Board games rating for 2024


Board games are a great leisure option for a family or a group of friends. Manufacturers produce many options that differ in subject matter and are suitable for different ages. In order to make it easier to navigate the variety of such goods, we have compiled a rating of interesting board games.

Rating of the best novelties among board games for 2024

Every year the manufacturers release more and more wonderful games for fun evenings of friendly companies. With such a large offer, it becomes difficult to make a choice in favor of interesting new products. It is for this purpose that this rating was compiled.

Grand hotel "Austria"

"The ultimate goal is to serve others." It is this responsibility that the managers of the Austria Hotel will undertake as they strive to become a luxury hotel. Players will have to shoulder the burden of staff selection, competent distribution of funds within the organization and meeting the needs of guests.

Average price: 2490 rubles.

It is included in the kitGame board, 4 hotel fields, 116 cards, 4 notes, 106 tokens, 120 drink chips, 14 game cubes, 24 discs, 4 victory point markers.
Number of playersTwo to four
Game Grand Hotel "Austria"


  • Great atmosphere;
  • Realism;
  • Replay value.


  • Lengthy game with 3+ players.

Citadel Deluxe

Each great ruler must erect his own city, which will overshadow the capital of enemies with its shadow. But cities do not arise by themselves. It is necessary to build economic relations and, if necessary, betray them. All for the sake of achieving a great goal.

The construction of a city is considered successful when 8 rich and completely different neighborhoods are erected in it. At the beginning of each round, each player is assigned a specific role that he must adhere to. And often this can be deplorable for his comrades, who initially built friendly relations.

Citadel Deluxe is an expanded and improved version of the traditional Citadels. The new build includes nine new characters, new map designs, neighborhoods and a number of new scenarios.

Average price: 1690 rubles.

It is included in the kit27 character cards, 84 neighborhood cards, 27 character tokens, 5 modifiers, 1 crown, 5 aids, 30 gold tokens, rules
Number of playersTwo to eight
Citadel Game Deluxe


  • Hidden passages;
  • The ability to bluff;
  • Several ready-made scripts.


  • Imbalance.


Everyone saw in cartoons mysterious fakirs who know how to hypnotize snakes. But not everyone knows the musical instrument with which they do it. Pungi. This is exactly what players will have to do: the goal of the game is to collect as many snakes as possible and become a great spellcaster.

The player must avoid traps that can take away the necessary points and collect snakes, which will add positive ones.

Average price: 490 rubles.

It is included in the kit37 snake cards, 60 animal cards, punga card, rules
Number of playersThree to five
Pungi game


  • Fast parties.


  • Too many cards.

Quest collection

Rarely does the opportunity arise for unusual adventures in real life. This collection of three quests will allow you to get as close as possible to the emotions of experiencing various adventures.

Players are given the opportunity to participate in three plots:

  • Formula;
  • Mouse and sausage;
  • Dr. Goursat Island.

Average price: 2550 rubles.

It is included in the kit10 tutorial cards, 180 base game cards, rules
Number of playersTwo to six
Quest collection game


  • You need to use an add-on in the form of an application for a smartphone, which adds uniqueness;
  • Different scenarios.


  • Low replay value;
  • Excessive complexity of some puzzles.


In typical zombie apocalypses, you almost always have to play as survivors, who have to collect resources to save their lives. But not in this game.

Often in such stories, officials look like ruthless tycoons who are only trying to save their financial situation against the backdrop of a dying world. This game is designed to break the prevailing stereotype and show officials in the best possible light when they use all their capabilities to prevent further spread of the virus.

But the organization, which is guilty of the whole apocalypse, also wants to provide its services. Should I trust her? This is what the players will need to find out.

Average price: 2350 rubles.

It is included in the kitGame board, 6 character cards, 40 Rexon cards, Rexon token, 60 citizen cards, 60 action tokens, game rules.
Number of playersOne to four.
Raxxon game


  • Quick batch;
  • Easy rules;
  • Interesting mechanics;
  • Hidden passages;
  • High complexity.


  • Overpriced;
  • Only one scenario.

