach in this matter. Sometimes a long screen with a short soundbar looks quite aesthetically pleasing, just like a short screen with a long column. Choose what you like best and for what you have enough funds. In any case, larger sizes always sound better.
  4. Sound projector models differ in total power (speaker + subwoofer). For a medium-sized room, an apparatus with a total power of 100 to 300 watts is suitable. For small rooms, devices of lower power are chosen.
  5. Reproducible frequency. A person perceives sounds in the range from 20 to 20,000 Hz. The lower the declared minimum reproducible frequency and the higher the maximum, the better the sound of the projector.
  6. How to connect a soundbar to a TV. According to the method of connection, the devices are active and inactive. The former connect directly to the TV. To connect the second requires a receiver. They take up a lot of space and need more wires. The active model is connected via HDMI ports, optical digital cable, Bluetooth.
  7. Additional functions. In addition to the main equipment, the soundbar can be equipped with a port for connecting USB drives, a receiver for DVD discs, an equalizer, Bluetooth, control from an iPhone or Android (download for a special application is required). All this increases the final cost of the device. The buyer needs to carefully study the product description and think about which of these add-ons suits him, what he can do without and which of the offered functions he simply does not need. Well, consult your credit card.
  8. Equipment arrangement method.According to this criterion, the devices are divided into shelf and wall-mounted. In the first version, the speaker lies on a shelf or on a stand near the TV. The second one involves mounting it to the wall, above the TV. In this case, the kit includes fasteners. Ceiling speakers are designed for installation in false ceilings. They are usually used in showrooms in offices to create surround sound for presentations.

Top Soundbar Makers

Which model is better to buy from? Certainly from the best world-famous manufacturers. Among the sales leaders are companies from different countries and continents that have been developing and manufacturing audio equipment for more than a dozen years. In a highly competitive environment, everyone promotes their product using one or another marketing technique. Someone develops simple budget-class devices without unnecessary "bells and whistles". Some, on the contrary, use the freshest innovations in their developments, offering their goods to very wealthy customers. Reliability and build quality are common characteristics.
The leaders in the development of audio systems in the United States are the following companies:

  1. Harman / Kardon. The company was founded in 1953. The most famous consumers of its products are BMW, Land Rover, Mercedes - Beenz and other auto giants. Its developments are used in Asus and Toshiba laptops.
  2. POLK Audio. Founded in 1972. Specializes in the development of home and car audio devices, incl. soundbars. Produces smart home speakers for Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.
  3. Bose Corporation. Founded in 1964, it specializes in the development and production of audio equipment. Its founder, Omar Bose, somehow wandered into the music center, and he did not like the sound. As a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the time, Bose began researching the effects of reverberation on sound perception. As a result, eight years later, he founded his own audio equipment company, whose products are in demand all over the world.
  4. Sonos. A young company founded in 2002. Develops wireless audio systems that connect to each other via Bluetooth. The company's engineers do not recognize push-button control of their devices. All Sonos products are touch-based only. He is actively collaborating with Amazon on the development of its smart speakers for the smart home system.
  5. JBL. The company has been on the market since 1946. Its specialization is the development and production of high-end audio equipment. JBL Consumer manufactures home audio equipment. JBL Professional products are very popular among professional musicians, sound engineers, and recording studios.

This is not a complete list of American speaker companies. Asian companies are in serious competition for American developers:

  1. Yamaha. The oldest Japanese company, founded in 1887, always applies innovative technologies in the development of acoustic systems. Its models are distinguished by a variety of functionality, high build quality, stylish design, excellent acoustics, reliability and high cost.
  2. Sony. The company was founded in 1946. Her activities are multifaceted. The products are distinguished by the use of the latest advances in science in this field and by various price ranges.
  3. Denon. One of the oldest Japanese companies. The name of the company is a formation of two Japanese words: denki - electricity and onkyo - noise, acoustics. The first products of the company were phonographs and records with classical music recordings. The world's first eight-channel digital tape recorders, the world's first CD players, these are her achievements. Its mid-range devices are reliable, good acoustics and great design.
  4. Samsung. South Korean business representative. Her strong point is high quality electronics. The popularity of the company's models is due to the use of advanced technologies and affordable prices.
  5. LG. The company was founded in 1958.At present, it is a group of companies producing products for various purposes, united by the desire to constantly improve the characteristics of their products through the introduction of innovations and a flexible pricing policy, making its products available to a wide range of people with different levels of security.

