Rating of the most delicious and healthy yoghurts for 2024


It is difficult for a modern person with healthy habits to imagine breakfast or a snack without yogurt. This natural fermented milk product not only perfectly satisfies hunger, but also saturates the body with useful substances.


According to GOST 21981, a distinction is made between "yoghurt" and "enriched yoghurt". What is the difference?

Simple is a traditional fermented milk product made using sourdough and produced with a high milk solids content. It is healthy because it is natural. Lactic acid bacteria play an important role in the digestive process, so such a dessert is a truly healthy diet, unless, of course, the manufacturer has overdone it with fruit fillers and sugar, exceeding the adequate rate of carbohydrates.

The second type of yoghurt is enriched with biologically active additives, may contain probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins, minerals, useful food components. For flavor, sucrose, a fruit filler, is best natural rather than synthetic.

Production technology: features

There are two types of production:

  • Thermostatic, in which fermentation takes place directly in the container.
  • Reservoir, in which products are first prepared and then packaged in packages.

The best manufacturers, who are responsible for the quality of the goods in their name, will never allow the presence of:

  • Antibiotics This medicinal ingredient will not allow milk to ferment, therefore only high-quality raw materials are used.
  • Vegetable fats instead of animals (unless we are talking about a vegetarian line).
  • Unnatural ingredients. All products undergo strict control, the characteristics are applied to the label. If there are preservatives, dyes, this information must be indicated.

Much attention is paid not only to the quality of raw materials, but also to compliance with technology and sanitary requirements. Many enterprises use aseptic production, one of the methods of which is sterilization. This allows you to protect the product from the ingress of extraneous microflora into it.

Also, to maintain the quality of products, proper transportation and observance of the necessary conditions for storing goods are needed.

Benefit and harm

Yoghurt is growing in popularity due to its beneficial properties. It has been proven that in addition to normalizing the intestinal microflora, this healthy dessert or drink supports the immune system, helps to better absorb vitamins, and improves the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems. Such a snack even serves as the prevention of diabetes, if, of course, foods with a small amount of fat and sugar are consumed.

A more delicious yoghurt product is preferred by women who have found that:

  • It prevents the deposition of fat on the sides and, thus, preserves the waist;
  • Eliminates metabolism;
  • Helps get rid of nervousness in the premenstrual period;
  • Relieves fatigue and irritation;
  • Improves skin and strengthens hair;
  • Supports the normal reproductive system.

For men, yogurt is good too. They say that it increases potency, protects against hypertension, diseases of the genitourinary system, activates the work of "gray cells".

How safe are yoghurts for the little ones?

Since this product contains lactic acid bacteria, which are called "live", it is certainly good for digestion. In the "correct" yoghurt, the number of such bacteria should not be lower than 1 * 107 CFU / g.

By the way, in every 100 g glass of fortified yoghurt, there are more than 80 mg of calcium required for the body. This is much more than in kefir or sour cream. Plus, there are vitamins. Delicious delicate dessert will benefit children.

However, sweet desserts are rich in carbohydrates, so it is difficult to attribute them to dietary nutrition. Therefore, for the smallest, you should choose a treat with a very short composition. Milk, sourdough and a sweetener, of course, natural, is all that is needed for a children's fermented milk dessert.

Top manufacturers

Among the enterprises, it is worth noting several that have firmly won positions in the Russian market.

  • "Savushkin Product"

Belarusian manufacturer. The brand was launched in 2005. The company's office is located in Brest. The history of the trademark began in 1939, at the Brest Dairy Plant. When the enterprise was transformed into a joint-stock company, marketers suggested to name the company "Savushkin Product", since Savushka - as follows from the Slavic name, is a hard worker and a kind owner. Although there is another version: the etymology of the brand is from the name of the director of the company Savchitsa. The company is guided by international quality standards.

  • Erhmann

The trade mark has been known since 1929. The founder is Alois Ehrmann, who bought a plot of land in Oberschönegg in southern Germany for a small dairy plant. A Russian buyer recognized this trademark in 1994. Today, the grandson of Alois Christian is at the helm of the company. Thanks to him, in 2000 in Russia, in the Ramensky district, a dairy plant was built and opened. The company's products have been repeatedly awarded with Russian and international awards.

