Most Useless Cold and Flu Medicines for 2024


It is difficult to find a family that has no medicine for colds, acute respiratory viral infections and flu in their home medicine cabinet. Moreover, not everyone is trying to understand whether it is worth using the so-called antiviral or immunomodulatory drugs in this or that case. Or it is better to do with grandmother's methods from the category of hot milk or tea with honey. However, the pharmaceutical industry does not stand still and every year offers new drugs aimed at combating colds. Consider the most useless cold and flu medicines. But first, let's figure out what is meant by the term ARVI.

The main signs of respiratory disease

Speaking about colds and viral diseases, doctors, as a rule, distinguish between several types of them. The common feature is that they are caused by certain viruses.

Cold or acute respiratory infections

It is worth saying that there is no such thing as a cold in medicine. Most diseases of the upper respiratory tract are caused by viral pathogens. Most often, they have been circulating for a long time among the population, which in turn develops immunity to them.

As a rule, the disease manifests itself in a mild form. The temperature rarely rises above 37.5 degrees. Among the main symptoms are sore throat, nasal congestion, cough and headache. Patients are shown symptomatic treatment. Namely, drinking plenty of fluids, gargling, rinsing the nose, rest. Taking antiviral drugs, especially the popular instant powders and tablets today, are more likely to harm the body than help to get better. They include antipyretic components. Doctors do not recommend bringing down the temperature below 38 degrees. Of course, if this does not apply to existing health problems. For example, a tendency to febrile seizures.

But it is the so-called cold that most often makes people run to the pharmacy in search of a magic remedy that will help get rid of the signs of illness in a couple of days. After all, the condition is not too difficult and there is a desire to return to the usual rhythm of life as soon as possible. But ... as our grandmothers used to say, "if a cold is treated, it will go away in 7 days, and if not, then in a week." And if there is no difference, then why poison the body with obscure compounds from the pharmacy.


The disease is also viral. In nature, there are many microorganisms that can provoke a disease. It begins with small manifestations of a cold, but after a few hours a sharp rise in body temperature follows, and severe respiratory or digestive disorders appear.

Self-medication with the use of antiviral agents not only does not help, but sometimes even harms the body. Especially when you consider that a viral infection in its first manifestations is easily confused with a bacterial one. For example, angina, pneumonia or mononucleosis, the treatment of which requires the use of antibiotics. Attempts to treat acute symptoms with antiviral or immunostimulating drugs are fraught with consequences for the body.


By and large, this is all the same acute respiratory infection.However, the virus strains change every year. The disease manifests itself with acute toxicological poisoning of the body. Fever, headache, photophobia and muscle aches. As a rule, treatment is prescribed by doctors in accordance with the identified influenza strain. Treatment with drugs available in pharmacies can only alleviate the condition, since most of them have antipyretic and analgesic effects.

At the same time, their healing effect can be deceiving. The temperature decreases, the painful sensations decrease. But at this time, complications can develop, most of which are associated with the work of the lungs and heart. This is especially important when using medicines in 2024, when a new virus began to march across the planet, about which even biologists and epidemiologists have little information.

An overview of the most useless remedies for colds and SARS

Not all the remedies for colds and SARS offered in pharmacies are completely useless. But, purchasing a miracle drug that has cured more than one person in commercials, it is worth considering. And are not drug manufacturers, albeit the best, trying to extract unreasonable profits from the patient's wallet? What not to buy to treat viral infections.


Even a first year medical student, if he hasn't skipped more than half of the pairs, will explain the difference between viruses and bacteria. And he will tell you the main approaches in the treatment of diseases of various nature. In particular, the fact that antibiotics designed to stop bacterial infections do not harm viruses. As a rule, they are connected to combat complications of influenza and SARS. Doctors consider antibacterial agents if the therapy of a viral infection does not give a positive effect within 5-7 days, and the patient continues to have an elevated body temperature, and the symptoms not only persist, but also worsen.

The use of antibiotics is possible only after consulting a doctor.

After all, their uncontrolled intake may not affect the bacteria that caused the inflammatory process, harm the human digestive system. And, on a global scale, provoke the adaptation of bacteria to the drug and their further mutation.


Another type of drug that has gained popularity in recent years. Most of them have a right to exist. But, it is not suitable for the treatment of colds and flu.


The product is based on a natural substance obtained from the medicinal plant echinacea. It gained popularity at the turn of the past and present millenniums as an effective immunostimulating agent. It was prescribed for both adults and children. For the guys, the drug was advertised as having no side effects. Less than a decade has passed, and scientists have proven that it has no effect on viruses. Rather, it does not kill active viruses. But, it has a tonic effect and may well be used for the prevention of colds in adults and children. The medicine is still produced by the Lek company from Slovenia in the form of tablets or drops.



  • Natural composition based on herbal ingredients;
  • Contains a large amount of vitamin C, which allows you not only to strengthen the body, but also to recover faster after viral diseases;
  • Relieves symptoms of the disease;
  • Prevents re-infection;
  • It has good preventive and tonic properties;
  • The drops have a pleasant, slightly sweet taste, which makes them easy to give to children.


  • Has a prolonged effect on the body. Simply put, one should not hope to cure a cold with the help of "Immunal". To obtain a therapeutic effect, the drug is started to be used 1-2 months before the expected peak of the incidence.
  • Like any medicine based on herbal raw materials, it can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Somewhat outdated at the moment.

Packaging of the medicine costs 400 rubles. It lasts for a month. But, the course as prescribed by the doctor can be up to 2 months.