The models of the European companies Focal Dimension from France, the German company Canton and many other European branded manufacturers of acoustic systems are very popular. The criteria for success are the same: reliability, application of the latest achievements in science, flexible pricing policy. The number of audio equipment manufacturers is impressive. This only complicates the choice. Eyes scatter. Your wallet will serve as the best advisor in this matter.

Rating of quality soundbars for 2024

JBL Bar Studio

The group of the initial (budget) segment of the rating is opened by the apparatus of the world famous American company JBL, specializing in the development and production of professional and home acoustic systems. Simple and affordable device. Users who choose it should know that this is not a home theater. With a total speaker power of 30 W and the absence of a subwoofer, it will not rip off the curtains in your apartment, and this is not required. This kid fulfills his main task - to improve the sound of the TV receiver 100%. The model is perfect for small spaces and older users. Small dimensions allow the panel to be placed on a shelf or attached to a wall. Connected by optical and HDMI cable. There is also a stereo input, USB type A and Bluetooth. Users unanimously admire the system's deep and clear sound when broadcasting movies, concerts, sports and news programs. Average price: 6100 rubles.

JBL Bar Studio


  • excellent acoustics;
  • build quality;
  • nice design;
  • wide range of connections and settings;
  • reasonable price.


  • there is no possibility of connecting a subwoofer.

Sony HT - CT80

Another budget device occupying the ninth line of the rating is the development of the Japanese company Sony, famous for its electronics and audio equipment. Sony HT - CT80 represents the same price range as JBL Bar Studio, but the total power of its speakers, unlike the American brand, is already 80 watts. The 40W subwoofer with bass reflex enclosure allows you to enjoy deep bass. Connecting to your phone, tablet and PC via Bluetooth is seamless. When properly positioned, the speaker and subwoofer, Dolby Digital delivers a surround sound experience. A great option for small spaces and for little money. The average price of a soundbar is 7,990 rubles. According to buyers, the model has an excellent value for money.

Sony HT - CT80


  • austere design fits into any interior;
  • excellent sounding at low and medium frequencies;
  • deep powerful bass;
  • affordable price.


  • lack of a panel displaying the volume level.


The eighth line in the ranking is occupied by the model of the South Korean brand LG SJ3. The average price of this device is 11343 rubles. For this money, the user gets a 2.1 standard speaker system with a total power of 300 watts. Of these, 200 watts are for the wireless subwoofer and 100 watts for the loudspeakers. For connection, the panel is equipped with linear (stereo) and digital optical inputs. The presence of Dolby Digital and DTS decoders gives a sense of surround sound in cinema mode. Bluetooth and remote control complete the equipment list. A powerful enough product for rooms with an area of ​​25 - 30 m2.



  • power;
  • wireless sub;
  • stylish design;
  • affordable price.


  • lack of an equalizer;
  • insufficient connection ports.

Samsung HW - M 360

In seventh place is another representative of South Korea - Samsung HW - M 360. The total power of the device is 200 W. There is a wireless bass reflex subwoofer, Dolby Digital and DTS, equalizer and ports for connecting stereo and optics. Customers appreciate the stylish design, good acoustics at all frequencies, the ability to listen to your favorite music via bluetooth, and the presence of a control panel. A device with a TV from the same manufacturer performs especially well. Average price: 13,069 rubles.

Samsung HW - M 360


  • design in a strict classic style;
  • excellent sounding at all frequencies, including low;
  • optical cable included;
  • for Samsung TV owners, the ability to control the soundbar from the TV remote control.