  • Danon

French brand. The history of the company began in 1919. Founder Isaac Carasso from Barcelona. The company is named after Daniel, son of Isaac. Carasso dreamed of helping children suffering from dysbiosis. Since 1929, Danon products have been gaining popularity. In 1958, the company opened its head office in Paris. Nowadays, several companies producing fermented milk products, baby food, drinks and medicinal products have united under the brand name.

  • Nutritional formula center

An enterprise from Omsk. The center was founded in 2007, specializing in dairy products for children. The founders are the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region. New products - yoghurts with lactulose, based on goat milk. The product has won awards at prestigious competitions more than once.

  • Valio

Finnish brand. The company was founded in 1905. The target market was England. In 1908, Valio products became known in Russia, oil supplies began, and the manufacturer himself received the title of "Supplier of the Court of His Imperial Majesty". In the Soviet and post-Soviet years, the products of the Finnish supplier have enjoyed and are in good demand among buyers. Valio has subdivisions in Russia, USA, Sweden, China, Denmark, Estonia.

  • Wimm-Bill-Dann

Russian company founded in 1992. Since 1993, the company has launched a line of yoghurts. Wimm-Bill-Dann owns such well-known brands as "Miracle", "House in the Village", "Favorite", "Vesely Milkman", "Agusha", Imunele. The products have repeatedly won awards at tasting contests and were awarded the “Product of the Year” award.

  • Molvest

Russian manufacturer with a 50-year history. Vkusnoteevo, Tender Age, Volzhskie Prostory, Fruate, Kubanskiy Khutorok, Felicita, Molvest, Ivan Poddubny are all brands of the company. Fermented milk products of Molvest in 2018 received the Mark No. 1 award.

  • Lyubinsky MKK

The dairy cannery has been operating in the Omsk region since 1939. The products are made from natural cow's milk from local suppliers, have certificates of conformity, and meet quality standards. Trade marks "Favorite milk", "Lyubavinka", "Siberia Great".

Asking yourself the question: "Which company is better to buy yoghurt", just remember this list.

Rating of quality yoghurts for 2024

The best means inexpensive, tasty, healthy. The editorial staff of "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offers an overview of products based on customer reviews on independent forums.


Plain yogurt is a great addition to breakfast or afternoon tea. There are no food additives in it. The release form is different: bottles, cups.

Here are the top five favorites:

5 position: Epica Pineapple

The average price is 49 rubles.

Weight - 130 g. With palpable pineapple pieces, thick, tender. Airy texture. An excellent dessert for adults.

yogurt Epica Pineapple


  • Lots of pineapple pieces;
  • Easy;
  • Without a lot of sugar.


  • Sourness is present;
  • There is no pronounced pineapple aroma and taste.

4th place: Vkusnoteevo with peach

Sold at a price of 100 rubles.

750 g. Manufacturer: PJSC Dairy Plant "Voronezh". Fat content 1.5 percent. No preservatives, non-dairy fat, starch, carrageenan.

yogurt Vkusoteevo with peach


  • Passed the check "Roskachestvo", safe;
  • Standard amount of live lactic acid bacteria;
  • Delicious.


  • Low calcium levels;
  • Made not according to GOST, but according to TU.

"Bronze": Natural Youth

For a jar of 125 g - 20 rubles.

Ingredients: whole milk, skim milk, starter culture. Fat content 3.2%. The taste is slightly sour, the consistency is like tender sour cream.

yoghurt Natural Youth


  • No preservatives;
  • Moderately thick;
  • Sugarless.


  • Not detected.

"Silver": Thermostatic Kolomensky cream taste black currant

It costs about 90 rubles.

Mass fraction of fat - 9%. With a pronounced taste and aroma of currants. Thick. Packaging - environmentally friendly material, clay.

yoghurt Thermostatic Kolomensky cream taste black currant


  • The pot can be used;
  • Eco-friendly packaging;
  • Rich taste.


  • Small capacity.

"Gold" Greek Teos

Price: 30 rubles.

Producer of JSC "Savushkin Product", Belarus. The perfect snack from natural ingredients. According to Roskachestvo, Teos is safe in terms of proven microbiological parameters.

yogurt Greek Teos


  • No vegetable fat;
  • No preservatives or colorants;
  • No starch.