Cotem City

This city is steeped in corruption and high-ranking crime. But the player doesn't have to fight all of this. He is given the opportunity to participate!
The struggle for the vacant seat of the untimely deceased mayor reveals all the underwater races of political life in the dark game of collecting reputation. Someone can enlist the support of the police, and someone can ask for "cover" from the local mafia.

Average price: 990 rubles.

It is included in the kit120 cards with different factions, 42 tokens with the number of points, rules, a box for playing on the road.
Number of playersTwo to six
Catham City game


  • Simple rules;
  • The atmosphere of a noir city.


  • A large number of cards and tokens that can get confused.

13 ghosts

You can compare this game with the classic "Chest", in which you need to calculate the opponent's cards and take them for yourself. Only here you don't need to score other people's cards, but it is still important to reveal the opponent's set before he did it forward.
Each card has its own abilities that open up space for calculating the opponent's cards. Each is dealt two cards. The set includes two decks of 13 ghosts to play with a group of up to four friends.

Average price: 290 rubles.

It is included in the kit26 haunted cards, 4 rules cards
Number of playersTwo to four
Game 13 ghosts


  • Easy rules;
  • Development of analytical skills;
  • Short duration of parties.


  • A large number of ghosts.

Conquest of Mars. Venus Project

Humanity has colonized Mars long ago.Now he faces the next most important task - to terraform Venus. But even in such an important matter for humanity, there was a place for competition between corporations. This is the whole gameplay - several players will conquer an unknown planet and get points for it.

A huge plus is the right balance in this great confrontation. The joint task will be to increase the level of oxygen, water and normalize the temperature regime. For completed tasks, points are awarded to the players' account. At the end of the path, the one who picks up the most of them wins.

Average price: 1490 rubles.

It is included in the kitGame board, 5 corporation cards, 49 project cards, achievement and reward tokens, rules
Number of playersOne to five
Game Conquest of Mars. Venus Project


  • Plenty of room for action;
  • New opportunities.


  • Difficult for beginners.

Secret message. Gift Edition

Quite a simple game for intrigue lovers in high society circles. It is especially funny when a group of several brutal men is engaged in this. But this game really addicts with its simplicity and simple idea.

All that is needed is to deliver a message to the princess, but do it unnoticed by others. Everyone has different chances, but this does not mean that it is worth giving up attempts from the very beginning, because fortune can turn to face the outsider at any moment.
It is also a deluxe edition suitable for those who love the original game and would like to enjoy it even more. Or you can dedicate your friends to it, who will definitely like it.

Average price: 990 rubles.

It is included in the kit32 cards, 8 memos, jester token, 25 sympathy tokens, rules
Number of playersTwo to eight players
Game Secret message. Gift Edition


  • Simple rules;
  • An exciting confrontation.


  • A small variety of cards.

Zombicide: Wolfsburg

What could be scarier than a zombie apocalypse? The same attack, but in the Middle Ages, when in the arsenal of survivors there are no banal shotguns and monster trucks, with which you can easily bring down hordes of the living dead.
Wolfsburg is not an independent game. This is an add-on to Zombicide: Black Plague.

The main feature here is that new opponents have appeared, adding even more trouble, which noticeably restrict the movement of the main characters. These are zombie wolves, led by a spawn leader. They outperform the fastest opponents in the original game. And they can only be defeated by occupying watchtowers, from which it is already necessary to shoot.

Average price: 6990 rubles.

It is included in the kit71 units, 9 game board, 6 stands, 6 dice, 48 pointers, 68 tokens, 6 Survivor boards, 125 cards
Number of playersOne to three
Game Zombicide Wolfsbourg


  • Additional missions;
  • New storylines.


  • Price;
  • Complexity.

Rating of the best board games among popular

Despite the popularity of computer games, board games still gather their audience and bring joy to people. This ranking lists the most interesting finds for 2024. However, their popularity is made up of world recognition, so it is impossible to accommodate everything, even the most beloved of someone.

With all the offer, it is incredibly difficult to decide which board is better to buy. The oils are added by the best manufacturers who re-release their own games in different versions. But with this rating, you can simply choose inexpensive and interesting entertainment for the weekend and definitely get recognition from connoisseurs.


This gaming wonder has been on the list of the best board games since 1935, when its creator first began selling Monopoly as a getaway for Americans suffering from the Great Depression.However, the idea is so interesting that now about half a billion people from all over the world are playing it.