  • no HDMI.

Yamaha YAS - 108

The sixth in the rating is the apparatus of the Japanese design Yamaha YAS - 108. This speaker system is an active speaker of 2.1 standard, with a total power of 120 W with a built-in subwoofer. The device is equipped with linear (stereo), digital and optical inputs, the ability to connect to a TV set via HDMI cable. You can connect two Bluetooth devices to the soundbar at the same time. There is support for the new surround audio format DTS Virtual: x. Please be aware that listening to Dolby content is not available on audio systems that support Virtual: x. The presence of a control panel and the ability to adjust low frequencies completes the list of capabilities of the device.

Virtual: x surround sound strongly depends on the area and configuration of the room, and even the number and location of furniture. Users like the ability to control the device using the application by phone, via bluetooth. Of the possible surround sound scenarios, the default is the average option. Having installed the corresponding application on his Android, the user gets the opportunity to choose a suitable scenario, and then the panel will sound in full. Buyers note the high-quality assembly and stylish design. The bass seems weak to some, but this is already a matter of taste. Average cost of the device: 15150 rubles.

Yamaha YAS - 108


  • compactness;
  • good set of functions;
  • stylish design;
  • good acoustics.


  • surround sound is good for movies and PC games, but not for music

Denon DHT - S316

The fifth line of the rating is occupied by a product of Denon, one of the oldest Japanese manufacturers of acoustic equipment. Denon DHT - S316 is 2.1. The set includes a bass reflex subwoofer. There are linear, digital, optical and HDMI ports, bluetooth and support for Dolby Digital and DTS formats, a control panel. Users are delighted with the acoustics. The system works in the modes of cinema, music, selection of dialogue voices. Some buyers compare this soundbar to a home theater system. The purchase of the device will cost 19,570 rubles.

Denon DHT - S316


  • rich and soft bass;
  • compactness;
  • nice design;
  • bluetooth connection.


  • not found.

Samsung HW - V450

In fourth place is another South Korean speaker Samsung HW - V450. The total power of the 2.1 soundbar is 320 watts. This is enough to fill a 40 m2 room with high-quality TV sound. The bass reflex subwoofer has a wireless bluetooth connection. The soundbar has stereo, digital, optical, USB and HDMI ports. The device supports Dolby and DTS formats. Includes control panel. The panel can be wall-mounted. Low frequencies are quite satisfactory for movie lovers and music lovers. The users are pleased with good acoustics, beautiful design. Average price: at the level of 16,000 rubles.

Samsung HW - V450


  • power of 320 W is suitable for large rooms;
  • stylish design;
  • sound quality at all frequencies;
  • universal functionality.


  • not detected.

Bose soundtouch 300

The top three in the rating are premium-class models with a price tag of over 40,000 rubles. It is opened by the Bose soundtouch 300, an American private company Bose. The active speaker has dimensions (Width * Height * Depth) 958 * 58 * 108 mm. There are Dolby Digital and DTS decoders, ports for connecting a stereo, digital optical and HDMI cable. A separate input for connecting a subwoofer, NFC support. The column can be wall-mounted. The system features high quality sound throughout the entire frequency range. To make the correct settings, you need to download the soundtouch application on your android. Average price: 57,990 rubles.

Bose soundtouch 300


  • compactness;
  • connection to phone, tablet and computer works without freezing;
  • convenient switching of low frequencies from the remote control;
  • the ability to connect a subwoofer.


  • high price.

Focal Dimentions

The second line of the rating is occupied by a device developed by specialists from the French private company Focal. This is a 5.0 standard soundbar with a total power of 450 W, equipped with linear, digital optical, HDMI ports, and a subwoofer output. The device supports Dolby and DTS formats. Supplied with wall mounts. According to users, the soundbar sounds better than floor-standing Hi-Fi speakers. There are switches on the back of the speaker:

  • choosing a sub from Focal or other manufacturers;
  • determining the distance to the listener;
  • determining the occupancy of the room with furniture;
  • column position switch (standing or hanging on the wall).

