Best stain removers in 2024


It's not pleasant when you spill coffee on a new dress, or a child smears a knitted suit in the grass. It is a pity to throw out a good thing, and there is no need for it. Modern remedies do an excellent job with various types of stains.

There is a good range of stain removers on the market. And if the origin of the spot is known, then it will not be difficult to remove it. We choose the appropriate preparation, and the thing is like new. There are universal remedies for old stains, but in this case you have to try. The editorial staff of the site "" will help you figure out which stain remover is better.

Spot classification

When developing new products, chemists study the nature of stains. The choice of reagents for chemical action depends on this. All are conventionally divided into several types and require a different approach. Some stains can be washed off with cold water and everything will disappear. Others are better not to bring to water at all, to use dry cleaning methods.

Solubility classification of stains:

  • water-soluble, which can be easily washed with water: watercolors, light types of juices, creamy ice cream;
  • soluble in organic solvents: all types of protein and fat compounds;
  • insoluble, there are such types, but you can fight them.

Unknown origin

Small and large, blurry and outlined, they look unpleasant in any way. Sometimes stains of unknown origin make it difficult to remove them. There are folk methods for recognizing the nature of the spot.

  • liquids spread very well over the surface, have various shapes Tea, coffee, juices, wine are often large in size, with well-defined edges. The contour is most often the darkest of the spots.
  • fatty spots do not have clear boundaries, often with large rays along the surface of the tissue. Fresh spots are always darker than the canvas itself, but old ones brighten. Vegetable oils are easily removed, more difficult with varnishes, paints and other building compounds.
  • spots of a complex nature, which include the first two options. Soups, sauces, coffee with milk. They spread well and always leave a large pattern.
  • oxidized stains, the most difficult to remove. These are old, mostly fatty smears. During storage, changes have occurred in the fabric, and the stain can only be removed thoroughly with a solvent.

A fresh stain is easier to remove. For example, watercolors are perfectly washed off with water if the thing is washed off immediately. A dress that has lain for several days will have to be washed with a stain remover.

Types of synthetic products

Each product contains active substances that affect the component of the stain. The chemicals react and the stain disappears. What kind of stain removers are in terms of composition and method of removing stains:

  • sorbents, getting on the stain, bind it, highlighting it on the surface of the fabric, then it is easy to remove it with a brush or sponge. Sorbents are usually powder stain removers.
  • solvents, remove almost all dirt, but sometimes together with a cloth. It must be carefully matched to the surfaces to be cleaned.
  • Chlorine-containing preparations are ideal for light-colored clothes, often used for washing white T-shirts and dressing gowns.
  • enzyme-based stain removers, a modern invention. Allows you to selectively remove stains, copes well with fatty and protein stains.
  • oxygen-containing stain remover or bleach, with the help of active oxygen, it successfully fights any dirt on the fabric. Does not damage the fabric at all and works gently to improve the color of the fabric.

New generation drugs

Buyers more often prefer oxygen and enzyme-containing products. The main ingredient is sodium percarbonate, interacting with water, the drug releases active oxygen. On the oxidized surface, reactions of bleaching, cleaning, as well as deodorization and disinfection occur.

Modern oxygen preparations have a large number of advantages:

  • affects stains of any origin;
  • does not change the color of the product, but more often makes it brighter;
  • works well with old dirt;
  • enhances the detergent properties of powders;
  • works with both colored fabrics and white;
  • components are completely biodegradable and do not harm others.

They practically have no drawbacks, but precautions must be taken. They are not recommended to be mixed with other similar drugs, especially with chlorine. A solution is prepared immediately before use, active oxygen acts immediately after contact with water and the longer the solution stands, the less its cleaning properties.

If the product gets into your eyes, rinse as quickly as possible with cool water. Eating is strictly prohibited. And if this happens, urgently contact the doctors.

What should be on the detergent label

All drugs are produced according to certain regulatory documents, including the labeling must comply with the regulations. The information must be accessible and understandable to the consumer

  • the name of the product and its purpose;
  • weight - for bulk products and volume - for liquid and sprays;
  • manufacturer, trade mark, legal address with indication of the country;
  • the normative document according to which it was made, this can be the name of the technical regulation or the number of the corresponding law;
  • the composition of the stain remover;
  • terms and conditions of storage;
  • instructions for use;
  • safety measures, hazard class.

