Rating of the best women's photoepilators in 2024


The issue of removing unwanted body hair worries the fairer sex around the world. What women cannot tolerate for the sake of smooth and radiant skin: wax depilation, sugar paste, tweezers, laser hair removal. Modern technologies are developing a huge number of tools and techniques in order to satisfy women's requests for skin smoothness. One of these innovative devices is the photoepilator. Most cosmetologists and dermatologists consider this device one of the safest and most painless for removing unwanted hair. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offers to your attention an article with a full description, advantages and disadvantages of modern photoepilators, which are suitable for salon and home use.

What is a photoepilator

Photoepilation is a procedure that is carried out using a special apparatus. This device removes hair using pulsed light with an energy charge.

The process takes place in this way: energy accumulates in the hair melanin (gives pigment to the hair) and destroys the bulb from the inside. Such a procedure significantly slows down the growth of hairs, and in some cases completely destroys the bulb permanently. Many beauty salons make good advertising on this very factor. However, it all depends on the structure of the hair.

Today, photoepilation procedure can be carried out not only in beauty salons, but also at home. Manufacturers have developed a huge number of devices for independent use. This is quite convenient, since the purchase of the device itself is quite profitable and it will last a lot of time.

As for the use of the epilator for men. According to its constitution, a man's hair is much thicker than a woman's, so not every photoepilator can cope with this task.

How the device works

The principle of operation of the device is quite simple. The device sends a high-frequency pulse from the hair follicle to the melanin. The result of this process is heating of the hair follicle and skin tissue, which leads to the rejection and death of the hair. The bulb simply falls out, and a new bulb may never grow again. The procedure is reusable. During the irradiation process, not all hairs are impulsed, so the recommended number of repetitions is 6-10 sessions.

Each device comes with several attachments:

  • For the face - the smallest attachment that produces an impulse in small areas. Before using, be sure to test on a small area of ​​the skin.
  • For the body - the largest attachment. Thanks to it, the coverage of the treated area is larger and the process is faster.
  • For a bikini - a convenient attachment that even helps you remove hairs in the most inaccessible places.

Remember! Although the process is painless and uncomplicated, observe safety precautions during the procedure. The procedure is carried out once every two weeks. After completing the full course, the growth of new hairs may not be observed for several years in a row.

It is worth noting that any hormonal changes, stress, pregnancy can cause active hair growth of the skin.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

In pursuit of the perfect body, women are ready to pay any money. This is the case with the photoepilator. Painlessness and long-term effect attract more and more clients to beauty salons. And sadly, most of the cosmetologists who carry out such procedures do not even have a minimum medical education. Unfortunately, illiteracy and unskilled specialists can lead to dire consequences. We'll talk about them later.

Consider a list of the benefits of this procedure:

  1. Painless, fast and comfortable.
  2. The skin is tightened due to active impulses and produced elastin, which regenerates the skin.
  3. You can remove unwanted hair anywhere on your skin.
  4. The device for home use does not require specific skills for the procedure. One has only to follow the instructions.
  5. Does not cause ingrown hair, but rather prevents such consequences.
  6. The procedure is carried out quickly, even the largest areas are processed in 15-20 minutes.

Like any technical device, the photoepilator has a number of contraindications and disadvantages.

  1. The main factor is non-compliance with safety regulations.
  2. High cost of the device for home use and salon procedure.
  3. The device is considered new on the technology market and the consequences of the procedure have not been fully investigated.
  4. If the beautician is incorrectly configured, used or unqualified, you can get burned.
  5. Contraindications to the procedure are chronic, oncological diseases, hypersensitivity of the skin, allergic rashes, rashes or skin lesions, varicose veins, psoriasis, eczema, pregnancy, breastfeeding, diabetes mellitus.
  6. The photoepilator has no effect on light hair and tanned skin.

Rules for use

Having selected a high-quality device for photoepilation at home and having studied its instructions, it is necessary to prepare the skin. Following simple rules, you can achieve the maximum effect without harm to health.

  1. Do not sunbathe 14 days before and after the procedure.
  2. The skin should be healthy, without damage, abrasions, rashes.
  3. During the procedure, it is forbidden to undergo a course of antibiotics or hormonal drugs.
  4. The area to be treated must have a hairline of at least 2 mm.
  5. Choose the right pulse power for your skin color. Expensive models are equipped with automatic reading of the color type, in cheaper devices you will have to do it yourself.
  6. Clearly mark the area to be treated.
  7. Protect your eyes when using the device.
  8. Treat the area following the instructions of the selected device.
  9. After manipulation, treat the skin with panthenol.

If you choose to undergo a similar procedure in the salon, carefully study the reviews about your master. He must have a minimum medical background.

Note! The process of hair necrosis is prolonged, so the hair will weaken and fall off only after a few treatments.

How to choose?