The rules are quite simple: with the same amount of funds at their disposal, players must seize complete economic control over the city and bankrupt their competitors.

Average price: 1500 rubles.

It is included in the kit42 chips, bills, 72 cards, 2 dice
Number of players04.01.1900
Monopoly game


  • Economic literacy;
  • Holidays for the whole family.


  • Possible protracted games.


It can be confusing to list what this amazing tower develops: logic, fine motor skills, reaction and patience. As they say, genius lies in simplicity. This is exactly the case. 48 wooden bricks are stacked into a neat tower. Players need to pull out one bar with one hand and put it on top. Do not hold with the other hand. The one who dropped the tower lost. As punishment, the guilty must reassemble the tower.

This was not without the influence of the brand on the price. The original manufacturer's inscription gives a price of 1000 rubles, but if you ask the question of which company is better to trust, then there is no difference - in any case, the package will contain even and identical blocks, so there is no point in overpaying for the same characteristics. Budget options for a price will range from 200 rubles.

Average price: 400 rubles.

It is included in the kit48 wooden blocks
Number of playersFrom 1
Jenga game


  • Develops manual dexterity;
  • Keeps you in suspense.


  • You need to collect the scattered blocks.


An interesting guessing game. Only, unlike the usual one, there is a set of cards. Which depicts all kinds of pictures. The goal is to describe the word in the picture and get one person to guess it, but not everyone.

Average price: 1250 rubles.

It is included in the kitScoring board, 98 pictures, 49 voting cards, 7 flying elephants, rules
Number of playersThree to seven
Game Imaginarium


  • Positive emotions;
  • Colorful cards.


  • There are a lot of different decks, which causes confusion.

Zombie in the house

The gaming industry began to popularize the zombie apocalypse very strongly since about 2015, which is still popular today. And this has affected not only computer games in which violence and cruelty reign. Board games provide their own analogue of the beloved theme for their younger audience.

Even a small plot can be traced in this board, which tells about a group of friends who find themselves in a forest hut. And from the forest the living dead go to them.

Various cards are laid out in random order face down on the playing field. Having come across such, the would-be survivor can find both usefulness, such as the health of weapons or boards for nailing down windows, or opponents who will have to fight, losing health points.

Average price: 1100 rubles.

It is included in the kitPlaying field, 55 cards, 35 chips, spinner, rules
Number of playersTwo to five
Zombie game in the house


  • Short batch duration;
  • Simple rules;
  • Funny situations.


  • Cards wear out;
  • Print quality.


The name has nothing to do with the canine family, as you might think at first. Jackal is the nickname for the most terrible and cruel pirate in this gaming universe. And as befits an old pirate, he left behind a chest with a huge amount of jewelry, which players must find.

He left them on an island filled with terrible cannibals, crocodiles, and other deadly encounters. Having placed maps with random events on the island, each sufferer must go the way to the cherished treasures.

Average price: 1100 rubles.

It is included in the kit117 tiles of the playing field, 12 units, 4 ships, 37 coins, rules
Number of playersTwo to four
Jackal game


  • Interesting situations during the passage;
  • Good print quality.


  • Game imbalance.

Iron friend

Everyone is familiar with the game in which a sticker is attached to the forehead with a word that the carrier must guess. Iron friend from the same opera, only has a number of features. Various cards without a trace are attached to the head, which is why hoops with grooves are needed, the volume of which can be easily adjusted.

But you need to do this not as much as you like, but for a limited amount of time. Especially for this, the kit includes a small hourglass, in which the sand for about 1 minute.

Average price: 750 rubles.

It is included in the kit6 hoops, 70 cards, hourglass, rules
Number of playersTwo to four
Iron-friend game


  • It's fun;
  • Preschoolers can learn words from pictures.


  • Either cards or hoops are damaged in the places of their contact.

Hungry hippos

Placed on a small platform, four hippos race to eat the colorful balls. The good thing about the game is that it is not a traditional board, but a color mechanism with which children will have fun.

Average price: 1500 rubles.