It is better to study all this in the store before buying, and not at home. When it turns out that the purchased item does not match your stains.

How to use all kinds of stain removers

Before starting the stain removal procedure, you need to purchase gloves and a plastic basin. Gloves can be rubber or vinyl, any dense material that protects hands from the effects of aggressive environments.

It is better to choose plastic dishes, it does not enter into any reactions with chemical processes. The use of iron or aluminum cans leads to oxidation of the metal, and the result may be the opposite. You may need a brush, choose one with a comfortable handle and a hard bristle.

Shake the thing well, inspect the dirt and start removing the stains. If there are a lot of them, it’s easier to put the item in the washing machine with a lot of bleach and a little washing powder. One large stain will have to be washed off by hand.

Before starting work, carefully read the instructions on the packaging. Manufacturers must indicate the composition, it is necessary to be guided by it when choosing, as well as a recommendation for the type of spots.

Removing tough stains

The product must be laid out on a horizontal surface, put paper or plastic wrap under the top layer of clothing. Apply the stain remover to the center and gently distribute to the circumference. You can rub with a thick cotton swab, a small piece of cloth or a brush. Don't overdo it, the stain remover should work well without effort.

What if the stain has not disappeared after all the manipulations? Try again or 2, most likely it will work.

Ranking of the best stain removers in 2024

According to customer reviews, the top pollution control products have been compiled. The best manufacturers were selected, the products of which most effectively dealt with the problem. Popular models can always be found on the shelves of household chemicals stores; the choice of products is mainly limited by the buyer's budget.

Which one is better to buy is recommended by experienced housewives and those who have used the product only once. Everyone is worried about the end result, namely the disappearance of the stain from the favorite thing. And it doesn't matter if you buy it for upholstered furniture or children's clothing.

Rating of quality powders

Powders are considered the most popular form. They are well applied to the fabric, wash off well. Housewives are often used to enhance the work of washing powder, adding 15-25% during washing.

Vanish regular

  • Price: from 170 rubles.
  • Packing: 600 gr.

The simplest of the Vanish line. Works well on colored fabrics, unique oxygen removes old stains. Comes in a convenient cardboard box. White, free flowing powder with good fragrance.

Vanish regular


  • works at any temperature;
  • convenient volume.


  • for difficult stains it is used 2-3 times.

Ace "OxiMagic Color"

  • Price: from 76 rubles. depending on the packaging.
  • Packing: 200 gr; 500 gr.

The most effective stain remover for washing machines. Manufacturers have taken into account all the nuances of consumers and produce a stain remover in 2 packages: a plastic bag 200 gr. and cardboard packaging 500 gr. The stain remover contains a unique complex to maintain the brightness of the fabric. The colorful packaging contains information graphics.

Ace "OxiMagic Color"


  • affordable price;
  • can be used in cold water;
  • can be combined with any powders.


  • not


  • Price: from 80 rubles.
  • Packing: from 70 gr.

Manufacturers position the product as a stain remover and wash enhancer. Produced in a convenient format: plastic bag 70 g and cardboard box 300 g. Works well on synthetic fabrics, sparingly on natural cotton, wool, linen. The product is a concentrate, small enough doses are enough to solve problems.

Antipyatin powder


  • effective at 400FROM;
  • removes fresh stains well;
  • economical consumption.


  • it is not always possible to decide on the packaging of the goods.

Bleach Bos plus Maximum

  • Price: from 55 rubles.
  • Packing: from 300 gr.

The rating of stain removers included a remedy for white products. The boss works well on crisp white fabrics, adding brightness and richness. You can wash old yellowed things, the color will be restored.

Bleach Bos plus Maximum


  • quality bleach;
  • removes stains;
  • gives a scent of freshness.


  • do not use on colored laundry.

Liquid stain removers

Many have a gentle formula and gently remove all dirt. Gentle application is necessary, careless use may leave stains on the dyed fabric. It can be used as an amplifier for washing powder in minimal dosages.

