Who doesn't dream of finding an ideal figure without exhausting himself with strict diets and restrictions, but only by including a "magic" remedy in his diet? Many people believe that such a remedy is various teas for weight loss. They are very popular among fans of fast weight loss, but how effective are they and how do they work? The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared material about what teas for weight loss are, how to choose the best and safe drink for health, how to prepare it at home and what are the contraindications for taking it.
How does slimming tea "work"
Most of these teas contain substances that have a diuretic and laxative effect, as well as stimulate metabolic processes and dull the feeling of hunger. Correctly selected tea of good quality will only benefit the body, clearing toxins and toxins and removing excess fluid. It helps to reduce swelling, facilitate digestion, speed up metabolism and strengthen the immune system, which leads to the desired result - weight loss.
But, despite all the advantages, there are negative aspects to using teas for weight loss. With the abuse of such drinks, along with the liquid, the body also loses useful elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium and others. Constant stimulation of the intestines leads to the fact that without laxatives, the body cannot independently establish the excretory system. Also, you can not use drinks for weight loss for people suffering from problems of the gastrointestinal tract, with impaired renal and liver function, with diseases of the urinary system, problems with pressure. Refraining from teas with a laxative effect should also be those who take vital medications and medicines.
Advantages of slimming tea:
- promotes weight loss;
- gives a feeling of lightness;
- speeds up metabolism;
- cleans the body from slagging;
- quick results;
- easy to use.
- weight loss is due to fluid loss, and not body fat;
- you can quickly gain the lost pounds;
- has a number of contraindications and side effects;
- cannot be used for a long time.
How to properly consume slimming tea
- You need to take the drink in courses, uncontrolled use aggravates the negative side effects.
- Tea should be drunk with meals. It cannot be completely ruled out.
- It is undesirable to consume more than 1 liter of tea a day, optimally 2-4 cups.
- Take a break for 1-2 weeks between courses.
- For a better and lasting effect, the use of tea should be combined with diet and exercise.
- If you have any health problems, consult your doctor before use.
Criteria for choosing a slimming tea
Most herbal teas contain plants that have a diuretic and laxative effect. These are most often senna leaves, rose hips, chamomile, knotweed, mint and others. And also spices, such as ginger, cinnamon, cardamom.Thus, you can prepare your own tea at home.
The ready-made composition of herbs can be purchased in pharmacies, specialized stores, via the Internet. Slimming teas are leafy, granular, in sachets, herbal teas, in powder form, and others.
You need to purchase a finished product based on the following criteria:
- Natural herbs and ingredients should be used as active ingredients; the presence of artificial additives and flavors will not make the drink useful.
- A quality product should have information about the composition, contraindications, doses and methods of use, as well as expiration dates.
- To avoid unpleasant consequences and mistakes when choosing, rely more on real reviews from friends and acquaintances than on bloated advertising.
- If you wish, you can independently collect the desired composition of the tea, but at the same time be very careful, having thoroughly studied the properties of this or that ingredient and its contraindications. It should be remembered that most weight loss products cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation.
- If you experience weakness, dizziness, pressure surges, dehydration, diarrhea, exacerbation of chronic diseases and other negative effects, the use of the drink should be stopped immediately.
It should be understood that no tea will help to radically lose weight, so loud promises to lose 10-15 kg per week are just a marketing ploy.
Review of the best slimming teas
To understand which drink is right for you, consider the rating of the best teas of various compositions and production, as well as some homemade recipes.
Green tea
This is the easiest and safest way to lose a couple of extra pounds. It has long been no secret that ordinary green tea lowers appetite and blood pressure, contains polyphenol, which breaks down body fat, and has a slight diuretic effect. Also, the presence of vitamins C and B group will bring more benefits to the body.
The most effective drink is green tea from China, grown on organic plantations. This tea contains more than 300 useful elements that have tonic and tonic properties, rejuvenate the body and even fight cancer cells.
For maximum effect, you need to drink at least 2-3 cups of green tea a day. However, it is not recommended to consume more than 1 liter per day, and also to reduce its use in the evening hours, since green tea strongly tones up, and problems with sleep may arise.
Along with green, you can also use black tea, but there will be less useful elements here due to the roasting of tea leaves. Also, do not forget that black tea contains a large amount of caffeine, and it increases blood pressure.
Quality green tea from China can be packaged or loose, but the latter is preferable for the best effect. To prepare it, it is enough to pour boiling water over 2 teaspoons of tea in a teapot, wait 5 minutes and pour into cups.
The average price of 100 g of tea is 90 rubles.
- available;
- no side effects;
- safe;
- delicious;
- budgetary;
- has a beneficial effect on the body.
- not very effective;
- contraindicated in hypotension;
- good Chinese tea is expensive.
Fasting day recipe on green tea
There is a fairly popular way of fasting days on green tea with milk. Milk helps fight hunger, and tea improves metabolic processes and speeds up the process of losing weight.