Our team has developed a list of characteristics that, first of all, you need to pay attention to when choosing a device:

  1. Appearance. There are 2 types of photoepilators on the market. Portable battery powered. It resembles a hairdryer in its image. It is lightweight, convenient, and can be transported with you. Carries out work without being tied to the mains. The second type is mains powered. As a rule, such a device has more nozzles, and the procedure is faster with it.They are no different in their technical abilities.
  2. Price. Like any device on the market, photoepilators from different manufacturers differ in price. Directly the pricing policy depends on the consumption of the light bulb. For example, there are cars with a reserve of 800 flashes, and there are cars with 5000 flashes. Of course, the price difference will be significant. Choose for yourself the device that will have a sufficient supply of flashes at a good price.
  3. Flash power. Each device is adjustable according to the strength of the flash, the measurement scale is from 0 to 5. The higher the indicator, the stronger the flash, and, accordingly, the hair is removed faster. But! Don't forget. Strong flash power can harm your skin, damage, burn.
  4. Equipment. The set with the device itself should include several nozzles for different zones, goggles, and a disinfectant. The cooling gel must be purchased separately.

Rating of the best female photoepilators of 2024

Photoepilation is a procedure for removing unwanted hairs by applying light pulses to the hair follicle. Previously, such procedures were carried out only in specialized clinics or beauty salons. However, at the moment, this procedure can also be carried out at home. Our editors have compiled a rating of the best photoepilators for safe hair removal. The list is based on customer reviews and is presented in 3 categories: expensive, medium and budget.

Name Number of pulsesNumber of power modesprice, rub. 
Philips BRI956 LumeaPrestige250000539990
Braun IPL BD 5001300000325990
Remington IPL6750150000525500
Mid-range models
BaByliss G935E200000510896
CosBeauty Perfect Smooth300000515000
Philips SC1995 Lumea Advanced250000517000
Budget models
Silk'n Glide Xpress 300K30000059990
BaByliss G933E15000057990
PLANTA PLH-200 Estetic Touch20000077000

Expensive models

Philips BRI956 LumeaPrestige

The most expensive device in our ranking. This is a photoepilator from the world-famous Philips home appliances company. It is this device that has the characteristics that guarantee maximum safety in home use. The number of pulses of this device is equal to 250,000 flashes, which is the largest indicator among the devices.

The device has 5 power modes and is suitable for use on any skin, except for very tanned skin. This device independently recognizes the color of the hostess's skin and adjusts the impulses specifically for her. Based on the manufacturer's statement, the visible effect can be observed after 3 procedures. A distinctive feature is that the epilator can work both autonomously and from the network. The set includes 4 attachments for different parts of the body. It is this device that has a huge number of positive reviews on many platforms.

Philips BRI956 LumeaPrestige


  • a huge number of impulses;
  • 5 power modes;
  • works from the network and autonomously;
  • quick results;
  • 4 treatment tips.


  • high price;
  • shows the best results when working on mains.

Braun IPL BD 5001

Another popular model among women from the world brand Braun. This photo epilator receives high scores in ratings and many positive reviews from satisfied clients. 300,000 flashes will help completely get rid of unwanted hair in just a few months. A distinctive feature is that the power detection sensor is switched on before each emission of a new pulse. Accordingly, this technology helps to reduce the strength of the pulse in delicate areas, and adds power in the rough areas of the skin. This technology is only practiced by Braun.

Unlike other models presented above, this device has 3 modes: delicate, standard and extra delicate. It is the latter mode that is designed for young skin and is recommended for beginners. With this regime, there is no risk of damaging the skin.

The device is designed for 2 types of impulses: sliding (which greatly simplifies the process) and pulse mode. Each impulse treats 3 cm of skin. This device is powered by a network.

Braun IPL BD 5001


  • a huge number of positive reviews;
  • 300,000 flashes;
  • 3 operating modes to treat even the most delicate areas;
  • can be used on the face;
  • 2 types of pulse application.


  • the set does not include a protective case and glasses;
  • the lamp is designed for 300 thousand flashes and is not replaceable.

Remington IPL6750

Another model of a decent photoepilator in our rating of expensive products. The stock of flashes is two times less than that of the previous model, only 150,000, but the quality of the device itself cannot go unnoticed. The product has an automatic skin color detection function and independently selects the required flash power in order to remove unwanted hairs forever. Has 5 power levels. The set includes 3 replaceable nozzles for different zones. For easy storage, it is better to store the photoepilator in a portable case. So the device will not get dusty and clogged with dirt.

Remington IPL6750


  • 5 power levels;
  • comfortable attachments;
  • removes any hairs well;
  • includes 3 nozzles.


small stock of flashes for that kind of money.

Mid-range models

BaByliss G935E

The photoepilator of this series works according to the system: intense pulsating light. This technology is the safest and most effective. The device has 200 thousand pulses, like the previous device on our list, BaByliss G935E has an automatic sensor for recognizing skin type and selecting the pulse power. The device is suitable for owners of even the most sensitive skin. The ergonomic shape of the handle helps you target even the most difficult to reach areas. Includes 4 attachments for underarms, bikini, face and body. It is worth noting that this photoepilator has Bluetooth access and can be controlled even from your smartphone. You can enter all the necessary data yourself or the application will automatically remind you to do the following procedure. A great device for home use.