  • Slightly sour.


Criteria for choosing baby food:

  • Safety;
  • Benefit;
  • Acceptable price.

5th place: Rastishka Cold heart strawberry

Sold at an average price of 40 rubles.

Weight - 70 g. For children from 3 years old. Contains: normalized milk, fruit filler, red beet juice, lemon juice, natural flavoring, etc. Nutritional value: fats - 2.6 g, proteins - 3.6 g, carbohydrates - 12.4 g. Energy value - 87 kcal ... The question "Where to buy?" - does not arise, Rastishka is in every supermarket.

yoghurt Rastishka Frozen strawberry


  • Interesting design;
  • Natural ingredients;
  • With calcium and vitamin D3.


  • Sweetish.

4th position: FrutoNanny with peach

Costs within 50 rubles.

Mass fraction of fat - 2.5 percent. With prebiotics and probiotics. Type: drinking. This is a great drink for babies to satisfy hunger. The product is manufactured according to the manufacturer's specifications, but meets the requirements of GOST 31981-2013.

yoghurt FrutoNanny with peach


  • Free of non-dairy fat;
  • Contains live lactic acid bacteria;
  • Delicious.


  • Strongly sweet according to buyers;
  • Mealy taste.

3rd place: Agusha with peach

The average price is 42 rubles.

Fat content 2.7%. Enriched with probiotics, prebiotic. For a child from 8 months of age. For babies, Agusha is safe and healthy, as it is made without milk fat, there is no starch or preservatives in the composition, but there are many live lactic acid bacteria.

Agusha yogurt with peach


  • Natural ingredients;
  • Beautiful design, children like;
  • The drink is suitable for babies up to one year old.


  • Mealy taste.

2nd place: Teddy bear enriched with lactulose

Costs from 25 rubles.

For production, milk, sourdough, lactulose, sugar are used. Lactulose helps the digestive system work and improves immunity. Can be entered in the menu for children from 8 months of age.

yogurt Bear cub enriched with lactulose


  • Normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines;
  • With bifidobacteria.


  • It contains sugar.

"Gold: Darling

Price - 39 rubles.

Lactulose-enriched yoghurt with cherries is intended for children from 3 years old. Weight - 150 g. Fat content - 3.2%. The prebiotic lactulose helps to maintain the intestinal microflora, protects against dysbiosis. Ingredients: whole milk, lactulose, sugar, fruit and berry filler, starter culture. At the international tasting competition "Milk Success" within the framework of the EAEU International Business Forum for the production and processing of milk, Milochka yogurt won the "Gold Medal".

yogurt Milochka


  • General strengthening effect on the body;
  • Natural;
  • Delicious.


  • It contains sugar.
  • Difficult to find.

Fortified yogurt

What food additives are there? Fiber, lactulose, calcium, vitamins, bifidobacteria. Also, cereals, pieces of fruits and berries, fruit and vegetable components are added to yoghurts for taste and satiety.

"Seven", which includes the most popular yoghurts, looks like this:

7th place: Miracle, strawberry

The average price is within 25 rubles.

Mass fraction of fat - 2.5%. Creamy texture, two layers. With a delicate vanilla-strawberry aroma.

yogurt Miracle, strawberry


  • No starch;
  • With B vitamins and calcium;
  • No vegetable fats;
  • The sucrose content is moderate;
  • Without GMO.


  • Strawberry flavor is negligible;
  • There is a slight bitterness in the aftertaste.

6th position: BIO balance

The average price is 55 rubles.

From the producer "Danone-Unimilk". Enriched with bifidobacteria, with strawberries. Fat content 1.5%. Energy value 79 kcal. High in protein, it satisfies hunger well.

yogurt BIO balance


  • With bifidobacteria;
  • No vegetable fat substitute.


  • According to buyers, taste suffers.

5th place: "Silver": Ehrmann Epica Red Orange

It costs around 45 rubles.

Weight 130 g. Per 100 g: fats - 4.8, proteins - 5.7, carbohydrates - 12.4, of which sucrose - 7.4. With red orange filling. Contains: corn starch, concentrated carrot juice, concentrated black carrot juice, candied orange fruits, pectins, sugar, natural flavors, cream, sourdough, probiotics.

yoghurt Ehrmann Epica Red Orange


  • Balanced taste: acid and sugar in moderation;
  • The consistency is like a cottage cheese dessert;
  • With probiotics.