To prepare it, you need to take:
- 1.5 liters of milk, not more than 1.5% fat;
- 2-3 st. spoons of green tea.
Bring the milk to a boil and add tea to it. It is a good idea to use a thermos to enjoy a hot drink throughout the day. We insist for 10-15 minutes and you can drink. For fasting days, you must take a cup of this tea every 2 hours until the onset of an acute feeling of hunger.
With the help of such a fasting day, you can lose 0.5-2 kg at a time. To maintain and increase the result, you should arrange a similar unloading every week, and in the intervals between them, do not abuse fatty and sweet foods.
Oolong green tea is grown on the best Chinese plantations. Many, having once tasted this aromatic drink, remain its fans forever. Oolong is appreciated not only for its unforgettable taste, but also for its wonderful abilities, one of which is the ability to reduce weight. In addition, tea contains many useful micro and macro elements. Unlike regular green tea, Oolong tea contains half the caffeine, yet has excellent invigorating properties. The only thing that you should not drink this tea before bed, as its invigorating effect will not allow you to fall asleep normally.
For those who want to lose weight, this drink will be just a godsend, because when you consume 2-3 cups a day, you can lose 300-400 kcal.
Real quality oolong tea should only be whole leaf. Powdered or broken tea leaves indicate that this is not a real Oolong tea. When dried, the leaves are twisted into balls, but during the brewing process they all fully open, giving the water their incredible taste and healing properties. The observation of this magical process brings a special pacification, therefore it is customary to brew Oolong tea in a transparent teapot or mug. In this case, the water temperature should not exceed 90 degrees.
The average price for 100 g is 350 rubles.
- excellent taste;
- with a pleasant aroma;
- promotes weight loss;
- safe;
- practically has no contraindications;
- invigorates.
- price.
This unusual green tea came to us from Japan. It differs in that delicate tea leaves, grown in partial shade, are dried and crushed to a fine powder. At the same time, his color remains bright green.
Matcha tea has gained immense popularity in our country in a short time. Increasingly, you can find a photo with a cup of a bright green drink in the feed of famous bloggers. And it is not surprising, because this tea can rightfully be considered the most useful in all respects. Thanks to the unique system of growing and production of the drink, it retains 10 times more active nutrients than ordinary leaf tea. Fine grinding allows you to consume the drink completely, without waste.
Real high-quality matcha tea dissolves completely, the powder in it should not precipitate.
Japanese tea has the following beneficial properties:
- reduces appetite;
- speeds up metabolism;
- slows down the aging process;
- activates the brain;
- restores the body after stress;
- has a positive effect on the work of the digestive tract;
- increases hemoglobin;
- strengthens the immune system;
- energizes.
Despite the fact that Matcha contains caffeine, its effect is milder, does not lead to an increase in blood pressure and nervous strain, but also has an invigorating effect. Therefore, this drink can be a great alternative to coffee.
Making Japanese Matcha tea is very simple: pour 1/2 teaspoon of the powder into a cup and pour in boiling water (about 80 degrees). Insist 5-10 minutes. You can also make a latte by pouring skim milk over the drink.
The price for a package weighing 50 g varies between 500-3000 rubles.
- contains a huge amount of beneficial trace elements and antioxidants;
- promotes weight loss;
- strengthens the immune system;
- tastes good;
- safe for health;
- can be used as a natural dye.
- high price.
Chang-Shu purple tea
This amazing drink is characterized by an unusual bright blue color. The blue flowers of the trifoliate clitorium, in Chinese "Chang-Shu", give it such a purple hue.This plant grows in the highlands of China, Tibet and Thailand, but it is Tibetan tea that is especially highly valued, since in the mountains of Tibet the cleanest and most rarefied air.
Tea is a dried flowers of the trifoliate clitoris. There should be no other herbs or ingredients in real blue tea. In addition to its cosmic color, the drink has a huge amount of beneficial elements, vitamins and antioxidants. Purple tea normalizes metabolism, contributes to weight loss, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, improves the condition of the skin and hair, memory and attention, and lowers blood pressure.
The bright blue color of the clitoria contains the same natural element that gives the color to blueberries and blueberries, therefore it also has a beneficial effect on vision.
To make blue tea, it is enough to brew 2-4 flowers in 200 ml of water. The flowers are filled with hot water, no higher than 70-80 degrees, and after a few minutes the water turns into a fragrant deep blue drink. Lemon juice has another incredible effect on tea. A few drops of lemon will color the tea bright purple, a real cosmic magic!
Since the Chang Shu plant is not grown on a commercial scale, and the flowers are collected exclusively by hand, this tea is not a cheap pleasure.
The approximate price for 40 g of raw materials ranges from 350 to 3000 rubles.
- incredible color and aroma;
- has a beneficial effect on the body;
- accelerates metabolic processes;
- promotes weight loss;
- rich vitamin composition.