Another non-prescription immunomodulatory agent, this time of domestic production. It appeared on the shelves of pharmacies in the early 2000s. It was actively promoted as a means to increase immunity and treat influenza and ARVI among children. Several years later, dosages for adults appeared. Its main component is processed rabbit blood and human interferon molecules. Perhaps one of the most controversial drugs. Although it is positioned as a remedy for the treatment of colds, herpes, chickenpox and mononucleosis.



  • The ability to accumulate in the body and exert an impact on it for some time, increasing protective functions;
  • Almost complete absence of side effects;
  • Possibility of using in complex therapy of viral diseases.


  • As a medicine for the treatment of colds "Anaferon" is as harmless as it is useless;
  • Too little concentration of medicinal ingredients to have a quick and, most importantly, effective action in the fight against colds;
  • There is no reliable data on what effect the drug has on the body of women and children during pregnancy and lactation.

Anaferon is available in the form of lozenges. There are usually 20 of them in a package. The cost of packaging the drug for children is from 250 rubles, for adults - 600-700 rubles.


Another homeopathic remedy based on an extract from herbal ingredients. According to manufacturers, it copes with almost the entire spectrum of viral diseases. From ARVI to rheumatoid arthritis. According to infectious disease specialists, it is absolutely useless during the cold season. It not only does not heal, but also does not help the body's defense. However, rheumatoid arthritis is most often a complication of past bacterial infections. For example, sore throats. This is all you need to know about the healing properties of Aflubin.



  • Thanks to aggressive advertising at one time, it has an excellent placebo effect.


  • It is useless both for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases and for their prevention;
  • May cause an allergic reaction.

Aflubin is available in the form of drops or lozenges. The cost of the drug: from 300 to 500 rubles, depending on the form of release.

Antiviral agents

The name itself suggests that they are designed to affect viruses. Is this really so? After all, there are countless strains, and without a thorough examination, even medical workers do not always choose the right treatment tactics the first time. What can we say about medicines purchased on the advice of a friend or pharmacist. There are a lot of drugs of this spectrum of actions.


It appeared on the wave of the "swine flu" in 2009-2010, as a panacea for a terrible disease. And only a few experienced doctors know that the drug began to be used in the first half of the last century as an immunostimulant. Then he was safely forgotten due to unproven efficiency. At the time of the pandemic, he was remembered, the composition was slightly modified and offered to patients as a lifesaver.



  • According to patients, it can resist influenza strains belonging to group A, reducing the period of acute catarrhal symptoms by 1-1.5 days;
  • Possibly prevents complications.


  • Detailed studies on the degree of therapeutic effect on the body have not been carried out or were at one time classified;
  • The drug is not recognized as a medicine in any country of the world, except for the post-Soviet space.

The cost of a package of 40 tablets: about 1000 rubles.


One of the newfangled medicines for colds and flu.Neither its advantages nor its disadvantages have been scientifically proven. It contains human interferon inducers that help to heal and protect the body from viruses. The trouble is that they are recognized as a medicine only in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The rest of the world is more than skeptical about them. Although the drug deserves positive reviews from practicing doctors and patients.



  • It has been proven that taking in the first hours after the onset of the disease significantly improves well-being and shortens the period of the disease;
  • It can be used from any day of illness. True, the effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced. However, its reception avoids complications.


  • To date, no thorough laboratory studies have been carried out;
  • There is an opinion that "Kagocel" can have an effect on fertility, it is used with caution to treat children and young people;
  • Complex prima scheme;
  • High price. Ten tablets cost about 200 rubles. The course requires at least 3 packages.

Drugs for relieving symptoms

You can argue for a long time about their benefits. The drugs in this group do not cure influenza and ARVI, but relieve symptoms well. As a rule, they include several components aimed at lowering the temperature and reducing fever, antihistamines, vasoconstrictors and strengthening agents.


A drug that helps to alleviate the patient's condition.



  • Reduces temperature;
  • Relieves swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • Vitamin C has a tonic effect;
  • Convenient to receive;
  • You can choose from any flavor, from lemon to banana.


  • Doesn't cure colds.

Ten soluble tablets cost about 300 rubles.

Fervex, Teraflu and many other drugs have approximately the same effect. It cannot be said that they are completely useless. The drugs are good at relieving symptoms of colds. But, this does not apply to SARS and influenza. In this case, the effect is of a short-term nature, requiring the patient to drink powders or tablets again and again. That cannot but affect the state of the digestive system. In addition, such medicines contain large amounts of sugar or sweeteners, colors and artificial flavors.

Another disadvantage is creating a false sense of complete healing. After taking the powder, many go to work and share viruses with others during the day. In the evening, they discover that the state of health has significantly deteriorated, and the body temperature is again increased.

Do not neglect your health and the health of others. Colds, SARS and flu are best managed at home under medical supervision. And instead of immunostimulants and antiviral agents, drink tea with raspberries or lemon. An infusion of gooseberries, rich in vitamin C, helps a sore throat to rinse with infusion of sage, chamomile or marigolds. Washing the sinuses with a solution of sea salt will relieve nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membranes. And, medicines prescribed by a doctor will help relieve fever and get rid of cough.


  1. Olga

    Our pediatrician is very fond of prescribing Citovir-3 for every illness. Once we got to the infectious diseases hospital. There I asked the doctor about this medicine, and complained that it didn’t help us, and we got to them. She looked surprised and said that such a medicine does not exist. They treat according to certain protocols and there are no such drugs there even close.

  2. Alyona

    As our pediatrician once told me: "If a runny nose is not treated, then it goes away in a week, if treated - in 7 days."That's the same with drugs containing interferons: if we give the drug, then the required concentration may appear in the body on the 3rd day, But! and the body itself by this time will already begin to react by producing its own interferon, only species-specific. So why waste your money


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