‍⚕‍Rated vitamins to improve brain function and memory


The brain is the main organ in the human body responsible for all vital functions. In life, situations occur that contribute to the deterioration of the brain. Stressful situations, age-related changes, vitamin deficiency, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, unhealthy diet, various diseases and many other factors impairing brain activity, in particular, the part of the brain responsible for memory suffers. In food there are necessary trace elements and vitamins to maintain the tone of the body, but in some cases, more nutrients are needed to restore vital processes. The article will tell you the most important information about vitamins for improving brain function and memory, and will also give a rating of the best drugs for brain activity.

What groups of vitamins are needed for the brain and memory

Vitamins are organic compounds, simple in structure and of various chemical nature, without which the body cannot perform full-fledged work. In most cases, the micronutrients you need come from your diet, but only if you have a varied, balanced and healthy diet.

Vitamins cannot be produced on their own, so it is worth controlling the consumption of nutrients not only in terms of deficiency, but also to exclude an overdose of vitamins in the body. The reason for total control lies in possible complications and the appearance of diseases. Nature has created many types of vitamins, each of which has a specific effect. As for the brain, the corresponding vitamins stimulate its work with the help of certain chemicals.

The following vitamins are isolated from the richest natural reserve of nutrients, which help the brain to restore lost strength and resume uninterrupted and full-fledged work, as well as answer the question of what the lack of a particular vitamin leads to.

Vitamin characteristics

Provitamin A and beta-carotene

The benefits of Vitamin A are to improve memory and protect brain cells from harmful influences. Beta Carotene - Converted to Vitamin A through a red pigment when eaten. It is of great importance for the entire system, but its main functions are to prevent the degeneration of consciousness and thinking and to protect memory.

Vitamin B group

The different types of B vitamins in total provide the main support for the functioning of the brain, as they are strong antioxidants and when they are lacking, the synthesis of neurotransmitters is disrupted. Let's take a closer look at each type of group:

  • B1, also known as thiamine.
    A large amount of the vitamin is concentrated in the tissues of the brain and nervous system. Mainly affects memory. Prevents brain aging by accelerating the delivery of oxygen to cells. An insufficient level of a useful substance provokes depression, weakness, both physical and mental, and fatigue also occurs.
  • B2 or riboflavin.
    The main function is to supply the body with energy and stimulate the brain. Lack of vitamin is manifested by general fatigue.
  • B3 or nicotinic acid.
    Vitamin takes part in an important process - the synthesis of enzymes. Helps the body to extract the necessary energy and accordingly improve the functioning of the brain and memory.
  • B5 or pantothenic acid.
    Previously, this vitamin was not considered deficient, but thanks to a detailed study, medical specialists came to the conclusion that pantothenic acid is destroyed during cooking and prolonged storage. Responsible for long-term memory by transferring information between brain cells. Protects the brain from the negative effects of bad habits: smoking and drinking.
  • B6, also called pyridoxine.
    Improves intellectual, thinking ability and prevents depression. The intake of this vitamin into the body is ensured only with good nutrition.
  • B9 or folic acid.
    Signs of a lack of substance are acutely observed by people with bad habits. Responsible for memory, improving its work, calms the nervous system and provides the body with vigor. Folic acid is essential for pregnant women for the full development of the baby's brain.
  • B12 or cyanocobalamin.
    It is responsible for the function of the transition from sleep to active activity and vice versa, and is also closely related to short-term memory and thinking. Lack of vitamin provokes a difficult climb and difficult adaptation to jet lag.

You can read about complexes containing B vitamins here.

Vitamin C

A favorite vitamin for colds, but in addition to the protective function of the whole organism, it affects the brain, in particular, protects against mental and physical stress. Ascorbic acid slows down age-related changes in the brain.

Vitamin E or Tocopherol Acetate

A strong antioxidant that removes free radicals: slags, toxins and other decay substances, thereby protecting against destructive processes. Vitamin helps prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin D or calciferol

Thanks to this vitamin, there is a significant improvement in memory, mood and ability to act. It protects against various diseases of the central nervous system, also protects against brain cancer and prolongs the youthfulness of the heart and its vascular system. Vitamin D deficiency can be a factor in the onset of cognitive impairment.

Vitamin K or vicasol

Increases the speed of the brain, improves cognitive functions, also slows down the aging process of cells and prevents Alzheimer's disease.

It is not necessary to know where this or that vitamin and mineral is, the main rule for active and full-fledged work of the whole organism is proper nutrition and healthy food saturated with vitamins. And you can also purchase a complex of vitamins in various organizations that offer preparations containing useful substances. For example: pharmacies, market.yandex.ru, including one of the best American online stores specializing in environmentally friendly products - iHerb.

The principles of the effect of vitamins on brain activity

Regeneration - restoration of damaged cells.In childhood and young age, the process actively performs its work; over time, closer to old age, the functions slow down. The reason is not only age-related changes, but also external factors and a lack of vitamins, which impair the brain's ability to fully regenerate. Due to the unstable work of this process, a person has problems with memory, concentration, mental activity, sleep disturbances and other important capabilities of the body, in particular, the brain.