BaByliss G935E


  • easy to transport;
  • convenient;
  • ergonomic handle;
  • quartz lamp;
  • has 200 thousand flashes in stock;
  • the set includes safety glasses;
  • 4 attachments for different parts of the body;
  • there is an application and access to the device via a smartphone.


  • quickly overheats and can turn itself off.

CosBeauty Perfect Smooth

One of the main advantages of this particular model is that the diagonal of the treated area is increased to 4.5 cm, when the standard size is 3 cm. This technology allows you to quickly and efficiently process large areas of skin. For example, 1 leg from shin to thigh can be worked in 5 minutes. There is a digital display on the handle, which shows all the necessary characteristics of the device. There is an additional opportunity to purchase a replacement lamp. Decent choice for your money. Can easily compete with expensive models.

CosBeauty Perfect Smooth


  • increased diagonal of nozzles for fast and high-quality processing;
  • 300,000 - number of flashes;
  • fast processing of a large surface;
  • digital display with output of all necessary characteristics;
  • the possibility of replacing the lamp.


  • only one nozzle is included in the kit, it can be inconvenient and not hygienic.

Philips SC1995 Lumea Advanced

This brand is already in our rating, only the photoepilator is presented in the classification above. Like the previous model, this device has a flash capacity of 250,000. It has two modes of operation: pulsating and sliding. The device has a wide area for processing 4 cm. But the model differs in that it does not have such power, it works only from the network. It should be noted that there are no additional attachments in the kit, which significantly reduces its use. The device is not intended for use on smooth facial skin.

Philips SC1995 Lumea Advanced


  • has a large flash volume, 250,000;
  • large nozzle for processing areas of 4 cm;
  • there are two levels of work: pulsating and sliding;
  • effect after 3 treatments.


  • there are no different attachments for treating the face;
  • the lamp is not removable;
  • no automatic power level detection.

Budget models

Silk'n Glide Xpress 300K

Excellent photoepilator Silk'n Glide Xpress 300K for home use. An Israeli company offers us a product that has 300 thousand impulses in stock. This device has two technological features: sliding and pulsation. The model has a radius of coverage of the cultivated area of ​​3 cm. The set includes 4 attachments and a protective cover. It should be noted the body, which is perfectly covered by the hand, in order to process the most inaccessible places. The model works only from the network, but does not absorb much electricity, so the procedure can be carried out slowly and efficiently. Permitted for use on the face and other delicate areas. As in previous devices, the Silk'n Glide Xpress 300K automatically detects the skin type of its girl and selects the necessary power for the pulsation.

Silk'n Glide Xpress 300K


  • compactness and fashionable design;
  • on the site you can view the certificate of quality and the results of experiments;
  • safe;
  • has a protective case included;
  • has a comfortable shape;
  • economical;
  • a high-quality lamp that will last a long time without replacement.


  • power supply only from the network;
  • the lamp does not change, so a new model must be purchased when using all flash units.

BaByliss G933E

A powerful and inexpensive photoepilator for home use. It has 150,000 flashes in stock. This device works from the network. Despite the fact that the device is small in size, it is quite powerful. The effect after the procedures is visible after 4-5 times. Absolutely painless. It can be used even on the most delicate areas, including the face. The device has a special tape that resists aging from flashes. Another advantage is that the device can be controlled via the phone via the application.

BaByliss G933E


  • huge stock of outbreaks 150,000;
  • small size;
  • fast effect;
  • painless;
  • there is access via a smartphone.


  • not a replaceable lamp;
  • no replaceable attachments.

PLANTA PLH-200 Estetic Touch

This is the most budget-friendly device on our list. It is worth noting, despite the low price, the photoepilator has a number of decent qualities that are suitable for use at home. The device has automatic detection of skin type and adjusts the power of the rays for it. 7 power levels of beam intensity, which is an absolute record. This small device has a stock of 200,000 flashes. Of the shortcomings, only point work can be noted. The lamp is replaceable, so it can be used for a very long time.

PLANTA PLH-200 Estetic Touch


  • low price;
  • huge stock of flashes;
  • automatic detection of skin type;
  • 7 power levels.


  • small window scale;
  • no replaceable attachments.

Every year modern manufacturers are developing new technologies and devices that help fight unwanted hair. They remove hairs permanently or for a certain period without causing irritation or discomfort after the procedure. It is worth remembering that no procedure can guarantee the complete removal of the hair follicle. The reasons for the resumption of active growth can be hormonal disruptions, pregnancy, sudden changes in temperature, stress. With the help of a photoepilator, you can achieve skin smoothness, elasticity, texture. There are many ways to remove hairs in cosmetology, but not all of them are safe and painless. Each woman independently selects the best depilation method for herself. Remember that if you decide to purchase such a product, then be sure to read the reviews, find the best options at decent prices. Don't forget about your health!


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