  • There is starch;
  • With sugar.

4th place: Thermostatic coconut, Sooperfoods

Price: 178 rubles.

From a Russian manufacturer. Weight - 180 g. Without soy, gluten and artificial flavors and preservatives, so yogurt is safe for those who are prone to allergic reactions. With bifidobacteria synthesized by a laboratory method.

Thermostatic coconut yoghurt, Sooperfoods


  • Dairy-free, suitable for people with lactose intolerance;
  • There is no sugar in the composition, only fructose.


  • Expensive;
  • One of the components is starch.

"Bronze": Snowball with strawberries

The average price is 25 rubles.

Bioyogurt, fat mass fraction - 2.5%. Made from pasteurized milk with animal fat. With calcium, B vitamins. The product has been awarded the Russian Quality Mark. Sweet taste, strawberry smell.

yoghurt Snowball with strawberries


  • No starch, carrageenan;
  • Sucrose - in moderation;
  • No vegetable fats;
  • Useful;
  • Without GMO.


  • Light mealy.

"Silver": Sloboda, strawberry, enriched with L.casei lactobacilli

Price - 56 rubles.

Fat content - 2.9%. Without GMO. From pasteurized milk. With calcium, B vitamins. The texture is creamy. Strawberry filling gives a delicate aroma and taste. The product has the Russian Quality Mark.

yogurt Sloboda, strawberry, enriched with L.casei lactobacilli


  • There are no foreign tastes;
  • No carrageenan, starch;
  • No vegetable fat;
  • With vitamins.


  • Not detected.

"Gold": Activia enriched with bifidobacteria

The average price is 40 rubles for a jar of 150 g.

Bioyogurt is a fairly satisfying product, the fat content is 3.5 g, carbohydrates - 6.8 g, proteins - 4.8. Contained in the composition of bifidobacteria ActiRegularis® are designed to ensure the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Yoghurt is produced in accordance with TU.

Yoghurt Activia enriched with bifidobacteria


  • Natural composition;
  • Delicious;
  • There is a drinking form;
  • There is an option without additives or with the addition of fruits.


  • Not.

How to choose a quality product

Trying to find a budget option, buyers often purchase low-quality goods. The most common mistakes when choosing - carelessness, unwillingness to peer into details, spontaneous "I want!" because of the bright packaging. However, unscrupulous firms, in order to save costs, replace animal fats with vegetable fats, add carrageenan - a stabilizer that allows you to create the desired thick structure, but absolutely not useful, preservatives that increase the shelf life, replace natural raw materials with flavors and synthetic dyes. This yogurt has no benefit.

Therefore, to make a pleasant purchase, you need to follow the rules of the experienced shopper. The recommendations are simple:

  1. Study the composition carefully. The description and characteristics contain information about the energy and nutritional value of what the yoghurt is made of. The presence of sugar is undesirable, it should be no more than 9 g per standard glass.
  2. Assess the hazard of additives. A natural thickener (starch), food gelatin, natural stabilizer E410, agar-agar from seaweed, acidity regulator E331, natural polysaccharide E415, pectins, dye E120 are recognized as safe. It is best to choose without dye, as it can cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Pay attention to the fat content.
  4. See if it contains live bacteria.
  5. Check the expiration date.
  6. View the strength and integrity of the packaging. Even the smallest hole will spoil the product.
  7. Pay attention to whether the packaging says "Non-GMO" or "Organic".

What to look for if the purchase takes place in an online store:

  1. You should pay attention to the photo;
  2. Study the description and characteristics of the product;
  3. See how much it costs and compare prices on other trading platforms where you can order online;
  4. Clarify the brand and check the information about the manufacturer.
  5. Clarify information about the seller on independent Internet forums.

When all the points have been passed, the goods can be bought fearlessly.

If you have any experience of buying yoghurt, do not forget to leave a comment. Which product, in your opinion, deserves the honor to be included in the rating of your favorite products, and which one does not belong there? These tips will help other buyers make the right choice.


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