Manipulating these toggle switches can really improve the sound of the device. Its average cost: 57590 rubles.

Focal Dimentions


  • impressive power for more room speakers;
  • the possibility of flexible settings taking into account the position of the soundbar, the amount of furniture and the distance to the listeners;
  • many ports for connection.


  • high price.

Sonos playbar

The first place and the best customer reviews were won by the brainchild of the XXI century - the sound projector of the American company Sonos. The company was founded in 2002. Its specialists are developing home digital wireless speaker systems based on the Wi-Fi protocol. The Sonos Playbar is a two-way soundbar with digital optical input. By connecting Sonos Play 3 satellites and a Sonos Sab subwoofer to it, you can create 3.1 and 5.1 systems. The device has an Ethernet connector. This makes it possible to organize its own multimedia space in each room of an apartment or house. The average cost of this device is 64,990 rubles.

Sonos playbar


  • lack of wires (except for power wires);
  • cool design;
  • the ability to purchase and arrange additional speakers at your own discretion;
  • excellent sound at all frequencies;
  • plays music from the phone, the Internet;
  • Wi-Fi and Ethernet open up great possibilities for creating a smart music home.


  • high price.

Sundbar model nameTechnical characteristicsaverage price
Sonos playbarMain characteristics:
Speaker type - soundbar, active.
Front speakers:
the number of speakers included - 1;
type - shelf, number of strips - 2;
dimensions (WxHxD) 900x85x140 mm, weight 5.4 kg.
Interfaces: digital optical input.
Additional Information:
the ability to quickly create 3.1 and 5.1 systems in combination with Sonos Play: 3 satellites and a Sonos Sub subwoofer; Wi-Fi support; 2 Ethernet connectors.
RUB 64,990
Focal DimentionsMain characteristics:
Standard - 5.0.
Speaker type soundbar, active.
The total power is 450 watts.
Frequency response 50-25000 Hz.
Front speakers:
The number of speakers included is 1.
Type - shelf; power 450 W;
number of bands - 1;
loudspeaker dimensions: 5x100 mm;
Frequency response 50-25000 Hz.
Dimensions (WxHxD) 1155x115x115 mm, weight 5.5 kg.
Interfaces: line-in (stereo), digital optical input, subwoofer output, HDMI x2 input; decoders - Dolby Digital, DTS.
There is a remote control.
Mounts for mounting - available.
RUB 57590
Bose soundtouch 300Main characteristics:
Speaker type: soundbar, active.
Front speakers:
number of speakers included - 1,
type - shelf, dimensions (WxHxD) 978x58x108 mm.
Weight 4.7 kg.
Interfaces: line-in (stereo), digital optical input, subwoofer output, HDMI output, HDMI input.
Bluetooth is available. Dolby Digital, DTS decoders.
There is a remote control.
Mounts for mounting - available.
More information: NFC support.
RUB 57,990
Samsung HW - V450Main characteristics
Standard 2.1.
Speaker type - soundbar, active.
Total power 320 watts.
Frequency response 40-20000 Hz.
Front speakers:
Number of speakers per set - 1;
dimensions (WxHxD) 909x54x71 mm, weight 2 kg.
Subwoofer 1, speaker dimensions - 177.8 mm;
bass reflex case, dimensions (WxHxD)
200x392x378 mm, weight 7.2 kg.
Interfaces: Line In (Stereo), Digital Optical In, USB Type A, HDMI Out, HDMI In. Wireless subwoofer connection.
Bluetooth is available. Dolby Digital, DTS decoders.
There is a remote control.
Additionally: mounts for mounting - available.
Additional Information:
Wi-Fi support; wireless connection to TV.
RUB 15890
Denon DHT - S316Main characteristics:
Standard 2.1.
Speaker type - soundbar, active. Front speakers. Number of speakers included -1
Dimensions (WxHxD) 900x55x82 mm, weight 1.8 kg.