Vanish oxi action

  • Price: from 129 rubles.
  • Packing: from 450 ml.

The manufacturer recommends applying the product to the stain and adding to the washing machine. The dirt will be 100% removed from the fabric. The aroma and pleasant tenderness of the material will remain. Convenient plastic bottle, available in 450 ml; 1 and 3 liters.

Vanish oxi action


  • can be soaked for up to 6 hours;
  • works at any temperature.


  • use with caution on clothing with metal fittings;
  • quickly consumed.
  • soak white things for no more than 1 hour.


  • Price: from 100 rubles.
  • Packing: from 50 ml.

The multi-component formula removes any stains. Convenient packaging of the bottle with a narrow neck allows for local use. In a car to remove stains from covers, on hikes and in places where it is not possible to immediately wash off the stain, you can spray it on the stain and leave it for 10-15 minutes.

Udalix stain remover


  • convenient, compact packing;
  • removes many stains.


  • high price.

Der Waschkönig C.G

  • Price: from 310 rubles.
  • Packing: 1.5 l.

New generation stain remover in large packaging. It washes laundry well in the machine, removing stains, and gives the canvas a brighter look. Does not contain chlorine, can be used for baby clothes.

Der Waschkönig C.G stain remover


  • used for soaking;
  • can be applied to fabric.


  • when applied to a stain, it is impossible for it to dry;
  • high price.

Stain removers for baby clothes

Getting dirty is a favorite thing for a baby. There is juice, there is sand. Mothers try to keep things in a beautiful condition. All products for children must be safe. When in contact with the skin, there should be no discomfort, especially allergies. Fragrance in such products should be absent or neutral.

our mother

  • Price: from 300 rubles.
  • Packing: 300ml.

The manufacturer of cosmetics for mothers and children also produces household chemicals. Contains a bio-active complex composition, copes with any stains.

Our mom stain remover


  • safe composition;
  • the lid is a dispenser;
  • hypoallergenic.


  • high price;
  • does not remove all stains.

Eared nanny

  • Price: from 130 rubles.
  • Packing: 750 ml.

One of the most popular products for baby clothes. A convenient bottle with a dispensing cap allows you to remove individual stains and wash the whole product. Available in liquid and powder form.

Eared nanny stain remover


  • works at low temperatures;
  • gentle formula does not change color.


  • after washing coarse fabric, it is advisable to use rinse aid.


  • Price: from 70 rubles.
  • Packing: 400 gr.

Available in cardboard packaging. The stain remover is based on natural soap. In combination with active oxygen, the product removes well all specks, large and small.



  • low price;
  • removes all stains.


  • makes things rough;
  • the description contains sulfates.

Non-standard forms

Uncommon products are included in this category, but buyers chose them and included in the rating. The first remedy is considered the most ancient and longest one of its kind. But times are changing, and modern household chemicals are replacing the good old.


Price: from 26 rubles.

A fairly common category. Laundry soap with an improved formula copes well with stains. "Antipyatin", "Soap from stains" "Soap-stain remover" There are options with bleaching.

Antipyatin soap


  • removes stains by direct soaping;
  • completely safe;
  • well washes sleeves and collars, socks.


  • not convenient to use in washing machines.

Stain remover pencil

Price: from 55 rubles.

Packing: 35 gr.

Udalix has released an unusual shape stain remover. Moisten the stain with water and apply to the stain. After the appearance of the foam, wait for it to disappear. Next, wipe the area with a clean cloth. The compact form perfectly saves in difficult situations, for example, if you need to quickly remove ink from a dress; blood and grass stains.

Stain remover pencil


  • compact form;
  • does not remove all stains.


  • high price

How to choose: by price or by characteristics

All stain removers perform well. Basic requirements: remove the stain and do not damage the fabric, are met. The choice is up to the hostesses. Everyone chooses a convenient form for their conditions. Someone uses only powders, others are comfortable with liquid forms.

Stain removers greatly facilitate household chores for housewives and extend the life of favorite things. Powder detergent doesn't solve tough stains, but combined use is a great find to keep your laundry clean.


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