- contraindicated for hypotension;
- high price.
Ginger tea
Tea with ginger root is deservedly considered the elixir of health. Ginger contains a huge amount of antioxidants that fight harmful bacteria and viruses, and also strengthen the immune system. The thermal effect speeds up the metabolism, helping the breakdown of stored fats.
With regular use, tea with ginger will help you get rid of 3-5 extra pounds per month. Lemon can be added for the best effect.
For weight loss, you need to use only fresh ginger root, previously peeled and grated or finely chopped.
Price for 1 kg of fresh ginger - 350 rubles
- has a beneficial effect on the body;
- strengthens the immune system;
- accelerates metabolic processes;
- promotes weight loss;
- protects against colds.
- not recommended for exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
- may cause an allergic reaction.
Green tea with ginger and lemon
Ingredient List:
- 2-3 teaspoons of leafy green tea;
- 10 grams of grated ginger root;
- 1/2 lemon;
- 500 ml of water.
- Boil the water, pour boiling water over the teapot so that it warms up.
- Pour tea and pour in cool boiling water. Let it brew for 5 minutes.
- Peel and grate the ginger root, add to the kettle, stir and leave for another 5 minutes.
- Pour into cups, add a lemon ring to each.
This tea can be brewed repeatedly.
Ginger with honey and lemon
- 300 g fresh ginger root;
- 3-4 lemons;
- 100 g of honey.
- Wash the ginger, peel, grate on a fine grater.
- Wash the lemons, chop finely, without removing the zest.
- Combine ingredients, add honey and mix well. You may need a little more or less honey to taste.
- Place in a glass jar, close the lid and store in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.
- Add 1-2 teaspoons to ready-made white or green tea or eat a bite with tea.
Such "ginger jam" not only promotes weight loss and accelerates metabolism, but is also an excellent prevention of colds and flu.
Ready-made pharmacy fees
Ready-made herbal teas are very popular. As mentioned above, they contain a complex of components that have a fat burning, diuretic and laxative effect.
Consider the most effective types of herbal preparations for weight loss and their best manufacturers.
Turboslim Purification
Turboslim Purification tea from the Evalar company is quite a popular remedy for fast weight loss by 3-5 kg. The main action of tea is aimed at removing excess fluid. Fat goes away due to a decrease in appetite, however, some components that have a laxative effect, on the contrary, stimulate the appetite. As such, this tea is only effective when dieting or serving food portions are limited.
The product contains senna leaves, corn silk, cherry stalks, green tea, peppermint leaves, garcinia extract,
The product is packed in separate filter bags of 20 pieces.
Average price - 260₽
- effectively removes fluid from the body;
- noticeable laxative effect;
- helps with constipation;
- pleasant taste.
- contraindicated in chronic gastrointestinal diseases, pregnancy and lactation;
- may cause intestinal discomfort, dehydration;
- flushes nutrients from the body;
- overcharge.
Leovit tea "Pokhudin" fat burning complex
Pokhudin tea is one of the most popular in the Leovit line of slimming products. The drink contains black tea, appetite suppressing components, spices (ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric) that accelerate metabolism, as well as garcinia extract, which has fat-burning properties.
It should be noted that this tea does not have a laxative effect, but only a mild diuretic, which does not cause such discomfort as when using laxatives. The main effect of the drink is to reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, which is especially true for those with a sweet tooth. The effect will be noticeable in combination with restrictions on food and physical activity, with overeating and a passive lifestyle, "magic" is not worth waiting for.
Packing price 20 pieces - 200 rubles
- speeds up metabolism;
- reduces the feeling of hunger;
- no laxative effect;
- does not cause discomfort in the intestines;
- pleasant spicy taste;
- promotes weight loss.
- may cause allergies or individual intolerance;
- ineffective without restriction in food;
- expensive.
TianDe Slim Tea Fruit Tea
The peculiarity of this fruit tea is the content of the exotic noni fruit, which is unusual for us. Native to Thailand, this fruit is the basis of many medicines and cosmetics. Noni juice contains more than 150 biologically active elements, vitamins and amino acids. It helps to reduce appetite and increase metabolism. Rosehip, which is part of the tea, has a slight diuretic effect.
The average price of tea with fruits is 680 rubles.
- a delicious drink with a pleasant aroma;
- reduces the feeling of hunger;
- saturates the body with vitamins during diets;
- promotes weight loss;
- does not have a laxative effect.
- high price;
- not effective without additional weight loss measures.
So, we have made an overview of the most popular types of slimming teas, their actions and characteristics. Finally, it is worth noting that in any case, diet and exercise are necessary for a stable and effective result. Sometimes it is enough just to eat right, not overeat, do not abuse sweets, fatty foods and alcohol, and then, together with any drink for weight loss, you can count on the desired and long-term result.
If you have experience using the listed slimming teas, share your impressions in the comments.