Subwoofer - 1, with a bass reflex case.
Dimensions (WxHxD) 170x312x340 mm, weight 5.2 kg.
Interfaces: line-in (stereo), digital optical input, HDMI input.
Wireless subwoofer connection.
Bluetooth is available. Dolby Digital, DTS decoders.
There is a remote control.
19570 RUB
Yamaha YAS - 108Main characteristics:
Standard 2.1.
Speaker type - soundbar, active.
The total power is 120 watts.
Front speakers.
Number of speakers included - 1;
shelf type, number of strips - 2;
dimensions (WxHxD) 889x54x130 mm.
Built-in subwoofer.
Interfaces - line-in (stereo), digital optical input, subwoofer output, HDMI output, HDMI input.
Bluetooth - yes; bass tone control.
There is a remote control.
Mounts for mounting - available.
Additional Information:
the ability to connect to two Bluetooth devices at the same time; DTS Virtual: X support.
RUB 15150
Samsung HW - M 360Main characteristics:
standard 2.1;
speaker system type - soundbar, active;
total power - 200 W;
frequency range - 45-20000 Hz.
Front speakers:
Number of speakers included - 1; type - shelf;
Dimensions (WxHxD) - 908x54x71 mm; Weight 1.5 kg.
Subwoofer - 1; speaker dimensions 165 mm;
bass reflex case;
Dimensions (WxHxD) 179x353x300 mm; weight 4.6 kg.
Interfaces: line-in (stereo), digital optical input.
Wireless subwoofer connection.
Bluetooth is available.
Dolby Digital, DT decoders.
There is a remote control.
There are fasteners for mounting.
13069 RUB
LG SJ3Main characteristics
standard 2.1;
speaker system type: soundbar, active;
Total power - 300 W;
front speakers: number of speakers included - 1; shelf type; Power 100 W;
dimensions (WxHxD) 950x71x47 mm; Weight 2.47 kg;
subwoofer - 1, power 200 W;
dimensions (WxHxD) 171x320x252 mm; weight 4.2 kg.
Interfaces: line-in (stereo), digital optical input;
wireless subwoofer connection;
Bluetooth is available; Dolby Digital, DTS decoders.
There are fasteners for mounting. Controlled using the TV remote control.
RUB 11343
Sony HT - CT80Main characteristics:
Standard 2.1.
Speaker type soundbar, active.
The total power is 80 watts.
Front speakers:
the number of speakers included - 1;
type - shelf, power - 40 W;
number of bands - 2;
dimensions (WxHxD) 901x52x84 mm; weight - 2 kg.
Subwoofer - 1, power 40 W;
speaker dimensions 130 mm;
bass reflex case, dimensions (WxHxD)
165x243x296 mm, weight 2.7 kg.
Interfaces: Line In (Stereo), Digital Optical In, USB Type A.
Bluetooth is available.
Decoders - Dolby Digital. There is a remote control.
Mounts for mounting - available.
More information - NFC support
7990 rub.
JBL Bar StudioMain characteristics:
speaker type - soundbar, active;
total power 30 W;
frequency range 60-20000 Hz.
Front speakers:
the number of speakers included - 14;
type - shelf; number of bands - 2;
speaker dimensions - HF: 2x40 mm, LF: 2x50 mm;
dimensions (WxHxD) 614x58x86 mm; Weight 1.4 kg
Interfaces - line-in (stereo), digital optical, USB Type A, HDMI input. Bluetooth is available.
There is a remote control.
There are fasteners for mounting.
RUB 6100

Of course, a soundbar is not a must-have product. You can watch TV without it. This is not an investment in yourself, in your health or intellectual development. It would seem why he is needed. Try it. Without knowing what it is, it is difficult to judge whether you need this product or not. There are quite affordable products, the purchase of which will not shake your family budget.

And maybe after making a purchase and enjoying the full sound of your TV, you’ll be asking yourself why you didn’t do it before. Our review will help you navigate among a huge number of cool manufacturers and not make mistakes when choosing a decent soundbar model.


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