How does the process of vitamins influence the human brain? Let's consider in detail:

  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • improve metabolism, saturating brain cells with vitamins and minerals;
  • restore the elasticity and strength of blood vessels;
  • suspend the implementation of oxidative processes;
  • saturate with energy;
  • do not allow the damaging effects of free radicals.

Instructions for the use of vitamins

For each medicine, dietary supplement or homeopathy, which include vitamins and trace elements, there is an instruction for use. She will tell you exactly how to apply the product. Before using any drug, you should consult your doctor and read the information on the product. Important indicators in each drug are: indications and contraindications, and it is also necessary to take into account the symptoms that caused the decision to use vitamins.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms

Each type of vitamin is responsible for a specific function of the brain, but if the symptoms described below are found, you should consult a doctor who will determine the problem and prescribe an individual complex or additional examination:

  • irritability, depression, unreasonable anxiety, aggressiveness, sudden mood swings;
  • deterioration, loss of memory;
  • lack of coordination, lethargy;
  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • fatigue, apathy;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • slowing down the thought process
  • loss of appetite, weight.

the onset of symptoms can be caused not only by a deficiency of vitamins, but also by other pathologies, so it is very important to consult a specialist.

Symptoms are, in fact, the main indications for taking vitamins.

Contraindications and side effects

  • individual intolerance to the substances included in the complex;
  • some remedies with vitamins may be contraindicated in children;
  • the occurrence of allergies.

Contraindications and side effects are different for each vitamin, since they affect not only the brain, but also other organs, processes in the body.

Classification of vitamins

Types of funds Dietary supplements
Agefor babies
for children under 14 years old
for children over 14 years old
Duration of admission a week
long time
Daily portionusually 1-2 tablets per day
Method of receptionin tablets
in liquid syrup
jelly candies
in suspension
in sachet
in capsules
chewable tablets
Depending on the seasonSpring
Depending on genderfor women
for men

Rating of quality vitamins for adults

To answer the question which vitamins are better to buy, we propose to consider popular complexes and drugs for the brain and memory with drugs of different prices.

Glycine Forte Evalar

Drug type: dietary supplement and is used for the entire nervous system. The course of taking the drug allows you to improve the general state of the brain: improving memory, increasing concentration, eliminating insomnia. It is also used for sedative actions, eliminating aggression and tension. It is prescribed to eliminate memory disorders, attention, VSD and neuroses. With TBI, strokes are prescribed to restore the lost capabilities of the brain. It is prescribed in some cases for children with delayed speech development, attention deficit. The main difference from other products: absolutely safe.

Available in tablets and lozenge, in bottles. You need to take funds under the tongue, for prevention, a monthly course of intake is prescribed, the daily rate is 1-2 tablets per day. Suitable for schoolchildren and students. Price for 20 pieces: 100 rubles.

Glycine Forte Evalar


  • budget price;
  • suitable for all ages;
  • proven effectiveness over the years;
  • safe;
  • not addictive.


  • an allergic reaction is possible;
  • not prescribed during pregnancy;
  • can lower blood pressure.

Vitrum Memori

The drug is a hit. A complex of vitamins to revitalize the brain. Consists of the main vitamins: A, B, K, E, D and other important trace elements to improve brain activity. The basic dosage of the drug allows you to provide adequate nutrition for the whole body. An overabundance of information and everyday mental development slows down the processes, this complex provides the necessary substances and will not overload the main "thinking" organ of a person. It removes the symptoms of mental and psycho-emotional fatigue. It is considered the best for memory, energy boost and overexertion. Gingko biloba is the main ingredient.

The course of administration is 3 months, 2 tablets per day. It can be used for gastrointestinal diseases. Average price for 60 tablets: 850 rubles.

Vitrum Memori


  • effective;
  • renowned manufacturer;
  • improves memory.


  • contraindicated in pregnancy and lactating women;
  • possible side effects in the form of allergies, headaches, dizziness;
  • average price.


Herbal preparation. The multivitamins, natural substances included in the composition, restore metabolism, improve blood circulation in the brain. It supplies the brain with oxygen, stimulates work and restores processes. It is prescribed for the elderly in connection with age-related changes in the cells. It improves memory, concentration, intellectual abilities and also eliminates many symptoms in case of malfunctioning of brain regions.

Price for 30 pieces: 500 rubles.



  • highly efficient;
  • natural composition;
  • budget price.


  • prohibited during pregnancy, lactation and children under 12 years old;
  • narrow focus;
  • many side effects;
  • can be purchased after a doctor's appointment.

Ostrum Evalar

It is a dietary supplement. Due to the vitamins included in the composition, it protects the brain from overload and activates cell regeneration. Differs in a high content of active substances. The composition includes ginkgo biloba, which stimulates blood circulation, improves memory and attention. Course - 1 month, 1 capsule per day. Average price for 30 capsules: 350 rubles.

Ostrum Evalar


  • natural composition;
  • convenient course of admission;
  • renowned manufacturer;
  • has a cumulative effect;
  • low price;
  • no side effects.


  • contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

Eleutherococcus plus

The components of this dietary supplement include vitamins C and E, Eleutherococcus root. Has a mild effect. It is used to increase: physical and mental performance, resistance to negative factors and tones the body. Possible side effects in the form of allergies, headaches, dizziness.

How to take: 1-2 tablets, with the last dose taking place 4 hours before bedtime. Suitable for athletes. Average price for 50 pieces of dragees: 80 rubles.

Eleutherococcus plus


  • extremely low price;
  • sweet shell taste;
  • increases physical and mental activity.


  • possible side effects;
  • is addictive.


A highly effective remedy for improving brain function. It is prescribed as a prophylaxis and therapy of diseases. Corrector of disorders of cerebral circulation. The phospholipids that make up the drug carry out the following actions:

  • speeds up the reaction;
  • improves the metabolic process;
  • restores memory and attention;
  • accelerates recovery from illness;
  • reduces excitability and aggression;
  • eliminates the negative impact of bad habits;
  • activates brain regeneration;
  • suitable for vegetarians.

Average price: 2500 rubles for 120 capsules.



  • proven effectiveness;
  • widespread use;
  • has a cumulative effect;
  • used in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.


  • high price;
  • contraindications: during pregnancy, breastfeeding, children;
  • allergic reactions are possible.

What is the difference between cheap and expensive vitamin complex? The answer is almost the same: manufacturers. Russian production offers cheaper drugs than foreign ones. The composition can be exactly the same. And in order to know which company vitamins are better, it is worth considering the doctor's recommendations and reviews.

The best vitamins for children

Below are the best manufacturers of vitamin complexes and the highest quality products for children of different ages.

Compliance asset for children

A full complex of vitamins to maintain the general condition of the body in a normal state, taking into account the daily need for nutrients. Suitable for children from 3 years old. It is prescribed for vitamin deficiency, after acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, with physical and mental stress, with an unbalanced diet. Average price: 150 rubles.

Compliance asset for children


  • balanced complex with calcium;
  • improves general condition and normalizes the balance of vitamins;
  • convenient for children;
  • low price.


  • individual intolerance.

Vitamins Alphabet Our baby for children

It is used in children aged 1.5 to 3 years. It contains all the necessary substances for the normal growth and development of children. Recommended for:

  • decreased appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • irritability and excitability;
  • lack of vitamins in the body.

In addition, it stimulates mental development and recovers from previous illnesses. Average price: 600 rubles.

Vitamins Alphabet Our baby for children


  • hypoallergenic;
  • convenient reception in the form of a sachet;
  • can be used from 1.5 years;
  • inexpensive for the price.


  • not found.

Vitamins Mi-MI-BEARS vitamin and mineral complex from A to Zinc

Recommended for children from 3-7 years old. The indication for admission is the restoration of the vitamin and mineral complex and an increase in the body's tone. Average price: 200 rubles.

Vitamins Mi-MI-BEARS vitamin and mineral complex from A to Zinc


  • balanced composition;
  • suitable for immunity;
  • pleasant taste;
  • does not contain animal products;
  • low price.


  • not found.

Rules for taking medications to improve brain function and memory

The selection criterion is the exact content of vitamins that are in deficiency. To do this, you can see a doctor or take tests yourself in various clinics and laboratories. Depending on the symptom, a suitable complex is selected in which you need to find out how to take vitamins correctly:

  • duration and regularity of admission;
  • dose per day;
  • reception time: morning, afternoon, evening;
  • intake period: after or before meals;
  • if any side effects occur, go to the hospital and stop taking.

What you should pay attention to when using drugs:

  • contraindications;
  • can I take it while driving;
  • mistakes when choosing the wrong complex, without preliminary analyzes.

What foods contain vitamins to improve brain performance

For the full and efficient work of the brain and memory, all the vitamins listed in the article are needed. Vitamins, of course, help to restore some processes in the body, but proper nutrition and healthy food will not give an opportunity for deterioration in work, therefore, the following foods should be included in the diet of each person:

  • peas: B, E, A;
  • oatmeal and buckwheat porridge: B, E;
  • nuts: B, E, C;
  • eggs, fish, dairy products: A, E, B, D, C;
  • beef and pork: B, E;
  • chicken: A, E, B, C;
  • vegetables: A, E, K, D, C;
  • bananas, apples, berries; A, E, B, D, C, K;
  • vegetable oils: D, E.

In today's world, it is difficult to find a natural, vitamin-rich product due to the many additives in food to improve flavor and shelf life. Thanks to the research and inventions of specialists, people have the opportunity to buy vitamins that are well absorbed and help in vital processes. There are a lot of vitamin complexes on the market and it can be difficult to find the right one, so it is better to take tests before starting the appointment and consult with a doctor who will tell you whether the body needs additional vitamins at all or will prescribe a dosage regimen.


  1. Olga

    I took effervescent glycine D3 to improve memory and brain performance. One tablet per dose, which is more convenient than regular glycine. The positive effect is already visible after the first package


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