It is included in the kitPlatform, 4 hippos, 21 balls
Number of playersTwo to four
Game Hungry Hippos


  • Excitement;
  • Dynamics.


  • Children sometimes make too much noise while playing.


All the participant will have to strain their brains in order to figure out how to choose such a description of an object on the map so that someone can guess, and someone cannot. In essence, the game is very similar to the already mentioned Imaginarium. And they are very similar, with the only difference that the rules and the number of players are slightly different.

Average price: 2300 rubles.

It is included in the kit84 cards, 36 tokens, 6 figures, playing field
Number of playersThree to six
Dixit game


  • Good style of the card artist;
  • The quality of the cards.


  • Price.


Perfect for fans of detective stories. What could be better for an amateur to sit for an hour or two with Agatha Christie than to take part in the investigation himself? The random distribution of cards between the participants allows each time to come up with an original story, for which you have to think a lot.

Average price: 1,700 rubles.

It is included in the kitField, 2 dice, 6 character tokens, 6 murder weapons, 26 cards, black envelope with a guess, detective's notebook, rules
Number of playersTwo to six
Cluedo game


  • The originality of the story;
  • Uniqueness among analogues.


  • Chips are easily lost;
  • A bit complicated rules.

Rating of classic games

Games are not only fun and enjoyable relaxation. On the world stage, it is precisely those games that have gained popularity that make a person think seriously and build a competent strategy to overcome an opponent. Not to mention them in this ranking would be the greatest crime.


Probably the most popular game in the world that needs no introduction. Standard black-and-white field 8 by 8, 32 classic figures and hundreds of thousands of possible development options.

The exact origin of chess is not known for certain, but the majority of opinions rest on the Arabs. In ancient times, it was the east that was the largest intellectual center that gave the world so many wonderful inventions.

There is no coincidence or entertainment element here. This is a game for two suffering mind trials. No wonder this game is a favorite among many of the great military leaders of antiquity. Calculating the actions of the enemy and adjusting your own to destroy it is very important to defend your homeland. And it is here that one will find training for this skill.


  • Develops intelligence;
  • Gives respect to those who know how to play;
  • Popular with older people.


  • Moral pressure when playing with a strong opponent;
  • High barrier to entry for beginners.


Not so common in the west, but very famous in the east. The idea of ​​the game was born in China, but lately it has been increasingly spreading in the West and in Russia, in particular.

The goal of the game is to occupy as much of the playing field as possible and, if possible, capture it from the enemy. It's pretty simple. And this is genius, because with such simple rules you can build really amazing battles of minds.

Guo absorbed and reworked the grains of Chinese philosophy that sages learn from the process of playing. So, these are not just black and white stones - these are warriors who have their own breath. They can build alliances and fortresses. To cut off the breath of such a warrior means to take his life. And for this they must unite to fight the enemy.


  • Develops strategic thinking;
  • Allows you to get in touch with Eastern philosophy.


  • High complexity despite the fact that the rules are simple;
  • Low popularity outside of China;
  • High barrier to entry for beginners.


For people who are not very familiar with checkers, this is an analogue of chess, which did not bring strong pieces. But in reality they have their own originality, and from what they have in common, only a black and white board 8 by 8. And the rules and subtleties make you think quite differently.

However, one should not be deceived by the simplicity of this game. Experienced players say it is more difficult in places than chess. And it seems they know something hidden from others.


  • Simplicity of rules;
  • Low threshold of entry.


  • Less strategic potential compared to chess.


Rarely does a card game earn the title of a sports discipline, right? But the bridge deserves it.

Based on the screw game popular in Russia before the revolution, due to mysterious circumstances, it does not have such popularity in the CIS countries, but became widespread, unexpectedly, in America.

There is little that depends on the randomness, as is often the case in card games. The winner of the party will be the one with the greatest skill.

The game requires a deck of 52 cards, four players and detailed instructions if a person plays for the first time.


  • It is possible to move your brains;
  • Unforgettable emotions from the game.


  • The rules are too complicated.


If we consider that chess is the progenitor of intellectual games, then xiangqi is their brother, who was kidnapped from under the nose of his mother. He has lived a long life with strangers, but still remains similar to his kin.

Yes, a ridiculous description, but this is what appears in the head during the game. Actually, traditional chess came to the western part of the world, and in the east they underwent a transformation and acquired the form that they still possess.

And, as always, there was a Chinese philosophy in this game. There is a small area around the king that he cannot leave - this is the palace. The pawns were slightly reduced in number, however, the arsenal was replenished with new pieces.


  • Relaxation from the boring traditional type of chess;
  • Great variety of actions.


  • The figures look like checkers with hieroglyphs. The Western player simply will not understand them.


Another eastern analogue of chess, which amazes with its complexity and strategic potential more than any other variation. It left Japan relatively recently, but in its homeland it became a traditional game of aristocrats and sages in ancient times.

The board is not 64 squares, but 81. Besides the traditional pieces, there is also a dragon and a silver. The pawn cuts only forward, and it can change not only on the last rank, but in general in the enemy's zone. And not only the pawn can change, by the way.

As popularizers of the game in Russia say, it takes an average of two weeks to understand the basics. And before mastering, you will have to spend several months playing, because here one mistake can lead to collapse.


  • Great variety and scope for action;
  • Contact with the culture of Japan.


  • High difficulty and entry threshold.


It can only be compared with the well-known tic-tac-toe, only slightly complicated. Nobody knows the exact place, so to speak, of the "birth" of the game, however, there are opinions that it came from Egypt.

To be more precise, this is a kind of symbiosis of tic-tac-toe and go. After placing the chips on the fields, you can move them and thus eat strangers. Only, unlike go, here you have not to close the "breath" of the stones in order to pick them up, but to put your pieces in a row. Then you can already pick up any enemy.

There are many variations with different types of boards, sometimes representing beautiful patterns, not to mention the complexity.


  • Simple rules;
  • Fast parties.


  • Small field.


We can say that they are saturated with the Russian spirit. Every other guy has a backgammon board that is different from the others. Homemade, carved, instead of chips, sometimes there are often bottle caps. In general, with all the acquired originality of the Russian spirit, this game originated in Great Britain.

There is an element of randomness in the game. Namely - a cube. By dropping it, you can identify possible steps during your turn. And in this way you need to bring all the available pieces to the opposite side of the board.

In terms of complexity, backgammon is inferior to the listed games, but there is also room for a turn of your tactical plan. It is important to block the opponent's moves and not forget to do them yourself.


  • Popularity in Russia.


  • The element of chance.


It is a little wrong to call the game poker, because the type of execution varies greatly. You can play not only with cards, but also with dice. And there are also a lot of card types: Texas hold'em, Omaha, draws, lowball and many others. But the first is considered the classic.

Each player at the table is dealt two cards. Three cards are put in the middle of the table. Having calculated all the risks, the players should see what combinations they have dropped out and which ones are still possible. After the bets have been established, one more card is put, and then another one. The winner is the one with the strongest combination.

It is worth noting that, although this is a game of chance, you can always save yourself from it by simply not placing a bet on the line. And this is not so much a game of chance as a psychological confrontation, in which it is necessary to determine by the reactions of opponents on the face whether they have good cards, and you yourself need to deceive them with this very reaction.


  • Practice reading emotions;
  • A large number of players;
  • Many combinations.


  • A priori game for money.


It would be unfair not to include this game in the rating, because if you have a playing deck, the first thing you do is want to play the fool. She has become so widespread in Russia that telling her rule to someone can be a useless exercise.

The number of players can be from two to six. However, the rule here is that the less the better. So there is a high probability of surprising your opponent with your set of cards. Everyone is dealt six cards, and the winner is the one who discards all his cards.


  • Simple rules;
  • Popularity.


  • Success depends on a random distribution.

The choice of a classic version, a board game that has been popular for years, or a new, just appeared game, correctly selected taking into account the interests and age of the players, can be an excellent gift, entertainment, rallying like-minded people or family members.


  1. Anna

    I love smart board games. You can have a good time, but not uselessly, and while developing thinking, analytical skills.Monopoly has remained one of the most beloved since childhood. The Imaginarium and its variations are also a great reason to get together, it will be fun. Chess must be distinguished from the classic games. Card games were in my past, but I haven't returned to them for a long time. In board games, for all their entertainment, the character of the participant is well manifested.


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